NFE Palpitoad [Done]


aka Ho3nConfirm3d
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name: Stealth Rock
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Earth Power
move 3: Scald
move 4: Toxic
item: Eviolite
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Modest
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA

Palpitoad's well-rounded stats and great Water / Ground typing help it fit on teams as a viable physical wall. It can set up Stealth Rock early-game and threaten other entry hazard users like Piloswine and Carkol with its STAB attacks. Earth Power can nail common physical attackers like Klang and Raboot that Palpitoad has no problem switching into. Scald has a chance to burn physical attackers like Thwackey and Dartrix that may switch in on Palpitoad and can also wear down defensive Pokemon that lack recovery like Hattrem and Charjabug. On the other hand, Toxic is great for crippling walls that shrug off Palpitoad's attacks like Galarian Corsola and Togetic.

Palpitoad is a good check to some physical attackers, but its lack of recovery and immediate firepower make it vulnerable to multiple foes. Palpitoad should avoid setting up Stealth Rock if Magic Bounce users are on the opposing team, as Hattrem especially can shrug off Palpitoad's attacks and threatens back with Giga Drain. Try pairing it with Dark- and Steel-types like Galarian Linoone and Klang to help with these situations. Palpitoad also struggles against other entry hazard setters like Ferroseed and Roselia, so having anti-entry hazard Pokemon like Hattrem and Vullaby is worthwhile. Additionally, being 4x weak to Grass-type attacks is dangerous, which walls like Ferroseed, Gloom, and Charjabug can all help patch; in return, Palpitoad functions as a Fire-type switch-in for these three. As Palpitoad worries about strong special wallbreakers like Haunter, special walls like Carkol and Klang can help make a defensive backbone for the rest of the team. Palpitoad is also susceptible to being worn down from status, Knock Off, and multiple physical attacks. Try to either have other physical walls with reliable recovery like Galarian Corsola to alleviate this pressure or support Palpitoad with Wish and Heal Bell from users like Clefairy.

- Written by: [[Ho3nConfirm3d, 231074]]
- Quality checked by: [[Crystalites, 226429], [Marjane, 355753]]
- Grammar checked by: [[The Dutch Plumberjack, 232216]]
Last edited:
very solid QC 1/2 once implemented.

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name: Stealth Rock
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Earth Power
move 3: Scald
move 4: Toxic
item: Eviolite
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Modest
evs: 252 HP / 160 Def / 96 SpA

Palpitoad's well-rounded stats and great Water- and Ground-typing finds itself on teams as a viable physically defensive wall. It can setup Stealth Rock early game and threaten other entry hazard users like Piloswine and Carkol with its STAB attacks. Earth Power can nail common physical attackers like Klang and Raboot that Palpitoad has no problem switching into. Scald has a chance to burn physical attackers like Thwackey and Daitrix that may try and switch-in on Palpitoad, and can also wear down defensive Pokemon that lack recovery like Hattrem and Charjabug. On the other hand, Toxic is great for crippling walls that shrug off Palpitoad's attacks like Galarian Corsola and Togetic. Having an investment of 252 HP / 160 Def / 96 SpA allows Palpitoad to 1HKO Eviolite Pawniard and Choice Scarf Torracat with Earth Power, while still having enough bulk to survive a +2 Knock Off from Life Orb Pawniard.

Palpitoad is a good check to some physical attackers, but its lack of recovery and immediate firepower makes it vulnerable to multiple match ups. Palpitoad should avoid setting up Stealth Rock if Magic Bounce users are on the opposing team, as Hattrem especially can shrug off Palpitoads attacks and even threaten back with Giga Drain. Try pairing Palpitoad with Dark-types like Galarian Linoone and Pawniard to help with these situations. Palpitoad also struggles against other entry hazard setters like Ferroseed and Roselia, so having anti-entry hazard preventions like Hattrem and Togetic Vullaby (Togetic is weak to both Ferro and Rose so Vull fits better here imo) is worthwhile. Being twice weak to Grass-type attacks is dangerous, so having walls like Ferroseed, Gloom, and Charjabug can all help patch this weakness; consequently, Palpitoad functions as a Fire-type switch-in for these three. As Palpitoad worries about strong special wallbreakers like Haunter, special walls like Carkol and Klang can help make a defensive backbone for the rest of the team. Palpitoad is susceptible to being worn down from status, Knock Off, and multiple physical attacks. Try to either have other physical walls which have reliably recovery (Further emphasising that Palp shouldn't be the primary physical wall) like Galarian Corsola to alleviate this pressure, or support Palpitoad with Wish and Heal Bell from users like Clefairy.

- Written by: [[username1, userid1]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]

name: Stealth Rock
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Earth Power
move 3: Scald
move 4: Toxic
item: Eviolite
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Modest
evs: 252 HP / 160 Def / 96 SpA

Palpitoad's well-rounded stats and great Water- and Ground-typing finds itself on teams as a viable physically defensive wall. It can setup Stealth Rock early game and threaten other entry hazard users like Piloswine and Carkol with its STAB attacks. Earth Power can nail common physical attackers like Klang and Raboot that Palpitoad has no problem switching into. Scald has a chance to burn physical attackers like Thwackey and Dartrix that may try and switch-in on Palpitoad. and Scald can also wear down defensive Pokemon that lack recovery like Hattrem and Charjabug. On the other hand, Toxic is great for crippling walls that shrug off Palpitoad's attacks like Galarian Corsola and Togetic. Having an investment of 252 HP / 160 Def / 96 SpA allows Palpitoad to 1HKO Eviolite Pawniard and Choice Scarf Torracat with Earth Power, while still having enough bulk to survive a +2 Knock Off from Life Orb Pawniard. (agreed to change the spread to full physdef now that Pawn is gone)

Palpitoad is a good check to some physical attackers, but its lack of recovery and immediate firepower makes it vulnerable to multiple match ups. Palpitoad should avoid setting up Stealth Rock if Magic Bounce users are on the opposing team, as Hattrem especially can shrug off Palpitoads attacks and even threaten back with Giga Drain. Try pairing Palpitoad with Dark- and Steel-types like Galarian Linoone and Klang Pawniard to help with these situations. Palpitoad also struggles against other entry hazard setters like Ferroseed and Roselia, so having anti-entry hazard preventions like Hattrem and Vullaby is worthwhile. Being twice weak to Grass-type attacks is dangerous, so having walls like Ferroseed, Gloom, and Charjabug can all help patch this weakness; consequently, Palpitoad functions as a Fire-type switch-in for these three. As Palpitoad worries about strong special wallbreakers like Haunter, special walls like Carkol and Klang can help make a defensive backbone for the rest of the team. Palpitoad is susceptible to being worn down from status, Knock Off, and multiple physical attacks. Try to either have other physical walls with reliable recovery like Galarian Corsola to alleviate this pressure, or support Palpitoad with Wish and Heal Bell from users like Clefairy.

- Written by: [[username1, userid1]]
- Quality checked by: [[Crystalites, 226429], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]

really solid work. qc 2/2

amcheck :)

add/replace, remove, (comments)

good stuff; watch out for correct word usage tho :).

name: Stealth Rock
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Earth Power
move 3: Scald
move 4: Toxic
item: Eviolite
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Modest
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA

Palpitoad's well-rounded stats and great Water- and Ground-typing finds itself Water / Ground typing help it fit (the mon finds itself on teams, not its qualities) on teams as a viable physically defensive wall. It can set up (space) Stealth Rock early-game (AH) and threaten other entry hazard users like Piloswine and Carkol with its STAB attacks. Earth Power can nail common physical attackers like Klang and Raboot that Palpitoad has no problem switching into. Scald has a chance to burn physical attackers like Thwackey and Dartrix that may try and switch in (RH) on Palpitoad, (RC) and can also wear down defensive Pokemon that lack recovery like Hattrem and Charjabug. On the other hand, Toxic is great for crippling walls that shrug off Palpitoad's attacks like Galarian Corsola and Togetic.

Palpitoad is a good check to some physical attackers, but its lack of recovery and immediate firepower makes it vulnerable to multiple matchups (no space). Palpitoad should avoid setting up Stealth Rock if Magic Bounce users are on the opposing team, as Hattrem especially can shrug off Palpitoad's (AA) attacks and threatens back with Giga Drain. Try pairing Palpitoad it with Dark- and Steel-types like Galarian Linoone and Klang to help with these situations. Palpitoad also struggles against other entry hazard setters like Ferroseed and Roselia, so having anti-entry hazard preventions Pokemon (redundant) like Hattrem and Vullaby is worthwhile. Additionally, being 4x twice weak to Grass-type attacks is dangerous, so having walls like Ferroseed, Gloom, and Charjabug can all help patch this weakness; consequently, (consequently means 'as a result; merge or use a different word) Palpitoad functions as a Fire-type switch-in for these three. As Palpitoad worries about strong special wallbreakers like Haunter, special walls like Carkol and Klang can help make a defensive backbone for the rest of the team. Palpitoad is also susceptible to being worn down from status, Knock Off, and multiple physical attacks. Try to either have other physical walls with reliable recovery like Galarian Corsola to alleviate this pressure, (RC) or support Palpitoad with Wish and Heal Bell from users like Clefairy.

- Written by: [[username1, userid1]]
- Quality checked by: [[Crystalites, 226429], [Marjane, 355753]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
remove add / fix (comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)
GP 1/1
name: Stealth Rock
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Earth Power
move 3: Scald
move 4: Toxic
item: Eviolite
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Modest
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA

Palpitoad's well-rounded stats and great Water / Ground typing help it fit on teams as a viable physical wall. It can set up Stealth Rock early-game and threaten other entry hazard users like Piloswine and Carkol with its STAB attacks. Earth Power can nail common physical attackers like Klang and Raboot that Palpitoad has no problem switching into. Scald has a chance to burn physical attackers like Thwackey and Dartrix that may try to and switch in on Palpitoad and can also wear down defensive Pokemon that lack recovery like Hattrem and Charjabug. On the other hand, Toxic is great for crippling walls that shrug off Palpitoad's attacks like Galarian Corsola and Togetic.

Palpitoad is a good check to some physical attackers, but its lack of recovery and immediate firepower makes make it vulnerable to multiple matchups foes. Palpitoad should avoid setting up Stealth Rock if Magic Bounce users are on the opposing team, as Hattrem especially can shrug off Palpitoad's attacks and threatens back with Giga Drain. Try pairing it with Dark- and Steel-types like Galarian Linoone and Klang to help with these situations. Palpitoad also struggles against other entry hazard setters like Ferroseed and Roselia, so having anti-entry hazard Pokemon like Hattrem and Vullaby is worthwhile. Additionally, being 4x weak to Grass-type attacks is dangerous, so having which walls like Ferroseed, Gloom, and Charjabug can all help patch this weakness; in return, Palpitoad functions as a Fire-type switch-in for these three. As Palpitoad worries about strong special wallbreakers like Haunter, special walls like Carkol and Klang can help make a defensive backbone for the rest of the team. Palpitoad is also susceptible to being worn down from status, Knock Off, and multiple physical attacks. Try to either have other physical walls with reliable recovery like Galarian Corsola to alleviate this pressure or support Palpitoad with Wish and Heal Bell from users like Clefairy.

- Written by: [[username1, userid1]]
- Quality checked by: [[Crystalites, 226429], [Marjane, 355753]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]