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  • watching your own replays can help you realize errors such as predicting switches, realizing you needed to save a particular mon that you let get KO'd. It can help you realize your team is weak to a certain threat, etc and then you learn from it and can fix it for later battles
    Hey, could you possibly clean up your attitude? That's two posts in a span of 12 hours that have pissed me off because of their negativity... i dont remember being that negative when i was 16, much less now. I cant infract you in those forums but I'm not afraid to go to a super mod. Thanks.
    They're probably a bit tougher when not everything on his team has hit 60 yet, but yeah, those are good spots once he levels a bit more.
    Its hard to call a 1919 resolution that founded Canadian identity as the annals of history. Considering the US Constitution signed in 1787. You may not know this but that was actually a part of creating a separate Canadian identity, so it was important that Conrad Black not receive the title.
    im gmt-5 and can be on whenever. i'll be on around 4 pm tmrw for another tourney and we can play then if u want
    Wait people took my follow-up article comment as serious?
    Thanks for the praise, it makes me think of actually doing that article now :)
    And yeah, collab could sound cool, I'll think about it :) thanks for the offer
    As long as it isn't who I thought it was, all is good. Thanks for replying back. Guess that outfit and bedspread is a popular one. Heh.
    Who is your avatar? I feel like she might be a close friend of mine. Completely serious.
    Hey, we're paired up for the tutee tournament. Just MSG me when your on. I should be on often this weekend, and I'm usually on PO main server [Not smogon] as ITSU or [TEST]ITSU.
    Ok, I'm really busy this weekend so I don't think that would work at all, but I should be free on Monday or Wednesday.
    True, if you know of any, feel free to ask around. I'm sure it would help us. I'll see if I can find any. I'm usually around 1300 on the OU ladder, but Uber will be a whole new challenge. I'll probably do some testing on the ladder in the meantime for some experience.
    I find it amusing that you mention an inability to play a game where you have to predict people when you play Pokemon.

    One autist to another, part of being less socially awkward is not going around telling people that you can't socialize due to autism.
    To find me you should just be online here as i am not online on Pokemon Online all day long.Anyway,let's get this done.I'm on the Smogon Server.
    Do you think that i was able to battle at 2am ? We have a 7 hours time difference and that's not suitable at all but we have to get this done.I also had classes all summer but never complained about it.If you manage to get today i hour earlier than you did yesterday,i'll be able to battle with you(i can't battle tommorow and the day after since i'll be on a trip).
    Would you like to tell me the hours you're usually online and the time zone you're in(in gmt please)?I have gmt +2
    My name is christos21 there.You'd rather vm me than searching in PO since i can't be on there all day long.
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