this one´s for you, DrD
battle 165 vs ace trainer chloe (leggies)
trick-air slash, air slash-flinch, air slash-t-wave, charm-air slash
I set up registeel (note: double CH flinching air slash in the middle)
registeel kills moltres and is at 162 HP, behind a substitute
in comes entei
entei is a difficult one, because the movesets are quite different, I had an interesting battle against the roaring one with reflect and shuca (I think it survived a +4quake from chomp), then there is the fire fang set that doesn´t do much damage, etc....
so I decide to straight up attack
entei uses CM, registeel used iron head 65%
entei uses overheat, sub broke, registeel used iron head, entei fainted
chloe sent out regigigas, no problem, right?
gigas used focus blast, CH, registeel fainted...worst move in the game shows its face (the damage difference is humongous, 22-28 for a non CH vs the CH dmg of 168-200, roughly x8)
ok now I´m scared and go check the moveset, it can´t learn ice beam I tell myself (more like I hope it doesn´t know that, at the same time I know gigas is a bitch and probably a 3HKO with outrage even)...
217HP / 130def / 145spA, wise glasses and AP,focus blast,earth power and something would obviously use focus blast on chomp
focus blast does 69-82 (37.7-44.8%)
outrage does 94-112/217 (max 51%)
I think I have an allright shot at winning this, unless gigas gets a sD drop
I quake and it focus blasts (it connects so I start to pray "please no sD drop, please no sD drop"), doesn´t get a sD drop
I outrage and it focus blasts again, hitting, I´m like "please no CH, please no CH, please no...swearing" garchomp fainted ... ... ...
a MF critical hit...
3/3 focus blasts hit and 2/3 were CHs, that´s pretty convenient, I guess
what annoys me the most about this...if I hadn´t changed my EV spread on registeel and had used a careful one, it would´ve survived the CH focus blast at full health 100% of the current one had a 37.5% chance to do so (rand. 91-100 CH kills me)...
obviously if you want a long streak, you should PP waste air slash and set up garchomp against a legendary trainer, you know... ;) I just didn´t feel like waiting so long
anyway, I thought I´ve created a good enough strategy to beat gliscor3 when it leads...but I faced it as the last pokémon at #56 and was just one guillotine hit away from losing
it was against a cyclist and I set up chomp on altaria (who got a CH DM on steel with its last PP), second poké was crobat so I was forced to outrage and it broke my sub with air slash, gliscor held on its sash and countered the outrage, then it missed with guillotine against 100HP steel
also had three ridiculous battles with gastrodemon which my team at the current state (no recover) has a pretty bad shot at beating properly (I set up chomp on gastro4 and registeel even set up on mud bomb gastro2 after eating a muddy water CH lol)...
oh yeah, why I think the HGSS hax is even worse than I was training registeel against my in-game rival, his sneasel got 4 CHs in a row with icy wind :)
battle 165 vs ace trainer chloe (leggies)
trick-air slash, air slash-flinch, air slash-t-wave, charm-air slash
I set up registeel (note: double CH flinching air slash in the middle)
registeel kills moltres and is at 162 HP, behind a substitute
in comes entei
entei is a difficult one, because the movesets are quite different, I had an interesting battle against the roaring one with reflect and shuca (I think it survived a +4quake from chomp), then there is the fire fang set that doesn´t do much damage, etc....
so I decide to straight up attack
entei uses CM, registeel used iron head 65%
entei uses overheat, sub broke, registeel used iron head, entei fainted
chloe sent out regigigas, no problem, right?
gigas used focus blast, CH, registeel fainted...worst move in the game shows its face (the damage difference is humongous, 22-28 for a non CH vs the CH dmg of 168-200, roughly x8)
ok now I´m scared and go check the moveset, it can´t learn ice beam I tell myself (more like I hope it doesn´t know that, at the same time I know gigas is a bitch and probably a 3HKO with outrage even)...
217HP / 130def / 145spA, wise glasses and AP,focus blast,earth power and something would obviously use focus blast on chomp
focus blast does 69-82 (37.7-44.8%)
outrage does 94-112/217 (max 51%)
I think I have an allright shot at winning this, unless gigas gets a sD drop
I quake and it focus blasts (it connects so I start to pray "please no sD drop, please no sD drop"), doesn´t get a sD drop
I outrage and it focus blasts again, hitting, I´m like "please no CH, please no CH, please no...swearing" garchomp fainted ... ... ...
a MF critical hit...
3/3 focus blasts hit and 2/3 were CHs, that´s pretty convenient, I guess
what annoys me the most about this...if I hadn´t changed my EV spread on registeel and had used a careful one, it would´ve survived the CH focus blast at full health 100% of the current one had a 37.5% chance to do so (rand. 91-100 CH kills me)...
obviously if you want a long streak, you should PP waste air slash and set up garchomp against a legendary trainer, you know... ;) I just didn´t feel like waiting so long
anyway, I thought I´ve created a good enough strategy to beat gliscor3 when it leads...but I faced it as the last pokémon at #56 and was just one guillotine hit away from losing
it was against a cyclist and I set up chomp on altaria (who got a CH DM on steel with its last PP), second poké was crobat so I was forced to outrage and it broke my sub with air slash, gliscor held on its sash and countered the outrage, then it missed with guillotine against 100HP steel
also had three ridiculous battles with gastrodemon which my team at the current state (no recover) has a pretty bad shot at beating properly (I set up chomp on gastro4 and registeel even set up on mud bomb gastro2 after eating a muddy water CH lol)...
oh yeah, why I think the HGSS hax is even worse than I was training registeel against my in-game rival, his sneasel got 4 CHs in a row with icy wind :)