Overkill Mafia - Game Over! Supercellular Warriors, Yeti, and TIK win!


You notice an eerie glow outside your houses. You run out and see Yeti grinning happily.

"Sup?" asked Mattimeo.

"I've won!" shrieked Yeti. Now I can esacpe from all of you bloodthirsty cheats, and can practice before I defeat LUIGI! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Yeti sped off into the darkness, and you all watched bemused.

hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus looked at her vanishing into the distance and announced "We have our first winner of Overkill Mafia! Yeti!"

Eo Ut Mortus said:
Dear Yeti,
You are Waluigi.


You are Wario's best friend and a doppelganger of Luigi. You hate Luigi to the core and want to pick up an item that will assist you in future encounters with him. For this purpose, you have formed an alliance with Wario. You know that he is <snip>. You will be using your stealth in order to achieve your goal. You badly want to obtain the mystical Orb of Light.

At night, you may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying "Night X- Taking <user> for a ride on Wario's motorbike". You will take <user> for a ride on a mororbike and chat with him. At the end of the night, you will know his full role PM.

Alternatively, you may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus at night saying "Night X- Spilling motor oil over <user>". <user> will be so occupied in cleaning himself of the oil that he will fail to perform his action for the night. This cannot be stacked with your other ability.

You are so thin and fast that you cannot be lynched directly.

You are holding the Sapphire Gem. At night, you may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying "Night X- Cracking Sapphire Gem". Just as the night ends, you will break the Sapphire Gem, causing it to be night once more. This stacks with your normal abilities. This item is only usable once.

You are allied with yourself and Wario. You win if you manage to use the Orb of Light and utilize your newfound powers obtained upon using it twice.
later losers

have fun in your game


liza you didn't really tell them jack
yes i was waluigi
yes i needed an item
but i was no threat to the village

now i'm gone and you don't have anything to worry about
I like all the information you're passing around after being removed from the game.


EDIT: Finn's hit it right on the head. Everything you've said has serious impact on the game. The fact that you're telling us what your power is not doing lets us know there's something else in the game we need to worry about rather than assuming it may be over because you're gone. The fact that you didn't extend the night because you didn't have the item shows there's serious malcontent associated with the items use, as opposed to the default thinking that you were just trying to win and used the extra nights to do so. Seriously, when you die (or win) stop fucking with games, everytime you comment on something after you die you give some kind of information that we can infer shit with. This game isn't the first time.