Overwatch - Brigitte used FLAIL!


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Defense are indeed playing dumb and stay in the choke shields up eating rmb attacks :p
D.Va can reliably get on the backlines and survive whether she fails or succeeds, but yeah, your team should be bad to allow her to do so. Are you sure you're gonna get a team able to shut D.Va down, though? :P
Genji is a non-problem, he gets melted solely by the turret nest on the shield generator. It's basically Tracer who can reliably shut down Symmetra.
lmao. Then assuming both sides are equally dumb, defensive Sym should typically still get ult faster. Lol what the heck is D.Va doing surviving being in the backlines unpunished tho. Are people really that bad to not be able to down a D.Va not receiving heals? :S Idk even if the team doesn't shut down D.Va I typically just do it myself heh, with or without party. Armor HP is definitely annoying for Sym but it's winnable. Rofl who the heck puts a turret nest to defend ult on defense. It's really not worth it because it accomplishes nothing. Typically the heroes who can go deep enough to kill it like Tracer/Sombra have spray weapons that can just wipe turrets. Genji can waste a dash and wipe the room too. Just put turrets elsewhere for zoning on defense lmao. It's okay to nest the SG/tele on offense though since the zoning on offense isn't as good most of the time.

Anyhow, I hope people are willing to run a flanker just to kill Sym ult, it's kinda worth it and makes pushing easier. But most likely people won't want to deviate from standard tank meta and just fail horribly to reach a good Sym spot.

How viable do you guys think zarya is now? She's obviously not really bad but to me dva feels like generally the better pick. I've found dva's tanking capabilities to be in most situations better than zarya's, due to how she can just completely shut down a dps on the enemy team (unless you're really struggling with a roadhog or whatever else and want a counter pick ofc). She's also good against the cheese people like to run in low plat like junkrat torb and bastion. I just haven't seen much compelling reason to pick her over dva before you see what the opponent's are running.

Btw is there any way to deal with pharah that doesn't rely on dps that can aim ;-; soldiers in my elo can't aim and I find I'm having to be killing them more as ana than the actual dps. Pharah are often big issues for my teams but I'm not sure what can be done. We had mccree + soldier one game and still lost to it.
Still really viable, just no longer meta. Good when the team refuses to run the normal tank meta and goes something dive-ish. I guess you can say she's less of a blind pick since picking her over D.Va will usually mean you lose the Rein shield fight. She's still good for sure, just in a kinda awkward position given how much sustained damage there is in the meta.

Re: Pharah, you can fly to her face and zone her as D.Va. Not ideal, but it works lol. If you're referring to your elo then most of the time they'd just tunnel vision the D.Va instead of just noping away, which means job done. Usually I like to Defense Matrix and fly above the Pharah so that I can shoot Pharah for longer period of time while dropping down. But yea be careful not to try and fly to her when she's comfortably in the enemy lines. Just face tank or delete some rockets here and there until it's safer to say hi to her. Not as great but monkey works to some extent as well.
I just saw a Junkrat one-trick that got a high of 4000 something. His high last season was 3.3. He was completely useless and didn't switch against a Pharah that destroyed the whole team. He said he was carrying us and that it was my job (Ana) to kill Pharah while his Soldier friend did nothing. Jesus.
Let me guess. He had gold in damage
Honestly am I the only one that feels like Blizzard buffed D.Va a bit too much? After her last buff she finally got the move speed while firing increase, which was desperately needed, but she also got an extra 100 health on her mech. That gives her a composite 750 health, far above the runner-up (road hog), and not to mention the fact that 400 of that health is armor, which reduces incoming damage. Her defense matrix can also eat things up pretty much infinitely (when timed correctly), and, more importantly can completely delete ults like graviton and mei's blizzard. I feel like they should at least knock her health back down to normal tank levels (400 armor/100 hp for mech), and maybe make it so that defense matrix doesn't delete those types of projectile ults.

tl;dr: I also feel like there is a lot of opportunity cost in not playing dva. She seems too good in too many situations right now.


my cancer is sun and my leo is moon
Dva is fine. The extra hp was due to her enormous critbox right in the center of her body making her so squishy before. rather than fixing their terrible hitboxes blizzard decided to give her 100 extra hp for whatever reason. Not the best solution but i dont think its particularly op. Defense matrix is fine. You shouldnt be popping graviton anyways when dva is in her mech, since she can block so much of the follow up to it. I cant think of any time hanzo is going to be ulting at a range where dva can block it with dm. Mei ult i guess? but mei isnt a character dva is particularly interested in getting close to. Imo its sort of like junkrat total meyhem thing where yea you can definitely get caught by it but usually if youre keeping in mind that its a possibility i think it should be fine.

Dva feels a lot like how zarya was before to me. Generally the best option for an off tank, very good but not overwhelming to the point of needing a nerf (they did end up nerfing zarya, though i strongly disagree with that decision still). I think the reason shes so hard to pass up right now is that soldier is so ridiculously broken (feels like a fucking bastion on legs) and her main counter got nerfed. In addition to this, her ability to cockblock reaper is such a great thing for triple tank setups that shes hard to justify not using.

I really think the reason we're seeing so much dva right now is not because "dva is op" but rather because of metagame trends shifting in a way that made her very good in addition to buffs that took her out of trash tier where she was before.
Dva is fine. The extra hp was due to her enormous critbox right in the center of her body making her so squishy before. rather than fixing their terrible hitboxes blizzard decided to give her 100 extra hp for whatever reason. Not the best solution but i dont think its particularly op. Defense matrix is fine. You shouldnt be popping graviton anyways when dva is in her mech, since she can block so much of the follow up to it. I cant think of any time hanzo is going to be ulting at a range where dva can block it with dm. Mei ult i guess? but mei isnt a character dva is particularly interested in getting close to. Imo its sort of like junkrat total meyhem thing where yea you can definitely get caught by it but usually if youre keeping in mind that its a possibility i think it should be fine.

Dva feels a lot like how zarya was before to me. Generally the best option for an off tank, very good but not overwhelming to the point of needing a nerf (they did end up nerfing zarya, though i strongly disagree with that decision still). I think the reason shes so hard to pass up right now is that soldier is so ridiculously broken (feels like a fucking bastion on legs) and her main counter got nerfed. In addition to this, her ability to cockblock reaper is such a great thing for triple tank setups that shes hard to justify not using.

I really think the reason we're seeing so much dva right now is not because "dva is op" but rather because of metagame trends shifting in a way that made her very good in addition to buffs that took her out of trash tier where she was before.
d.va is not broken for most of these reasons, although defense matrix is a bit too strong currently. eating EVERY SINGLE major ult except for reinhardt's is a bit of a downer for an ability with a minuscule cooldown. the reason she's broken is because she's a fucking tank who 1v1s REAPER of all heroes, the TANK KILLER. her damage is stupid, she has an effective 750 hp (but we'll be fair and call it 600), she eats nearly every major ult from just right clicking with good ping, and she's so safe that you can just dive the enemy backline, kill a support/dps in 3 seconds, then fly away.

with d.va, you either take away the movespeed while shooting or take away the extra hundred hp—there was no reason for the dev team to do both. her only real "counter" at this point is roadhog thanks to his hook, but that's situational given that she has the ability to 1v1 him if she can eat his damage with defense matrix and kill him while he reloads.

when you combine d.va with ana (what is done in high elo or pro play) there is essentially no way she dies while she does whatever the fuck she wants to.


I love weather; Sun for days
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I'm a console low elo scrub (I'll fucking admit it) but at least on console I can 1v1 dva with a 76 albeit I also side strafe and aim (please stop putting me with horrible teams) but I don't think she's that bad. The thing in higher elos, when you get to it, is Ana who can heal that tank midfight, get her to fill health in like a second outside of it, and get her swinging again.

The reason tanks are the issue will always be Ana.


my cancer is sun and my leo is moon
I'm getting close to setting a new career high :> it took me a little bit to crawl out of 2500 but now I climbed up quickly to mid-high 2600 after that.

Also after 43 hours of practice I'm now a 80th percentile qp widow player according to overbuff! I know it's not the biggest accomplishment, but as someone who used to miss most body shots on roadhog and average 2 elims per game I feel I've come a long way :) I really didn't think it would be possible for me to become something other than an absolute garbage widow but I guess practice makes perfect. hopefully I can keep improving. I might give widow a shot in comp if I can get up to 90th+ percentile.

Dread Arceus

total cockhead
d.va is not broken for most of these reasons, although defense matrix is a bit too strong currently. eating EVERY SINGLE major ult except for reinhardt's is a bit of a downer for an ability with a minuscule cooldown. the reason she's broken is because she's a fucking tank who 1v1s REAPER of all heroes, the TANK KILLER. her damage is stupid, she has an effective 750 hp (but we'll be fair and call it 600), she eats nearly every major ult from just right clicking with good ping, and she's so safe that you can just dive the enemy backline, kill a support/dps in 3 seconds, then fly away.

with d.va, you either take away the movespeed while shooting or take away the extra hundred hp—there was no reason for the dev team to do both. her only real "counter" at this point is roadhog thanks to his hook, but that's situational given that she has the ability to 1v1 him if she can eat his damage with defense matrix and kill him while he reloads.

when you combine d.va with ana (what is done in high elo or pro play) there is essentially no way she dies while she does whatever the fuck she wants to.
D.Va the tank-killer tank-killer-killer tank, nicely put


I love weather; Sun for days
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I fell asleep during the later half of joim's stream but it was pretty enjoyable. I'd check it out despite the fact he can only look at chat so often (one monitor you pleb).

Master ranks are pretty fucked, as far as I can tell, what's a comp is a question I asked myself a lot. Joim I think the Ana play needs a bit of work along with 76 but I'm at best a coach not a player. Good games though



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I bought recently a new PC with new monitor etc, I guess I can set up my laptop alongside though, haha
I really want to play Lúcio which is my best support right now, but for some reason a lot of people wanted Lúcio yesterday o.o


I love weather; Sun for days
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I bought recently a new PC with new monitor etc, I guess I can set up my laptop alongside though, haha
I really want to play Lúcio which is my best support right now, but for some reason a lot of people wanted Lúcio yesterday o.o
Aside from that just the nade suggestion from me really stepped up the Ana game on the mirror. Overall though you do a killer job, keep it up


Pixels matter
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You're absolutely right. It's very easy to fall into autopilot mode on this game when you've put so many hours, you have to realise that and go back to thinking every step you make. Actually talking out loud what you're doing helps with that!


@ Everstone
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The only thing that's not making me hate Dva so much is that she's really the only good counter right now to hitscan. I like me a hero that counters widow, mccree, and soldier at once :D

fuck hitscan..


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I read somewhere on the internet that Symmetra shield can't block Earthshatter. NOPE HAHAHAAHA. I was so surprised that it actually does block Earthshatter so hilarious lmao. It was purely accidental cos I happened to use it to zone Tact Visor. Managed to block it again purely reactively. It was hilarious lmao I don't even.

I've been playing Sym as a tank dps support all in one. It works pretty well and the shield does do good zoning. Played on Anubis and got 32 elims 11k damage and idk 8-9k+ damage blocked, 18 teleports. Yes I still use tele. Opponents weren't bad too.

Pushing through choke with shield is not too bad, just that it doesn't work with speed boost obviously. However, offensive shield generator can be pretty dumb yes. Hollywood and Numbani you can put it in the forward defending spawn lol.

Overall pretty fun to play with, definitely not fun to play against. Also a lot of people sure aren't used to fighting against the extra range haha.


@ Everstone
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anybody else really enjoying the World of Tanks tournament in Vegas?
I've been enjoying the Korean equivalent of it ;o

seriously though the Geyonggi invitational hasn't even seen a lot of tanks yet. I've seen triple DPS from Rogue and Mei and Genji (separately, not together) quite a bit which was surprising. Also some widow play, but that's not surprising cuz widow is literally broken and everyone is just sleeping on her...


I love weather; Sun for days
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I still find it baffling that I can heal 12K+ as Ana during a match yet I'm still the one at fault for our DPS not getting picks


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Uh, try out any hero or role to see what suits you best. If this is your first FPS game then I recommend a healer or tank (ie Mercy, Winston, Lucio). Learning the maps and where the health packs are I also found very helpful when I first started out playing. The main thing however is to just have fun, you'll learn loads just through experience.


I love weather; Sun for days
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okay i got overwatch now and i suck pretty badly at it. does anybody have tips for beginners?
Work on aiming, map & enemy awareness, remember this is actually a team game unlike CoD (you can't 1v6 a team. Like you can't). Try to get good with a DPS, a tank, and then a support and most of the time defensive heroes are trash (except Mei)

Oh yeah this is a game, have fun. Don't let the salt ramblings in this thread make you forget that.

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