OU Team - Sandstorm FTW

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First of all, let me provide some background information about myself.
I have been playing Pokémon since I was 5 years old (I’m 16 now), and throughout my life, I have learned a great deal about the standard metagame, a lot of information coming from this smogon website. I finally decided to join the smogon forums because I felt it was necessary to join a Pokémon website’s community that has also given me an immense amount of help

Throughout my life, I have experienced many, many battles. I have concluded that sandstorm teams can certainly pose a threat to nearly all types of standard teams, for three reasons. For starters, the constant presence of a sandstorm provides continuous damage, negating healing items, like leftovers and black sludge. Secondly, sand storms provide a special defense boost to all ground, rock, and steel types present, notably my own team members. Last of all, sandstorms weaken weather dependent teams, notably rain dance, hail, and sunny day teams, crippling the non-steel, rock, and ground types, as well as their weather dependent moves, notably synthesis, moonlight, and morning sun. In conclusion, these are the reasons explaining why I have chosen a sandstorm team!

1) Empoleon (Quiet).
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 155 HP, 100 Att, 252 Special Att.
Held Item: Focus Sash.
Moveset: hydro pump, stealth rock, aqua jet, ice beam.

Empoleon is my ultimate lead Pokémon; more specifically, he is designed to take out many of the other common OU leads, notably aerodactyl, hippowdon, and even choice scarf azelf, jirachi, and celebi! My strategy: a) Empoleon attacks first with hydro pump, 1HKOing or severely injuring the opposing Pokémon. (If the opposing Pokémon is not destroyed by hydro pump, Empoleon will always survive with focus sash, and then make the final blow with aqua jet.)

Or b) the opponent attacks first, and Empoleon endures a potential 1HKO with focus sash. Torrent activates, and then Empoleon 1HKO’s the opposing Pokémon with torrent boosted hydro pump

If a bulky grass or dragon is used, ice beam is used instead of hydro pump.

Finally, if Empoleon has time, he can lay out stealth rock. Also, if he faces a major Pokémon counter, like fake out infernape, he can let loose stealth rocks, and then get a quick slap at the opponent by using aqua jet before getting killed by something like earthquake

2) Lucario (Adamant).
Ability: Steadfast
EVs: 252 Att, 252 Speed, 4 HP.
Held Item: Salac Berry.
Moveset: vacuum wave, endure, reversal, crunch.

Lucario is one of my “specialists”; he is my salac berry – reversal Pokémon. His strategy is simple: Lucario switches in and endures a potential 1HKO attack with focus sash. Salac berry activates, and Lucario then begins plowing through the opponent’s team with reversal. If a ghost appears, he quickly dispatches it with crunch. Lastly, if the opposing Pokémon does not faint from reversal, Lucario may have a chance of finishing it off with vacuum wave, if, for example, the opponent uses a damage-less oriented move, like Sword dance, sunny day, or taunt. (I may consider changing vacuum wave to extremespeed – please discuss this when you make your comments.)

3) Scizor (Adamant).
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Att, 252 Speed, 4 HP.
Held Item: Life Orb.
Moveset: sword dance, bullet punch, superpower, bug bite.

Since Lucario can be a risky sweeper, Scizor is my dependable physical sweeper. When I need physical might, I switch in with Scizor. She then uses sword dance, and begins plowing through the opponents team, using the right move for any Pokémon that she will face.

4) Hippowdon (Careful).
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP, 4 Att, 252 Special Defense.
Held Item: Leftovers.
Moveset: curse, slack off, stone edge, earthquake.

Hippowdon is the backbone of this set; he is responsible for providing sandstorm support. In addition, he is also a great special wall, who cannot be killed by any neutral special move, and can even survive certain super effective moves. When Hippowdon switches in, he endures a damage move, and uses curse to boost defense and att. He then begins to plow through the opposing team, while using slack off when necessary.

5) Vaporeon (Bold).
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 188 HP, 252 Def, 68 Special Att.
Held Item: Leftovers.
Moveset: ice beam, surf, wish, protect.

Vaporeon is my best special wall, and provides wish support to my team, as well as cover from dragon dancing Gyrados.
First of all, his wish support is oriented towards helping Empoleon, if he gets scratched by something little, like fake out or grass knot. Vaporeon passes wish to Empoleon, healing Empoleon to full health and re-activating focus sash.
Secondly, Vaporeon can also use wish, and then protect to heal himself, while blasting away with powerful surfs and ice beams.
Lastly, should I come across a Gyrados, Vaporeon is my guy. When gyrados appears, Vaporeon switches in and furiously shoots ice beams to take out Gyrados as soon as possible. Plus, Vaporeon’s water absorb ability will completely cripple Gyrados’s stab waterfall, and possibly heal Vaporeon, if he switches in when Gyrados uses waterfall and Vaporeon is missing a few hit points

6) Bronzong (Sassy).
Ability: Levitate.
EVs: 4 HP, 252 Att, 252 Special Defense.
Held Item: Power Lens.
Moveset: gyro ball, earthquake, sleep talk, rest.

Bronzong is the second specialist that I have – a sleep talker/speed destroyer. Bronzong can counter a variety of OU Pokémon, notably Weavile, Ninjask, Jolteon, and Breloom
Bronzong can 1HKO Weavile and Ninjask 100% of the time with Gyro Ball. In addition, he can most likely 1HKO Jolteon with a single earthquake.
Lastly, bronzing destroys breloom by attacking, while under spore sleep, with sleep talk. When he wakes up, he uses rest again, possibly surviving many focus punches.

It would be very much appreciated if you left any constructive comments/criticism. (Compliments are also appreciated greatly!)

Please list any Pokémon counters you can think of (Pokémon that can counter my entire team or a majority of my team).

In addition, also state any suggested movesets, if you think anything should be changed

However, please do not suggest any different Pokémon or different EV distributionsThese Pokémon are here to stay.

Thank you.
you have to write descriptions for each poke or a moderator will lock this. And write pokemons' habilities.

I also suggest you: put hippo on the lead position with an impish nature and rocks over SE and switch curse for roar, give empoleon the late-game sweeper set that is on smogon and give zong a macho brace.

Also, when testing it, write the names and sets of pokes that give you problems and write a threat list
Hippowdon should probably be a lead with Impish. Empoleon should be a late game sweeper. Generally you should revolve your team around Empoleon if you wish. Bronzong should probably be a Dual Screen as its pretty redundant on the team. Also Vacuum Wave has no use as the Lucario is designed to be a physical sweeper. Also Lucario should be better off as a Swords Dance sweeper as that is more effective. Please post a description of your strategy so I can rate more effectively.
I'm sorry about the delay in editing this article.
(I wrote the entire edit, and then when I clicked save, the website told me that I wasn't logged in, and erased the editing that took me 1.5 hours.

This post will be edited within 2 more hours....

Thank you for your patience.
first off, welcome to smogon!
second, wtf are you trying to do with this team? i know it's a sandstorm team, but can you tell us what are you trying to achieve here?
also, you might want to add some discriptions to this RMT. i'm sure a mod could lock this.
other than that, here's a few suggestions:

1. that empoleon is the worst i've ever seen. it should be either the SubAgiliPetaya set or the Choice Specs set. those are the best sets for him. the SAP for late-game sweeping, or the Specs set for revenge killing.

2. put that hippo in the lead, or make it a wall.

3. lucario is better off being a swords dance sweeper than a reversal user. also, WTF, you've got Vacuum Wave when he's a physical user.

4. your scizor is fine just the way it is.

5. your bronzong should set up dual screens, not attack things. did you take a look at its stats? he;s better off as a wall or a DS user.

6. your vaporeon is cool, good idea providing wish support here.

some things i would do:
make a core made out of Empoleon/Electrivire/Gengar. empoleon generally attracts electric attacks from jolteon, starmie, and gengar. switching into e-vire gives you a +1 speed boost which should be enough to outspeed and revenge kill.
empoleon also attracts EQs from heatran, Dragonite, flygon. a gengar with focus blast and HP ice should take care of those.

if you decide to go with this core, then make this an all-out HO team. with specsEmp/mixVire/LOGar as a core, and with each of them doing awesome damage (i'm not sure about specs empoleon), this could tear through teams like a hot knife through butter. as for the rest of the team, they should be
SDluke/LOstarmie/whatever you like, as long as it fits into a HO team.

hope i helped!
Thank You to the users who made the hasty replies to my *incomplete* post.

My post is now fully updated and ready for anyones' comments!

Please follow my guidelines, and thank you to all who have spent time commenting on my team.
you do know that even if you beat aero you will have a near dead lead or no rocks? Also, who told you celebi was a common lead? And you can't beat ape. Fake out+close combat.
And the thing that made me laugh: all you want from raters is a moveset change! But only if it doesn't involve EV spread changes!
Just to finish: hippo is a great PHYSICAL wall
First of all, let me provide some background information about myself.
I have been playing Pokémon since I was 5 years old (I’m 16 now), and throughout my life, I have learned a great deal about the standard metagame, a lot of information coming from this smogon website. I finally decided to join the smogon forums because I felt it was necessary to join a Pokémon website’s community that has also given me an immense amount of help

Throughout my life, I have experienced many, many battles. I have concluded that sandstorm teams can certainly pose a threat to nearly all types of standard teams, for three reasons. For starters, the constant presence of a sandstorm provides continuous damage, negating healing items, like leftovers and black sludge. Secondly, sand storms provide a special defense boost to all ground, rock, and steel types present, notably my own team members. Last of all, sandstorms weaken weather dependent teams, notably rain dance, hail, and sunny day teams, crippling the non-steel, rock, and ground types, as well as their weather dependent moves, notably synthesis, moonlight, and morning sun. In conclusion, these are the reasons explaining why I have chosen a sandstorm team!

1) Empoleon (Quiet).
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 155 HP, 100 Att, 252 Special Att.
Held Item: Focus Sash.
Moveset: hydro pump, stealth rock, aqua jet, ice beam.

Empoleon is my ultimate lead Pokémon; more specifically, he is designed to take out many of the other common OU leads, notably aerodactyl, hippowdon, and even choice scarf azelf, jirachi, and celebi! My strategy: a) Empoleon attacks first with hydro pump, 1HKOing or severely injuring the opposing Pokémon. (If the opposing Pokémon is not destroyed by hydro pump, Empoleon will always survive with focus sash, and then make the final blow with aqua jet.)

Or b) the opponent attacks first, and Empoleon endures a potential 1HKO with focus sash. Torrent activates, and then Empoleon 1HKO’s the opposing Pokémon with torrent boosted hydro pump

If a bulky grass or dragon is used, ice beam is used instead of hydro pump.

Finally, if Empoleon has time, he can lay out stealth rock. Also, if he faces a major Pokémon counter, like fake out infernape, he can let loose stealth rocks, and then get a quick slap at the opponent by using aqua jet before getting killed by something like earthquake

Since this is a Sandstorm team, you want infinite Sandstorm up ASAP. Put Hippowdon here as your lead, with his Lead set from the analysis. IMO, Hippowdon is the best Sandstorm lead. Also, Stealth Rock should be a priority for this team, not "if I happen to get the chance". It will help immensely with your sweeps.

2) Lucario (Adamant).
Ability: Steadfast
EVs: 252 Att, 252 Speed, 4 HP.
Held Item: Salac Berry.
Moveset: vacuum wave, endure, reversal, crunch.

Lucario is one of my “specialists”; he is my salac berry – reversal Pokémon. His strategy is simple: Lucario switches in and endures a potential 1HKO attack with focus sash. Salac berry activates, and Lucario then begins plowing through the opponent’s team with reversal. If a ghost appears, he quickly dispatches it with crunch. Lastly, if the opposing Pokémon does not faint from reversal, Lucario may have a chance of finishing it off with vacuum wave, if, for example, the opponent uses a damage-less oriented move, like Sword dance, sunny day, or taunt. (I may consider changing vacuum wave to extremespeed – please discuss this when you make your comments.)

Okay, this moveset is just bad. One priority attack and you're dead, even Quick Attack. I would change it to the SD Sweeper Set, it's much more reliable. Also, I would change the ability to Inner Focus. Last nore here, why the hell do you have Vaccuum Wave on a physical set? It's a special attack.

3) Scizor (Adamant).
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Att, 252 Speed, 4 HP.
Held Item: Life Orb.
Moveset: sword dance, bullet punch, superpower, bug bite.

Since Lucario can be a risky sweeper, Scizor is my dependable physical sweeper. When I need physical might, I switch in with Scizor. She then uses sword dance, and begins plowing through the opponents team, using the right move for any Pokémon that she will face.

Since Lucario would now be your SD Sweeper, I would change this to the CB set, which I believe is better anyway, IMHO. If you insist on leaving it as a Swords Dancer, switch Super Power to Brick Break. The drop in Attack and Defense is very bad for a SD Sweeper.

4) Hippowdon (Careful).
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP, 4 Att, 252 Special Defense.
Held Item: Leftovers.
Moveset: curse, slack off, stone edge, earthquake.

Hippowdon is the backbone of this set; he is responsible for providing sandstorm support. In addition, he is also a great special wall who cannot be killed by any neutral special move, and can even survive certain super effective moves When Hippowdon switches in, he endures a damage move, and uses curse to boost defense and att. He then begins to plow through the opposing team, while using slack off when necessary.

This is Empoleon's new home. I would HIGHLY recommend the SubPetya set. A lot of people would say it's his best. Not much else to say here. Btw, Hippowdon has horrible special defense. I'm going to assume you meant physical in all those cases.

5) Vaporeon (Bold).
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 188 HP, 252 Def, 68 Special Att.
Held Item: Leftovers.
Moveset: ice beam, surf, wish, protect.

Vaporeon is my best special wall, and provides wish support to my team, as well as cover from dragon dancing Gyrados.
First of all, his wish support is oriented towards helping Empoleon, if he gets scratched by something little, like fake out or grass knot. Vaporeon passes wish to Empoleon, healing Empoleon to full health and re-activating focus sash. (Focus Sash cannot be reactivated, bar the move Recycle. It's like a berry; consumed upon use.)
Secondly, Vaporeon can also use wish, and then protect to heal himself, while blasting away with powerful surfs and ice beams.
Lastly, should I come across a Gyrados, Vaporeon is my guy. When gyrados appears, Vaporeon switches in and furiously shoots ice beams to take out Gyrados as soon as possible. Plus, Vaporeon’s water absorb ability will completely cripple Gyrados’s stab waterfall, and possibly heal Vaporeon, if he switches in when Gyrados uses waterfall and Vaporeon is missing a few hit points

Looks good.

6) Bronzong (Sassy).
Ability: Levitate.
EVs: 4 HP, 252 Att, 252 Special Defense.
Held Item: Power Lens.
Moveset: gyro ball, earthquake, sleep talk, rest.

Bronzong is the second specialist that I have – a sleep talker/speed destroyer. Bronzong can counter a variety of OU Pokémon, notably Weavile, Ninjask, Jolteon, and Breloom
Bronzong can 1HKO Weavile and Ninjask 100% of the time with Gyro Ball. In addition, he can most likely 1HKO Jolteon with a single earthquake.
Lastly, bronzing destroys breloom by attacking, while under spore sleep, with sleep talk. When he wakes up, he uses rest again, possibly surviving many focus punches.

Uh, why are you using a Bronzong for this? He's more of a wall than he is an attacker. I think your using him all wrong. I'd just change it to the Wall set on the analyisis.

It would be very much appreciated if you left any constructive comments/criticism. (Compliments are also appreciated greatly!)

Please list any Pokémon counters you can think of (Pokémon that can counter my entire team or a majority of my team).

In addition, also state any suggested movesets, if you think anything should be changed

However, please do not suggest any different Pokémon or different EV distributionsThese Pokémon are here to stay.

Thank you.
You are not doing yourself any favors here. Changing movesets can only help so much, it's not going to make your team a whole lot better if you refuse to change EVs and Pokemon to deal with certain threats. Whether or not you want to change EVs or Pokes, you should at least be willing to let people make some suggestions, you might find one you like. You're really just holding yourself back. GL anyways.
You are not doing yourself any favors here. Changing movesets can only help so much, it's not going to make your team a whole lot better if you refuse to change EVs and Pokemon to deal with certain threats. Whether or not you want to change EVs or Pokes, you should at least be willing to let people make some suggestions, you might find one you like. You're really just holding yourself back.

I 100% agree with Percussionist. Your team has several problems that would require changing a few Pokemon on your team in order to fix them. If you aren't willing to change any of your Pokemon, I honestly don't know how you expect to receive much help and improve your team. Your format is also quite unappealing and messy. I'm locking your thread under the following rules:

RMT rules said:
8. When posting a team, do realize that you are posting it mainly for the purpose of people looking at it and criticizing it. If you cannot take that, do not post your team. It is fine if you explain why you are using your set and not the one they suggested, and of course you are always free not to take advice, but going all-out against offered help is not the way to do it.

RMT rules said:
6. Formatting. Make your post readable. If the format is messy and illegible you will not be likely to receive help and may have your thread locked. Adding pictures to your post can make it more visually appealing too, but pay attention to rule 11. Here is a guideline on how to post each Pokemon.
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