Overwatch - Brigitte used FLAIL!

Hit a new career high of #40 on my smurf, Symm confirmed OP: https://imgur.com/a/KdmQO
It's early season tho so the number's pretty inflated.

How do you guys feel about the 250 SR limit in GM now? On one hand it theoretically makes games more skill based, but on the other hand it makes it hard to play with friends if you're in GM, plus the matchmaking system is still putting lower Masters in GM games so it doesn't really do much in practice... :(

Also lul @ xQc
I suppose the better question is how do you feel about one-tricks (that literally don't switch) getting banned and are you concerned?

yes, don't fucking one-trick to prove some dumb fucking point
I doubt it will affect me on Xbox, Blizzard has shown they don't give a fuck about console lol. At least, it'll be awhile before they do anything.

I don't really agree with it though, people don't understand this game well enough to accurately address what is wrong with a team / report people for not doing what is "best". Also most one-tricks suck ass on other heroes especially in GM. Do you really want you Symm main on McCree for Pharah? Like yeah in theory McCree is better vs Pharah but let's be real I'd rather take the Shield Gen so it takes 3 rockets > 2 to kill. Cause the Symm main ain't hitting shit with McCree LUL.

Most of the arguments for it are really bad too. Examples:

"Symm main automatically put my team at a disadvantage" - Most Symm mains have higher winrates than people at their rank playing different / "meta" heroes. If anything, a Symm main on your team is more often than not an advantage (at least, based on pure winrate.)

"Symm mains are boosted by performance based SR" - Not only is there no real evidence of this, but if you look at most Symm mains in GM / Top 500 it's often the opposite. Most have a 60% winrate or higher (Steevo, me), and those who have under a 60% winrate usually have a fuckton of hours (NUT!), causing overall SR gains over time. I literally have never met a Symm main who has an under 55% winrate and isn't dropping SR, and I doubt you have either.

"Symm mains / one-tricks don't communicate!" - Well a ton of people don't communicate, ban them all too lol. Also, a lot of people who would otherwise communicate are chat banned (like me! >:[) because Blizzard is stupid and thinks that's what people want to happen to one tricks when they report them.

"People who play Symm prioritize their 'fun' over everyone else / over winning" - Most Symm mains, such as myself, are playing Symm because we see it as our best chance of winning. I've told the story in this thread previously about how I've tried switching to main Mercy in s4 and dropped to 3750, and switched back to one-trick Symm to get back to 4150. I play Symm because I want to win and gain SR. Maybe you think I "belong" at a lower rank because I play one hero, but I'd rather be at 4380 playing Symm lol.

"One tricks should learn another hero, it's so easy xDDDD" - Well I've already given the example above how trying to learn other heroes has resulted in me losing more than winning (it's not just Mercy too, I had 3 hours on Lucio / D.va season 5 or 6 (idr) and they both had sub-30% winrates.) But more importantly it's fucking hard to learn a character at GM-level. Like for example, getting a character from gold-level to platinum-level generally involves making very visible changes (using Symm as an example, placing turrets in better spots, focusing more on ult charge, using shield better, not running in a straight line with beam). But to get a character from master-level to GM-level it's waaaay harder, the changes are much more minute and really hard to make. Anyone who says its easy either isn't very good (sorry!) or is better than me lol.

"Overwatch is based around hero switching, therefore if they've played basically nothing else they must not be playing to win" - If this was true, one-tricks wouldn't be getting Top 500. If we are to assume that "switching is a core part of competitive Overwatch", then we must also assume that there are many situations where heroes aren't effective and need to be swapped. But for the majority of games this isn't true, because I and many one-tricks are winning more often then we're losing, and gaining rank because of it. If we are winning and being successful with only one hero, then switching is obviously not as effective as it is made out to be, both by Blizzard and by players.

"Okay, so hero switching isn't always important, but it is like 20% of the time and that's when Symm mains throw" - Even if you are assuming that the 20% of a Symm main's games are 100% lost because the Symm is being hard-countered, it still doesn't change the fact that Symmetra is more beneficial to play in most situations than not, which make engaging with hero switching unnecessary for overall SR gain. And in practice, virtually no games are lost 100% due to the Symm pick, there are some (and I try to switch if I feel I'm in that situation, it's why I have a few minutes on other heroes), but most of the time there are really basic factors which are leading to a loss (not grouping up, bad ult economy, etc). Plus, most people have no fucking clue when a Symm is being countered or not, or make idiotic claims based entirely on team comp. So many time I've heard "switching off Symm, we can't win vs PharahMercy!!!1!" just to win the game lol. Hard hero counters just aren't a thing, no matter what people tell you - if they were, certain heroes just wouldn't climb.

"Symm mains aren't bad / throwing but they ruin the fun for all other 11 people" - Well A. This is assuming that everyone else hates Symm mains in comp, and that isn't true. Most people in fact don't give me shit. Just because your /r/CompetitiveOverwatch post got 200 upvotes doesn't mean the other 2,000,000+ comp players hate Symm. Secondly, and more importantly, I have been told that I shouldn't be allowed to play Symm in comp because I am prioritizing my fun over the competitive nature of the competitive gamemode - why, therefore, do I need to switch on my best competitive pick to make the game more fun for other people?

If you want to make one-tricking worse, then change the SR system to hurt one-tricking and/or help flexing. Or make hero switching actually necessary to climb. Cause right now, there's no reason for me to engage / spend time with a unnecessary piece of competitive play (switching).
I'm just mad that offmeta onetricks are capable of getting a rank higher than mine, given I can play at a high level most heroes in the game, but that is my own fault I guess.
This season I'm the lowest SR I've been since s3.
didn't even notice this time lel also why did board not lert me for this tag wtf

I didn't play the last one either though. I've already played once to experience it, that's good enough for me since it's still too expensive to pony up for and I got better things to play on my infinite backlog.

Maybe because I stealth edited the :mad: in afterwards. Oh well. Anyway, it's on half price now if you ever decide to change your mind.
For some definition of "half" anyway, since the price mysteriously went back up $10 first.
Could've sworn it was $30 as of the anniversary earlier this year.
Who complains about a game with a baseline price that's had it's baseline content doubled since launch? You're paying for a game two times larger than what it was when it launched, and it's only going to grow.
Team Fortress 2 has bajillions more content (as it should cuz it's much older) and it's literally free these days. Overwatch is an online multiplayer game, any content added beyond the baseline gameplay is relatively unimportant. The main experience is the social and competitive experiences between players surrounding the core gameplay. We ain't talking Shovel Knight here (wish I would've bought into that when it was $10 still damn) or any other single-player, offline game where the experience and entertainment derived from it is directly proportional to the amount (and quality) of gameplay added.

That and the base price of the game was too high in the first place, but nobody would call the industry's golden child Blizzard Entertainment out on that one. It's particularly asinine as a console player being forced to pay up for the $60 edition, like hell that's just flat out robbery as if the $40 PC version wasn't already arguably overpriced. Now, I'm not one to poopoo on people for enjoying what they enjoy, it's just that whole "supporting bad business practices encourages companies to continue abusing their customers" thing that's a thorn in my side here and lord knows Activision Blizzard sure doesn't need more encouragement in that regard. People overpay for it, companies will see what else they can get away with overcharging people for and ultimately we the consumers all end up poorer in the end.

Besides which, Blizz probably makes way more off the microtransactions than the base price of the game anyway. Nevermind my consumers' rights-oriented ranting, they may well be better off selling it for less upfront from a business perspective, to maximize their player count and MT sales which would more than make up the difference.
There are AAAs out there selling single player or shit incomplete multiplayer games for 70€. Overwatch has always been fairly priced. If you think a game like Overwatch is overpriced at $40, you are oblivious as to what's necessary to develop such a game. You can keep buying indie games for $9.99 in Steam, there are a shitton good games out there like that. Just don't expect a finely tuned game made from scratch with incredibly good net code, several servers across the world, and constant development with no other fee than the initial game itself to cost less. It's just naïve.

The investment paid off because millions bought Overwatch, but the development itself was in the several millions cost, and the cost of maintaining the servers is several hundred thousands per month. A shitty web app CRM already costs several thousands per months in servers.
Besides which, Blizz probably makes way more off the microtransactions than the base price of the game anyway. Nevermind my consumers' rights-oriented ranting, they may well be better off selling it for less upfront from a business perspective, to maximize their player count and MT sales which would more than make up the difference.

I think the only people who buy lootboxes in OW are OW Youtubers...I only buy them during events.

Also, the game is a one time purchase so I think it's fair to say or assume that they would make a bit more off post-game/in-game purchases. What does that have to do with the quality of the game though?
I think the only people who buy lootboxes in OW are OW Youtubers...I only buy them during events.
The only time anyone buys loot boxes is during events, how does that change the fact that people still buy a shitton of them lol

also I remember when games were one-time purchases and didn’t offer micro transactions because a one-time purchase is still money, how the times have changed
The only time anyone buys loot boxes is during events, how does that change the fact that people still buy a shitton of them lol

also I remember when games were one-time purchases and didn’t offer micro transactions because a one-time purchase is still money, how the times have changed

Add on packs have been a thing since the 90s.
There are AAAs out there selling single player or shit incomplete multiplayer games for 70€.
Yeah, but they always get critically lambasted, sell like ass and fail spectacularly. also I can't speak for your silly euro pricing

I think Overwatch is overpriced because it's incredibly costly compared to its contemporaries: other pure online multiplayer games. Many are free, some of which are fantastic in their own right, and I think the only notable one even over $20 is PUBG at $30 (not counting subscription-based MMOs). OW is $40 on PC and $60 on consoles. Why are online MP-only games generally cheaper than typical single-player or games with both? Certainly they're a fantasic value play in the long run if you play frequently. But you can't play the game at all if the servers, or your internet connection, are down. The game is much less enjoyable, or perhaps not enjoyable at all, without a regular group of friends to play with. The community surrounding the game is as important as the game itself, which the game devs + publishers have no control nor involvement in that aspect of their game so they can't very well take credit for that and roll it into the sale price of their game. No amount of polish erases these issues inherent to pure MP games, nevermind that OW is way behind the curve in terms of sale price reductions, compared to most PC games, on top of its relatively mammoth base sale price.

If you think it's worth the money, and clearly most people in this thread do, that's fine too. I personally can't justify it when TF2 is free, CSGO is $15 and regularly goes on sale for 75% off, etc. If you leave the realm of first-person shooters, which honestly isn't my jam anyway (despite what my 700+ hours in TF2 would tell you), every MOBA is free, every CCG is free, Rocket League is $20, etc. Grand Theft Auto V, BlazBlue Centralfiction, FIFA '18, Call of Duty: WWII and so on all have extensive single-player modes, in addition to multiplayer, that justify a higher price point. As such, I will continue voicing my displeasure with the sale price of Overwatch by not buying it.
Well, both TF2 and CSGO lived off of selling cosmetics. Concurrent server and development costs are somethign to take into account, you can't have the servers up forever for free.