What To Use
Mamoswine @ Life Orb
Thick Fat
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Ice Shard
- Icicle Crash / Icicle Spear
- Earthquake
- Superpower
Role: Physical Sweeper
What It Does:
Mamoswine is a very powerful physical attacker that can rip through offensive and defensive teams alike. His STAB priority Ice Shard coming off of his mammoth (pun intended) base 130 Attack is extremely threatening especially to the many Pokemon in OU that have an Ice type weakness such as Tornadus-T, Thundurus-T, Dragonite, Garchomp, etc. Icicle Crash is a powerful STAB attack that has a nice flinch chance while a player can opt for Icicle Spear which has an average damage output less than that of Icicle Spear but has the advantage of being 100% accurate and a multihit attack so it can work through Substitutes and Sturdy/Focus Sashes. Superpower is used to hit things that Ice and Ground moves cannot touch, namely Rotom-W. Many players may wonder why they should use Mamoswine when they can just use Weavile, a much faster physical Ice type. One of the main advantages Mamoswine has over Weavile is his secondary Ground typing. This lets Mamoswine spam Earthquake, one of the most powerful attacks in the game and beat Steel types such as Heatran, Magnezone, and Ferrothorn, Pokemon that Weavile can not really touch. Another advantage Mamoswine has over Weavile is bulk. With Black and White 2, Mamoswine can now use the Thick Fat ability with every set, essentially giving him a resistance to Ice type attacks and a neutrality to Fire. Mamoswine is a great choice to fit on any team as he is one of the few Pokemon that does well against all 4 types of weather. Against Sun, Mamoswine can destroy the likes of Ninetales and Heatran with Earthquake while hitting Venusaur with a Super Effective Ice Shard that bypasses Venusaur's speed from Chloyophyll. Against Rain, Mamoswine checks Tornadus-T, Thundurus-T, and Tentacruel. He can easily carve up rain stall teams that include Pokemon such as Chansey, Tentacruel, and Ferrothorn. With his Ice/Ground typing, he takes no residual damage from both Sand and Hail and can beat Tyranitar, Hippowdon, and Abomasnow barring Scarf sets. It's important to use a Jolly nature and not Adamant so Mamoswine's Ice Shard outspeeds Jolly Breloom's priority Mach Punch.
Good Teammates:
Thundurus-T makes a good partner for Mamoswine as his powerful Electric STAB attacks can easily dispose of Skarmory as well as the bulky Water types that Mamoswine can not easily take out. Another offensive partner that works well with Mamoswine is Technician Breloom. Breloom creates a powerful priority attacking core alongside Mamoswine that can easily cover each other's weaknesses. Mamoswine struggles against the likes of Terrakion and bulky Water types which Breloom easily handles with Mach Punch and Bullet Seed respectively. On the other hand, Breloom struggles with Pokemon such as Landorus, Latios, and Tornadus-T, all of which Mamoswine can pick off with Ice Shard. Another good offensive partner for Mamoswine is Latios who outspeeds Mamoswine checks such as Terrakion and Keldeo and disposes of them with Psyshock and also beats physical walls such as Skarmory and Slowbro. Starmie also makes a good teammate as he can outspeed Terrakion and Keldeo and threaten them with moves like Hydro Pump or Psyshock and can also Rapid Spin away entry hazards which is helpful due to Mamoswine being susceptible to all forms of entry hazards. A defensive teammate that works well with Mamoswine is Jellicent who can easily switch into the Fighting, Steel, Water, and Fire type attacks then threaten Mamoswine. Jellicent can then proceed to the likes of Terrakion and Scizor, Mamoswine checks that are severely crippled by burns.
What Counters It:
Two of the best offensive counters to Mamoswine are Terrakion and Keldeo who do not fear Ice Shard and can easily knock out the mammoth with their Fighting STABs. Another offensive check to Mamoswine is Scizor who threatens with a STAB Technician Bullet Punch. Scarf users who can take Ice Shards and beat Mamoswine with powerful STABs such as Jirachi, Heatran, and Rotom-W all make solid checks to Mamoswine. Mamoswine also has a hard time breaking through bulky Water types such as Politoed, Jellicent, and Vapoereon who can take an Earthquake and hit hard and possibly burn Mamoswine with Super Effective Scalds. Lastly, the bane of physical attackers, Skarmory can take Icicle Crashes and set up entry hazards in Mamoswine's face while healing off damage with Roost and dealing damage with Brave Bird.

Mamoswine @ Life Orb
Thick Fat
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Ice Shard
- Icicle Crash / Icicle Spear
- Earthquake
- Superpower
Role: Physical Sweeper
What It Does:
Mamoswine is a very powerful physical attacker that can rip through offensive and defensive teams alike. His STAB priority Ice Shard coming off of his mammoth (pun intended) base 130 Attack is extremely threatening especially to the many Pokemon in OU that have an Ice type weakness such as Tornadus-T, Thundurus-T, Dragonite, Garchomp, etc. Icicle Crash is a powerful STAB attack that has a nice flinch chance while a player can opt for Icicle Spear which has an average damage output less than that of Icicle Spear but has the advantage of being 100% accurate and a multihit attack so it can work through Substitutes and Sturdy/Focus Sashes. Superpower is used to hit things that Ice and Ground moves cannot touch, namely Rotom-W. Many players may wonder why they should use Mamoswine when they can just use Weavile, a much faster physical Ice type. One of the main advantages Mamoswine has over Weavile is his secondary Ground typing. This lets Mamoswine spam Earthquake, one of the most powerful attacks in the game and beat Steel types such as Heatran, Magnezone, and Ferrothorn, Pokemon that Weavile can not really touch. Another advantage Mamoswine has over Weavile is bulk. With Black and White 2, Mamoswine can now use the Thick Fat ability with every set, essentially giving him a resistance to Ice type attacks and a neutrality to Fire. Mamoswine is a great choice to fit on any team as he is one of the few Pokemon that does well against all 4 types of weather. Against Sun, Mamoswine can destroy the likes of Ninetales and Heatran with Earthquake while hitting Venusaur with a Super Effective Ice Shard that bypasses Venusaur's speed from Chloyophyll. Against Rain, Mamoswine checks Tornadus-T, Thundurus-T, and Tentacruel. He can easily carve up rain stall teams that include Pokemon such as Chansey, Tentacruel, and Ferrothorn. With his Ice/Ground typing, he takes no residual damage from both Sand and Hail and can beat Tyranitar, Hippowdon, and Abomasnow barring Scarf sets. It's important to use a Jolly nature and not Adamant so Mamoswine's Ice Shard outspeeds Jolly Breloom's priority Mach Punch.
Good Teammates:
Thundurus-T makes a good partner for Mamoswine as his powerful Electric STAB attacks can easily dispose of Skarmory as well as the bulky Water types that Mamoswine can not easily take out. Another offensive partner that works well with Mamoswine is Technician Breloom. Breloom creates a powerful priority attacking core alongside Mamoswine that can easily cover each other's weaknesses. Mamoswine struggles against the likes of Terrakion and bulky Water types which Breloom easily handles with Mach Punch and Bullet Seed respectively. On the other hand, Breloom struggles with Pokemon such as Landorus, Latios, and Tornadus-T, all of which Mamoswine can pick off with Ice Shard. Another good offensive partner for Mamoswine is Latios who outspeeds Mamoswine checks such as Terrakion and Keldeo and disposes of them with Psyshock and also beats physical walls such as Skarmory and Slowbro. Starmie also makes a good teammate as he can outspeed Terrakion and Keldeo and threaten them with moves like Hydro Pump or Psyshock and can also Rapid Spin away entry hazards which is helpful due to Mamoswine being susceptible to all forms of entry hazards. A defensive teammate that works well with Mamoswine is Jellicent who can easily switch into the Fighting, Steel, Water, and Fire type attacks then threaten Mamoswine. Jellicent can then proceed to the likes of Terrakion and Scizor, Mamoswine checks that are severely crippled by burns.
What Counters It:
Two of the best offensive counters to Mamoswine are Terrakion and Keldeo who do not fear Ice Shard and can easily knock out the mammoth with their Fighting STABs. Another offensive check to Mamoswine is Scizor who threatens with a STAB Technician Bullet Punch. Scarf users who can take Ice Shards and beat Mamoswine with powerful STABs such as Jirachi, Heatran, and Rotom-W all make solid checks to Mamoswine. Mamoswine also has a hard time breaking through bulky Water types such as Politoed, Jellicent, and Vapoereon who can take an Earthquake and hit hard and possibly burn Mamoswine with Super Effective Scalds. Lastly, the bane of physical attackers, Skarmory can take Icicle Crashes and set up entry hazards in Mamoswine's face while healing off damage with Roost and dealing damage with Brave Bird.