Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

this one´s for you, DrD

battle 165 vs ace trainer chloe (leggies)

trick-air slash, air slash-flinch, air slash-t-wave, charm-air slash
I set up registeel (note: double CH flinching air slash in the middle)

registeel kills moltres and is at 162 HP, behind a substitute

in comes entei

entei is a difficult one, because the movesets are quite different, I had an interesting battle against the roaring one with reflect and shuca (I think it survived a +4quake from chomp), then there is the fire fang set that doesn´t do much damage, etc....

so I decide to straight up attack

entei uses CM, registeel used iron head 65%
entei uses overheat, sub broke, registeel used iron head, entei fainted

chloe sent out regigigas, no problem, right?

gigas used focus blast, CH, registeel fainted...worst move in the game shows its face (the damage difference is humongous, 22-28 for a non CH vs the CH dmg of 168-200, roughly x8)

ok now I´m scared and go check the moveset, it can´t learn ice beam I tell myself (more like I hope it doesn´t know that, at the same time I know gigas is a bitch and probably a 3HKO with outrage even)...

217HP / 130def / 145spA, wise glasses and AP,focus blast,earth power and something would obviously use focus blast on chomp

focus blast does 69-82 (37.7-44.8%)
outrage does 94-112/217 (max 51%)

I think I have an allright shot at winning this, unless gigas gets a sD drop

I quake and it focus blasts (it connects so I start to pray "please no sD drop, please no sD drop"), doesn´t get a sD drop

I outrage and it focus blasts again, hitting, I´m like "please no CH, please no CH, please no...swearing" garchomp fainted ... ... ...

a MF critical hit...

3/3 focus blasts hit and 2/3 were CHs, that´s pretty convenient, I guess

what annoys me the most about this...if I hadn´t changed my EV spread on registeel and had used a careful one, it would´ve survived the CH focus blast at full health 100% of the current one had a 37.5% chance to do so (rand. 91-100 CH kills me)...

obviously if you want a long streak, you should PP waste air slash and set up garchomp against a legendary trainer, you know... ;) I just didn´t feel like waiting so long

anyway, I thought I´ve created a good enough strategy to beat gliscor3 when it leads...but I faced it as the last pokémon at #56 and was just one guillotine hit away from losing

it was against a cyclist and I set up chomp on altaria (who got a CH DM on steel with its last PP), second poké was crobat so I was forced to outrage and it broke my sub with air slash, gliscor held on its sash and countered the outrage, then it missed with guillotine against 100HP steel

also had three ridiculous battles with gastrodemon which my team at the current state (no recover) has a pretty bad shot at beating properly (I set up chomp on gastro4 and registeel even set up on mud bomb gastro2 after eating a muddy water CH lol)...

oh yeah, why I think the HGSS hax is even worse than I was training registeel against my in-game rival, his sneasel got 4 CHs in a row with icy wind :)
this one´s for you, DrD

battle 165 vs ace trainer chloe (leggies)

A dedication from someone as skilled as you? Such an honour!

... heh, leggies.

entei is a difficult one, because the movesets are quite different, I had an interesting battle against the roaring one with reflect and shuca (I think it survived a +4quake from chomp), then there is the fire fang set that doesn´t do much damage, etc....

so I decide to straight up attack

Oh, so even the elite players don't have a foolproof solution for move decisions against Entei? Man, I thought I was a noob... I guess the Tower really is as hard as I thought. The move Roar is pure annoyance and frustration (Lucario and Houndoom come to mind, and Whirlwind Skarmory).

gigas used focus blast, CH, registeel fainted...worst move in the game shows its face (the damage difference is humongous, 22-28 for a non CH vs the CH dmg of 168-200, roughly x8)

Ah, so that's why it's dedicated to me. Good old CH Focus Blast on +6 Steel. I thought Stone Edge was the worst move in the game... in Jumpman's mind, perhaps. The ridiculous difference in crit/non-crit damage on set-up pokes is why I hope they change that mechanic in Black and White... knowing Game Freak, I'm probably asking for too much there.

focus blast does 69-82 (37.7-44.8%)
outrage does 94-112/217 (max 51%)

Interesting fact: Adamant Salamence's Outrage, 205 Attack (used by Bozo and I) does 108 - 127 (49.8% - 58.5%) to that Regigigas. In other words, basically a 2HKO.

a MF critical hit...
Please stop complaining about critical hits, they're a wonderful game mechanic that adds a whole new level of depth to the game. I hope they up the chance of a CH to 1 in 8 in Black/White, because I just love 'em.

what annoys me the most about this...if I hadn´t changed my EV spread on registeel and had used a careful one, it would´ve survived the CH focus blast at full health 100% of the current one had a 37.5% chance to do so (rand. 81-100 CH kills me)...

Did you ever mention your reason for changing to that new Registeel?

it was against a cyclist and I set up chomp on altaria (who got a CH DM on steel with its last PP), second poké was crobat so I was forced to outrage and it broke my sub with air slash, gliscor held on its sash and countered the outrage, then it missed with guillotine against 100HP steel

Similar to a high-streak battle in my recent 463 run, where fully setup Salamence missed Outrage on Brightpowder Charizard - AncientPower breaks Sub, next Outrage misses again, AncientPower crit (or the first one raised stats, can't remember). Can't remember how I ended up killing it, but Registeel got a full setup somehow, ended up with the same situation of breaking Sub and I only won due to a Guillotine miss. It's reassuring, yet equally offputting, to know that even Peterko has the same troubles.

oh yeah, why I think the HGSS hax is even worse than I was training registeel against my in-game rival, his sneasel got 4 CHs in a row with icy wind :)

My worst was in Platinum though, where Cynthia's Spiritomb got 5 CH Dark Pulses in a row.
Interesting fact: Adamant Salamence's Outrage, 205 Attack (used by Bozo and I) does 108 - 127 (49.8% - 58.5%) to that Regigigas. In other words, basically a 2HKO.

hello my name is "All Statboost"
1. you won´t finish me off with your second outrage unless you CH (haha)
2. my second ancientpower will finish you off (110-130 dmg, unboosted does 74-88 dmg)

that one is more probable than a focus blast CH in 2 hits

this game´s so wonderful, isn´t it?

yeah, but again, we wouldn´t be making CH jokes (whining is so 2009) if I had played it correctly and set up garchomp...setting up steel with all those legends it hits for NVE damage just asks for such a situation :/

oh yeah, prominent battle armor pokémon probably can´t stop laughing about these kind of (CH) problems

the reason why I´m using 181-120-200-x-172-71 registeel is because it takes physical hits like a superman (they tend to CH more often) and 100% kills marowak which has ended a streak of mine twice already, etc. the damage calcs for this spread are hidden somewhere in my older posts

I wanted to outsmart the AI with that and it sent me a postcard: "yo, wanna? special CH"

also latias has protect now, to allow me to trick and survive a gliscor guillotine onslaught (figure it out yourselves) and the move is very good on many other occasions, like meta4 got only 2 and 4 MM hits in our last two meetings (but still managed to be a bitch, oh my)

I´ve had 242 battles with protect and it´s cool, but no recover makes gastrodon hell on earth

btw., worst attack(s) in the game: stone edge, focus blast, meteor mash

to each his own
As I mentioned last year, I have a 100% successful method for 4x Ice-weak Dragons to win (Dragonite and Garchomp can use this, but not Salamence as it can't learn Fling). I used Garchomp in my case: Have the dragon hold a Razor Fang and use Fling, thus flinching Weavile to ruin its Sash, then KO with Outrage. Trust me, it works (AI is too stupid to use Ice Shard on the second turn). Then, replace Fling with whatever your third attack move was after defeating all Ice and Dark types.

It works with Garchomp, but I don't know for sure if max-speed Dragonite at level 100 outspeeds lowest-possible-level Weavile (that's why I do Ice and Dark first anyway, for lowest levels).

Level 76 is the highest level that Weavile is beaten by an Adamant lv100 252Spd Dragonite. However, at that level, Dragonite can easily KO with two Extremespeeds. (This is all calculated with Weavile's IVs at 21, if they're lower it's even easier to beat). It's past battle 170 Dragonite starts having trouble, I reckon it can easily reach the second frontier brain battle.
I'm going to start up the Battle Hall again, and I would like to use a base 600 Dragon, but they all get taken out by Weavile (or Froslass and Glalie to a lesser extent) with Ice Shard. Dragonite can't reach high enough Speed to outspeed Weavile with Extremespeed, (Froslass is immune to it,) Salamence's Intimidate doesn't hurt Weavile enough to avoid the 2HKO from Ice Shard, and Garchomp has no defense really. The only remaining option I can come up with is Double Team or Swagger which are both very risky and take up an important moveslot. Any ideas or suggestions for a Dragon run? Or would I be better off forgetting the 4x Ice weak Dragons and picking something else?
Also be careful with Garchomp around Slowbro and Cloyster. Both can take ~45% from an Outrage (or ~90% from an SD one) and can 2HKO you with Ice Beam through Yache Berry.
As I mentioned last year, I have a 100% successful method for 4x Ice-weak Dragons to win (Dragonite and Garchomp can use this, but not Salamence as it can't learn Fling). I used Garchomp in my case: Have the dragon hold a Razor Fang and use Fling, thus flinching Weavile to ruin its Sash, then KO with Outrage. Trust me, it works (AI is too stupid to use Ice Shard on the second turn). Then, replace Fling with whatever your third attack move was after defeating all Ice and Dark types.

It works with Garchomp, but I don't know for sure if max-speed Dragonite at level 100 outspeeds lowest-possible-level Weavile (that's why I do Ice and Dark first anyway, for lowest levels).

Wow how did I miss this post? I somehow never would have thought of that, but Dragonite and Garchomp both learn Fling. Adamant Weavile outspeeds Garchomp and Dragonite is nowhere near it when they're at the same level, and I don't know how levels work in the Battle Hall. (thelaytonmobile's post helped a bit.) The main problem for that is, I really hate switching movesets during a run, my goal is always to try to use one unchanged moveset (which means mandatory Flying, Ghost, Dark, Fire, or Rock attack). J

Either way, I'm working on a dream team of Battle Hall destroyers. So far:

Tyranitar - Focus Sash
Adamant - 252 Atk 252 HP 4 SpD
Fire Punch
Aerial Ace
Stone Edge

Dragonite - Focus Sash
Adamant - 252 Atk 252 HP 4 Def
Fire Punch

Heatran - Focus Sash
Timid - 252 SpA 252 Spe 4 HP
Earth Power
Flash Cannon
Dragon Pulse

Latios - Soul Dew
Timid - 252 SpA 252 Spe 4 HP
Dragon Pulse
Shadow Ball
Ice Beam

Metagross - Focus Sash
Adamant - 252 HP 252 Atk 4 Def
Fire Punch
Zen Headbutt
Meteor Mash

Cresselia - Choice Specs
Modest - 252 HP 252 SpA 4 Def
Signal Beam
Shadow Ball
Ice Beam

Latios and Cresselia worry me because:
A) The always dreaded Weavile can take them out along with strong Dark, Ghost, (and in Latios' case, Dragon and Ice,) attacks.
B) They can't use a Focus Sash. Latios is worthless without Soul Dew, and Cresselia's Special Attack is somewhat bad unaided.

Tyranitar seems the most solid at this point, followed by Metagross, even though I was originally expecting Latios to be the real game-winner. And Tyranitar is using Aerial Ace for Fighting Types like Machamp and Breloom.
@Zacchaeus: I don't mean to put you down, but you can't just say Tyranitar is solid just because it has Aerial Ace to attack fighting types. You need to do damage calculations to see if what you're thinking is actually going to work. I can't say I'm experienced in Battle Hall, but I'm positive that Aerial Ace will not come close to OHKOing Machamp or Poliwrath. Both have Vaccuum Wave to KO you after the sash.

... In fact, I just did a quick calc. Level 100 Ttar AA doesn't even guarantee OHKO on level 96 Primeape (and of course Primeape's defenses aren't even anywhere near good). You aren't beating fighting types with that moveset any time soon.

And then there's of course steel types. Scizor will win almost 100% of the time (you win only if you burn with fire punch), and from your moveset, as will Empoleon and probably Bronzong if it has heatproof. Actually since your moveset doesn't have any fighting or ground moves, Probopass and Aggron will always win too. Steelix will win too, since it's not 2HKO'd by Fire Punch without a crit.

And then... there's Stone Edge, which will miss before you get to 170. I'm sure there are many other things, but you get the idea. It's just a bit ridiculous to say Tyranitar seems like the ideal pokemon to use for Battle Hall.

There may be some pokemon where you can use to get to 170 just using one moveset, but Tyranitar is not one of those. If you look back (or just read the first page), you'll see that Jumpman used 17 different Tyranitars to get to 176 in Battle Hall.

You will not be able to beat all the pokemon in the hall with just one moveset. It's hard enough (and for some pokemon impossible) to have one moveset that beats all pokemon of one type, so let's not talk about all 17 at once.

You need to do some damage calculations to test out whether or not your plan will work. I would list out a few pokemon that that Metagross won't beat, but it really shouldn't be hard for you to just look at the Battle Hall pokemon list and see for yourself.
I just started Pokémon again.
And I tried Battle Factory, my favorite.

Streak ended at 41, damnit xD
Shit Crobat with Hypnosis >.>

Gonna try it again :)
Coming into the top 20 shouldn't be that hard.
@Zacchaeus: I don't mean to put you down, but you can't just say Tyranitar is solid just because it has Aerial Ace to attack fighting types. You need to do damage calculations to see if what you're thinking is actually going to work. I can't say I'm experienced in Battle Hall, but I'm positive that Aerial Ace will not come close to OHKOing Machamp or Poliwrath. Both have Vaccuum Wave to KO you after the sash.

... In fact, I just did a quick calc. Level 100 Ttar AA doesn't even guarantee OHKO on level 96 Primeape (and of course Primeape's defenses aren't even anywhere near good). You aren't beating fighting types with that moveset any time soon.

And then there's of course steel types. Scizor will win almost 100% of the time (you win only if you burn with fire punch), and from your moveset, as will Empoleon and probably Bronzong if it has heatproof. Actually since your moveset doesn't have any fighting or ground moves, Probopass and Aggron will always win too. Steelix will win too, since it's not 2HKO'd by Fire Punch without a crit.

And then... there's Stone Edge, which will miss before you get to 170. I'm sure there are many other things, but you get the idea. It's just a bit ridiculous to say Tyranitar seems like the ideal pokemon to use for Battle Hall.

There may be some pokemon where you can use to get to 170 just using one moveset, but Tyranitar is not one of those. If you look back (or just read the first page), you'll see that Jumpman used 17 different Tyranitars to get to 176 in Battle Hall.

You will not be able to beat all the pokemon in the hall with just one moveset. It's hard enough (and for some pokemon impossible) to have one moveset that beats all pokemon of one type, so let's not talk about all 17 at once.

You need to do some damage calculations to test out whether or not your plan will work. I would list out a few pokemon that that Metagross won't beat, but it really shouldn't be hard for you to just look at the Battle Hall pokemon list and see for yourself.

Tyranitar always gets the 2HKO on Poliwrath unless Poliwrath uses Focus Blast then Vacuum Wave, or if Poliwrath hits with Hypnosis and Tyranitar doesn't wake up. Tyranitar always gets the 2HKO on Machamp unless it uses Revenge/DynamicPunch the first turn and Vacuum Wave the second turn. (Or if DynamicPunch was used the first turn, Tyranitar loses if it hurts itself in confusion.) Probopass will not always win. There's a 76% for Tyranitar to beat level 96 Primeape. And all of these calculations were against level 100 Pokémon except Primeape.

But yeah, I didn't want to use Tyranitar in the first place because of the 4x weakness and now I see why I should've stayed with my first instinct. A good amount of Pokémon take out Tyranitar as long as the AI is playing smart, if they don't play smart, I wouldn't have nearly as much of a problem
Argh, no fucking way.

Jumpman's AWESOME warstory of taking down Thorton for Gold has his video ID replaced by this lame-ass video of "Ethan" and his Battle Tower Multi fight. (72-38980-00268 if you're interested, but I doubt it.)

Sorry, people, but you're out of luck. Check out my current signature for what I just did at 3 AM last night, though...before it's too late! (Some of the mons that helped me get there and learn the ropes included a SubPunch Nidoking that for some reason couldn't 2HKO a Miltank that kept recovering, but whoever said that the chase was more important than the goal was fucking insane.)
So my two friends comandeered my DS and played some hardcore Linked Battle Factory a while ago and I didn't know that you guys kept records like this back then. They want to be named:
Peache$ and Mister Hoey.

But anyways, their streak lasted 38 battles, which beat the current record of 31.

Really sad to say, but I do not recall that many of the battles since we were all sleep deprived and stayed up until 6 AM to keep the hot streak going. I can only really recall two rounds that they battled, one round using a Toxic Orb'd Guts Ursaring to destroy shit and then in another round in which Peache$ used Rampardos to Head Smash shit into the ground. Of course, once they got to battle #38, the Battle Factory would have no more of this and proceeded to hax them out with Critical Hits to prevent them form winning. I'll see if I can get a picture of the records screen up soon. No battle videos either because at the time I was competing in the VGC and had a pretty good battle video saved of me and my opponent.
-_- Heracross just looooooves his crits, doesn't he.

1. Shadow Claw critted Dusknoir. OHKO.

2. Vaporeon survived a Megahorn with more than 50% health, then gets a crit Stone Edge for the KO. I would've survived too, because of Acid Armour.

3. Umbreon got a crit Shadow Claw to the face, survived a 140 BP Facade, then got a crit Stone Edge to the face, again.

...I refuse to give up on the Batle Factory.
Tyranitar always gets the 2HKO on Poliwrath unless Poliwrath uses Focus Blast then Vacuum Wave, or if Poliwrath hits with Hypnosis and Tyranitar doesn't wake up. Tyranitar always gets the 2HKO on Machamp unless it uses Revenge/DynamicPunch the first turn and Vacuum Wave the second turn. (Or if DynamicPunch was used the first turn, Tyranitar loses if it hurts itself in confusion.) Probopass will not always win. There's a 76% for Tyranitar to beat level 96 Primeape. And all of these calculations were against level 100 Pokémon except Primeape.

But yeah, I didn't want to use Tyranitar in the first place because of the 4x weakness and now I see why I should've stayed with my first instinct. A good amount of Pokémon take out Tyranitar as long as the AI is playing smart, if they don't play smart, I wouldn't have nearly as much of a problem

you're still not doing the calc right, tyra does 50.2% max to hall poliwrath with AA, and poli is max Lv96 and has 26 IVs across the board. the most you should have gotten from your calc (Lv100 and IVs of 26 and i dont think you knew the 26 IVs part) is 39-46%, 31 IVs is 38-45%

and the bigger problem with using tyranitar isnt fighting types by themselves, it's the fact that after battle 170 you can't use one pokemon set per type. an impish Tyranitar@Focus Sash with Superpower/Protect/Spite/Counter and 252HP/252Def/4Spe EVs can pretty reliably beat every single fighting type in the hall but that set sucks for just about every other pokemon type

anyway im done catching up with this thread and will post more later today probably (you guessed it, i dont have class today)
updated the list

there were about 8 new records ...

DrDimentio said:
I made this video: to prove that even when using exact replicas of Jumpman's Mesprit and Drapion, you're completely helpless against severe hax

ahahahahahaha I have only just noticed and watched the video (it´s brilliant), the slow-mo of accupressure boosting sD was hilarious (among many other things)

oh yeah, it´s been stated here quite a few times (before you and bozo lost to it), that it is almost impossible to stop QC rhydon4 if it starts rampaging like that
Jupman16, did you include Sandstorm damage? But either way, you among others, are right, and that goal was unrealistic

Instead of making a team of different Pokémon to destroy the Battle Hall, I'm now going to follow in Jumpman16's footsteps and make an army of a single Pokémon to take out various types in the Battle Hall. I want to try Dragonite, but I'll have to put favorites aside for the sake of doing well

So first off, I have to decide on a candidate (based on BST). Dragons:
Dragonite (80 base Speed but Extremespeed, highest special bulk)
Salamence (Intimidate, lowest overall bulk, no Fling)
Garchomp (highest physical bulk, lowest Special Attack)
Metagross (no idea what to say about Metagross)

Secondly, I have to plan how many sets I'll need for my Pokémon. Should I make one for each type? Or at least each problematic type? For example: If I use Dragonite, should I have 17 Dragonites, or would I be better off with something like a special attacker, physical attacker, then an anti-Ice Dragonite, anti-Rock Dragonite, and anti-Dragon Dragonite?

Finally, what are valuable tools to have in the Battle Hall? Fling, Swagger, Counter, Mirror Coat, Fake Out?
zacchaeus, the number of pokemon you use really depends on what your goal is. If you want to get 1st on the leaderboard, then you should theorymon the entire thing before hand (look at the swampert and blissey posts, for example.)

If you just want to get 170, all you need is one garchomp set and maybe 2-3 tries with a bit of luck.

Garchomp @ Focus Sash
Sand Veil
252 Att / 252 Speed / 4 Hp
-Swords Dance
-Aerial Ace / Fire Fang / Rock Slide

It's really quite simple, just do ice/dark first, and if you don't run into weavile you have a good chance of making 170 and probably at least 180.
zacchaeus, the number of pokemon you use really depends on what your goal is. If you want to get 1st on the leaderboard, then you should theorymon the entire thing before hand (look at the swampert and blissey posts, for example.)

If you just want to get 170, all you need is one garchomp set and maybe 2-3 tries with a bit of luck.

Looking at the Garchomp record set by nickm65, he really did get lucky a few times, and I'd rather be safe than sorry (of course outside of Matron battles). Team Rocket Elite's strategy is cool but limited. I guess I might end up doing what Jumpman16 did, which means I have to pick a Pokémon (Dragonite or Metagross preferably), and start making sets.

I have a question for the Battle Factory though. I've spent so much time in the Battle Factory, mainly playing Singles Open Level, and my record is around 35 if I remember correctly. What is the strategy to picking a good team after battle 21? Edit: Thanks Kamisutra, I'll keep at it. And to make you feel better about your 51 Factory streak, Glaceon's Hyper Beam would have done 59-70% so it was hopeless

Dragonite versus Metagross

Dragonite - Inner Focus
91 - 134 - 95 - 100 - 100 - 80
Physical attacks - Aerial Ace, Aqua Tail, Brick Break, Dragon Claw, Dragon Rush, Earthquake, Facade, Fire Punch, Fling, Fly, Focus Punch, Giga Impact, Ice Punch, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Outrage, Return, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, Stone Edge, Superpower, ThunderPunch, Waterfall
Special attacks - Air Cutter, Blizzard, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Heat Wave, Hyper Beam, Ice Beam, Ominous Wind, Shock Wave, Surf, Thunder, Thunderbolt
Priority attacks - Extremespeed
Other - Dragon Dance, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Roost, Heal Bell, Agility

Metagross - Clear Body
80 - 135 - 130 - 95 - 90 - 70
Physical attacks - Aerial Ace, Brick Break, Earthquake, Facade, Giga Impact, Gyro Ball, Hammer Arm, Ice Punch, Iron Head, Meteor Mash, Pursuit, Return, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, ThunderPunch, Zen Headbutt
Special attacks - Flash Cannon, Grass Knot, Hyper Beam, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, Sludge Bomb
Priority attacks - Bullet Punch
Other - Rock Polish, Trick, Refresh, Light Screen, Reflect, Iron Defense, Gravity, Toxic
Thanks a lot for having updated the front page list with my factory record.
I have a question for the Battle Factory though. I've spent so much time in the Battle Factory, mainly playing Singles Open Level, and my record is around 35 if I remember correctly. What is the strategy to picking a good team after battle 21?
There is no 100% sure method, and you need quite a bit of luck to get a decent initial selection of Pokemon three times in a row, in other words prior to battles 29, 36, and 43, but some general tips would be:

1) Always look up the Pokemon you face on the ability to know the entire movepool of your opponent after one or two moves is extremely useful.

2) Focus more on a wide movepool than stats, and don't think in terms of metagame tiers. Always try to have a team where at least one of your 3 Pokemon has a super-effective move against as many of the 17 types as possible. For example, Gallade 584 is most often preferable to Salamance 483.

3) Make sure the Pokemon on your team compliment each other in terms of type weaknesses, so that you can switch around often. For example, Tentacruel+Gliscor or Jolteon+Salamence, or Gyarados+Garchomp are all good combinations.

4) Don't trade for the sake of trading, while it's true the IVs of Pokemon you can trade for get better the more often you trade, it's not worth risking to destabilize a team that you consider to be well-balanced. This is especially true starting from battle 29.

5) Always try to have one physical sweeper and one special sweeper, and if possible, one somewhat bulky Pokemon.

6) Pick your lead wisely, depending on team. For example, if out of the 6 initial Pokemon you pick Garchomp, Milotic and Gengar, DON'T make Garchomp the lead, since once it faints, you'll be totally screwed, if your opponent's 3rd pokemon is Blissey 747, for instance. In the situation I describe, Milotic would be the best pick for a lead.

And that's about it, I know that's all very general and not specific at all, but for the Factory it's impossible to give specific advice, since the situation changes depending on the 6 intitial Pokemon selection. So it's mostly about adaptability, but luck is also required.

Edit: Thanks Kamisutra, I'll keep at it. And to make you feel better about your 51 Factory streak, Glaceon's Hyper Beam would have done 59-70% so it was hopeless
Ah I see, thank you for clarifying that. It's good to know.
Jupman16, did you include Sandstorm damage? But either way, you among others, are right, and that goal was unrealistic

Instead of making a team of different Pokémon to destroy the Battle Hall, I'm now going to follow in Jumpman16's footsteps and make an army of a single Pokémon to take out various types in the Battle Hall. I want to try Dragonite, but I'll have to put favorites aside for the sake of doing well

So first off, I have to decide on a candidate (based on BST). Dragons:
Dragonite (80 base Speed but Extremespeed, highest special bulk)
Salamence (Intimidate, lowest overall bulk, no Fling)
Garchomp (highest physical bulk, lowest Special Attack)
Metagross (no idea what to say about Metagross)

Secondly, I have to plan how many sets I'll need for my Pokémon. Should I make one for each type? Or at least each problematic type? For example: If I use Dragonite, should I have 17 Dragonites, or would I be better off with something like a special attacker, physical attacker, then an anti-Ice Dragonite, anti-Rock Dragonite, and anti-Dragon Dragonite?

Finally, what are valuable tools to have in the Battle Hall? Fling, Swagger, Counter, Mirror Coat, Fake Out?

even with sandstorm damage you can only adjust the calcs upwards 6.25%, because it doesnt matter if poli will have died to sand the second turn if tyra died to vacuum wave

and to see how many pokemon sets you need for one pokemon it is best to first go through the list and see what threats there are to your pokemon. weavile is as always public enemy #1 but you know now the best way for dragonite to deal with that is rock tomb + extremespeed. there are other ice pokemon that may necessitate a fire move on dragonite or may not, but if all you want to do is make ~17 different dragonite then it would be kind of simple (and fun) to work out what pokes necessitate what moves. after battle 170 is where the real challenge begins, and though its somewhat cool to be able to get nice hall streaks with a bunch of different pokemon dragonite has more to worry about after 170 than before
Damn... give me some advice for the Battle Factory, it's simply impossible. No matter how many databases or help I use, something like this always happens:

Me: Dragonite
Enemy: Floatzel

Floatzel uses Double team
Dragonite uses Thunderbolt, misses.
(Here comes 9 turns, in each, a Thunderbolt misses, the enemy Floatzel uses either Waterfall, Focus Punch of Double Team)

Then I send Snorlax, and try to use Seed Bomb.
Floatzel used Waterfall.
Snorlax used Seed Bomb, missed.
Floatzel used Waterfall. Snorlax flinched.
Floatzel used Waterfall, Snorlax fainter.

Here I gave up hope, but I sent Froslass.

Floatzel used Waterfall, Froslass flinched.
Floatzel used Waterfall, Froslass fainted.

And the trainer says: "DON'T CRY, YOU DID EVERYTHING YOU COULD" (or something along these words).

**** you, Factory! **** you, GameFreak!

I played 513 hours, beat everything else in the game, is some cooperation too much to ask? I've never seen a gamer that's so unrewarding and hates the player this much as Pokémon.
Thanks for the advice Jumpman16. Is there a better place for me to write up multiple analyses and have them checked or should I just post them here?

Also, if somebody wouldn't mind, could you tell me some moves that Dragonite has that could help me in the Battle Hall that I might not be aware of their use quite yet? Example: Rock Tomb (I just figured out how it could help me a few days ago and it makes a huge difference)

Help! I can't beat Rock types. the set is:
Dragonite - Focus Sash
Modest - 252 HP 252 SpA 4 Spe
Ice Beam

I put Extremespeed there just for Aerodactyl but I realized even if I switch Modest to Rash and switch 252 HP to 252 Atk, I can't guarantee a kill against Aerodactyl. What do I do now?
Thanks for the advice Jumpman16. Is there a better place for me to write up multiple analyses and have them checked or should I just post them here?

Also, if somebody wouldn't mind, could you tell me some moves that Dragonite has that could help me in the Battle Hall that I might not be aware of their use quite yet? Example: Rock Tomb (I just figured out how it could help me a few days ago and it makes a huge difference)

Help! I can't beat Rock types. the set is:
Dragonite - Focus Sash
Modest - 252 HP 252 SpA 4 Spe
Ice Beam

I put Extremespeed there just for Aerodactyl but I realized even if I switch Modest to Rash and switch 252 HP to 252 Atk, I can't guarantee a kill against Aerodactyl. What do I do now?

I figured out that Adamant Dragonite with 252 Atk evs worked for Rock, Aerodactyl was very fragile when I calculated, dying to a single Superpower/Surf if I remember right.
The 3 moves I worked out for Rock were Earthquake, Surf, Superpower, though I'm going through all of my theories again.

Personally, aside from Ice obviously, the most trouble is Water. I can't work out a way to reliably get Slowbro or Sharpedo.
I figured out that Adamant Dragonite with 252 Atk evs worked for Rock, Aerodactyl was very fragile when I calculated, dying to a single Superpower/Surf if I remember right.
The 3 moves I worked out for Rock were Earthquake, Surf, Superpower, though I'm going through all of my theories again.

Personally, aside from Ice obviously, the most trouble is Water. I can't work out a way to reliably get Slowbro or Sharpedo.

Dragonite doesn't survive to use two +-0 priority moves against Aerodactyl. If we're still talking about Dragontie, Thunderpunch or Thunderbolt and Extremespeed takes out Sharpedo. Dragonite can't beat Slowbro without Thunder. Modest 252 SpA Dragonite with Focus Sash, first turn use Dragon Pulse, which does 41.1-48.7%, and follow it up with Thunderbolt which does 57.9-68.5%. Both minimum = 99% Seriously? and Dragonite's HP Electric does 50.8% maximum which activates Sitrus Berry, so you have to use Dragon Pulse then Thunder
Sharpedo has Rough Skin, so cannot Extremespeed on 2nd turn.

I didn't do much calculations, but if you use Icy Wind for Aerodactyl, you'll at least get 95% chance to win. You don't need 252 HP. Just move them to Speed if you wish to outspeed Aerodactyl after Icy Wind.

Alternatively... Just use 252 SpA, 252 Attack, 4 Speed with +Attack nature. Iron Head or Waterfall will OHKO Aerodactyl. Most rock types are slow. You still outspeed all except Aerodactyl. I'm not sure if that (changing nature to +Attack) messes up KOing any other things you already calculated though.