Jirachi @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Iron Head
- U-Turn
- Thunder Punch / Fire Punch
- Healing Wish / Fire Punch
Thus far, the core isn't terribly bulky and appreciates getting brought in by a pivot move. Mega Audino can set up and quickly put itself out of KO range for both members, and Unaware Clefable might net a Thunder Wave on either of the two before you figure out which can break it. Hyper-fast megas (like Aerodactyl, Alakazam, Beedrill, and Sceptile) and the Gale Wings users can also revenge kill both of these (save for Agilitized Pory-Z). Scarf Jirachi laughs at Fairy-types and checks all of the offensive threats I mentioned. And of course, it provides Healing Wish support to the core.
Thunder Punch is ideal for actually dealing damage to Swanna and Talonflame, but Fire Punch is another option to hit Steel-types (though you should really just U-Turn out to one of the core members) and get that OHKO on Mega Beedrill, and I guess for 2HKOing Mega Scizor so Porygon-Z doesn't have to put up with it.
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