Resource Pet Mods Submission Thread

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Pet Mod Name:Item-Pokemon Swap
Pet Mod Concept:A Pet Mod where Pokemon are turned into items and items are turned into Pokemon
Explanation:Each slate,2 Pokemon and 2 Items will be chosen by the council to be swapped(with some FFA slates thrown in every once in a while).This will be a meta where the original Pokemon and Items are unable to be used(a micrometa).
1.Be sensible.Ex:Don't do 150 Attack with Huge Power or something like that.
2.Keep item effects simple.If an Item is overly complex it will be vetoed.
3.While you can take a decent amount of creative liberty with your subs,have them make some sense Ex:No making Wise Lens an SD sweeper when it boosts Special Attack.
4.Custom elements are allowed,but keep them simple.Clones of existing things are preferred.
Example subs:
Item Being Swapped:Focus Sash
Role(s):Suicide Lead,Setup Sweeper
Notable Moves:Earthquake,Zing Zap,Spikes,Stealth Rock,Thunder Wave,Swords Dance,Blah Blah
Description:Focus Sash users are often fast,frail leads wanting an extra turn to do what they do,or setup sweepers needing a free turn to setup.This is both.Sturdy is obvious for ability.
Competitive Description:Yes
Pokemon Being Swapped:Kartana
Item Effects:The holder has 1.2* higher Attack.
Description:Big katana go brrrrrrrr
Competitive Description:Gives a nice,drawbackless boost to Attack.
Miscellaneous:This idea was submitted by ChoiceScarfed a little while ago,but they seem to be inactive so it should be fine to submit this.
Council is just :quagsire:me:quagsire:for now.DM me on Smogon if you want to be council.
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In Multiverse, we will have 8 Pokemon of each Generation and each of those Pokemon will fullfil any niche they had in any generation. The goal is to make a balanced metagame, where all of this Pokemon have at least one viable niche.

How will it work? Each slate will consist of a Generation, meaning there will be 8 slates in total. In these slates, you can submit a Pokemon from that Generation and you can select a role/niche that they had in any Generation and any tier. Buffing them is allowed so that they can fullfil this niche better.

Slate 1
Slate 1 will be Generation, so I would pick these mons: :venusaur::kangaskhan::chansey::zapdos::exeggutor::alakazam::moltres::starmie:
Okay, I have my 8 mons what now? (Disclaimer, you don't need to sub 8 mons, it's just the limit)

Now let's look at each mon. What Venusaur would be interesting? I really like the playstyle that Venusaur has in DPP UU. Maybe that could work?

Venusaur is the king of DPP UU. It's bulky, its STABs Sludge Bomb and Leaf Storm are amazing and it has both recovery and Sleep Powder. Since this is a Gen 8 mod, HP doesn't exist, so it would need new options for it. Mystical Fire makes up for its loss of HP, Slack Off is a better recovery move and base 102 Atk for more viable phyiscal sets.

Niche: DPP UU
Changes: +Mystical Fire, +Slack Off, +20 Atk, -Chlorophyll

Next up, I wanna do RBY Zapdos.

Zapdos is the best Electric-type in RBY OU. It is a late-game sweeper and a great mixed attacker. Its main set uses Thunder Wave to slow down its opponents, therefore I'm going to give it a new ability that allows it to use Thunder Wave against Electric-types. In addition to that I want to give it more Atk to make it a better mixed attacker and more SpD cause of its high Special in RBY.

Niche: RBY OU
Changes: +New Ability, +10 Atk, +10 SpD

I could go on, but I think you get the idea. (Still gonna share some ideas)
:kangaskhan: ADV UU
:chansey: GSC UU
:exeggutor: RBY OU
:alakazam: BW OU
:moltres: BW RU
:starmie: SS NU
[B]Type[/B]: [IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG]
[B]New Moves[/B]:
[B]Removed Moves[/B]:


Pokémon: Venusaur
Niche: DPP UU
Stats: 80/102/83/100/100/80 (545)

Abilities: Overgrow
New Moves: Mystical Fire, Slack Off
Removed Moves: -

Pokémon: Zapdos
Niche: RBY OU
Stats: 90/100/85/125/100/100 (600)

Abilities: Pure Voltage (This Pokemon can paralyse other Pokemon regardless of their typing)
New Moves: -
Removed Moves: -

  1. Custom Elements are allowed as long as they help the Pokemon fullfil their role. Existing Elements can be changed as long as they are a signature move, ability or item.
  2. Ubers are allowed, but they have to be adjusted to the power level of the mod.
  3. You are allowed to make multiple subs for the same format. (If you are a real fan of ADV OU, all of your Pokemon can fullfil this niche)
  4. Unnecessary additions will not be tolerated. For example, my Venusaur doesn't have Chlorophyll, because Venusaur didn't have it in DPP UU and it doesn't add anything to its niche there.
Voting is pretty easy to understand. You have to vote for 8 Pokemon (more or less votes will not count) and they have to be ordered (meaning the 1st place has more points than the 8th place) and Self Votes are allowed, but they can't be 1st place and you can only vote for yourself 2 times. When voting for a Pokemon, you should also mention its niche, cause this makes it clearer when a Pokemon has been subbed more than once. If there are two subs which cover the same Pokemon and the same Niche, then mention the name of the submitter as well.

Here would be an example:

Person A submitted: :venusaur::kangaskhan::chansey::zapdos::exeggutor::alakazam::moltres:(bw ru):starmie:(ss nu)
Person B submitted: :snorlax::charizard::starmie:(adv ou):articuno::arcanine: (This person only submitted 5 mons, which is okay)
Person C submitted: :blastoise::persian::beedrill::marowak::dragonite::slowbro::tentacruel::moltres:(bw ru)

  1. :beedrill: (ORAS UU)
  2. :Venusaur:(DPP UU) (SV)
  3. :Zapdos: (RBY OU) (SV)
  4. :moltres: (BW RU from Person C)
  5. :starmie: (ADV OU)
  6. :charizard: (SM OU)
  7. :slowbro: (RBY OU)
  8. :dragonite: (DPP OU)
Which Rulesets will this mod have?
The Standard Ruleset of SS OU. That means no Z-Moves, Megas, Pursuit or Hidden Power.

What if a dexited Element is crucial for the functioning of the Pokemon?
It depends on the dexited Element. Z-Moves won't return because of problems with the code and general metagame. Hidden Power is really crucial for past gen mons, but they can be replaced with any move that have similar strength. Pursuit is crucial to some Pokemon, so they would gain this move and be the only users of this mod.

What about niches that Mega Evolutions have?
If you submit Charizard, you are allowed to submission for ORAS OU. In this case, Charizard is allowed to be buffed to better fullfil the niche of either of its Megas.

What do I do when I wanted to submit a Blastoise, but someone else took that Pokemon?
You either chose a different niche for Blastoise (i.e. you do ADV UU when the other person did BW UU) or you do a submission for the same niche, but a different approach.

Am I allowed to submit a SS Niche for a Pokemon?
For sure.

Other Stuff: I'm going to be the coder of the mod and we are currently 2 people on the council.
:swampert: ViZar
:articuno: Paulluxx
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Pet Mod Name: Bond Wars
Pet Mod Concept: In this format, everyone can Battle Bond! Pokemon with signature moves get a Mega-like form change after causing one foe to faint.
Explanation: Only 'mons with a signature move will be allowed to Bond format (with a few exceptions, such as the starters, because some moves seem to be a signature move for them, such as hydro pump and petal dance, and Pokemon with signature Z-Moves like Lycanroc, but with Stone Edge as his signature move.) We will start off with only 18 Bonds (not counting Greninja), but more will be submitted by users. Dynamaxing WILL NOT be allowed for Bonders. If that is not possible to prevent specific Pokemon from Dynamaxing, then banning Dynamax in general. Z-Moves will be allowed, as will Mega evolving, but only some Megas will be legal.
*I probably will have a council help decide what Bonds should be made. DM me if interested in joining it
*they MIGHT have custom sprites. I'd gladly help make them, but if you can't, it's okay.
Vantage Point.png

:luxray: Vantage Point :furret:
In this mod, each slate the submitters are given a name that works for an ability and move. If it doesn't work for both, two similar options will be listed. All submitters will submit a fakemon with a custom element named the word given at the start of the slate. This will also be a micrometa where only the fakemon that win. Most custom elements are allowed unless they are broken or annoying.

If anyone has any ideas to make it better, please tell me. Also banner in Paint is banner in paint.
:ss/raboot: :ss/kirlia: :ss/sliggoo: :ss/braixen: :ss/servine:
Ultimate Middle Cup

Description: This is a National Dex based micrometa in which only the middle Pokémon can be used. The Pokémon will be changed and buffed to an OU power level.

1. Any aspect of the Pokémon can be changed as long as it is balanced and makes sense.
2. Only custom abilities will be allowed (no moves/items). Please keep them somewhat simple.
3. Pokémon that had a fully evolved form with a mega/z-move/gmax will get one instead. (ex. Mega Gabite).

Note: Due to the Pokémon being much stronger, Eviolite will be banned.

New Moves:
Removed Moves:

Competitive Description:
Name: Luxio
Type: Electric/Dark
Abilities: Strong Jaw/Intimidate, Anger Point
Stats: 100/130/75/70/60/102, 537

New Moves: Bulk Up, Swords Dance, Volt Tackle
Removed Moves: None

Competitive Description: Hits very strong with Strong Jaw boosted Crunch and has decent speed, allowing it to be a good set-up sweeper.
Voting Rules:
Submission Phase: 5-6 days
Voting Phase: 2-3 days

You may vote for a maximum of 5 people for each Pokémon. You may only vote your own sub in first place for only 1 Pokémon.

To-Do List:

:drakloak:Double Iron Bash:drakloak:
:charmeleon:Regic Boat:charmeleon:
(DM me here on Smogon or on Discord at Krankenwagen#5459 if you want to be on the council)
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:SS/Fidgit: CAP VGC

(ugly banner done by me, meant to be replace when I have more time)

+) Main:
Adding pre-existing CAP to the VGC format (including Standard, Restricted, Dynamax)
+) Extension: Create-a-pokemon for VGC format
The extension, a.k.a the Create a new pokemon part of the mod will be divided into 3 parts for each slates:
Last for 5 days (3-Concept each slates)
+)Voting: Last for 2-3 days (Vote for top 3 for each concept. It's better to not vote for yourself all three)
+)Discussion: Last for a week

:krilowatt: SimpyShrimp
(would be grateful if anybody want to be the council, just DM Wainze#0204 on discord or smogon)
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:ho-oh: :espeon: Return to Orre :lugia: :umbreon:

This is a micrometa that only uses Pokemon obtainable in Coloseum and XD. To bulk out the list a bit more, I have expanded the list to include Gen 4+ evolutions, branched evolutions as well as the Fairy-type. As part of the process, Shadow moves from XD will be turned into usable moves and distributed to Pokemon in the mod. Shadow-type is not part of the mod.

Our slates will also involve buffs/nerfs to Pokemon in the Pokemon here as there's a lot of variety (Ho-oh and Ledian in the same format...). We aren't going to have an Ubers tier so some obviously strong Pokemon will be getting nerfed.

This will be a Nat Dex mod so Megas are here too. Unlike Hoenn Gaiden, this is a Gen 8 mod so all existing moves, abilities and items are here.

Pokemon selection is:
  • The Shadow Pokemon List
  • The PokeSpot Encounters
  • The Beta Shadow Pokemon (Minun, Kecleon, Castform, Whiscash, Wobbuffet, Grumpig and Wailord)
  • Eeveelutions
  • Gift Plusle
  • Reward Ho-Oh
  • Regional Variants of Pokemon already included (Alolan Raticate, Sandslash, Ninetales, Dugtrio, Persian, Muk, Exeggutor and Marowak; Galarian Rapidash, Sirfetch'd, Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres, as well as Perrserker)
Pokemon Change Rules
  • BST changes by +/- 80
  • No Customs
  • No Type Changes
  • Changes should consider the Pokemon's (attempted) role
Pokemon Name:
Role: (e.g. sweeper that relies on x set-up move, special attacker for y type). Again, do not stray too far from the roles they were initially meant to occupy.
Stat Changes (If Any):
Ability Changes (If Any):
Movepool Changes (If Any):
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?: This is the most important part of any submission. I'm not expecting a thesis paper, but you need to provide some pretty compelling reasoning for why when building a team one would use this Pokemon over other options. For example, if you're trying to buff Blastoise, you need to explain to me what substantial niches your submission has over other Shell Smash sweepers and/or bulky Waters depending on which aspect you want to focus on. "Oh it has x coverage move which can hit y for a bit more damage than other mons" is not good enough.
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:glastrier: :zeraora: :reuniclus: Dualization :spectrier: :milotic: :melmetal:

In this Pet Mod, Single-typed Pokémon will get new types added, and those Pokémon can get changed in more aspects to balance them with the typing. Users will be able to add moves, change abilities, and changing stats.

Abra, Absol, Accelgor, Aggron-Mega, Aipom, Alakazam, Alcremie, Alomomola, Ambipom, Ampharos, Arbok, Arcanine, Arceus, Aromatisse, Arrokuda, Audino, Avalugg, Axew, Azelf, Bagon, Banette, Barraskewda, Basculin, Bayleef, Beartic, Beheeyem, Bellossom, Bergmite, Bidoof, Blastoise, Blipbug, Blissey, Blitzle, Boldore, Boltund, Bonsly, Bouffalant, Bounsweet, Braixen, Brionne, Buizel, Buneary, Bunnelby, Burmy, Cacnea, Carnivine, Cascoon, Castform, Caterpie, Chansey, Charmander, Charmeleon, Cherrim, Cherubi, Chespin, Chewtle, Chikorita, Chimchar, Chimecho, Chingling, Cinccino, Cinderace, Clamperl, Clauncher, Clawitzer, Clefable, Clefairy, Cleffa, Clobbopus, Cofagrigus, Comfey, Conkeldurr, Copperajah, Corphish, Corsola-Galar, Corvisquire, Cosmoem, Cosmog, Crabrawler, Cranidos, Cresselia, Croconaw, Cryogonal, Cubchoo, Cubone, Cufant, Cursola, Cyndaquil, Darkrai, Darmanitan, Darmanitan-Galar, Darumaka, Darumaka-Galar, Delcatty, Deoxys, Dewott, Diglett, Ditto, Donphan, Dragonair, Dratini, Drilbur, Drizzile, Drowzee, Druddigon, Dubwool, Dugtrio, Dunsparce, Duosion, Dusclops, Dusknoir, Duskull, Eelektrik, Eelektross, Eevee, Eiscue, Ekans, Eldegoss, Electabuzz, Electivire, Electrike, Electrode, Elekid, Elgyem, Entei, Espeon, Espurr, Exploud, Falinks, Farfetch’d-Galar, Feebas, Fennekin, Feraligatr, Finneon, Flaaffy, Flabébé, Flareon, Floatzel, Floette, Florges, Fomantis, Fraxure, Froakie, Frogadier, Furfrou, Furret, Garbodor, Gigalith, Glaceon, Glalie, Glameow, Glastrier, Gogoat, Goldeen, Golduck, Goodra, Goomy, Gorebyss, Gossifleur, Gothita, Gothitelle, Gothorita, Granbull, Grapploct, Greedent, Grimer, Grookey, Grotle, Groudon, Grovyle, Growlithe, Grubbin, Grumpig, Gulpin, Gumshoos, Gurdurr, Happiny, Hariyama, Hatenna, Hattrem, Haxorus, Heatmor, Herdier, Hippopotas, Hippowdon, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Hitmontop, Horsea, Huntail, Hypno, Illumise, Inteleon, Jangmo-o, Jolteon, Kadabra, Kangaskhan, Karrablast, Kecleon, Kingler, Klang, Klink, Klinklang, Koffing, Komala, Krabby, Kricketot, Kricketune, Kubfu, Kyogre, Leafeon, Lickilicky, Lickitung, Liepard, Lilligant, Lillipup, Linoone, Litten, Lopunny, Loudred, Lumineon, Lurantis, Luvdisc, Luxio, Luxray, Lycanroc, Machamp, Machoke, Machop, Magby, Magikarp, Magmar, Magmortar, Makuhita, Manaphy, Manectric, Mankey, Maractus, Mareep, Marowak, Meganium, Melmetal, Meltan, Meowstic, Meowth, Meowth-Alola, Meowth-Galar, Mesprit, Metapod, Mew, Mewtwo, Mienfoo, Mienshao, Mightyena, Milcery, Milotic, Miltank, Minccino, Minun, Misdreavus, Mismagius, Mudbray, Mudkip, Mudsdale, Muk, Munchlax, Munna, Musharna, Necrozma, Nickit, Nidoran-F, Nidoran-M, Nidorina, Nidorino, Ninetales, Nosepass, Octillery, Oshawott, Pachirisu, Pancham, Panpour, Pansage, Pansear, Passimian, Patrat, Perrserker, Persian, Persian-Alola, Petilil, Phanpy, Phione, Pichu, Pikachu, Pincurchin, Pineco, Pinsir, Piplup, Plusle, Poipole, Politoed, Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Polteageist, Ponyta, Ponyta-Galar, Poochyena, Popplio, Porygon, Porygon-Z, Porygon2, Primeape, Prinplup, Psyduck, Purrloin, Purugly, Pyukumuku, Quilava, Quilladin, Raboot, Raichu, Raikou, Rampardos, Rapidash, Raticate, Rattata, Regice, Regidrago, Regieleki, Regigigas, Regirock, Registeel, Remoraid, Reuniclus, Rillaboom, Riolu, Rockruff, Roggenrola, Rolycoly, Rookidee, Samurott, Sandaconda, Sandshrew, Sandslash, Sawk, Scatterbug, Sceptile, Scorbunny, Seadra, Seaking, Seedot, Seel, Sentret, Serperior, Servine, Seviper, Shaymin, Shelgon, Shellder, Shellos, Shelmet, Shinx, Shroomish, Shuppet, Silcoon, Silicobra, Silvally, Simipour, Simisage, Simisear, Sinistea, Sirfetch’d, Skiddo, Skitty, Skwovet, Slaking, Slakoth, Sliggoo, Slowpoke-Galar, Slugma, Slurpuff, Smeargle, Snivy, Snorlax, Snorunt, Snubbull, Sobble, Solosis, Spectrier, Spewpa, Spinda, Spoink, Spritzee, Squirtle, Stantler, Staryu, Steenee, Stonjourner, Stoutland, Sudowoodo, Suicune, Sunflora, Sunkern, Swalot, Swirlix, Sylveon, Tangela, Tangrowth, Tauros, Teddiursa, Tepig, Thievul, Throh, Thwackey, Timburr, Togepi, Torchic, Torkoal, Tornadus, Torracat, Totodile, Trapinch, Treecko, Trubbish, Tsareena, Turtwig, Tympole, Tynamo, Type: Null, Typhlosion, Tyrogue, Umbreon, Unown, Ursaring, Uxie, Vanillish, Vanillite, Vanilluxe, Vaporeon, Vigoroth, Volbeat, Voltorb, Vulpix, Vulpix-Alola, Wailmer, Wailord, Wartortle, Watchog, Weezing, Whismur, Wishiwashi, Wobbuffet, Wooloo, Wurmple, Wynaut, Xerneas, Xurkitree, Yamask, Yamper, Yungoos, Zacian, Zamazenta, Zangoose, Zebstrika, Zeraora, Zigzagoon, Zoroark, Zorua
Only exceptions to the Pet Mod's rule will be: The Silvally line, and Arceus, since their gimmicks revolve around typing, and it would be weird to see dual-typed Type:Null with regular Silvally.
Plan is to have a main National Dex format, with secondary Ubers and LC formats. Ubers will be done when we finish all the existing non-uber Pokémon, and some NFE mons might be tweaked at the end, but i'm not still sure about that.

Council: (Only me for now, but accepting applications for one or two people before it starts.)
:reuniclus: Moretto :reuniclus:
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Pet Mod Name: SS OU Theorymons
Pet Mod Concept: Examining the effects of small buffs to niche pokemon in the SS OU metagame.
Explanation: This Pet Mod would, for the most part, play within the bounds of what is possible in the games, so custom elements will be disallowed. New pokemon will not be created, and there will be no insane buffs or nerfs. It will just be simple slates of small buffs to existing Pokemon in SS OU, mostly in B rank or lower on the viability rankings. This would be a reworking of the old theorymon project that is now defunct, but would be reworked as a Pet Mod instead. There would be a slate of ~4 suggested buffs and the users would discuss and vote for the buffs, with the winning buff being incorporated into the meta. The buffs would be small stat increases, typing changes, or additions to movepool (Eg, Volcanion + Sheer Force) 4ish slates Id like to make the meta playable, and all further slates would go off the Theorymons meta rather than the OU meta.
Misc: If this gets approved I will be looking for 1-2 council members (and later coding and hosting support)
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Surprise! Let's end off the year with some Pet Mods Approvals, shall we?

Let me preface this by stating that if your mod hasn't been approved yet, that doesn't mean that it's rejected, it was simply not approved at this time. Thus, you can keep in this thread and it may get approved during the next round of approvals.

With that said, the following mods are approved:
:omanyte: PALEOMONS :lileep:
I really like the Paleozoic, Mezozoic and Cenozoic Eras, and pre-historic pokemons always were an interesting concept to me. Thats where the idea about creating this Pet Mod came from.

How it would work: The Slates would be divided into three Categories: New Mons, Fossils Rework and New Forms. These new mons could cover new roles, giving a new taste to the competitive scene. Also, the Pet Mod will be based on the National Dex.

Since Paleomons would take place in the Paleo/Mezo/Ceno, the fossil pokémon wouldnt actually be fossils, so, most of them, would lost the rock typing. this could allow the fossils to have a new "fresh start" in the competitive, maybe changing they stats, a new movepool, typing, abilities, etc.
Typing: ??? (indicate what was the old typing if it changes)
Abilities: ??? (indicate what were the old abilities if it changes)
Stats: ??? (indicate what were the old stats if it changes)

New Moves: ???
Removed Moves: ???

Role: ???

Many kind of animals were very different in the pre-history, so probably the same would happen with the pokémon world. The New forms would work as a way to reference this differences. Competitively, this would work almost as the regional forms, making a lot mons more relevant in the competitive.

Typing: ???
Abilities: ???
Stats: ???

New Moves: ???
Removed Moves: ???

Role: ???

I would probably say this is the "main dish" of the pet mod, since there are a lot of pre-historic creatures that could work as pokémons, making the creature catalog looks more vivid. These new mons could bring new additions to competitive roles, such as walls, sweepers, wallbreakers, hazard setters, etc.

Pokémon: ???
Creature it was based: (will probably be mencioned the species that will be used in the slate)
Typing: ???
Abilities: ???
Stats: ???


Flavor(if you want to): ???

Role: ???

Miscellaneous: For now it still doesnt have a council, just me. But if you want to participate send me a DM. Also, I'm a monkey with coding, so anyone who is willing to help coding is welcome.

And thats it, if you have any question just message me and i will try my best to clarify it to you :roggenrola:
Super cool way to do a flavor-based mod, should be fun to explore the distant past with this one. Approved.


Pet Mod Name: RBY CAP
Pet Mod Concept: A metagame where the CAP Project is applied to an RBY setting for the purpose of researching the RBY OU metagame.
Explanation: This Pet Mod will go through long, detailed slates dedicated to making a Pokemon set up to succeed in RBY OU. Nothing about the base game will be changed, nor will these be quick like The Pokedex Redone. Each slate will be akin to CAP, but optimized for RBY: concept, threat discussion, stats/typing, learnset, counters, and finally, playtesting. There should be a review prior to playtesting.
Miscellaneous: Council would be myself, Plague von Karma, Enigami, and pacattacc. Yak Attack posted nearly this exact thing earlier but has mostly left Pet Mods and has given me permission in DMs to run this.
Extremely cool and unique idea that'll bring members from other communities to Pet Mods. Approved.

Banner by Albatross
View attachment 364578
Crystal: Sevii Islands
The year is 2001, you have been playing Pokémon Crystal, have beaten Red, and completed the Pokédex. Around Christmas time, your grandmother brings you something released exclusively in Japan, and she got it for you! It’s Pokemon Crystal: The Sevii Islands.

The goal of this Pet Mod is to diversify the GSC OU meta and create additions as if generations after generation 2 never existed. The additions will be made as if Pokémon Crystal: The Sevii Islands is a sequel to the original Pokémon Crystal. Flavor wise, this would mean Fakemon should be based as if they exist in the Sevii Islands. Imagine it as if Game Freak asked you to be a part of the creation of the Pokémon Crystal sequel.

Add brand new Pokémon (Fakemon), moves, and items to the GSC OU Metagame. (GSC OU Based Format.)
Physical Moves: Normal, Poison, Ground, Fighting, Bug, Flying, Rock, Ghost.
Special Moves: Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Ice, Psychic, Dark, Dragon.
Hidden Power can be physical depending on its respective type.
  • Types: Fairy-type does not exist, Steel resists Ghost and Dark-type damage.
  • Abilities: Abilities do not exist in generation 2.
  • Team Preview: Team preview does not exist in generation 2, the first Pokémon in your team will always be sent out first.
  • Spikes: Spikes only have one layer, the residual damage will always be 1/8 of the Pokémon's maximum HP.
  • Toxic: Starts out by badly poisoning the target (1/16 HP initial damage, then adds 1/16 each turn) like the later gens, but it becomes normal poison (1/8 every turn) if the user switches out.
  • 999 Stat Limit: The maximum number that a stat can have is 999. If a Pokémon reaches 999 before the +6 stage boost, it'll be unable to boost further. For example, a Snorlax has 999 Attack at +5, so it will unable to hit +6 with Curse (Defense will still boost to +6, if lower).
  • Sleep Talk: Sleep Talk can pick Rest. The Pokémon will regain its HP, and the sleep count will reset to the regular two turns of Rest. (It can save you from the sleep count of Sleep Powder/Hypnosis).
  • Roar/Whirlwind: Phazing in GSC needs to go last to work. Furthermore, Roar/Whirlwind priority is set to -1, so if a Machamp uses Vital Throw against a Skarmory trying to Whirlwind him for instance, both moves happen to have -1 priority but Machamp is slower, resulting in Whirlwind failing.
  • Belly Drum: Normally, Belly Drum cuts half of the user's HP and maximizes its Attack; however, if the Pokémon has less than 50% of its HP, it will show a "But it failed!" message. Regardless of the failed message, your Attack will rise to +2 in GSC.
  • Critical Hits: Considering stat stages range from -6 to +6, if the stat stage for the Attack/Special Attack is equal to or lower than the foe's Defense/Special Defense stage, any stat boosts/drops will be ignored on a critical hit (this includes Reflect/Light Screen and burn status Attack drops). If they are higher, nothing will be ignored. A simple example: Machamp landing a critical hit at +0 Attack against a Starmie behind Reflect will deal MORE damage than if he was at +1 Attack.
  • Mean Look: Substitute does not block Mean Look in GSC (This applies to Spider Web as well).
Check here for a larger list!

  • Slates will consist of Fakemon slates, new move slates, and new item slates.
  • For Fakemon slates, they will mostly be broken into two parts. First, submitters will come up with concepts for Fakemon and vote for the best ones, and second, submitters will create and submit Fakemon based on the winning concepts.
  • There will also be flavor slates where a certain flavor inspired concept will be given as the prompt for Fakemon submissions. (This is done to diversify the flow of slates.)
  • Slates will mostly follow a pattern similar to this: Fakemon - Move - Item.
Submission Guidelines:Nidoking:
First and foremost, if you are submitting for the first time, don't be overly worried about making mistakes! The council will always make sure to give feedback to submissions that need refining for the GSC OU meta.
Feel free to copy these templates! (When you preview your post, the formatting will be normal.)
[B]Pokémon Name[/B]:
[B]Base Stats[/B]:
[B]Notable Moves[/B]:
[SPOILER="Flavor Moves"]
[Here you should include any moves that you give to your submission that aren't intended for competitive use. (Ex. You might give a Normal-type Fakemon Tackle since it's a basic move most Normal-type Pokémon have.)]
[Here you should talk about your Fakemon's competitive use/any flavor related to it.]
[B]Move Name[/B]:
[B]Secondary Effects[/B]:
[Here you should talk about your new move's competitive use/any flavor related to it.]
[B]Item Name[/B]:
[Here you should talk about your new item's competitive use/any flavor related to it.]
Please refer to GSC Mechanical Differences listed above if you are unfamiliar with the differences between new generations and GSC OU.
  • All Pokémon, moves, items, abilities, and mechanics introduced after GSC do not exist in this meta, so that will be very important to remember when making submissions.
  • There are no BST limits, but remember that in GSC all stats can have up to 252 EVs in every stat simultaneously, this means that every stat matters when creating a Fakemon.
  • You can edit your submission at any time before submissions close.
Please note that this is a lot of information, and you are definitely not required/expected to know everything about GSC before making a submission!
Voting opens after submissions are closed. Please wait for some kind of "Voting is open" message before casting votes. Voting templates may vary by slate and will be posted with vote opening messages.
  • You can vote by creating a list of your top choice submissions from most liked to least liked. First place vote gives a submission 3 points, second place vote gives a submission 2 points, and third place vote gives a submission 1 point.
Ex. Fakemon Votes: Person 1 (First Place), Person 2 (Second Place), Person 3 (Third Place), etc.
  • You can vote for as little or as many submissions you want to in each category (this differs if your vote in a category contains a self vote). All points will be weighed on a 3 point scale. This means that after your third place vote, points will count as 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, etc. Votes after third place are still very important because someone can still win even if they have a 1/8 point lead.
Self Voting Rules
  • You can't vote for yourself as first in more than one category.
  • If one of your votes is for yourself, you must vote for at least two other people in that category.

Past Gen and Flavor-Based Mods are really cool and we haven't explored Generation 2 outside of solomds yet, so I'm very interested to see how this one goes. Approved.

Pet Mod Name: Extreme Reboot (this name does not have to be spoken in all caps)
Concept: A mod where everything - types, moves, abilities, items, and Pokemon - are all completely scrapped and rebuilt from the ground up.
Explanation: I'm sure a lot of you have seen the workshop post. The idea behind EXTREME ROULETTEMONS was great, in my opinion, and people seemed to love the first parts, although the later half struggled a bit more for a few reasons. Those reasons I think are completely cut out with this idea while keeping the strengths. Since we're rebuilding everything from the ground up, there needs to be some kind of structure, which I will go through both for those who have not participated in EXTREME ROULETTEMONS and for those who have not seen the workshop post....

- Before the mod starts, we will NOT be having signups! There was no need for that. I tried it last time for reasons that have slipped my mind, but it's worth noting that this is different since I'd imagine many readers would assume this is the same as EXTREME ROULETTEMONS.
- For Step 1, users will submit type charts. These can have any number of types in them, from just 1 to some crazy number like 50 if the submitter so pleases, although it'd be nice to have something smaller than what mainline Pokemon has but is big enough to reduce redundancy within types. You can make them nonsensical, but in EXTREME ROULETTEMONS, the best type charts tended to be the ones that made sense from an outsider's perspective, with an example being Avian beating Piscine because birds are natural predators for fish. You're allowed to make the type matchups go however you please, make something super effective against half the chart for all I care. Just as long as it's the best you can put out.
- For Step 2, we will do something different and allow people to submit statuses. Burn, Sleep, et cetera won't exist anymore, so it'll be up to the users to fill in the gaps there. I'll allow you to submit up to 5, with 3-6 getting voted in. It's worth noting that this slate and the last are the only two where a voting process will happen, the rest will have submissions automatically get in excluding vetos.
- For Step 3, users will submit moves. Each user will get to add up to ten in total, and there's going to be little restraint on what they do with this. The one exception is something where counterplay would be exceptionally constraining, like making a move that instantly knocks out any opponent that isn't of a specific type. Other than that, you're free to do what you want. They can all be status moves, they can all be one type, I don't care. Ideally we don't want too many entry hazards, though, and there may be a rule limiting this in some way even if I haven't thought of one specifically just yet. Volatile statuses similar to Curse, Seeding, and Trapping are allowed to be made here, but you don't have to do anything with those. Field effects are allowed to be made, like Weathers or Terrain. Just note that current ones will be cut even if you can make one that's functionally identical.
- For Step 4, users will submit abilities. Each user will get seven at most. It's worth noting that there will be next to zero limit on what gets added, you can make Wonder Guard 2 for all I care. Just don't make anything that would be broken no matter what Pokemon you give it to. Also, the reason this is after Step 3 is because people are supposed to make things like weather in Step 3.
- For Step 5, users will submit items. This is where balance will especially start being enforced. I don't want any items that are too centralizing or will limit what Pokemon are allowed to be made, since all of them will be able to access these items. You have to build Pokemon with items in mind unless there's an ability like Klutz, and I don't want anyone to be overly limited in that way.
- For Step 6, users will submit Pokemon. I will probably submit one single-typed Pokemon of each type in advance to set a power level, and then I'll have 2 slates for people to submit Pokemon. Everyone will be able to submit exactly one Pokemon for each slate, and everything will automatically get in unless the council steps in and vetoes something. Once you post a Pokemon, you cannot change it unless a council member asks you to veto it.

- Not something I normally like doing since I'd normally rather leave it to democracy and decide important stuff to myself, but I'm looking for council members. The most important thing I'd want is for you to be able to help me edit the main spreadsheet, although input about what to veto would be greatly appreciated. I am not 100% set on making a council, as I might instead ask people to also make their subs in Google Sheets as well. I will be pretty selective about this, and I might end up getting quite a few people asking, so no hard feelings if I don't choose you.
- In case you missed the mention above I might have people make submissions in a Google Sheet as well as a post to the thread. This is not guaranteed yet.
- I've took the time to make a coverage calculator for this mod, which you can find by clicking here. You'll need to look beneath the sheet and check out the formulas in the grayed-out text to understand how it works, but hey, it might be a nice tool to have. Feel free to make a copy to mess around with it or make your own to share with others.
- uuuuhhhhhh idk if there's anything else i should mention lol
- There shouldn't be any issues if both this and RBY CAP get accepted, I should be fully capable of running both. EXTREME ROULETTEMONS is finishing and any other projects I'm helping with don't take as much effort, aside from my channel which wouldn't get in the way of this either.
Extremely ambitious idea and a great next step in the Roulettemons series, should be fine to participate and spectate in. Approved.




In Multiverse, we will have 8 Pokemon of each Generation and each of those Pokemon will fullfil any niche they had in any generation. The goal is to make a balanced metagame, where all of this Pokemon have at least one viable niche.

How will it work? Each slate will consist of a Generation, meaning there will be 8 slates in total. In these slates, you can submit a Pokemon from that Generation and you can select a role/niche that they had in any Generation and any tier. Buffing them is allowed so that they can fullfil this niche better.

Slate 1
Slate 1 will be Generation, so I would pick these mons: :venusaur::kangaskhan::chansey::zapdos::exeggutor::alakazam::moltres::starmie:
Okay, I have my 8 mons what now? (Disclaimer, you don't need to sub 8 mons, it's just the limit)

Now let's look at each mon. What Venusaur would be interesting? I really like the playstyle that Venusaur has in DPP UU. Maybe that could work?

Venusaur is the king of DPP UU. It's bulky, its STABs Sludge Bomb and Leaf Storm are amazing and it has both recovery and Sleep Powder. Since this is a Gen 8 mod, HP doesn't exist, so it would need new options for it. Mystical Fire makes up for its loss of HP, Slack Off is a better recovery move and base 102 Atk for more viable phyiscal sets.

Niche: DPP UU
Changes: +Mystical Fire, +Slack Off, +20 Atk, -Chlorophyll

Next up, I wanna do RBY Zapdos.

Zapdos is the best Electric-type in RBY OU. It is a late-game sweeper and a great mixed attacker. Its main set uses Thunder Wave to slow down its opponents, therefore I'm going to give it a new ability that allows it to use Thunder Wave against Electric-types. In addition to that I want to give it more Atk to make it a better mixed attacker and more SpD cause of its high Special in RBY.

Niche: RBY OU
Changes: +New Ability, +10 Atk, +10 SpD

I could go on, but I think you get the idea. (Still gonna share some ideas)
:kangaskhan: ADV UU
:chansey: GSC UU
:exeggutor: RBY OU
:alakazam: BW OU
:moltres: BW RU
:starmie: SS NU
[B]Type[/B]: [IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG]
[B]New Moves[/B]:
[B]Removed Moves[/B]:


Pokémon: Venusaur
Niche: DPP UU
Stats: 80/102/83/100/100/80 (545)

Abilities: Overgrow
New Moves: Mystical Fire, Slack Off
Removed Moves: -

Pokémon: Zapdos
Niche: RBY OU
Stats: 90/100/85/125/100/100 (600)

Abilities: Pure Voltage (This Pokemon can paralyse other Pokemon regardless of their typing)
New Moves: -
Removed Moves: -

  1. Custom Elements are allowed as long as they help the Pokemon fullfil their role. Existing Elements can be changed as long as they are a signature move, ability or item.
  2. Ubers are allowed, but they have to be adjusted to the power level of the mod.
  3. You are allowed to make multiple subs for the same format. (If you are a real fan of ADV OU, all of your Pokemon can fullfil this niche)
  4. Unnecessary additions will not be tolerated. For example, my Venusaur doesn't have Chlorophyll, because Venusaur didn't have it in DPP UU and it doesn't add anything to its niche there.
Voting is pretty easy to understand. You have to vote for 8 Pokemon (more or less votes will not count) and they have to be ordered (meaning the 1st place has more points than the 8th place) and Self Votes are allowed, but they can't be 1st place and you can only vote for yourself 2 times. When voting for a Pokemon, you should also mention its niche, cause this makes it clearer when a Pokemon has been subbed more than once. If there are two subs which cover the same Pokemon and the same Niche, then mention the name of the submitter as well.

Here would be an example:

Person A submitted: :venusaur::kangaskhan::chansey::zapdos::exeggutor::alakazam::moltres:(bw ru):starmie:(ss nu)
Person B submitted: :snorlax::charizard::starmie:(adv ou):articuno::arcanine: (This person only submitted 5 mons, which is okay)
Person C submitted: :blastoise::persian::beedrill::marowak::dragonite::slowbro::tentacruel::moltres:(bw ru)

  1. :beedrill: (ORAS UU)
  2. :Venusaur:(DPP UU) (SV)
  3. :Zapdos: (RBY OU) (SV)
  4. :moltres: (BW RU from Person C)
  5. :starmie: (ADV OU)
  6. :charizard: (SM OU)
  7. :slowbro: (RBY OU)
  8. :dragonite: (DPP OU)
Which Rulesets will this mod have?
The Standard Ruleset of SS OU. That means no Z-Moves, Megas, Pursuit or Hidden Power.

What if a dexited Element is crucial for the functioning of the Pokemon?
It depends on the dexited Element. Z-Moves won't return because of problems with the code and general metagame. Hidden Power is really crucial for past gen mons, but they can be replaced with any move that have similar strength. Pursuit is crucial to some Pokemon, so they would gain this move and be the only users of this mod.

What about niches that Mega Evolutions have?
If you submit Charizard, you are allowed to submission for ORAS OU. In this case, Charizard is allowed to be buffed to better fullfil the niche of either of its Megas.

What do I do when I wanted to submit a Blastoise, but someone else took that Pokemon?
You either chose a different niche for Blastoise (i.e. you do ADV UU when the other person did BW UU) or you do a submission for the same niche, but a different approach.

Am I allowed to submit a SS Niche for a Pokemon?
For sure.

Other Stuff: I'm going to be the coder of the mod and we are currently 2 people on the council.
:swampert: ViZar
:articuno: Paulluxx
Very creative way of creating a micrometa and I personally find it fun to explore what Pokemon did in past gens, so this is right up my alley and I'm sure a lot of other people's alleys as well. Approved.

:ho-oh: :espeon: Return to Orre :lugia: :umbreon:

This is a micrometa that only uses Pokemon obtainable in Coloseum and XD. To bulk out the list a bit more, I have expanded the list to include Gen 4+ evolutions, branched evolutions as well as the Fairy-type. As part of the process, Shadow moves from XD will be turned into usable moves and distributed to Pokemon in the mod. Shadow-type is not part of the mod.

Our slates will also involve buffs/nerfs to Pokemon in the Pokemon here as there's a lot of variety (Ho-oh and Ledian in the same format...). We aren't going to have an Ubers tier so some obviously strong Pokemon will be getting nerfed.

This will be a Nat Dex mod so Megas are here too. Unlike Hoenn Gaiden, this is a Gen 8 mod so all existing moves, abilities and items are here.

Pokemon selection is:
  • The Shadow Pokemon List
  • The PokeSpot Encounters
  • The Beta Shadow Pokemon (Minun, Kecleon, Castform, Whiscash, Wobbuffet, Grumpig and Wailord)
  • Eeveelutions
  • Gift Plusle
  • Reward Ho-Oh
  • Regional Variants of Pokemon already included (Alolan Raticate, Sandslash, Ninetales, Dugtrio, Persian, Muk, Exeggutor and Marowak; Galarian Rapidash, Sirfetch'd, Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres, as well as Perrserker)
Pokemon Change Rules
  • BST changes by +/- 80
  • No Customs
  • No Type Changes
  • Changes should consider the Pokemon's (attempted) role
Pokemon Name:
Role: (e.g. sweeper that relies on x set-up move, special attacker for y type). Again, do not stray too far from the roles they were initially meant to occupy.
Stat Changes (If Any):
Ability Changes (If Any):
Movepool Changes (If Any):
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?: This is the most important part of any submission. I'm not expecting a thesis paper, but you need to provide some pretty compelling reasoning for why when building a team one would use this Pokemon over other options. For example, if you're trying to buff Blastoise, you need to explain to me what substantial niches your submission has over other Shell Smash sweepers and/or bulky Waters depending on which aspect you want to focus on. "Oh it has x coverage move which can hit y for a bit more damage than other mons" is not good enough.
Exploring the Orre games is sick and a micrometa with only existing mons makes it easy to get into. Approved.

Pet Mod Name: SS OU Theorymons
Pet Mod Concept: Examining the effects of small buffs to niche pokemon in the SS OU metagame.
Explanation: This Pet Mod would, for the most part, play within the bounds of what is possible in the games, so custom elements will be disallowed. New pokemon will not be created, and there will be no insane buffs or nerfs. It will just be simple slates of small buffs to existing Pokemon in SS OU, mostly in B rank or lower on the viability rankings. This would be a reworking of the old theorymon project that is now defunct, but would be reworked as a Pet Mod instead. There would be a slate of ~4 suggested buffs and the users would discuss and vote for the buffs, with the winning buff being incorporated into the meta. The buffs would be small stat increases, typing changes, or additions to movepool (Eg, Volcanion + Sheer Force) 4ish slates Id like to make the meta playable, and all further slates would go off the Theorymons meta rather than the OU meta.
Misc: If this gets approved I will be looking for 1-2 council members (and later coding and hosting support)
I personally adore Theorymon projects and like RBY CAP, this should be a great way to attract new members to our community, so this was an easy approval for us. Approved.

At that's all! Like I said, if your mod wasn't approved yet, sit tight as it may be approved in the future. Enjoy the new mods everyone!
Pet Mod Name: LogicMons
Pet Mod Concept: An old format from SM I would like to revive as an SS-based format. You can see the original and some examples of the kind of changes we're looking for here. The concept is to add and modify features of Pokemon and mechanics based on flavour and lore. I believe the format has interesting new potential with the many new TMs and TRs available in Sword and Shield.
Explanation: Pokedex entries are the best source of lore for this, but other features like animation details and egg groups work. This is a "design" rather than "battling" focused mod, though I do plan to put a bit more of a competitive view to additions than before. Most changes involved vanilla moves and abilities, but there are some pre-existing custom elements, and more additional ones are welcome. My plan to make sure that more of the changes can actually be used is to have a single format on the server, but within it players can agree to play any of the usual tiers from Ubers to ZU (which will be based on vanilla tiers but with some viability-based shifts like in Generations 1-3 to reflect on the new changes.) If we get a temporary Showdown ladder for being PMOTS, then the format on there can be considered to be the OU tier. Unlike the previous version, I plan to allow the playerbase to vote on whether to implement changes.
Miscellaneous: The metagame will be led by a council, which would benefit from having at least one person who was previously involved with the SM version. This will probably have about two more people if possible (message me if you are interested), and then later on if the mod is successful, there may be a separate tier leader to manage each tier. I plan to start with just implementing the SM version's changes, perhaps reviewing a few of them, then vote on new submissions after a slate or two. I am aware that someone took over the format as a Solomod a while ago, but I have been told I am allowed to do this, and that version seems to be dead since the owner hasn't been online for a year and a half. I am able to code the meta (the previous version was just played through custom games, but most changes are simple enough.)

This meta has a Discord, which you are welcome to join to discuss it:
Last edited:
Pet Mod Name: PokeVerse Stadium
Pet Mod Concept: A NatDex based mod that incorporates BDSP/PLA's movepool changes, PLA's new mons, and the IoA/PLA new moves to imagine a world where Dexit never existed. The PLA mons are also given revised movepools.
Explanation: Evolved from a conversation about the PLA mons on showdown. The idea here would be if you could manipulate movesets, build teams and battle within Pokemon Home, with every option at your fingertips.
Miscellaneous: Would be a quick meta to create as there are only 7 new Pokemon and 10 forms in PLA, and the 19 move tutors would be fairly quick to go through. We would need to decide how to implement the PLA moves as their mechanics are different, and so how we translate them is up for interpretation. The key word is 'translate', instead of 'repurpose'.



Burning Jealousy
Corrosive Gas
Dual Wingbeat
Expanding Force
Flip Turn
Grassy Glide
Lash Out
Meteor Beam
Misty Explosion
Mystical Power
Rising Voltage
Scale Shot
Scorching Sands
Skitter Smack
Steel Roller
Terrain Pulse
Triple Axel

Dire Claw
Psyshield Bash
Power Shift
Stone Axe
Springtide Storm
Raging Fury
Wave Crash
Mountain Gale
Victory Dance
Headlong Rush
Barb Barrage
Esper Wing
Bitter Malice
Triple Arrows
Infernal Parade
Ceaseless Edge
Bleakwind Storm
Wildbolt Storm
Sandsear Storm
Lunar Blessing
Take Heart

:basculin: :basculin-blue-striped:
Pet Mod Name: Alternatium EX
Pet Mod Concept: A sequel to the popular Alternatium, this Pet Mod seeks to make a metagame where only Pokemon with alternate forms exist, all alternate forms are separate species, and they are all balanced together for one single metagame. This will be treated ala Clean Slate 2 - brand new metagame, not attached to the original outside of basic premise.
Explanation: As you probably could tell if you participated in the OG, we never got even close to adapting all Pokemom with alternate forms into one metagame, and quite frankly it was most likely not possible without being a cluttered mess of a metagame. This was only exacerbated by the arrival of Pokemon Legends: Arceus and the creation of Hisiuan Formes. So I decided to tackle this by doing it in chunks; this will be the second chunk. Goal is to once again create a balanced metagame with only Pokémon that carry alternate forms. A major difference here is that we will be doing Totem forms! Yay, look forward to that!
:ninjask: :melmetal: :dragapult:
Pet Mod Name: Modern Gen 1
Pet Mod Concept: Format played with Gen1 mechanics and standard National Dex legalities. OU based.
(In other words: National Dex but with gen1 mechanics)
Items, abilities and field effects do not exist.
This metagame is played in the gen1custombattle format, assuming movesets legal in national dex AG (not taking abilities into account). Since items and abilities did not exist in gen1, they are banned. Anything able to trigger a field affect (hazards, room moves, etc) is banned as well, since field effects did not exist in gen1 either. Certain moves and mechanics behave very weirdly in this format, because of the way PS! coded them. Those are accepted as part of the identity of the metagame.
You can find the explanations about certain bans in the F.A.Q. spoiler.

Banned Pokemon
:arceus: Arceus
:calyrex-ice: Calyrex-Ice
:calyrex-shadow: Calyrex-Shadow
:cloyster: Cloyster
:darkrai: Darkrai
:deoxys: Deoxys
:deoxys-attack: Deoxys-Attack
:deoxys-speed: Deoxys-Speed
:dialga: Dialga
:eternatus: Eternatus
:genesect: Genesect
:giratina: Giratina
:gorebyss: Gorebyss
:groudon: Groudon
:ho-oh: Ho-oh
:inteleon: Inteleon
:kyogre: Kyogre
:kyurem: Kyurem
:kyurem-white: Kyurem-White
:kyurem-black: Kyurem-Black
:lugia: Lugia
:lunala: Lunala
:marshadow: Marshadow
:mew: Mew
:mewtwo: Mewtwo
:naganadel: Naganadel
:necrozma-dusk-mane: Necrozma-Dusk-Mane
:necrozma-dawn-wings: Necrozma-Dawn-Wings
:omastar: Omastar
:palkia: Palkia
:pheromosa: Pheromosa
:rayquaza: Rayquaza
:regigigas: Regigigas
:regieleki: Regieleki
:reshiram: Reshiram
:slaking: Slaking
:solgaleo: Solgaleo
:xerneas: Xerneas
:zacian: Zacian
:zamazenta: Zamazenta
:zekrom: Zekrom
:zygarde: Zygarde

Banned Moves
Partial trapping moves (Bind, Clamp, Fire Spin, Infestation, Magma Storm, Sand Tomb, Snap Trap, Thunder Cage, Whirlpool, Wrap)
Fake Out

Species Clause: two Pokemon with the same national pokedex number cannot be used.
Sleep Moves Clause: Players cannot use moves that inflict or otherwise lead to inflicting sleep on foes, such as Sleep Powder or Yawn.
Evasion Clause: a Pokemon cannot have Double Team or Minimize in its moveset.
OHKO Clause: a Pokemon cannot have Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill or Sheer Cold in its moveset.
Field Effect Clause: all moves that enable a lasting field effect (weather, terrains, hazards, rooms, Gravity, Tailwind, Safeguard, Lucky Chant) cannot be in a Pokemon's moveset.
No Item Clause: a Pokemon cannot hold an item.
No Ability Clause: a Pokemon has to have the No Ability ability.
Endless Battle Clause: players cannot intentionally prevent an opponent from ending the game without forfeiting.
V It is recommended to read this before getting into the metagame! V
Keep in mind that none of those mechanics ever was "decided", those are just gen1customgames mechanics.

-MG1 works alot like Gen 1, where crit rate is based off of speed, where there's no physical/special split, and many moves work differently from their modern iterations, and everything has maxed out EVs. Fairy and Steel are physical, while Dark is Special. Dark also is no longer super effective on anything anymore, and steel gets back its resistances to Ghost and Dark. Fire does not resist Steel and Fairy as well.

-Special Attack and Special Defense are still separated statistics. Mystical Fire will only drops Special Attack, Nasty Plot only boosts Special Attack, etc. Because of the way Special is implemented on PS, only Special Attack boosts and drops are shown, so if, for example, a Pokemon's Special Defense drops after taking a Shadow Ball, none of the players will immediately know about it!

-Most moves and all Pokemon are there earliest iterations: for example, Chansey will have its gen1 stats, Blissey its gen2 stats, Rotom appliances will have their old Electric-Ghost typing, Hidden Power Base Power depending on DVs like in Gen2, and Amnesia boosts both Special Defense and Special Attack like it did in gen1, etc. For some reason, certain moves from future generations work differently or just don't work at all. The most important differences in this metagame probably are First Impression never failing, Baton Pass not passing any stats (despite PS! saying it does!!), and Wish/Healing Wish not having any effects. Here is the comprehensive doc where we list everything we know about these mechanics:

-High crit rate moves have an 8x higher crit rate, which means they always crit if your base speed is 64 or higher. EDIT: We just discovered that Cross Chop seems to not work that way for some reason :|
^ It is recommended to read this before getting into the metagame! ^
In each tier, Pokemon are sorted alphabetically.
:Yveltal: Yveltal

S Ranks

:dragapult: Dragapult

:tapu koko: Tapu Koko
:victini: Victini

A Ranks

:corviknight: Corviknight
:garchomp: Garchomp
:gastrodon: Gastrodon
:zeraora: Zeraora

:blastoise: Blastoise
:excadrill: Excadrill
:latias: Latias
:latios: Latios
:magearna: Magearna
:melmetal: Melmetal

:archeops: Archeops
:huntail: Huntail
:terrakion: Terrakion

B Ranks


:landorus: Landorus-Incarnate
:slowbro: Slowbro

:alakazam: Alakazam
:azelf: Azelf
:chansey: Chansey
:heatran: Heatran
:landorus-therian: Landorus-Therian
:ninjask: Ninjask
:tyranitar: Tyranitar

:diancie: Diancie
:gliscor: Gliscor
:jirachi: Jirachi
:milotic: Milotic
:zapdos: Zapdos

C Rank

:blacephalon: Blacephalon
:blissey: Blissey
:celesteela: Celesteela
:clawitzer: Clawitzer
:cresselia: Cresselia
:deoxys-defense: Deoxys-D
:durant: Durant
:golisopod: Golisopod
:greninja: Greninja
:hippowdon: Hippowdon
:infernape: Infernape
:kartana: Kartana
:mimikyu: Mimikyu
:rampardos: Rampardos
:regice: Regice
:salamence: Salamence
:shaymin-sky: Shaymin-Sky
:stakataka: Stakataka
:stunfisk: Stunfisk
:swampert: Swampert

D Rank

D (OU by usage)

Nothing! :heatran: :dragapult: :magearna: :garchomp: :corviknight:
Ninjask Heatran Offense by rarre :magearna: :gastrodon: :dragapult: :corviknight: :alakazam:
Alakazam Offense by Copen :slowbro: :corviknight: :gastrodon: :blissey: :diancie:
Gliscor Slowbro Stall by Copen :magearna: :rampardos: :corviknight: :victini: :latios:
Rampardos Paraspam by Copen
+2 :Terrakion: 628
+2 :blastoise: 508
+2 :Heatran: 504
+2 :Magearna:456
+2 :rampardos: 428
+1 :Volcarona::salamence: 447
:Ninjask: 418
+2 :Gorebyss: :huntail: 404
+2 :Regice: 396
:Zeraora: 384
:Dragapult: 382
+1 :Heatran: 378
:Tapu Koko: :Spectrier: 358
:Greninja: 342
:Alakazam: 338
:Lycanroc: 322
:Latias: :Latios: :Archeops: 318
:Durant: :Kartana: 316
:Infernape: :Terrakion: 314
:Blacephalon: 312
:Garchomp: 302
:Landorus: 300
:Volcarona: :Victini: :Jirachi: :Salamence: :Zapdos: 298
:mimikyu: 290
:Gliscor: :Silvally: 288
:Excadrill: 274
:blastoise: 254
:Heatran: 252
:Corviknight: 232
:Celesteela: 220
:swampert: 218
:Clawitzer: 216
:rampardos: 214
:Blissey: 208
:Gorebyss: :huntail: 202
:Chansey: :Regice: :Diancie: 198
:Golisopod: :Rhyperior: 178
:Gastrodon: 176
:Melmetal: 166
:stunfisk: 162
Minspeed :swampert: 155
Minspeed :Corviknight: 139
:stakataka: 124
Minspeed :diancie: 105
Minspeed :stakataka: 31
You can use the gen8 calculator for your damage calculations. However, there are a couple things to keep in mind:
-> Crits boosts damages by +1.95, don't calc them with the gen8 crit option in the calculator. If both pokemons in the field are level 100, the damages of a critical hit are pretty much equal to the damages dished with at +1 in the offensive stat with a Life Orb. Do not forget that crits ignore all boosts, negative and positive ones, from both the user of the move and the Pokemon the move is targeted against.
-> The physical/special split is not a thing in MG1: certain offensive typings are always special, and some other are always physical. Steel and Fairy are Physical, while Dark is Special.
-> In MG1, all Pokemon default to full EVs investment in each stat.
Currently OU by usage: Alakazam, Blastoise, Corviknight, Dragapult, Excadrill, Ferrothorn, Garchomp, Gastrodon, Gorebyss, Grapploct, Heatran, Huntail, Landorus-Incarnate, Landorus-Therian, Latias, Latios, Magearna, Milotic, Ninjask, Sirfetch'd, Stunfisk, Swampert, Tapu Koko, Terrakion, Victini, Zeraora

Archeops drops to UU from OU
Azelf drops to UU from OU
Hippowdon drops to UU from OU
Infernape drops to UU from OU
Tyranitar drops to UU from OU

Blastoise rises to OU from UU
Ferrothorn rises to OU from UU
Grapploct rises to OU from UU
Huntail rises to OU from UU
Sirfetch'd rises to OU from UU
Stunfisk rises to OU from UU
Swampert rises to OU from UU
Terrakion rises to OU from UU
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon | Use | Usage % | Win % |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1 | Zeraora | 132 | 51.97% | 53.03% |
| 2 | Tapu Koko | 118 | 46.46% | 55.93% |
| 3 | Dragapult | 110 | 43.31% | 51.82% |
| 4 | Corviknight | 96 | 37.80% | 51.04% |
| 5 | Victini | 92 | 36.22% | 46.74% |
| 6 | Garchomp | 72 | 28.35% | 59.72% |
| 7 | Latias | 66 | 25.98% | 57.58% |
| 8 | Magearna | 56 | 22.05% | 44.64% |
| 9 | Gastrodon | 51 | 20.08% | 43.14% |
| 10 | Melmetal | 40 | 15.75% | 52.50% |
| 11 | Gorebyss | 36 | 14.17% | 38.89% |
| 12 | Heatran | 34 | 13.39% | 47.06% |
| 13 | Latios | 32 | 12.60% | 34.38% |
| 14 | Huntail | 29 | 11.42% | 41.38% |
| 15 | Milotic | 28 | 11.02% | 46.43% |
| 16 | Swampert | 27 | 10.63% | 55.56% |
| 16 | Ninjask | 27 | 10.63% | 55.56% |
| 18 | Landorus-Therian | 24 | 9.45% | 29.17% |
| 19 | Excadrill | 23 | 9.06% | 39.13% |
| 20 | Alakazam | 20 | 7.87% | 40.00% |
| 21 | Blastoise | 18 | 7.09% | 38.89% |
| 22 | Landorus | 17 | 6.69% | 58.82% |
| 23 | Stunfisk | 14 | 5.51% | 50.00% |
| 24 | Terrakion | 13 | 5.12% | 46.15% |
| 25 | Ferrothorn | 12 | 4.72% | 66.67% |
| 25 | Sirfetch’d | 12 | 4.72% | 50.00% |
| 25 | Grapploct | 12 | 4.72% | 25.00% |
| 28 | Archeops | 10 | 3.94% | 70.00% |
| 29 | Tyranitar | 9 | 3.54% | 22.22% |
| 30 | Infernape | 8 | 3.15% | 50.00% |
| 31 | Chansey | 7 | 2.76% | 42.86% |
| 31 | Hippowdon | 7 | 2.76% | 42.86% |
| 31 | Zygarde-10% | 7 | 2.76% | 14.29% |
| 31 | Volcarona | 7 | 2.76% | 14.29% |
| 35 | Celesteela | 6 | 2.36% | 66.67% |
| 35 | Nidoking | 6 | 2.36% | 50.00% |
| 35 | Blissey | 6 | 2.36% | 16.67% |
| 38 | Slowbro | 5 | 1.97% | 0.00% |
| 39 | Stakataka | 4 | 1.57% | 100.00% |
| 39 | Hawlucha | 4 | 1.57% | 75.00% |
| 39 | Accelgor | 4 | 1.57% | 75.00% |
| 39 | Regice | 4 | 1.57% | 75.00% |
| 39 | Mimikyu | 4 | 1.57% | 50.00% |
| 39 | Thundurus-Therian | 4 | 1.57% | 50.00% |
| 39 | Musharna | 4 | 1.57% | 50.00% |
| 39 | Falinks | 4 | 1.57% | 50.00% |
| 39 | Azelf | 4 | 1.57% | 25.00% |
| 39 | Golisopod | 4 | 1.57% | 0.00% |
| 49 | Xurkitree | 3 | 1.18% | 100.00% |
| 49 | Cinderace | 3 | 1.18% | 100.00% |
| 49 | Cryogonal | 3 | 1.18% | 66.67% |
| 49 | Diancie | 3 | 1.18% | 66.67% |
| 49 | Shaymin-Sky | 3 | 1.18% | 33.33% |
| 49 | Urshifu-Rapid-Strike | 3 | 1.18% | 33.33% |
| 49 | Heliolisk | 3 | 1.18% | 33.33% |
| 49 | Cresselia | 3 | 1.18% | 33.33% |
| 49 | Gyarados | 3 | 1.18% | 33.33% |
| 49 | Hoopa-Unbound | 3 | 1.18% | 33.33% |
| 49 | Rhyperior | 3 | 1.18% | 0.00% |
| 49 | Barbaracle | 3 | 1.18% | 0.00% |
| 49 | Polteageist | 3 | 1.18% | 0.00% |
| 62 | Suicune | 2 | 0.79% | 100.00% |
| 62 | Deoxys-Defense | 2 | 0.79% | 100.00% |
| 62 | Miltank | 2 | 0.79% | 100.00% |
| 62 | Salamence | 2 | 0.79% | 50.00% |
| 62 | Shedinja | 2 | 0.79% | 50.00% |
| 62 | Kartana | 2 | 0.79% | 50.00% |
| 62 | Florges-Orange | 2 | 0.79% | 0.00% |
| 62 | Rampardos | 2 | 0.79% | 0.00% |
| 62 | Starmie | 2 | 0.79% | 0.00% |
| 62 | Meloetta | 2 | 0.79% | 0.00% |
| 62 | Serperior | 2 | 0.79% | 0.00% |
| 62 | Zapdos | 2 | 0.79% | 0.00% |
| 62 | Kommo-o | 2 | 0.79% | 0.00% |
| 62 | Talonflame | 2 | 0.79% | 0.00% |
| 62 | Goodra | 2 | 0.79% | 0.00% |
| 62 | Turtonator | 2 | 0.79% | 0.00% |
| 62 | Crobat | 2 | 0.79% | 0.00% |
| 62 | Jirachi | 2 | 0.79% | 0.00% |
| 80 | Silvally | 1 | 0.39% | 100.00% |
| 80 | Blacephalon | 1 | 0.39% | 100.00% |
| 80 | Poliwrath | 1 | 0.39% | 100.00% |
| 80 | Zapdos-Galar | 1 | 0.39% | 100.00% |
| 80 | Moltres-Galar | 1 | 0.39% | 100.00% |
| 80 | Shellder | 1 | 0.39% | 100.00% |
| 80 | Jellicent | 1 | 0.39% | 100.00% |
| 80 | Primarina | 1 | 0.39% | 0.00% |
| 80 | Durant | 1 | 0.39% | 0.00% |
| 80 | Skarmory | 1 | 0.39% | 0.00% |
| 80 | Crustle | 1 | 0.39% | 0.00% |
| 80 | Greninja | 1 | 0.39% | 0.00% |
| 80 | Snorlax | 1 | 0.39% | 0.00% |
| 80 | Tauros | 1 | 0.39% | 0.00% |
| 80 | Exeggutor | 1 | 0.39% | 0.00% |
| 80 | Minior-Orange | 1 | 0.39% | 0.00% |
| 80 | Linoone | 1 | 0.39% | 0.00% |
| 80 | Scizor | 1 | 0.39% | 0.00% |
| 80 | Rapidash-Galar | 1 | 0.39% | 0.00% |
| 80 | Gliscor | 1 | 0.39% | 0.00% |
| 80 | Aerodactyl | 1 | 0.39% | 0.00% |
| 80 | Tornadus-Therian | 1 | 0.39% | 0.00% |
| 80 | Steelix | 1 | 0.39% | 0.00% |

Articuno drops to UU from OU
Blacephalon drops to UU from OU
Blastoise drops to UU from OU
Blissey drops to UU from OU
Crobat drops to UU from OU
Greninja drops to UU from OU
Kartana drops to UU from OU
Palossand drops to UU from OU
Shaymin-Sky drops to UU from OU
Terrakion drops to UU from OU
Virizion drops to UU from OU

Azelf rises to OU from UU
Hippowdon rises to OU from UU
Landorus-Therian rises to OU from UU
Tyranitar rises to OU from UU
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon | Use | Usage % | Win % |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1 | Corviknight | 200 | 68.03% | 49.00% |
| 2 | Dragapult | 130 | 44.22% | 56.15% |
| 3 | Victini | 128 | 43.54% | 50.78% |
| 4 | Tapu Koko | 88 | 29.93% | 62.50% |
| 4 | Magearna | 88 | 29.93% | 44.32% |
| 6 | Zeraora | 85 | 28.91% | 54.12% |
| 7 | Garchomp | 78 | 26.53% | 57.69% |
| 8 | Milotic | 75 | 25.51% | 40.00% |
| 9 | Heatran | 60 | 20.41% | 35.00% |
| 10 | Latios | 56 | 19.05% | 37.50% |
| 11 | Alakazam | 46 | 15.65% | 45.65% |
| 11 | Hippowdon | 46 | 15.65% | 28.26% |
| 13 | Excadrill | 45 | 15.31% | 51.11% |
| 14 | Landorus | 38 | 12.93% | 63.16% |
| 14 | Infernape | 38 | 12.93% | 26.32% |
| 16 | Ninjask | 37 | 12.59% | 37.84% |
| 17 | Gastrodon | 36 | 12.24% | 50.00% |
| 18 | Azelf | 28 | 9.52% | 53.57% |
| 18 | Archeops | 28 | 9.52% | 50.00% |
| 20 | Melmetal | 25 | 8.50% | 60.00% |
| 21 | Tyranitar | 23 | 7.82% | 65.22% |
| 22 | Latias | 22 | 7.48% | 45.45% |
| 23 | Gorebyss | 16 | 5.44% | 68.75% |
| 24 | Landorus-Therian | 15 | 5.10% | 40.00% |
| 25 | Zapdos | 13 | 4.42% | 46.15% |
| 26 | Blissey | 12 | 4.08% | 16.67% |
| 27 | Rampardos | 10 | 3.40% | 60.00% |
| 27 | Terrakion | 10 | 3.40% | 50.00% |
| 27 | Jirachi | 10 | 3.40% | 50.00% |
| 30 | Diancie | 9 | 3.06% | 77.78% |
| 30 | Zygarde-10% | 9 | 3.06% | 77.78% |
| 30 | Golisopod | 9 | 3.06% | 33.33% |
| 33 | Salamence | 8 | 2.72% | 25.00% |
| 34 | Swampert | 7 | 2.38% | 57.14% |
| 34 | Hawlucha | 7 | 2.38% | 42.86% |
| 34 | Volcarona | 7 | 2.38% | 42.86% |
| 34 | Slowbro | 7 | 2.38% | 28.57% |
| 38 | Blastoise | 6 | 2.04% | 66.67% |
| 38 | Kartana | 6 | 2.04% | 66.67% |
| 38 | Shaymin-Sky | 6 | 2.04% | 33.33% |
| 38 | Toxapex | 6 | 2.04% | 0.00% |
| 42 | Moltres-Galar | 5 | 1.70% | 60.00% |
| 42 | Virizion | 5 | 1.70% | 40.00% |
| 42 | Greninja | 5 | 1.70% | 0.00% |
| 45 | Celesteela | 4 | 1.36% | 50.00% |
| 45 | Shellder | 4 | 1.36% | 50.00% |
| 45 | Rhyperior | 4 | 1.36% | 25.00% |
| 48 | Regirock | 3 | 1.02% | 100.00% |
| 48 | Steelix | 3 | 1.02% | 100.00% |
| 48 | Hatterene | 3 | 1.02% | 100.00% |
| 48 | Urshifu-Rapid-Strike | 3 | 1.02% | 100.00% |
| 48 | Clawitzer | 3 | 1.02% | 66.67% |
| 48 | Cryogonal | 3 | 1.02% | 66.67% |
| 48 | Regice | 3 | 1.02% | 66.67% |
| 48 | Cinderace | 3 | 1.02% | 66.67% |
| 48 | Ninetales-Alola | 3 | 1.02% | 66.67% |
| 48 | Huntail | 3 | 1.02% | 66.67% |
| 48 | Spectrier | 3 | 1.02% | 33.33% |
| 48 | Polteageist | 3 | 1.02% | 0.00% |
| 48 | Rhydon | 3 | 1.02% | 0.00% |
| 61 | Gliscor | 2 | 0.68% | 100.00% |
| 61 | Shedinja | 2 | 0.68% | 100.00% |
| 61 | Crobat | 2 | 0.68% | 50.00% |
| 61 | Chansey | 2 | 0.68% | 50.00% |
| 61 | Serperior | 2 | 0.68% | 50.00% |
| 61 | Ferrothorn | 2 | 0.68% | 50.00% |
| 61 | Snorlax | 2 | 0.68% | 0.00% |
| 61 | Articuno | 2 | 0.68% | 0.00% |
| 61 | Chandelure | 2 | 0.68% | 0.00% |
| 61 | Blacephalon | 2 | 0.68% | 0.00% |
| 61 | Poliwrath | 2 | 0.68% | 0.00% |
| 61 | Urshifu | 2 | 0.68% | 0.00% |
| 61 | Mamoswine | 2 | 0.68% | 0.00% |
| 61 | Sceptile | 2 | 0.68% | 0.00% |
| 61 | Palossand | 2 | 0.68% | 0.00% |
| 76 | Lycanroc | 1 | 0.34% | 100.00% |
| 76 | Stakataka | 1 | 0.34% | 100.00% |
| 76 | Nidoking | 1 | 0.34% | 0.00% |
| 76 | Starmie | 1 | 0.34% | 0.00% |
| 76 | Tauros | 1 | 0.34% | 0.00% |
| 76 | Keldeo | 1 | 0.34% | 0.00% |
| 76 | Durant | 1 | 0.34% | 0.00% |
| 76 | Tapu Fini | 1 | 0.34% | 0.00% |
| 76 | Glaceon | 1 | 0.34% | 0.00% |
| 76 | Zoroark | 1 | 0.34% | 0.00% |
Alakazam moved from UU to OU
Articuno moved from UU to OU
Blacephalon moved from UU to OU
Blastoise moved from UU to OU
Corviknight moved from UU to OU
Dragapult moved from UU to OU
Gorebyss moved from UU to OU
Heatran moved from UU to OU
Infernape moved from UU to OU
Kartana moved from UU to OU
Milotic moved from UU to OU
Virizion moved from UU to OU

Celesteela moved from OU to UU
Durant moved from OU to UU
Golisopod moved from OU to UU
Mamoswine moved from OU to UU
Swellow moved from OU to UU
Toxapex moved from OU to UU
Volcarona moved from OU to UU
Zygarde-10% moved from OU to UU
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon | Use | Usage % | Win % |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1 | Dragapult | 108 | 45.00% | 58.33% |
| 2 | Corviknight | 97 | 40.42% | 59.79% |
| 3 | Latios | 86 | 35.83% | 38.37% |
| 4 | Tapu Koko | 60 | 25.00% | 53.33% |
| 5 | Victini | 56 | 23.33% | 32.14% |
| 6 | Ninjask | 55 | 22.92% | 47.27% |
| 7 | Garchomp | 52 | 21.67% | 57.69% |
| 8 | Zeraora | 49 | 20.42% | 44.90% |
| 9 | Palossand | 44 | 18.33% | 45.45% |
| 10 | Melmetal | 43 | 17.92% | 34.88% |
| 11 | Alakazam | 41 | 17.08% | 63.41% |
| 11 | Excadrill | 41 | 17.08% | 43.90% |
| 13 | Gastrodon | 37 | 15.42% | 56.76% |
| 14 | Heatran | 36 | 15.00% | 41.67% |
| 15 | Crobat | 30 | 12.50% | 46.67% |
| 15 | Infernape | 30 | 12.50% | 33.33% |
| 17 | Milotic | 27 | 11.25% | 37.04% |
| 18 | Omastar | 24 | 10.00% | 37.50% |
| 19 | Cloyster | 22 | 9.17% | 50.00% |
| 20 | Landorus | 21 | 8.75% | 47.62% |
| 21 | Kartana | 19 | 7.92% | 42.11% |
| 22 | Greninja | 18 | 7.50% | 50.00% |
| 22 | Blacephalon | 18 | 7.50% | 44.44% |
| 22 | Articuno | 18 | 7.50% | 27.78% |
| 25 | Terrakion | 17 | 7.08% | 47.06% |
| 26 | Gorebyss | 16 | 6.67% | 56.25% |
| 26 | Latias | 16 | 6.67% | 50.00% |
| 28 | Virizion | 15 | 6.25% | 40.00% |
| 29 | Blastoise | 14 | 5.83% | 71.43% |
| 30 | Blissey | 13 | 5.42% | 69.23% |
| 31 | Archeops | 11 | 4.58% | 36.36% |
| 32 | Keldeo | 9 | 3.75% | 77.78% |
| 32 | Cresselia | 9 | 3.75% | 77.78% |
| 32 | Volcarona | 9 | 3.75% | 33.33% |
| 32 | Golisopod | 9 | 3.75% | 33.33% |
| 32 | Golurk | 9 | 3.75% | 22.22% |
| 37 | Zapdos | 8 | 3.33% | 50.00% |
| 37 | Thundurus | 8 | 3.33% | 37.50% |
| 37 | Durant | 8 | 3.33% | 25.00% |
| 40 | Crustle | 7 | 2.92% | 71.43% |
| 40 | Polteageist | 7 | 2.92% | 57.14% |
| 40 | Magearna | 7 | 2.92% | 28.57% |
| 43 | Regice | 6 | 2.50% | 66.67% |
| 43 | Salamence | 6 | 2.50% | 16.67% |
| 43 | Hippowdon | 6 | 2.50% | 16.67% |
| 46 | Jumpluff | 5 | 2.08% | 80.00% |
| 46 | Diancie | 5 | 2.08% | 60.00% |
| 46 | Gliscor | 5 | 2.08% | 40.00% |
| 46 | Charizard | 5 | 2.08% | 20.00% |
| 50 | Empoleon | 4 | 1.67% | 75.00% |
| 50 | Slowking | 4 | 1.67% | 75.00% |
| 50 | Chansey | 4 | 1.67% | 50.00% |
| 50 | Kyurem | 4 | 1.67% | 25.00% |
| 50 | Tentacruel | 4 | 1.67% | 25.00% |
| 55 | Manaphy | 3 | 1.25% | 66.67% |
| 55 | Silvally | 3 | 1.25% | 33.33% |
| 55 | Volcanion | 3 | 1.25% | 33.33% |
| 55 | Lapras | 3 | 1.25% | 33.33% |
| 59 | Toxapex | 2 | 0.83% | 100.00% |
| 59 | Celesteela | 2 | 0.83% | 100.00% |
| 59 | Sirfetch’d | 2 | 0.83% | 100.00% |
| 59 | Electrode | 2 | 0.83% | 50.00% |
| 59 | Kommo-o | 2 | 0.83% | 50.00% |
| 59 | Spectrier | 2 | 0.83% | 50.00% |
| 59 | Shaymin | 2 | 0.83% | 50.00% |
| 59 | Turtonator | 2 | 0.83% | 50.00% |
| 59 | Sceptile | 2 | 0.83% | 0.00% |
| 59 | Blaziken | 2 | 0.83% | 0.00% |
| 59 | Roserade | 2 | 0.83% | 0.00% |
| 59 | Zygarde-10% | 2 | 0.83% | 0.00% |
| 59 | Lycanroc | 2 | 0.83% | 0.00% |
| 59 | Tyranitar | 2 | 0.83% | 0.00% |
| 59 | Tauros | 2 | 0.83% | 0.00% |
| 74 | Bastiodon | 1 | 0.42% | 100.00% |
| 74 | Zapdos-Galar | 1 | 0.42% | 100.00% |
| 74 | Gengar | 1 | 0.42% | 100.00% |
| 74 | Exeggutor | 1 | 0.42% | 100.00% |
| 74 | Landorus-Therian | 1 | 0.42% | 100.00% |
| 74 | Necrozma | 1 | 0.42% | 100.00% |
| 74 | Dragonite | 1 | 0.42% | 100.00% |
| 74 | Meloetta | 1 | 0.42% | 100.00% |
| 74 | Shedinja | 1 | 0.42% | 100.00% |
| 74 | Kingdra | 1 | 0.42% | 100.00% |
| 74 | Clawitzer | 1 | 0.42% | 100.00% |
| 74 | Hawlucha | 1 | 0.42% | 0.00% |
| 74 | Celebi | 1 | 0.42% | 0.00% |
| 74 | Drapion | 1 | 0.42% | 0.00% |
| 74 | Gallade | 1 | 0.42% | 0.00% |
| 74 | Steelix | 1 | 0.42% | 0.00% |
| 74 | Tapu Fini | 1 | 0.42% | 0.00% |
| 74 | Ferrothorn | 1 | 0.42% | 0.00% |
| 74 | Mamoswine | 1 | 0.42% | 0.00% |
| 74 | Quagsire | 1 | 0.42% | 0.00% |
| 74 | Jirachi | 1 | 0.42% | 0.00% |
| 74 | Shaymin-Sky | 1 | 0.42% | 0.00% |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon | Use | Usage % | Win % |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1 | Melmetal | 54 | 71.05% | 44.44% |
| 2 | Kyurem | 53 | 69.74% | 47.17% |
| 3 | Inteleon | 27 | 35.53% | 55.56% |
| 4 | Victini | 22 | 28.95% | 54.55% |
| 4 | Zeraora | 22 | 28.95% | 31.82% |
| 6 | Tapu Koko | 19 | 25.00% | 63.16% |
| 7 | Ninjask | 16 | 21.05% | 81.25% |
| 8 | Garchomp | 15 | 19.74% | 53.33% |
| 9 | Gastrodon | 13 | 17.11% | 38.46% |
| 10 | Crobat | 12 | 15.79% | 50.00% |
| 11 | Celesteela | 11 | 14.47% | 36.36% |
| 12 | Latios | 10 | 13.16% | 70.00% |
| 13 | Archeops | 8 | 10.53% | 62.50% |
| 14 | Palossand | 7 | 9.21% | 71.43% |
| 14 | Latias | 7 | 9.21% | 28.57% |
| 16 | Terrakion | 6 | 7.89% | 66.67% |
| 16 | Greninja | 6 | 7.89% | 33.33% |
| 16 | Blissey | 6 | 7.89% | 16.67% |
| 19 | Swellow | 5 | 6.58% | 60.00% |
| 19 | Durant | 5 | 6.58% | 40.00% |
| 19 | Meloetta-Pirouette | 5 | 6.58% | 40.00% |
| 22 | Landorus | 4 | 5.26% | 100.00% |
| 22 | Excadrill | 4 | 5.26% | 50.00% |
| 22 | Mamoswine | 4 | 5.26% | 50.00% |
| 22 | Golisopod | 4 | 5.26% | 50.00% |
| 22 | Toxapex | 4 | 5.26% | 25.00% |
| 22 | Volcarona | 4 | 5.26% | 25.00% |
| 22 | Zygarde-10% | 4 | 5.26% | 25.00% |
| 29 | Landorus-Therian | 3 | 3.95% | 66.67% |
| 29 | Doublade | 3 | 3.95% | 66.67% |
| 29 | Jumpluff | 3 | 3.95% | 33.33% |
| 29 | Deoxys-Defense | 3 | 3.95% | 0.00% |
| 33 | Tyranitar | 2 | 2.63% | 100.00% |
| 33 | Breloom | 2 | 2.63% | 100.00% |
| 33 | Lycanroc | 2 | 2.63% | 100.00% |
| 33 | Jirachi | 2 | 2.63% | 50.00% |
| 33 | Dragapult | 2 | 2.63% | 50.00% |
| 33 | Thundurus-Therian | 2 | 2.63% | 50.00% |
| 33 | Silvally | 2 | 2.63% | 50.00% |
| 33 | Starmie | 2 | 2.63% | 50.00% |
| 33 | Corviknight | 2 | 2.63% | 50.00% |
| 33 | Smeargle | 2 | 2.63% | 50.00% |
| 33 | Zapdos | 2 | 2.63% | 0.00% |
| 44 | Golurk | 1 | 1.32% | 100.00% |
| 44 | Hippowdon | 1 | 1.32% | 100.00% |
| 44 | Moltres | 1 | 1.32% | 100.00% |
| 44 | Rotom-Frost | 1 | 1.32% | 100.00% |
| 44 | Alakazam | 1 | 1.32% | 100.00% |
| 44 | Infernape | 1 | 1.32% | 100.00% |
| 44 | Omastar | 1 | 1.32% | 100.00% |
| 44 | Cobalion | 1 | 1.32% | 100.00% |
| 44 | Tornadus-Therian | 1 | 1.32% | 100.00% |
| 44 | Gallade | 1 | 1.32% | 100.00% |
| 44 | Mew | 1 | 1.32% | 100.00% |
| 44 | Articuno | 1 | 1.32% | 0.00% |
| 44 | Suicune | 1 | 1.32% | 0.00% |
| 44 | Aegislash | 1 | 1.32% | 0.00% |
| 44 | Charizard | 1 | 1.32% | 0.00% |
| 44 | Swampert | 1 | 1.32% | 0.00% |
| 44 | Metagross | 1 | 1.32% | 0.00% |
| 44 | Weavile | 1 | 1.32% | 0.00% |
| 44 | Serperior | 1 | 1.32% | 0.00% |
| 44 | Dracozolt | 1 | 1.32% | 0.00% |
| 44 | Jolteon | 1 | 1.32% | 0.00% |
| 44 | Gliscor | 1 | 1.32% | 0.00% |
| 44 | Jellicent | 1 | 1.32% | 0.00% |
| 44 | Minior | 1 | 1.32% | 0.00% |
| 44 | Aerodactyl | 1 | 1.32% | 0.00% |
| 44 | Lanturn | 1 | 1.32% | 0.00% |
| 44 | Hawlucha | 1 | 1.32% | 0.00% |
| 44 | Magnezone | 1 | 1.32% | 0.00% |
| 44 | Chesnaught | 1 | 1.32% | 0.00% |
| 44 | Uxie | 1 | 1.32% | 0.00% |
| 44 | Amoonguss | 1 | 1.32% | 0.00% |
| 44 | Chansey | 1 | 1.32% | 0.00% |
| 44 | Guzzlord | 1 | 1.32% | 0.00% |
The explanations for the most recent bans can be found in the Discord.
-Why is X banned?
> Partial trapping moves:
You may already know about this, but partial trapping moves are much stronger in generation 1 than what they are in modern generations. They completely prevent the opponent from moving for 2-5 turns, and work even if the opponent switches in and then moves first. Trapping moves introduced in later gens still prevent the opponent from moving, but you are not locked into them. Infestation and Magma Storm are both completely ridiculous, with the former sporting 100% accuracy and the latter being a whopping 120 BP. Rather then deal with each problem move individually, it was decided that they would be banned as a group, much like sleep moves.
>Fake Out:
Fake out never fails, and can be used any turn. I let you imagine how dumb that can be lol.
This might be surprising to people unfamiliar with the metagame, but Inteleon was actually probaby the single best Pokemon in the MG1 metagame before its ban. Even in a meta where everything has a full investment in bulk, Snipe Shot - which is a stab move that always crit due to gen1 mechanics (keep in mind that crits pretty much double your damages in gen1) - was incredibly strong. Coupled to its access to Blizzard and U-Turn, Inteleon had the all the tools needed to rule the metagame, and was pretty much considered mandatory in any team. We made usage stats before its ban, and it unsurprisingly was found in 94% of teams.
> Why is Baton Pass unbanned?
In MG1, Baton Pass actually doesn't pass your stats, despite Showdown saying it does (Visual bug).
> Why are reflect and light screen not banned, are they not field-effects?
Reflect and Light Screen have vastly different properties in Gen 1, doubling your defense/special defense when hit by a physical/special move instead of halving physical damage for your team for 5/8 turns. Thus, they are not field moves in gen1: they technically are status!
>Why are weather settings move (Hail, Sunny Day, etc...) not banned despite being field effect?
Because those move do not work for some reason. Same goes for Terrain moves. In case you are wondering: yes, we tested with abilities, and for some reason those work. Abilities are not available in this metagame, however.
>Why is Dracovish unbanned?
Due to it losing Strong Jaw, its access to choice items, and Fishious Rend being special, Dracovish is much, much less threatening to face. The DVs mechanics making everything bulkier does not help, of course.
>Why is Spectrier unbanned?
In gen1, Ghost is physical, and Spectrier has 65 in Atk. Talk about beating a dead horse.
>Why is Protect not banned? You can spam the move, but it will never fail.
Even if unbreakable Protect sounds busted on paper, in practice it is actually not an easy move to abuse. So far we didn't really found a way to make the move very hard to deal with, especially since burn, poison and leech seed are awfully bad in Gen1. At the time of writing, it is mostly seen on a couple niche block + status + protect sets, which are for now pretty uncommon.
> How does Special work?
It doesn't. Each non gen1 Pokemon keeps both of its special stats separated, despite the teambuilder only showing special as special attack. Gen 1 mons have equal special attack and defense according to their gen 1 special. Moves like Nasty Plot only raise Special Attack. Amnesia gives +2 to both Special Defense and Special Attack, because that's the way it worked in gen1. Because of the way Special is implemented on PS, Special Defense drops/rises are not shown.
> How do the new types apply?
Dark, Fairy and Steel all function properly defensively, but Fire does not resist Steel and Fairy, Poison does not resist Fairy and Dark is not super effective against Ghost or Psychic. Dark is pretty much neutral against everything bar Steel, Fairy and Dark.
Also, Fairy is physical.
AP5Fanboy (Tier Leader)

The MG1 community is small but active! If you want to explore the metagame with us, make sure to join our Discord server:
/challenge gen1customgame @@@ gen8nationaldex, -Bind, -Clamp, -Fire Spin, -Infestation, -Magma Storm, -Sand Tomb, -Snap Trap, -Thunder Cage, -Whirlpool, -Wrap, -Spikes, -Toxic Spikes, -Stealth Rock, -Sticky Web, -all abilities, +No Ability, Freeze Clause Mod, !Sleep Clause Mod, Sleep Moves Clause, -all items, -Fake Out, -Wonder Room, -Trick Room, -Magic Room, -Lucky Chant, -Tailwind, -Safeguard, -Gravity, !obtainable, -Mew, -Inteleon, -Regigigas, -Regieleki, -Slaking, -Kyurem, -Omastar, -Cloyster, -Gorebyss +Cinderace, +Darmanitan-Galar, +Dracovish, +Urshifu-Base, +Tornadus-Therian, +Dragapult, +Landorus-Base, +Baton Pass, +Spectrier, +Magearna, +Shaymin-Sky, +Yveltal, !teampreview
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Pet Mod Name: DPP Ability Mix (subject to change)

Pet Mod Concept: DPP OU with abilities overhauled and re-distributed, based on Pokémon type instead of species

Explanation: This is a proposed twist on the main series games as a spin-off that maintains the same Pokémon and game mechanics, with the only change being that abilities are distributed based on a Pokémon's type rather than a Pokémon's species. Each type will be subject to a number of new abilities (greater than 2, less than 10) that it can use in battle.

These abilities will be a mixture of old abilities which already exist, and completely new abilities with new effects. Some of these abilities will have effects which currently do not exist in the battle simulator, such as new weather effects, new auras and new ways to interact with status effects.

Pokémon will also have access to unique abilities in addition to the typed abilities they are provided. These abilities will be added at my discretion, but also will be submitted by the community for each OU-present Pokémon. These unique abilities will be in addition to the type-based abilities that they are entitled to.

As a balancing and learning aid, the Pokémon's abilities will be revealed to the opponent upon the Pokémon itself being revealed in battle.

Working Example

Take the below four Pokémon as an example of how this will look:

:dp/machamp: :dp/infernape: :dp/heatran::dp/gengar:

:machamp: Machamp is pure Fighting type and thus learns the following abilities:

Brute ForceTacticalFighting Aura

:machamp: Machamp has a singular typing and is able to run special abilities that single-typed Pokémon have access to:

TechnicianMystery Power

:infernape: Infernape is a mixed Fire & Fighting type, and thus has access to the following abilities:

SteamerFlame BodyTemperate

Brute ForceTacticalFighting Aura

:heatran: Heatran is a mixed Fire & Steel type, and thus has access to the following abilities:

SteamerFlame BodyTemperate

ArmorlessDense ArmorReflective

:gengar: Gengar is a mixed Poison & Ghost type, and thus has access to the following abilities:

VenomousSafety HazardPollution

UnphazedSpooky AuraIntimidate

:gengar: Gengar also has the following unique ability (due to either my discretion or community vote):


Yep, it'll be that simple. All other mechanics, aspects and interactions in DPP will be the same. Pokémon do however lose their original DPP abilities (unless they regain it back through either type-based abilities or its unique ability).


My proposition below on structure, aim, goals, and community inclusion:

  • Once this mod opens, it will be the only mod that I will work on until it is completed. Thus, it will have my unidivided attention towards its development. (yes, I am on the Crystal: Sevii Islands council as support; that mod's direction is ran by the community, however, and 'we the council' just steer the ship on course).
  • This mod will be playable from the start with the type-based abilities added to every Pokémon. Items will be banned during this period to allow us to focus on ability interactions, with revisions around this being made in the future.
  • Continuous revision will be applied to the game. Feedback will be appreciated and I will attempt to be as communicative as possible with anybody partaking in the mod.
  • I will keep an updated document on all abilities' effects in the game on a webpage for easy access for players. To reiterate, these abilities are visible in battle to your opponent once the Pokémon is revealed.
  • This mod is entirely for fun. If a competitive scene is born out of it, I will attempt my hardest to work this into the mod as it develops.
  • If, for whatever reason, I decide to no longer work on this mod, anybody may feel free to request to take it over. I also don't mind if anybody wants to off-shoot or create their own version of this Pet Mod at any stage.
  • Since I may potentially lose interest in this Pet Mod at any stage, every step along the way of the project aims to keep the mod both playable and enjoyable in case of such a scenario. As mentioned before, this will also be left for anybody to pick up and take over.
  • The primary end-goal is simple: to give all OU Pokémon and (some special selections from lower tiers) unique abilities. That is to say, this mod will flesh out out every Pokémon in a different manner to current DPP OU and create a new constrasting way of understanding the tier and the Pokémon that exist within it.
  • Pokémon's stats, typing, movepool are not to be changed in this Pet Mod. If something is overpowered, we rework its unique ability if this is the root cause. If it is still overpowered, we ban it.
  • If an ability is overpowered, we rework it until it isn't. If an ability creates non-interactions, is uncompetitive, or just generally makes the game unfun to play, we remove it and replace it with a new ability.
Community Inclusion
  • I'll be perfectly honest here; I'm planning to run this show almost entirely by myself. As things start out, I'll be fully in charge of the programming, direction, balancing and moderation of this Pet Mod.
  • I haven't decided on the submission process yet, as to do so I will need to gauge the interest of who wants to partake in this Pet Mod and potential contributors will remain engaged with the project.
  • For now, the general idea is that we collaborate on new unique abilities for the OU Mons. I will vouch for inclusion and discussion for every community member - knowing DPP OU is not a prerequisite for contributing.
Other Stuff

Some tier adjustments will happen in due time - for example Slaking and Regigigas will be quickbanned. Wobbuffet, Wynaut, Arena Trap users, Sand Veil users will be unbanned. Salamence and Shaymin-Sky may be suspected at some stage. Suicune, Snorlax, Heatran and Latias will be monitored carefully.

Don't know what else to say for now, other than that I'm already working on this and have concept drafts for the type-based abilities written up. Click here to view them. I won't go live with the mod until the tier is fully playable with these abilities. Catch ya later!

EDIT 01/06:

Unfortunately I am no longer intending to start-up this Pet Mod. If each round of approvals has a cap on the number permitted then please skip over mine for the sake of fairness to the other submitters. If anybody wishes to take up this concept, I am happy to pass over the torch.
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Pet Mod Name

Pet Mod Concept
A OU NatDex format where the only moves that are usable are the one's a pokemon learns from their level-up movelist.
What you see on the tin is exactly what you get! Pokemon have their movelists condensed to an extreme degree, and are stuck to what they naturally learn.
Items are also restricted to just Damage Boosting Type Items(Think Charcoal/Dragon Fang), Big Root, Leftovers, Shell Bell, Leek, Thick Club, and the Weather Rocks.
This wildly warps one's perception of each pokemon! With powerful tools now extremely limited, one must rethink how they can build their teams...
The PM aspect would be exclusively reworking/changing weaker, unused moves that, due to their limited distribution, will inherently have interesting domino-like effects through the PM.
No type changing, or new pokemon, in-fact, it's not even adding moves to pokemon, it's simply reworking shitty things like Slam, Fury Swipes, etc, and making something really fresh. No level-up moves are to be banned/removed from something, nor added, what they get is what they're stuck with.
Sorry :delibird: make way for :lucario: and their MASSIVE level up movelist.
Worth noting is almost every pokemon gets at least an 80bp STAB move in their movelist, as well as some stat debuffer... Really, it's pretty cool seeing what they have to work with, and you'd be surprised at how functional they still are.

This is a fully playable OM actually(technically), so if you ever want to, you can just make a team and go a few rounds on your own time right now!
Feel free to hit me up if you ever want to try it out, it's some good fun. :woo:
(:toxapex: :gigalith: Are both 'mons that are cool, Gigalith is one of the few with SR! Also lmao Scald is gutted to just like :Simipour: and :Volcanion:)
I'm going to leave it at this, the concept is very simple and is already playable.
It was a beautiful April morning when a new channel opened on our peaceful Smogcord with a fascinating post about something we all hungered for,

“Gimmick: The "gimmick" for this generation is called Armor. This armor is an item that gives you a 3rd typing, new ability / stats, and a special 5th move called armor burst, which destroys your armor but has powerful effects. Works sorta like Primal Reversion in that the forme change happens on entry, but you can only have one per team like mega evolution.”

The world was set ablaze by this revelation. We were starved for even a peep of gen 9. Unfortunately in the end this all turned out to be fake, but what if it wasn’t?

Armormons OU seeks to incorporate the mechanics of this fake leak and bring them to life in OU.

Armor is an item similar to the cross between a mega stone and a Z crystal. When it is equipped on a Pokémon it grants a new ability and stats as well as a third typing.The Pokémon may also choose to burst its armor, unleashing a powerful signature move but losing its armor in the process.
Pet Mod Name: Building Character

Pet Mod Concept: In this mod, we will create pokemon based on the characteristics pokemon are assigned in-game.

Explanation: for every slate, users will create a pokemon based on a characteristic. For example, they will asked to create a pokemon based loosely of the characteristic "loves to eat". These characteristics are up for interpretation so "loves to eat" can be anywhere from a high hp pokemon to a pokemon that utilizes A berry strategy. Creativity is welcomed and encouraged because of this. Custom elements are allowed but balance will still be kept in mind as this will be micro-meta of 30 pokemon based off each of the characteristics.

Miscellaneous: I haven't decided if there will be a council but if some people are up for it @me on discord. This format is also natdex to give access to as many moves as possible when creating these pokemon.
Signature Restrictions

This is a mod based on Restrictions, but the twist is that the Pokemon act as a signature Pokemon for Pet Mod users, with those users being able to set the restrictions for their Pokemon. Users can sign up for a slot and three will be randomly picked for a slate.

Slate 1
The applicants were ViZar, Scoopapa, AquaticPanic, Magmajudis, Mossy Sandwich, Paulluxx, DuoM2 and many more (pls don't feel offended if I didn't mention you) and the randomizer chose Scoopapa, Mossy Sandwich and DuoM2

Now those three have to set 4 restrictions for their Pokemon. In this regard this mod will work as regular Restrictions and it will have the same rules for submissions and voting.


(Note: The ideas have been taken from Restrictions, but this is how they could look like.)

Other Stuff: The council only consists of me currently and DuoM2 (cause he forced me, kappa) and I'm going to be the coder of this mod.
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Pet Mod Name: Ability Wipe
Pet Mod Concept: Every pokemon has had their abilities taken away from them, and new and existing abilities need to be redistributed to recreate the metagame with a whole new set of abilities.
(NatDex OU Based)

This mod will run in a cycle between 2 different slates back and forth starting with the Ability Introduction Slate.

Each person will be allowed to nominate 2 abilities, old or new, to join the metagame. Sometimes I may ask specifically for only new or existing abilities, but if not specified you can use your brain juices to their fullest and give any 2 abilities your heart sees fit. You could nominate Magic Guard, Intimidate, Moxie, or just come up with something brand new and wild. nce nominations end, we will move to the voting stage where people will vote for 2 abilities they wish to join the metagame from the pool of nominations.

Once voting is completed and the 2 new abilities are decided on, we move onto the Ability Distribution Slate, where you will now distribute the 2 abilities that were just voted into the metagame. These abilities can be distributed to any legal pokemon EXCEPT for any pokemon that had the nominated ability previously. (i.e Landorus-Therian would be barred from getting Intimidate). When the abilities begin distribution, 2 pokemon may be nominated per ability per person, so a nomination should be 4 pokemon total. Once nominations end, the pokemon are thrown into a pool and are voted on and any pokemon that receives a 60% majority vote (suspect test rules) will be accepted and will receive their new ability.

When voting begins you will receive a ballot like so:

:bisharp: :
:weavile: :
:tapu fini: :
:necrozma: :
:golisopod: :

and you will vote like so:

:bisharp: : Yes
:weavile: : Yes
:tapu fini: : No
:necrozma: : No
:golisopod: : Yes

Some abilities when voted in may be marked with a limited distribution, this would be a special case for an ability that would be a bit much if it was distributed to 8-10 pokemon, so instead a number will be given and instead the top # of pokemon will get the ability.

Mold Breaker gets voted in, we believe it is too much to distribute it massively so we limit it to 3 pokemon. Even if 7 pokemon reach the 60% majority vote, only the top 3 would receive the ability given how powerful the ability is. (Just an example, not sure if I would limit Mold Breaker to 3)

Banlist: NatDex OU Bans.
As the meta goes on and new abilities are given pokemon may end up getting nerfed or banned to Ability Wipe Ubers, depends on how far I'll go with the mod on if it will be worth it to form an Ubers tier. Other than that the basic NatDex Ubers mons apply

Miscellaneous: I believe this will be very interesting because a good amount of pokemon rely on their ability to be good like Pelipper, and others could be good if they had a decent ability like Archeops or even something like the Regis given good abilities. It could mold and shape the metagame into something that feels familiar, yet very different and new. No other changes will be made to the pokemon, no stats, move changes, nada. This will focus only on the abilities alone.

Currently no council is formed for this yet, but I'm not against a council. I'm very ambitious for this so I'd go alone if I had to, but if anybody is interested in being a part of this hmu.
Pet Mod Name: IdealDex
Pet Mod Concept: The IdealDex mod( ID for short), is a mod where the Pokemon world is rebooted in my ideal way. (Cyrus/Volo goal XD)
Explanation: The IdealDex mod will have Pokemon changes to their types, evolution, name, form, abilities, moves, items, and mechanics. These changes will be made as progress is made on the IdealDex. There will be slates for recommendations by users of changes that they think are ideal. There are a few rules to keep in mind.
  • Pokemon can have only 2 abilities except for mythicals. Mythicals can only have 1 ability.
  • Mythical Pokemon are mostly the box art legendaries and a few other Pokemon that were buffed to Mythical status. Mythical Pokemon will be banned from regular play but legendaries are allowed.
  • New moves are allowed if they have a basis in the game already like turning a gmax move or z-crystal move into a nerfed version of itself like Clangorous Soulblaze to Clangorous Soul.
  • Stat boosts should be limited unless its a change due to the Pokemon becoming part of an evolution line or form.
  • Changing a Pokemon or form to a new Pokemon with name should be limited.
Slate Example:
Pokemon Name / Move / Ability

Change(s): Fire/Dragon, Blaze / Levitate
Wildfire(Move): Status / 5 PP / The user creates a sea of fire that damages all non-Fire type Pokemon on the field for four turns.

Miscellaneous: The IdealDex Mod does not have a council at the moment but would love to get one set up.
I already have a spreadsheet started with some changes but these changes can be changed depending on the results of the slate if this Pet Mod gets approved. Here is a link of it for anyone interested in seeing some of the changes that could be made in the IdealDex Mod.

Thank you for reading
Nick Names
Description: A Nat Dex based metagame in which certain abilities are replaced with new abilities using a specific set of rules.
1. Each Slate will consist of 4 abilities, with each ability having 2+ words in its name.
2. Submitters must change one word of each ability name to make a new ability. (ie. Sand Force -> Speed Force or Sand Box)
3. Submitters can then change the effect of the old ability to match is new name.
4. All the users of the original ability will retain the new ability, even if it may not make sense flavorwise. (Bc it makes the meta funny and chaotic)
5. Submitters can also add or replace abilities from other mons with the new ability. (Note: You can only replace an ability if the ability you are replacing only has single word. ie. Speed Force can replace Stakeout but can't replace Flame Body from another mon.
Pet Mod Name: Eternamax For All
Pet Mod Concept: Distributing Eternamax forms to every Pokémon possible
Explanation: Slates will be themed around certain Pokémon, such as “Starters” or “Regional Birds” or things like that. Not all Eternamax forms will have as high of a BST as Eternatus, and the BST is tied to the original BST.
BST < 250 = 800-850 BST in Eternamax form
BST = 251-350 = 850-900 BST in Eternamax
BST = 351-460 = 900-950 BST in Eternamax
BST = 461-570 = 950-1020
BST = 571-719 = 1020-1150
BST > 720 = Over 1150
You can give the Eternamax form new typing, ability, and a new signature move unlike Eternatus. This is to make it so it's not just "give pokemon big stats". Try to explain the new form using flavor.
Pokemon: Eternatus
Typing: Poison/Dragon
New Stats: 255/115/250/125/250/130 (1125)
New Ability: Pressure
New Moves: None
Flavor: As a result of Rose's meddling, Eternatus absorbed all the energy in the Galar region. It's now in a state of power overload.
i didn't care enough to write new flavor so i just copied and pasted the pokedex entry
Competitive: lol
Miscellaneous: we have like 3 people or smth
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Anti-Democratic Society
(Or ADS for short)
Description: Everyone submits pokemon based on a slate. Submissions will be vetoed if they don't fit with the slate. After the submission phase is over, everyone will vote for up to 3 submissions they want to be vetoed. You can also vote for less than 3 submissions to be vetoed. After 3 or less submissions get vetoed, I put all the submissions on the wheel of randomness and spin it to get the random winner(s). Bonus points for the short version of it being Ads.​
Hey everyone! The Pet Mods staff team has been talking privately and came to the conclusion that we would have only one more full round of approvals for this generation. With Scarlet and Violet right around the corner, we felt it would be best if we stopped our consistent four-month schedule since there are quite a few complications with starting a new Pet Mod right before a generation begins. The final round of approvals for Generation 8 will take place in June. If you have any Pet Mod ideas that you'd like to submit, please make sure to do so before then!

However, that's not all I have to say.

:basculin: :basculin-blue-striped:
Pet Mod Name: Alternatium EX
Pet Mod Concept: A sequel to the popular Alternatium, this Pet Mod seeks to make a metagame where only Pokemon with alternate forms exist, all alternate forms are separate species, and they are all balanced together for one single metagame. This will be treated ala Clean Slate 2 - brand new metagame, not attached to the original outside of basic premise.
Explanation: As you probably could tell if you participated in the OG, we never got even close to adapting all Pokemom with alternate forms into one metagame, and quite frankly it was most likely not possible without being a cluttered mess of a metagame. This was only exacerbated by the arrival of Pokemon Legends: Arceus and the creation of Hisiuan Formes. So I decided to tackle this by doing it in chunks; this will be the second chunk. Goal is to once again create a balanced metagame with only Pokémon that carry alternate forms. A major difference here is that we will be doing Totem forms! Yay, look forward to that!

Fresh Takes V4
Each slate, 3 pokemon and 3 "Takes" are posted. Each pokemon must be submitted to fit one of the 3 Takes. Takes contain a rule for the pokemon's Typing, Stats, Ability, and Movepool, which all must be followed. You can submit multiple pokemon based on the same Take, but you may not submit one pokemon multiple times.

EX: The three pokemon are
, &

and the three Takes are:

Take 1: filler
Take 2: filler
Take 3: filler

You are allowed submit
, &
all under Take 1
You are not allowed to submit
for Take 1,
for Take 2,
for Take 3, because you submitted Charizard multiple times.

For Type, the rule of a Take is based around being single/double typed, and keeping/changing the original type of the pokemon
For Stats, the rule of a Take is based around placing certain limits on base stats. (Unless there is an exception, the maximum BST of a pokemon cannot be above 570)
For Abilities, the rule of a Take is more varied than all the rest. Sometimes it will be based on Singles ability rankings, other times it will not
For Movepool, the rule of a Take is based on movepool additions/removals, which can also be based on type changes

As for custom moves/abilities, they may only be added to a pokemon when a Take allows them to be added, and they must be balanced & easy to code.

Voting will be based on the pokemon, not the Take. In our example, you would vote for the
, &
you want to add to the meta, rather than the Take 1, Take 2, or Take 3 you want to add to the meta.

You will vote for 3 of each pokemon in order: 1st gets 3 points, 2nd gets 2 points, 3rd gets 1 point.

For self votes, you may vote for any of your own submissions, but they cannot be 1st place.

Fresh Takes has always been a really cool concept to me, but V3 is dead and the owner has not posted on smogon for over a year. This would be a reboot of Fresh Takes V3, meaning that we would be starting from scratch.

The pokemon created in Fresh Takes will be based on the Gen 8 OU meta. However, pokemon that are currently not in Gen 8 OU (meaning snapped pokemon) will be included in the slates. Moves that have been snapped will not return.
These two mods are both pretty popular and definitely warrant having new iterations. Both of these have been approved, you are free to open threads for them whenever you'd like!

anyways this is my 1000th post on smogon so give me your reacts
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