Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

Shock wave is for double teaming ghosts.

theres only one DTing ghost, and you won't see it after battle 49, because it's rotom, on which your shock wave is a 12HKO, why wouldn't you look at the list before deciding on your moveset
Well, so far I'm at 104 wins with this team right now and still going. Only problem i encountered was with:
485 | Garchomp | Jolly | Brightpowder | Dragon Claw | Earthquake | Double Team | Sandstorm | Atk/Spe
I start off by using Ice Beam and it misses while it uses Sandstorm. I Ice Beam again, but i miss and it uses Double Team. I go for my third IB, but i fail and it gets a critical hit with DC. I send in Scizor who misses with BP while it uses DT again. I go for another BP and miss while EQ gets a crit. I thinking i'm lost when i send out CHomp but it gets a crit with DC and i won =)
Other than that Garchomp, I havn't had any problems.

The Team:

Starmie @ Expert Belt
Natural Cure
40 Hp | 252 SpA | 216 Spd
~ Surf
~ Ice Beam
~ Thunderbolt
~ Recover

Just a good old basic Starmie. Surf is for STAB and an awesome move over all. Boltbeam is boltbeam. Recover over Psychic because i think have some way of recovery is better than an additional STAB. EVd for power and outspeeding base 110's.


Garchomp @ Lum Berry
Sand Veil
4 Hp | 252 Atk | 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
~ Substitute
~ Swords Dance
~ Earthquake
~ Dragon Claw

Basic SubSD Chomp. EVd to be as quick as possible. Luckily i got a 31 speed IV =)
Dragon Claw over Outrage because i hate confusion, even w/ Lum.


Scizor @ Muscle Band
100 Hp | 252 Atk | 100 SpD | 56 Spd
Adamant nature
~ Bullet Punch
~ X-Scissor
~ Brick break
~ Roost

Scizor with a twist. I wanted Scizor to be bulky but still pack a whallop. The Hp and SpD evs help with taking move aimed at STarmie and chomp. BP and X-scissor provide STAB. Brick Break for hitting steels and Roost for recovery.
theres only one DTing ghost, and you won't see it after battle 49, because it's rotom, on which your shock wave is a 12HKO, why wouldn't you look at the list before deciding on your moveset

i encounter dusknoir often enough with double team. I could use toxic, but that misses often on DTers.

598 Dusknoir Sassy Brightpowder Double Team Rest Sleep Talk Payback HP/Def

I'm open to suggestion outside of that however.
well your both talking about to different tower's so that would'nt work.
And on a side note,hit 70 w/ jump's 3L team and am taking a break.Will go back to it in a bit.
i encounter dusknoir often enough with double team. I could use toxic, but that misses often on DTers.

598 Dusknoir Sassy Brightpowder Double Team Rest Sleep Talk Payback HP/Def

I'm open to suggestion outside of that however.

Due to resttalk Toxic isn't going to help much even if it does hit.

I like your team, Dimidium. Obviously three really good Pokemon that go together well.. At least it worked for me in the Arcade and Castle, though it was just a twist on Jumpman's team. (It all comes back to him being good in the end, lol)

Anyway, I need to get back to hatching Scyther, though my lack of patience of breeding for long periods of time might make this take next to forever. Eh, at least I got my Leftovers.

Edit: Or I can run into an amazing one this morning: 23-26/30/30/20-23/29/30
Just finished with the battle hall, can't say it was that interesting; I hit 220 wins. with;

Lv.100 Adamant Salamence @ focus sah *** Aiklap OU ( sorry about the terrible pun, but watever)
evs: 252attack/252speed/4sp.def
ivs: 29/29/18/3/17/28
~Flamethower/aqua tail

Pretty simple here. Basically outrage 85% of the hall, Earthquake hits steels, electrics and fires. I alternated between flamethower and aqua tail for scizor (bug + steel) and bulky rock grounds (eg Golem) respectively (EQ won't OHKO, a problem if they have quick claw). Swagger is for weavile.

proof of my streak and how i lost; 72 38980 01098 (trainer name is TOM).

Maybe using flamethower was a mistake, but curiousity killed the dragon.
ok im at 161 now in the pt bt heres a battle video for proof and further demonstration on how good this team is (beats one of its would-be counters with no trouble): 26-72324-45408
good going jump.

My streak promptly ended at 88 means i got 87 straight wins,I did the most stupid thing,switched w/ hariyama when i shoulda charmed.I still got 2 calm minds w/ latios but no sub and out comes aero finished me off w/Rock slide.
Luke gets crit aura sphere after taking an AA and outcomes the firey monkey :(
Im Definatly gonna come back with this team to set a hot streak but right now i wanna try other facility's!!
ok im at 161 now in the pt bt heres a battle video for proof and further demonstration on how good this team is (beats one of its would-be counters with no trouble): 26-72324-45408

Accupressure Drapion is awesome. Nicely done.

I have my Scizor ready to go but hopefully I can improve a few on my battle hall streak first. It's what I'm working on now, though Argenta has a knack for sending out things I hate.
I'm not sure what could beat this team, Drapion rules(+6 in everything is brokern, to say the least), (scizor is also Uber). But i would guess a meta lead is proberly what stops most set up teams (with MM and clear body).
Anyway, good going and good luck Jump. Hate to be a pesimist, but Im sure the AI will find a way. (thinking out loud here, but QC OHKO moves are stopped by latia's focus sash,and both of the others have sub, but i bet you know that). So overlooking <~0.00000018 hax (fromQC OHKO), Wait, if you flash its lower than that lol. Er I'm going for bright power misses.

And lol the factory. grr mini warstory here;
I have Absol, Starmie and Golem. I easily KO the first 2 pokemon with Absol, I am at around ~16%. In comes ninetails. I use sucker punch, it fails whilst ninetails uses sunny day. This is fine atm. I sucker punch again, it uses sunny day. I sucker punch again, it uses sunny day. I get angry at the AI now, i use facade. Ninetails outspeeds me and KOs with Flamethower (or fire blast, can't remember). I send out starmie, hydo pump misses and solarbeam crits (not imporatant proberly). I now realise i have lost, send out Golem and solarbeam is an OHKO.
The silver lining was that this was the first match!!! still, I have been put off to say the least.

Edit: Diana, she does that on purpose lol, The AI gets 2 turns to stop us from choosing. But it uses those turns well.
Alright; so now i'm going into the Battle Hall with my new Choice Band Salamence. It has Fly, Earthquake, Outrage and Dragon Claw. I don't want to give it Stone Edge yet since 1. I need something to have Fly for in-game purposes, and 2. I don't trust Stone Edge on something that can't take serious hits for nuts, most noteably a 4x Ice weakness. I just beat the Hall Matron. I had cleared out all 10 Dragon, Ice, Rock and Steel types, along with five Water and four Flying types. And guess what she sends out?

...Regice. I cringed, hit up the page, and found out it had no Defense or HP EVs. I used Outrage, and it got a critical hit, which OHKO'd Regice. All I said was, HOLY FUCK. After claiming my BP, I hit up Psypoke's damage calculator, found out the crit was useless and I would have KO'd either way (332 to 390 damage, lol). :P

As I said, i've cleared Ice, Dragon, Rock and Steel, am at Rank 6 on Water, and Rank 5 on Flying. What should I do now? I want to finish up with Water and Flying, but i'm claustrophobic. :X And by "claustrophobic", I mean "afraid that i'll get slammed by something like Articuno, Zapdos, or some random jerk who's faster or has Quick Claw." And if you know one thing about me, let it be the fact that I absolutely hate Quick Claw with a burning passion.

Just to be safe, I switched to the Choice Scarf while battling the Dragon-types, and might when battling Electrics, since that's another thing i'm claustrophobic about; random Pokemon with Thunder. My Salamence has an awful Sp Def EV (don't ask; I haven't understood the PRNG concept and grew impatient while breeding), i'm worried that something with Thunder will come out, hit and/or paralyze/OHKO at the most inopportune time, and, get the idea.

Edit (above poster) - Are you saying that the Hall Matron will always use a Pokemon that has a type advantage over one of the types your Pokemon has? She used a Latias against my Lucario, and Regice against Salamence, so it must have something to do like that.
yeah freaktron im pretty sure that she will always use a pokemon that is super effective against you. that's why you pick the question mark to fight her.
@freakton: You should probably do Dark types and Electric soon. In dark, there's weavile and that QC Tyranitar. In Electrics, obviously there's those Thunders, and the focus sash Manectric may also be problematic. I didn't even look at the list of pokemon, but that's what I remember for now.
She used a Venusaur against my Salamence, so I'd say she doesn't always use a Pokemon that is Super Effective against yours.
Now i'm on Rank 6 for Water, Flying, Electric and Dark, and have not done anything on the others I haven't cleared. As I said, I might give Salamence a Choice Scarf, but if I do that, I won't be able to OHKO that Tyranitar with Earthquake. For that reason, I was considering transferring a TM31 from Firered, so I can OHKO the Tyranitar, as well as crush the Weavile before it has a chance to slam me, AND get most Electrics.

On that note, I haven't found myself using Fire Fang yet, and probably won't since i've cleared the Steel-types, unless god forbid Skarmory or Bronzong pop out in their respective areas. But without Choice Band, Outrage loses power against certain enemies, and that's not good. If I use Choice Scarf, I just have to pray to god I don't run into a Zapdos. Maybe i'll go for the Electrics then sub on five more in another area. Ugh...this is a dilemma.
Alright; so now i'm going into the Battle Hall with my new Choice Band Salamence. It has Fly, Earthquake, Outrage and Dragon Claw. I don't want to give it Stone Edge yet since 1. I need something to have Fly for in-game purposes, and 2. I don't trust Stone Edge on something that can't take serious hits for nuts, most noteably a 4x Ice weakness. I just beat the Hall Matron. I had cleared out all 10 Dragon, Ice, Rock and Steel types, along with five Water and four Flying types. And guess what she sends out?

As I said, i've cleared Ice, Dragon, Rock and Steel, am at Rank 6 on Water, and Rank 5 on Flying. What should I do now? I want to finish up with Water and Flying, but i'm claustrophobic. :X And by "claustrophobic", I mean "afraid that i'll get slammed by something like Articuno, Zapdos, or some random jerk who's faster or has Quick Claw." And if you know one thing about me, let it be the fact that I absolutely hate Quick Claw with a burning passion.

Just to be safe, I switched to the Choice Scarf while battling the Dragon-types, and might when battling Electrics, since that's another thing i'm claustrophobic about; random Pokemon with Thunder. My Salamence has an awful Sp Def EV (don't ask; I haven't understood the PRNG concept and grew impatient while breeding), i'm worried that something with Thunder will come out, hit and/or paralyze/OHKO at the most inopportune time, and, get the idea.

freaktron, from one Battle Hall Salamence user to another, I have a few suggestions for you.

Firstly, if you haven't already, use Peterko/TRE's list of Battle Hall pokemon. as there is only one set for each pokemon in the hall, this will allow you to plan your moves accordingly.

Secondly, ditch the Choice band for a Focus Sash. Having done streaks with both items i can say that Sash is definately the way to go. The benefits of sash provide a very nice buffer against Pokemon that are faster than you, and also the likes of Quick Claw users that you (rightfully) fear. Also 2 non-CB Outrages > 1 CB outrage and you are highly likely to get off a second one if you have a Sash.

Thirdly, confirming Chinese Dood's advice, and yes there is a Focus Sash manectric that can cause problems for Salamence unless it is similarly equiped and has a +speed nature. Regirock can also spell doom for any Salamence as well, regardless of Item.

Finally, whether you change the item or not, replace Dragon Claw for Aqua tail, and Fly for a Fire-type move. There are rock/ground-type pokemon in the hall that will survive a CB EQ (and 2 non-CB EQs) that will have no difficulty KOing you back with Stone Edge (I speak of Rhydon, Rhyperior, Golem). Aqua Tail provides the means to OHKO these 3 pokemon (Rhyperior may need two hits with CB, will definately need 2 without CB). The fire-move is for Scizor and Levitaing Bronzong. Under no circumstances should you consider using Stone Edge, as a STABed Outrage produces a slightly lower damage output in exchange for superior accuracy.

Hope this proves useful. As for my own Frontier/tower activity over recent times, I have 2 ongoing streaks that will make the leaderboard. One is in the DP Doubles Tower, and another is in the Platinum Link Tower. I'll refrain from posting any futher details as these streaks are not yet done, and I'm unlikely to finish them soon due to upcoming exams.
Also, adding to what Lord Caedius said, I would strongly surgest a special fire move. Simply as scizor has counter, and a focus sash, and BP.

Aqua tail really helps as well, although you will find your self using outrage 90% of the time. Focus sash is much better also ( with CB, i would have lost at 194.)

As for the hall matron, It is proberly random (ment to be). But whatever, I fought TTar and weavile (using sala).

Proberly too late now, but using salamence i surgest: Ice, dark, rock, ground, water, electric in that order. Note that you can "avoid" facing rank 10 in ice and dark if you select those when you are due to battle the matron. Not that this will help post 170.
For Salamence, mixed might actually be better. Steels are typically physically defensive, taking more damage from Flamethrower. Bronzong seems to mostly be Heatproof anyway so Earthquake works there...

Also, Hydro Pump>Aqua Tail was discussed earlier by Jump, it OHKOes Rhyperior.
40 wins in platinum double battle tower.
With a team of

Vaporeon @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
Nature: Bold
- Rain Dance
- Surf
- Shadow Ball
- Ice Beam

Toxicroak @ Black Sludge
Ability: Dry Skin
EVs:252 Atk\252Spe\6Hp
Nature: Adamant
- Sucker Punch
- Poison jab
- Brick Break
- Taunt

Floatzel @ life Orb
Ability: Swift Swim
Nature: Jolly
- Waterfall
- Crunch
- Brick Break
- Bulk Up

Roserade @ Wise Glasses
Ability: Poison Point
Nature: Modest
- Energy Ball
- Weather Ball
- Shadow Ball
- Sludge Bomb

Cleared: Rock, Ice, Dark, Electric, Dragon, Steel.
5 out of 10 cleared: Water, Flying, Ground, Psychic.

Funny enough, I changed my item to a Choice Scarf just in case, and for Electric, the last one was a Lanturn, I think it was Level 89, and I OHKO'd it with Earthquake without a crit. I didn't run into the Manectric, Weavile or Tyranitar. I ran into a Sharpedo, though, and didn't have access to a computer at the time, and thought, "What if it has Focus Sash?" So I used Outrage, and...surely enough, it had the Focus Sash. I took around 41 damage from Rough Skin, it used Ice Fang, and I lived with 64/329 HP, enough to use Outrage and not get whipped by Rough Skin. Whew.

Also, on the note of Aqua Tail, I got rid of Salamence's Fly, feeling I would regret it later, went to the Move Tutor, and...I found out I didn't have enough shards. Gah. I currently have Outrage, Brick Break, Earthquake and Fire Fang. Brick Break was in case I ran into that Weavile or Tyranitar.

Notable things for me to worry about:
Charizard - It has Focus Sash and Will-O-Wisp, Earthquake can't hit it, and if it uses that when I Outrage, if it doesn't carry through to three turns, that'll suck.
Articuno - Unless it uses Blizzard and misses, i'll most likely get slammed.
Zapdos - Since I have Focus Sash now, I just have to pray to god it doesn't paralyze me with Thunder.
Scizor (unless you can't run into the same Pokemon twice) - I knew it had Focus Sash, Counter and Bullet Punch. First time, I used Earthquake, it had a decent amount left, and used Swords Dance. Then I finished it with another Earthquake. If I run into it again...uh-oh.
Skarmory - see Articuno
The aforementioned Rock/Ground types.
Steelix (unless you can't run into the same Pokemon twice).
Garchomp, Mamoswine, Bronzong.

I'm probably missing some, but i'm in a hurry as I type this right now.

Notable things for me to worry about:
Charizard - Is Quiet with no Speed EV investment. Therefore you will always Outrage first, stripping 94-99(sash)% without a CB, allowing you to 2HKO. In response a Blaze Blast Burn does only 72-89%.

Articuno - Unless you have Sash or Blizzard misses, you're a goner. if you have Sash hope that it attacks and doesn't use Reflect or Roost.

Scizor - Special Fire Move
Skarmory - ^^
Steelix - ^^

Garchomp - With Sash, you will survive its Outrage while KOing with yours.

Mamoswine - Does not have Ice Shard, and Outrage 2HKOs. Again Sash will guarantee the win

Bronzong - Can be a pain. Best strategy is to pack a special fire move, and run damage calcs. Depending on the damage output from the Fire Move, you should be able to determine whether it is Heatproof or Levitate.

I'm probably missing some, but i'm in a hurry as I type this right now.

Calcs Assumed opponents had 31IVs in all stats while Salamence had an Attack stat >400, 329 HP and 165 SpDef (you mentioned a low SpDef IV)

Pokemon you need to consider:
-Manectric (mentioned earlier)
-Umbreon: This thing can be pain to kill, as Outrage is a 3hko and Umbreon can stall you out.

Refering to what Aiklap said, a special Fire Move is the superior option (I forgot about Fire fang when posting yesterday), as even with no EV investment it can 2HKO Steelix and Skarm, considering the rest of your moves do squat to those two. Regarding Diana's comment, yes Hydro Pump would be better IF he was not running Sash. With Sash he can survive Rhyperior initial hit and 2HKO with Aqua tail.
Another reason for Hydro Pump, however, is Regirock. The only way you beat him is having a sash, since you die to Stone Edge anyway, but with a neutral nature you have a pretty good chance to 2KO it with Hydro Pump, which Aqua Tail can't do.
Another reason for Hydro Pump, however, is Regirock. The only way you beat him is having a sash, since you die to Stone Edge anyway, but with a neutral nature you have a pretty good chance to 2KO it with Hydro Pump, which Aqua Tail can't do.

Point conceded. It should also be noted (again) that Non-CB EQ also cannot 2HKO due to Regirock's Sitrus Berry.
My Salamence has 329 HP, 403 Attack, 219 Sp Atk, and 168 Sp Def, if you were wondering.

First off: The types i'm done with: Ice, Flying, Rock, Steel, Water, Dark, Dragon and Electric. And i'm halfway done with Ground and Psychic. Any type I didn't mention there I haven't started yet. That means I don't have to worry about the Manectric, Weavile, Tyranitar, Articuno or Skarmory for the rest of this challenge, but Bronzong, Steelix, Rhyperior, Rhydon and Golem are still lurking. I'll get another Red Shard tomorrow and give my Salamence Aqua Tail, since I most likely won't need Brick Break anymore, unless god forbid the Hall Matron uses that fucking Tyranitar.

I don't remember what the last Flying-type was, but it wasn't a legendary or Skarmory, so for the most part it was pretty easy. The last Water-type was Lumineon, which had Brightpowder, so Outrage missed once, but his Air Cutter did not even 20% of my health, and I OHKO'd with the second use of Outrage, without a crit. I was like, "Oh, I got all riled up for nothing. LOL."
OK, so here's an attempt at the old traditional Single Battle Tower (Platinum). I didn't really want to do a Trick team like everyone else, since if I were to do that it'd most likely be nearly exactly the same as someone else's team. I did think of an encore lead team, but meh, I didn't think it'll work out super well anyway and didn't want to breed, so I just looked at what pokemon I had available already in my boxes and made a simple team from that and got 75 streak with it. I'll just go on to the other frontier facilities. I'll just try to get goldprint on all of them before attempting battle tower again probably with another team. Well, here it is:

Starmie @ Expert Belt
Timid / Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP 252 Sp Attack 252 Speed
IVs: 29 / 29 / 25 / 29 / 30 / 31
- Surf / Ice Beam / Thunderbolt / Psychic
--> Yah, everyone knows how this thing works. It works great in the earlier rounds, but then its usefulness seems to decrease when supereffective hits don't OHKO... like getting killed by Machamp Paybacks or Hariyama Flings...

Breloom @ Toxic Orb
Jolly / Poison Heal
EVs: 248 HP 4 Attack 4 Defense 252 Speed
IVs: 20 / 31 / 27 / 16 / 31 / 31
- Substitute / Spore / Leech Seed / Facade
--> This thing basically beats anything that it outspeeds, aside from Lum/Chesto/Lax Incense/Bright powder/QC holders. Just Spore, Sub, and then attack. This mushroom singlehandedly defeats Palmer's legendary team fairly easily (pretty much the only possible way to lose would be missing spore twice in a row on the brightpowder regigigas after Slow Start's already over).

Metagross @ Choice Scarf
Adamant / Clear Body
EVs: 252 Attack 252 Speed 4 HP
IVs: 31 / 31 / 24 / 8 / 21 / 31
- EQ / Iron Head / Thunderpunch / Explosion
--> Yeah, the same one I used for double battle hall. It does the job cleaning things up, even though this does give the team a double fire weakness and with only a weak (Starmie) fire resist, since Starmie isn't amazingly bulky.

This team has the most trouble with electrics, fire, and fighting types. Honestly I should replace Metagross with a Swampert or... something like that. Um, I would say how I lost, but it's so embarassing that I'd rather not. Basically to keep it short, I lost to the Medicham with Zen Headbutt / Endure / Fake Out / Reversal ... I didn't check the list, so I didn't know while I was battling, but yah, I could have easily won by switching to Breloom to take a low-power reversal / endure / fake out... and then switch to metagross to take a 4x resisted zen headbutt and just explode (though it might use endure activating the salac, in which case I'm screwed and that's maybe also why I should have a priority move).