SV OU Peaked #2 (2045 ELO) – Hydrapple Stall

Peaked #2 (2045 ELO) – Hydrapple Stall

:sv/Hydrapple: :sv/Blissey: :sv/Dondozo: :sv/Clodsire: :sv/Alomomola: :sv/Gliscor:

This team was built by quacc and myself

Table of Contents:
  • Introduction
  • Proof of Peak
  • Team Members
  • Threats
  • Replays
  • Acknowledgments


Following the release of DLC 2, stall has struggled to find a footing in a meta that was once again flooded with a wave of new offensive Pokémon and very few defensive countermeasures. While Highv0ltag3 did find tremendous success with his semi-stall team in the early meta, it quickly became outdated. Despite :Gliscor: dropping from Ubers and initially promising Pokémon like :Deoxys-Defense: returning, there were no truly elite hard stall teams.

With the goal of changing this, I experimented with many different stall teams, but I could not find a 6-Pokémon combination that could withstand the sheer number of threats in the meta. In particular, I found it extremely difficult to beat teams that featured hazard stack + a strong Knock-Off user like :Weavile: or :Meowscarada: which could punish conventional answers like Tera Flying :Alomomola: and :Gliscor: with strong STAB Ice-type attacks.


The next day, quacc sent me a DM with an idea he wanted to test out.


quacc thought it would be cool if we used Tera Ghost :Hydrapple: + Curse + Regenerator to chunk HP off of opposing Pokémon while not losing health ourselves. I took one look at this idea and knew that this idea was spectacular.

Spectacularly garbage that is.

Not only had we tried this before with :Slowking-Galar: and failed miserably, but :Hydrapple: just did not seem like a good Pokémon. It was 4x weak to Ice, had a shallow utility move pool, and while it had high physical defense, it had received 0 increases to those defenses from its previous evolution :Dipplin:.

However, as I took a closer look at that screenshot, I realized something absolutely groundbreaking.


And from there, the team was born.

Proof of Peak


With this team, quacc and I were able to reach over 2000 ELO with this team multiple times on the ladder and achieve the peaks shown above. quacc also achieved an individual peak of #7 with 2036 ELO using his version of the team.

This team also raised my GXE from around 83% to 86%. If I had to guess, I would say I had an 87-89% GXE while using this team.

Peak Games:

Team Members


:Hydrapple: is the star of the show and provides invaluable defensive support for the team. :Hydrapple:’s primary job is to absorb Knock Off from :Weavile: and :Meowscarada: with Tera Ice. Thanks to the Sticky Hold ability, :Hydrapple: cannot lose its item, meaning it can always swap into Knock Off without fear of losing its Heavy-Duty Boots. :Hydrapple: is also unique in this function because it has much higher defenses than :Gastrodon: or :Muk:, and does not rely on its dual-typing to stay hazard-resistant like :Gliscor:. Therefore, :Hydrapple: is free to use Tera Ice to avoid the 50-50 of Knock Off versus Triple Axel that :Alomomola: and :Gliscor: struggle with. As a result, :Hydrapple: is truly the only Pokémon that can fulfill this role.

After switching in, :Hydrapple: can use Giga Drain to recover HP off the Pokémon that switches into it or use Body Press to OHKO a :Weavile: or cripple a :Kingambit: that thinks it has a free switch-in.

In addition to this critical job, :Hydrapple: walls other threatening Pokémon like :Samurott-Hisui:, :Ogerpon-Wellspring:, and Choice Band :Rillaboom: with ease using the combination of Giga Drain and Body Press.

Finally, instead of running a traditional utility move like Dragon Tail, I elected for the "Goob Button."


With Tera Blast Ice, :Hydrapple: can snatch OHKO’s on Swords Dance + Knock Off :Gliscor:, which is another notorious stallbreaker. I have included many replays of :Hydrapple: beating :Weavile:, :Meowscarada:, and :Gliscor: at the end.

Max defense allows :Hydrapple: to live hits from almost every physical attacker in the meta. 27 Speed IVs ensure that :Hydrapple: is slower than opposing :Alomomola: in case you need to prevent a Wish pass.


:Blissey:’s job needs no explanation. Calm Mind is used to wall set-up sweepers, allowing :Blissey: and :Clodsire: to split the special wall duties depending on the matchup and preserve recovery PP.

I elected for Seismic Toss over other options like Shadow Ball and Flamethrower because Seismic Toss :Blissey: beats every special attacker in the meta when used in combination with :Clodsire: without needing the additional coverage.

Finally, I chose to use Stealth Rock on :Blissey: as I found that having 2 attacks on :Clodsire: was more valuable than having a move like Protect on :Blissey: instead. However, should you prefer an easier matchup versus :Slowking-Galar:, Protect can be slotted in on :Blissey: and Stealth Rock moved to :Clodsire: instead.

Tera Water is used to wall Tera Water :Walking Wake: in Sun. Tera Fairy is also a viable option depending on the :Alomomola: set you choose, which will be explained below.


:Dondozo: is another Gen 9 OU stall staple. Unaware ensures that :Dondozo: can wall almost every setup physical attacker in the meta such as :Kingambit:, :Gouging Fire:, and :Roaring Moon:.

I elected to use Curse + Waterfall over my traditional Body Press + Avalanche set as I found much more success with it in this very offense-heavy meta.

Tera Fighting still remains the best tera for :Dondozo: and allows it to beat Tera Dark :Kingambit:.


With the onslaught of setup sweepers in this meta, :Blissey: is simply not capable of walling everything. As a result, I turned to my signature Amnesia :Clodsire: set. Most importantly, :Clodsire: walls :Archaludon: in Rain, which would otherwise sweep through this team with ease.

:Clodsire: is also great against :Raging Bolt: and the increasingly popular Calm Mind :Iron Valiant:.

Tera Steel was chosen to resist Stored Power and Psyshock while maintaining Fairy Resistance, allowing :Clodsire: to beat Stored Power sweepers such as :Hatterene:, :Iron Crown:, and :Latias:.

The EV spread also seems bizarre upon first glance, but it is actually just an optimization of my older spread that allows :Clodsire: to more easily live attacks like Psyshock before using Tera. Shoutouts to NidoTheKing for this optimization, which he discussed here.

Finally, the move selections may seem unorthodox to many, but in my opinion, this is the optimal :Clodsire: set for this meta.

Poison Sting was chosen for a number of reasons. Firstly, it has 56 PP, which ensures that even Calm Mind + Agility :Latias: and :Iron Crown: cannot out-stall :Clodsire:. Secondly, the move does not make contact and has a 30% chance of inflicting poison. As a result, :Clodsire: can freely spam this move against Pokémon like :Volcarona: and Taunt :Raging Bolt: to fish for poison without worrying about activating Flame Body or getting chipped by a Pokémon with a Rocky Helmet switching in.

Poison Jab is also an option for this move slot should you choose as it does have some benefits over Poison Sting, most notably increased base power, but in my experience, I find that Poison Sting is preferable.

Bulldoze was chosen because it has double the PP of Earthquake and still allows :Clodsire: to hit Pokémon like :Gholdengo: and :Iron Crown: super-effectively. The damage drop-off is not material as :Clodsire: isn’t exactly a heavy hitter in the first place.


:Alomomola: is another stall staple.

Scald allows :Alomomola: to fish for burns to cripple opposing Pokémon while Flip Turn lets :Alomomola: Wish Pass seamlessly in front of a variety of Pokémon thanks to minimum speed ensuring that :Alomomola: takes the hit while another team member can receive the Wish unscathed.

Flip Turn also allows :Alomomola: to escape common trapping Pokémon like :Heatran:.

However, there are also a few key deviations from the traditional sets.

Because :Hydrapple: and :Gliscor: are the primary Knock Off absorbers, :Alomomola: no longer needs to fulfill this role.

As a result, :Alomomola: can run Tera Dark. Because :Blissey: does not have Protect on this team, it is up to :Alomomola: alone to stop Future Sight with Protect. Therefore, Tera Dark can alleviate this burden by eliminating the damage from the move completely while :Alomomola: uses protect to avoid damage from the incoming attack. Because :Alomomola: becomes completely immune to Future Sight, being poisoned by :Slowking-Galar: is often manageable when playing around Future Sight. Tera Dark also lets :Alomomola: wall Mixed :Dragapult:, which is otherwise a big threat as this team does not have any other Regenerator Pokémon to assist with this task. However, should you run Tera Fairy on :Blissey: to wall Mixed :Dragapult:, :Alomomola: is free to run Tera Steel instead to have a better matchup versus :Slowking-Galar:.

Finally, instead of maximum Physical Defense, :Alomomola: is running a mixed spread. Once again, due to there being only one Regenerator Pokémon on this team, :Alomomola: needs to be capable of scouting everything from Choice Band :Great Tusk: to Choice Specs :Dragapult: and sponging many different hits while Wish passing.


With DLC 2, :Gliscor: has thankfully returned to stall to resume its role as a defensive menace. :Gliscor: is an extremely powerful progress maker and provides excellent longevity versus fatter teams. However, I am not a fan of the traditional Toxic + Earthquake + Spikes set as it is simply too passive. As a result, I have returned to my signature set which I first featured on my most prominent DLC 1 stall.

Tera Ghost allows :Gliscor: to function as a Rapid Spin blocker under certain conditions, which can be a powerful win condition for the team. It also gives the team a better chance against Pokémon like :Ursaluna: in Trick Room.

Knock Off ensures that :Gliscor: can force progress against teams that rely on Heavy Duty Boots to avoid hazard damage or cripple Pokémon like :Great Tusk: that rely on Leftovers recovery.

Finally, although unorthodox, Poison Jab was chosen over Toxic for a number of reasons.

I was simply tired of :Hatterene: swapping in to :Gliscor: freely to block Spikes and threaten the team back with Calm Mind. By using Poison Jab instead of Toxic, :Gliscor: is able to flip the script and obliterate its nemesis :Hatterene: by dealing super-effective damage and inflicting poison through Magic Bounce. This also eases the burden on :Clodsire: and :Blissey:, as once :Hatterene: is poisoned, it is no longer a threat to sweep the team.

Poison Jab also has the additional benefit of beating another big threat to stall, namely Tera Flying + Taunt :Roaring Moon:. This set has been terrorizing stall for almost a year, but Poison Jab lets :Gliscor: shut it down quickly.

Finally, Poison Jab allows :Gliscor: to beat another annoying Pokémon for stall to deal with, :Clefable:. Like :Hatterene:, :Clefable: has become too accustomed to being able to sit on :Gliscor: and wall it in this meta. Poison Jab ensures that this is no longer the case as :Gliscor: can quickly burn through :Clefable:’s recovery PP. Poison Jab also has more PP than Toxic, so this :Gliscor: set easily wins PP stall handshakes with opposing :Gliscor:.

Shoutouts to duckycrater in the Stall Discord for proposing this innovation. In my opinion, this should now be the preferred set for :Gliscor: on stall.

The version of this team that quacc used does have Toxic :Gliscor:, but as a result he is forced to run Avalanche + Curse :Dondozo: to ensure Taunt + Tera Flying :Roaring Moon: can’t sweep the team easily. Both options are viable.

I have included some replays where Poison Jab :Gliscor: wins games that traditional :Gliscor: sets simply would not have won.


As I always say, although this team is very tough to beat, it is not unbeatable.

This team is very dependent on abilities for healing, as the two most frequently used Pokémon on this team, :Alomomola: and :Gliscor:, require their abilities to perform their roles. Therefore, a Pokémon that can nullify these abilities can be extremely challenging to beat when paired with additional threats.

:Ursaluna: and :Hoopa-Unbound:
Not much needs to be said about these two. Both are borderline un-wallable and have been massive threats to stall since the day they were released. I have included some replays of this team beating these Pokémon.

Recently, there has been some usage of a particularly annoying set with Tera Ghost + Fire Spin + Taunt. As the team stands, there is little counterplay to this Pokémon. Your only hope is to try and catch it on a switch in and fish for status on it with :Clodsire: and/or Tera Ghost :Gliscor:. If this set becomes more popular, running Shadow Ball and/or Tera Ghost on :Blissey: might be advisable.



Aislinn using the team in OUPL Semifinals Tiebreak:

:Great Tusk:


Many thanks to everyone in the Stall Discord and Community. Everyone there is super helpful and passionate about Pokémon which in turn motivates me to build teams and ladder.

In particular, big thanks to quacc for helping me build and ladder with this team.

Thank you to duckycrater and NidoTheKing for impactful innovations and optimizations.

Shoutouts to Pinkacross for the idea to use spoilers to break up text, which he first used in his RMTs.

Finally, while this RMT is a great starting point, it is far from comprehensive. Feel free to ask me any questions about the team or specific matchups in the comments or on Discord. The link to the Stall Discord is here:
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Team is good but do NOT play this team from 6-8 PM US Central, you'll get Storm Zone and then if he's running Meow + Gweezy it's joever...

I do think this is one of, if not the best stall teams this meta, but I do kind of dislike the fact there is no hazard removal whatsoever. There's less flexibility with no Talon, Mandi, or Corv but it doesn't matter too much in this meta (removal is fake anyways I guess).
Peaked #2 (2045 ELO) – Hydrapple Stall

:sv/Hydrapple: :sv/Blissey: :sv/Dondozo: :sv/Clodsire: :sv/Alomomola: :sv/Gliscor:

This team was built by quacc and myself

Table of Contents:
  • Introduction
  • Proof of Peak
  • Team Members
  • Threats
  • Replays
  • Acknowledgments


Following the release of DLC 2, stall has struggled to find a footing in a meta that was once again flooded with a wave of new offensive Pokémon and very few defensive countermeasures. While Highv0ltag3 did find tremendous success with his semi-stall team in the early meta, it quickly became outdated. Despite :Gliscor: dropping from Ubers and initially promising Pokémon like :Deoxys-Defense: returning, there were no truly elite hard stall teams.

With the goal of changing this, I experimented with many different stall teams, but I could not find a 6-Pokémon combination that could withstand the sheer number of threats in the meta. In particular, I found it extremely difficult to beat teams that featured hazard stack + a strong Knock-Off user like :Weavile: or :Meowscarada: which could punish conventional answers like Tera Flying :Alomomola: and :Gliscor: with strong STAB Ice-type attacks.

View attachment 594847

The next day, quacc sent me a DM with an idea he wanted to test out.

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quacc thought it would be cool if we used Tera Ghost :Hydrapple: + Curse + Regenerator to chunk HP off of opposing Pokémon while not losing health ourselves. I took one look at this idea and knew that this idea was spectacular.

Spectacularly garbage that is.

Not only had we tried this before with :Slowking-Galar: and failed miserably, but :Hydrapple: just did not seem like a good Pokémon. It was 4x weak to Ice, had a shallow utility move pool, and while it had high physical defense, it had received 0 increases to those defenses from its previous evolution :Dipplin:.

However, as I took a closer look at that screenshot, I realized something absolutely groundbreaking.

View attachment 594849View attachment 594850

And from there, the team was born.

Proof of Peak

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With this team, quacc and I were able to reach over 2000 ELO with this team multiple times on the ladder and achieve the peaks shown above. quacc also achieved an individual peak of #7 with 2036 ELO using his version of the team.

This team also raised my GXE from around 83% to 86%. If I had to guess, I would say I had an 87-89% GXE while using this team.

Peak Games:

Team Members

View attachment 594853

:Hydrapple: is the star of the show and provides invaluable defensive support for the team. :Hydrapple:’s primary job is to absorb Knock Off from :Weavile: and :Meowscarada: with Tera Ice. Thanks to the Sticky Hold ability, :Hydrapple: cannot lose its item, meaning it can always swap into Knock Off without fear of losing its Heavy-Duty Boots. :Hydrapple: is also unique in this function because it has much higher defenses than :Gastrodon: or :Muk:, and does not rely on its dual-typing to stay hazard-resistant like :Gliscor:. Therefore, :Hydrapple: is free to use Tera Ice to avoid the 50-50 of Knock Off versus Triple Axel that :Alomomola: and :Gliscor: struggle with. As a result, :Hydrapple: is truly the only Pokémon that can fulfill this role.

After switching in, :Hydrapple: can use Giga Drain to recover HP off the Pokémon that switches into it or use Body Press to OHKO a :Weavile: or cripple a :Kingambit: that thinks it has a free switch-in.

In addition to this critical job, :Hydrapple: walls other threatening Pokémon like :Samurott-Hisui:, :Ogerpon-Wellspring:, and Choice Band :Rillaboom: with ease using the combination of Giga Drain and Body Press.

Finally, instead of running a traditional utility move like Dragon Tail, I elected for the "Goob Button".

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With Tera Blast Ice, :Hydrapple: can snatch OHKO’s on Swords Dance + Knock Off :Gliscor:, which is another notorious stallbreaker. I have included many replays of :Hydrapple: beating :Weavile:, :Meowscarada:, and :Gliscor: at the end.

Max defense allows :Hydrapple: to live hits from almost every physical attacker in the meta. 27 Speed IVs ensure that :Hydrapple: is slower than opposing :Alomomola: in case you need to prevent a Wish pass.

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:Blissey:’s job needs no explanation. Calm Mind is used to wall set-up sweepers, allowing :Blissey: and :Clodsire: to split the special wall duties depending on the matchup and preserve recovery PP.

I elected for Seismic Toss over other options like Shadow Ball and Flamethrower because Seismic Toss :Blissey: beats every special attacker in the meta when used in combination with :Clodsire: without needing the additional coverage.

Finally, I chose to use Stealth Rock on :Blissey: as I found that having 2 attacks on :Clodsire: was more valuable than having a move like Protect on :Blissey: instead. However, should you prefer an easier matchup versus :Slowking-Galar:, Protect can be slotted in on :Blissey: and Stealth Rock moved to :Clodsire: instead.

Tera Water is used to wall Tera Water :Walking Wake: in Sun. Tera Fairy is also a viable option depending on the :Alomomola: set you choose, which will be explained below.

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:Dondozo: is another Gen 9 OU stall staple. Unaware ensures that :Dondozo: can wall almost every setup physical attacker in the meta such as :Kingambit:, :Gouging Fire:, and :Roaring Moon:.

I elected to use Curse + Waterfall over my traditional Body Press + Avalanche set as I found much more success with it in this very offense-heavy meta.

Tera Fighting still remains the best tera for :Dondozo: and allows it to beat Tera Dark :Kingambit:.

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With the onslaught of setup sweepers in this meta, :Blissey: is simply not capable of walling everything. As a result, I turned to my signature Amnesia :Clodsire: set. Most importantly, :Clodsire: walls :Archaludon: in Rain, which would otherwise sweep through this team with ease.

:Clodsire: is also great against :Raging Bolt: and the increasingly popular Calm Mind :Iron Valiant:.

Tera Steel was chosen to resist Stored Power and Psyshock while maintaining Fairy Resistance, allowing :Clodsire: to beat Stored Power sweepers such as :Hatterene:, :Iron Crown:, and :Latias:.

The EV spread also seems bizarre upon first glance, but it is actually just an optimization of my older spread that allows :Clodsire: to more easily live attacks like Psyshock before using Tera. Shoutouts to NidoTheKing for this optimization, which he discussed here.

Finally, the move selections may seem unorthodox to many, but in my opinion, this is the optimal :Clodsire: set for this meta.

Poison Sting was chosen for a number of reasons. Firstly, it has 56 PP, which ensures that even Calm Mind + Agility :Latias: and :Iron Crown: cannot out-stall :Clodsire:. Secondly, the move does not make contact and has a 30% chance of inflicting poison. As a result, :Clodsire: can freely spam this move against Pokémon like :Volcarona: and Taunt :Raging Bolt: to fish for poison without worrying about activating Flame Body or getting chipped by a Pokémon with a Rocky Helmet switching in.

Poison Jab is also an option for this move slot should you choose as it does have some benefits over Poison Sting, most notably increased base power, but in my experience, I find that Poison Sting is preferrable.

Bulldoze was chosen because it has double the PP of Earthquake and still allows :Clodsire: to hit Pokémon like :Gholdengo: and :Iron Crown: super-effectively. The damage drop-off is not material as :Clodsire: isn’t exactly a heavy hitter in the first place.

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:Alomomola: is another stall staple.

Scald allows :Alomomola: to fish for burns to cripple opposing Pokémon while Flip Turn lets :Alomomola: Wish Pass seamlessly in front of a variety of Pokémon thanks to minimum speed ensuring that :Alomomola: takes the hit while another team member can receive the Wish unscathed.

Flip Turn also allows :Alomomola: to escape common trapping Pokémon like :Heatran:.

However, there are also a few key deviations from the traditional sets.

Because :Hydrapple: and :Gliscor: are the primary Knock Off absorbers, :Alomomola: no longer needs to fulfill this role.

As a result, :Alomomola: can run Tera Dark. Because :Blissey: does not have Protect on this team, it is up to :Alomomola: alone to stop Future Sight with Protect. Therefore, Tera Dark can alleviate this burden by eliminating the damage from the move completely while :Alomomola: uses protect to avoid damage from the incoming attack. Because :Alomomola: becomes completely immune to Future Sight, being poisoned by :Slowking-Galar: is often manageable when playing around Future Sight. Tera Dark also lets :Alomomola: wall Mixed :Dragapult:, which is otherwise a big threat as this team does not have any other Regenerator Pokémon to assist with this task. However, should you run Tera Fairy on :Blissey: to wall Mixed :Dragapult:, :Alomomola: is free to run Tera Steel instead to have a better matchup versus :Slowking-Galar:.

Finally, instead of maximum Physical Defense, :Alomomola: is running a mixed spread. Once again, due to there being only one Regenerator Pokémon on this team, :Alomomola: needs to be capable of scouting everything from Choice Band :Great Tusk: to Choice Specs :Dragapult: and sponging many different hits while Wish passing.

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With DLC 2, :Gliscor: has thankfully returned to stall to resume its role as a defensive menace. :Gliscor: is an extremely powerful progress maker and provides excellent longevity versus fatter teams. However, I am not a fan of the traditional Toxic + Earthquake + Spikes set as it is simply too passive. As a result, I have returned to my signature set which I first featured on my most prominent DLC 1 stall.

Tera Ghost allows :Gliscor: to function as a Rapid Spin blocker under certain conditions, which can be a powerful win condition for the team. It also gives the team a better chance against Pokémon like :Ursaluna: in Trick Room.

Knock Off ensures that :Gliscor: can force progress against teams that rely on Heavy Duty Boots to avoid hazard damage or cripple Pokémon like :Great Tusk: that rely on Leftovers recovery.

Finally, although unorthodox, Poison Jab was chosen over Toxic for a number of reasons.

I was simply tired of :Hatterene: swapping in to :Gliscor: freely to block Spikes and threaten the team back with Calm Mind. By using Poison Jab instead of Toxic, :Gliscor: is able to flip the script and obliterate its nemesis :Hatterene: by dealing super-effective damage and inflicting poison through Magic Bounce. This also eases the burden on :Clodsire: and :Blissey:, as once :Hatterene: is poisoned, it is no longer a threat to sweep the team.

Poison Jab also has the additional benefit of beating another big threat to stall, namely Tera Flying + Taunt :Roaring Moon:. This set has been terrorizing stall for almost a year, but Poison Jab lets :Gliscor: shut it down quickly.

Finally, Poison Jab allows :Gliscor: to beat another annoying Pokémon for stall to deal with, :Clefable:. Like :Hatterene:, :Clefable: has become too accustomed to being able to sit on :Gliscor: and wall it in this meta. Poison Jab ensures that this is no longer the case as :Gliscor: can quickly burn through :Clefable:’s recovery PP. Poison Jab also has more PP than Toxic, so this :Gliscor: set easily wins PP stall handshakes with opposing :Gliscor:.

Shoutouts to duckycrater in the Stall Discord for proposing this innovation. In my opinion, this should now be the preferred set for :Gliscor: on stall.

The version of this team that quacc used does have Toxic :Gliscor:, but as a result he is forced to run Avalanche + Curse :Dondozo: to ensure Taunt + Tera Flying :Roaring Moon: can’t sweep the team easily. Both options are viable.

I have included some replays where Poison Jab :Gliscor: wins games that traditional :Gliscor: sets simply would not have won.


As I always say, although this team is very tough to beat, it is not unbeatable.

This team is very dependent on abilities for healing, as the two most frequently used Pokémon on this team, :Alomomola: and :Gliscor:, require their abilities to perform their roles. Therefore, a Pokémon that can nullify these abilities can be extremely challenging to beat when paired with additional threats.

:Ursaluna: and :Hoopa-Unbound:
Not much needs to be said about these two. Both are borderline un-wallable and have been massive threats to stall since the day they were released. I have included some replays of this team beating these Pokémon.

Recently, there has been some usage of a particularly annoying set with Tera Ghost + Fire Spin + Taunt. As the team stands, there is little counterplay to this Pokémon. Your only hope is to try and catch it on a switch in and fish for status on it with :Clodsire: and/or Tera Ghost :Gliscor:.


View attachment 594860View attachment 594861

Aislinn using the team in OUPL Semifinals Tiebreak:

:Great Tusk:


Many thanks to everyone in the Stall Discord and Community. Everyone there is super helpful and passionate about Pokémon which in turn motivates me to build teams and ladder.

In particular, big thanks to quacc for helping me build and ladder with this team.

Thank you to duckycrater and NidoTheKing for impactful innovations and optimizations.

Shoutouts to Pinkacross for the idea to use spoilers to break up text, which he first used in his RMTs.

Finally, while this RMT is a great starting point, it is far from comprehensive. Feel free to ask me any questions about the team or specific matchups in the comments or on Discord. The link to the Stall Discord is here:
bro actually had the patience for stall vs stall, congrats on the peak, glory to Big Stall.
Play Rough Wogre kinda fucks with this team, what is your counterplay to it?

Unserious mon but we actually did face that set twice, he did misplay when I played against him and then he missed play rough a different time. If you have Gliscor in then you can toxic it, tera Dozo is actually a good answer (252 Atk Wellspring Mask Ogerpon-Wellspring Play Rough vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Tera Fighting Dondozo: 146-174 (28.9 - 34.5%) -- 5.8% chance to 3HKO) but it needs some wish support from Alomomola and gets very annoying to handle if you have just waterfall. Because it is play rough, you are able to curse on it, which is good. It's not pleasant but it's not the worst thing in the world, just try to understand the threats and what mons you need to save tera for, if you need to save tera for something like a psyshock Gholdengo then you need to predict with a double to Gliscor to toxic and sack it to kill it over time.
ty hydrapple stall for carrying me for reqs. the only change i might suggest is tera fire on hydrapple, since it avoids getting murdered by weavile's low kick or getting chipped too easily from uturn. also helps you (slightly) against kingambit. you do miss the tera ice le epic goob button, but i dont really see the upside of ice over fire since you have permaboots you might as well go for the better not-grass-weak ice resist. if im missing something lmk, but thats really my only quibble with the team. this shit rules

editing in some more thoughts: I think tera psychic is worth considering on blissey. the team as it stands is really weak to psyspam, and specifically the psychic+fighting coverage carried by deo-s and iron crown puts a lot of pressure on blissey and clod to which you cant really respond. i think resisting psyshock, stored power, and expanding force also makes blissey way more consistent against hatterene, another threat to the team. you could play with other psychic resistant teras too, but i havent really missed tera water on blissey at all.
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ty hydrapple stall for carrying me for reqs. the only change i might suggest is tera fire on hydrapple, since it avoids getting murdered by weavile's low kick or getting chipped too easily from uturn. also helps you (slightly) against kingambit. you do miss the tera ice le epic goob button, but i dont really see the upside of ice over fire since you have permaboots you might as well go for the better not-grass-weak ice resist. if im missing something lmk, but thats really my only quibble with the team. this shit rules

editing in some more thoughts: I think tera psychic is worth considering on blissey. the team as it stands is really weak to psyspam, and specifically the psychic+fighting coverage carried by deo-s and iron crown puts a lot of pressure on blissey and clod to which you cant really respond. i think resisting psyshock, stored power, and expanding force also makes blissey way more consistent against hatterene, another threat to the team. you could play with other psychic resistant teras too, but i havent really missed tera water on blissey at all.

Fire is probably viable and you could probably use steel Alomomola at that point (fire Apple would do well against hex Pult), but it's nice to be able to deal with knock ice spinner Tusk without letting Alomomola get knocked. Steel is the other type that was considered. You can change the tera type if you want, but you might hate SD Gliscor. If you change the tera type, use bug buzz, dragon pulse (fickle beam might be too low pp), infestation, or earth power.

As for psychic Blissey, sun is way more common than psyspam. In addition, psychic is generally a pretty poor defensive typing. If you really want to, you could try dark Blissey, but you have steel Clodsire anyways, so that role is not as needed. The only real tera swap you can make on Blissey is to fairy Blissey , which walls mix Pult and the occasional EQ Archa.