Shock wave is for double teaming ghosts.
theres only one DTing ghost, and you won't see it after battle 49, because it's rotom, on which your shock wave is a 12HKO, why wouldn't you look at the list before deciding on your moveset
Shock wave is for double teaming ghosts.
theres only one DTing ghost, and you won't see it after battle 49, because it's rotom, on which your shock wave is a 12HKO, why wouldn't you look at the list before deciding on your moveset
i encounter dusknoir often enough with double team. I could use toxic, but that misses often on DTers.
598 Dusknoir Sassy Brightpowder Double Team Rest Sleep Talk Payback HP/Def
I'm open to suggestion outside of that however.
ok im at 161 now in the pt bt heres a battle video for proof and further demonstration on how good this team is (beats one of its would-be counters with no trouble): 26-72324-45408
Alright; so now i'm going into the Battle Hall with my new Choice Band Salamence. It has Fly, Earthquake, Outrage and Dragon Claw. I don't want to give it Stone Edge yet since 1. I need something to have Fly for in-game purposes, and 2. I don't trust Stone Edge on something that can't take serious hits for nuts, most noteably a 4x Ice weakness. I just beat the Hall Matron. I had cleared out all 10 Dragon, Ice, Rock and Steel types, along with five Water and four Flying types. And guess what she sends out?
As I said, i've cleared Ice, Dragon, Rock and Steel, am at Rank 6 on Water, and Rank 5 on Flying. What should I do now? I want to finish up with Water and Flying, but i'm claustrophobic. :X And by "claustrophobic", I mean "afraid that i'll get slammed by something like Articuno, Zapdos, or some random jerk who's faster or has Quick Claw." And if you know one thing about me, let it be the fact that I absolutely hate Quick Claw with a burning passion.
Just to be safe, I switched to the Choice Scarf while battling the Dragon-types, and might when battling Electrics, since that's another thing i'm claustrophobic about; random Pokemon with Thunder. My Salamence has an awful Sp Def EV (don't ask; I haven't understood the PRNG concept and grew impatient while breeding), i'm worried that something with Thunder will come out, hit and/or paralyze/OHKO at the most inopportune time, and, get the idea.
Notable things for me to worry about:
Charizard - Is Quiet with no Speed EV investment. Therefore you will always Outrage first, stripping 94-99(sash)% without a CB, allowing you to 2HKO. In response a Blaze Blast Burn does only 72-89%.
Articuno - Unless you have Sash or Blizzard misses, you're a goner. if you have Sash hope that it attacks and doesn't use Reflect or Roost.
Scizor - Special Fire Move
Skarmory - ^^
Steelix - ^^
Garchomp - With Sash, you will survive its Outrage while KOing with yours.
Mamoswine - Does not have Ice Shard, and Outrage 2HKOs. Again Sash will guarantee the win
Bronzong - Can be a pain. Best strategy is to pack a special fire move, and run damage calcs. Depending on the damage output from the Fire Move, you should be able to determine whether it is Heatproof or Levitate.
I'm probably missing some, but i'm in a hurry as I type this right now.
Another reason for Hydro Pump, however, is Regirock. The only way you beat him is having a sash, since you die to Stone Edge anyway, but with a neutral nature you have a pretty good chance to 2KO it with Hydro Pump, which Aqua Tail can't do.