ok this is something i thought up last year like august-october while i was playing with my CLS team because i'm a degenerate:
Metagross @Choice Scarf ** But I Jest
EVs: 252HP / 4SpD / 252Spe
Nature: Jolly
~ Trick
~ Flash
~ Light Screen
~ Earthquake
Yep, I'm ironically using my least favorite pokemon here. Should tell me something but I'm not listening...anyway, Metagross gets 201 speed max with a Scarf at Lv50, extremely important so i trick the 130 base speed+ crew for the Trick. Probably wouldn't be using this team if Metagross didn't pass that test. The rest of the moves are to support my team—unfortunately Meta doesn't get Thunderwave, which would probably go over Flash. I decided I needed Earthquake because of Magnet Pull Magnezone, and because of my next two pokes.
Salamence (F) @Persim Berry ** Woe Betide
EVs: 252HP / 252Atk / 4Def
Nature: Adamant
~ Outrage
~ Dragon Dance
~ Substitute
~ Roost
Shouldn't really be surprised, I've had a hard-on for Salamence for over for years now, and any opportunity to use one for a great team in the Battle Tower has to be taken. This actually takes special hits slightly better than my Latios did (ones of the same effectiveness like Surf, of course), but the real awesomeness is of course in the sheer power of Outrage:
[17:34] <Jumpman16> ahahah
[17:34] <Jumpman16> 103% min to three of four skarmory in PT BF (Atk/Def)
[17:34] <Jumpman16> at +6
[17:35] <Jumpman16> the last one takes 95-112%...which is familiar cause yeah i remember calcing this before!!
[17:36] <Jumpman16> (170 HP/Def)
[17:38] <Mekkah> niec
[17:39] <Jumpman16> yeah so not calcing scizor
[17:39] <Jumpman16> only (BAN ME PLEASE) are meta and registeel then
[17:39] <Jumpman16> oh aggron
[17:39] <Jumpman16> i really dont wanna use eq at all
[17:41] <Jumpman16> whoa 98% min to 252 Def Metagross
[17:41] <Jumpman16> salamence is so uber
[17:43] <Jumpman16> slightly more min damage to max HP no def, which is the infamous QC one lol (98.4 here vs 98.1 max def)
[17:43] <Jumpman16> i'd say metagross looze
[17:46] <Jumpman16> 116% min against all bronzong
[17:50] <Jumpman16> and 82-97% to all aggron
[17:50] <Jumpman16> im sure you care about all this
That "chatlog" of course shows that I was thinking of the only pokemon that stood a chance to beat Salamence at +6. The relatively low initially speed is cause for some concern especially against pokes I have to Trick into OHKO moves (more on that below), but there's only one or two pokes that make me want to have 127 speed instead of 120, so whatever I guess. I'm hesitant to do that because of those calcs above and in general: Salamence seems to need all the attack it can get. Maybe dropping HP, but then Yanmega is more of an idiot (Tinted Lens) etc...we'll see.
I originally had Rest and not Roost because I wanted to be able to both get rid of status and also not cancel my Flying type, which directly contrasts with the idea behind using Salamence against things like Heracross or other Fighters locked into a Fighting move, but the instant recovery is really nice. May go with Lum over Persim, since I'd rather risk the 50% confusion if I couldn't get a three-turn Outrage to kill everything than being burned or whatever, but most of the time I use my last against status anyway so whatever.
Tyranitar (M) @Leftovers ** How Droll...:
EVs: 252HP / 252Atk / 4SpD
Nature: Adamant
~ Crunch
~ Dragon Dance
~ Substitute
~ Rest
This one's pretty self-explanatory, but I will highlight how easily Tyra sets up on Thunderbolts because of the SpD boost. Crunch does enough to stuff at +6 and it's pretty easy to get Tyra there, Leftovers really helps as it does with Latios.
Anyway I'll be the first to admit this team isn't as good as my CLS team, or probably even my LLL team. I kind of don't care though, I'm a degenerate and I've wanted to use DD Outrage Salamence for a while, and also this Tyranitar, they're in my "Fave 5" of pokemon so yeah. I'll probably use this team till I lose a few times to stuff I can't 100% blame myself for, then purposely use another team that's not my CLS team because the way I see it doing so means no more fun in the BT for me. Thinking about it rationally (rather than being cocky/pretentious about it) and knowing the pokes I'd face in Plat, I have no reason to believe I'd lose with CLS if I used it, and a slightly-less horrible reason to change teams in the middle of a streak I care about. But that's an aside...thank ET for the Sala and Tyra nicknames, they're supposed to be ~*pretentious*~, and they play off of my spur-of-the-moment "But I Jest" for a clown, Jolly Metagross.
As for the OHKO moves: 28-22012-15437. You'll love this battle.
Metagross @Choice Scarf ** But I Jest
EVs: 252HP / 4SpD / 252Spe
Nature: Jolly
~ Trick
~ Flash
~ Light Screen
~ Earthquake
Yep, I'm ironically using my least favorite pokemon here. Should tell me something but I'm not listening...anyway, Metagross gets 201 speed max with a Scarf at Lv50, extremely important so i trick the 130 base speed+ crew for the Trick. Probably wouldn't be using this team if Metagross didn't pass that test. The rest of the moves are to support my team—unfortunately Meta doesn't get Thunderwave, which would probably go over Flash. I decided I needed Earthquake because of Magnet Pull Magnezone, and because of my next two pokes.
Salamence (F) @Persim Berry ** Woe Betide
EVs: 252HP / 252Atk / 4Def
Nature: Adamant
~ Outrage
~ Dragon Dance
~ Substitute
~ Roost
Shouldn't really be surprised, I've had a hard-on for Salamence for over for years now, and any opportunity to use one for a great team in the Battle Tower has to be taken. This actually takes special hits slightly better than my Latios did (ones of the same effectiveness like Surf, of course), but the real awesomeness is of course in the sheer power of Outrage:
[17:34] <Jumpman16> ahahah
[17:34] <Jumpman16> 103% min to three of four skarmory in PT BF (Atk/Def)
[17:34] <Jumpman16> at +6
[17:35] <Jumpman16> the last one takes 95-112%...which is familiar cause yeah i remember calcing this before!!
[17:36] <Jumpman16> (170 HP/Def)
[17:38] <Mekkah> niec
[17:39] <Jumpman16> yeah so not calcing scizor
[17:39] <Jumpman16> only (BAN ME PLEASE) are meta and registeel then
[17:39] <Jumpman16> oh aggron
[17:39] <Jumpman16> i really dont wanna use eq at all
[17:41] <Jumpman16> whoa 98% min to 252 Def Metagross
[17:41] <Jumpman16> salamence is so uber
[17:43] <Jumpman16> slightly more min damage to max HP no def, which is the infamous QC one lol (98.4 here vs 98.1 max def)
[17:43] <Jumpman16> i'd say metagross looze
[17:46] <Jumpman16> 116% min against all bronzong
[17:50] <Jumpman16> and 82-97% to all aggron
[17:50] <Jumpman16> im sure you care about all this
That "chatlog" of course shows that I was thinking of the only pokemon that stood a chance to beat Salamence at +6. The relatively low initially speed is cause for some concern especially against pokes I have to Trick into OHKO moves (more on that below), but there's only one or two pokes that make me want to have 127 speed instead of 120, so whatever I guess. I'm hesitant to do that because of those calcs above and in general: Salamence seems to need all the attack it can get. Maybe dropping HP, but then Yanmega is more of an idiot (Tinted Lens) etc...we'll see.
I originally had Rest and not Roost because I wanted to be able to both get rid of status and also not cancel my Flying type, which directly contrasts with the idea behind using Salamence against things like Heracross or other Fighters locked into a Fighting move, but the instant recovery is really nice. May go with Lum over Persim, since I'd rather risk the 50% confusion if I couldn't get a three-turn Outrage to kill everything than being burned or whatever, but most of the time I use my last against status anyway so whatever.
Tyranitar (M) @Leftovers ** How Droll...:
EVs: 252HP / 252Atk / 4SpD
Nature: Adamant
~ Crunch
~ Dragon Dance
~ Substitute
~ Rest
This one's pretty self-explanatory, but I will highlight how easily Tyra sets up on Thunderbolts because of the SpD boost. Crunch does enough to stuff at +6 and it's pretty easy to get Tyra there, Leftovers really helps as it does with Latios.
Anyway I'll be the first to admit this team isn't as good as my CLS team, or probably even my LLL team. I kind of don't care though, I'm a degenerate and I've wanted to use DD Outrage Salamence for a while, and also this Tyranitar, they're in my "Fave 5" of pokemon so yeah. I'll probably use this team till I lose a few times to stuff I can't 100% blame myself for, then purposely use another team that's not my CLS team because the way I see it doing so means no more fun in the BT for me. Thinking about it rationally (rather than being cocky/pretentious about it) and knowing the pokes I'd face in Plat, I have no reason to believe I'd lose with CLS if I used it, and a slightly-less horrible reason to change teams in the middle of a streak I care about. But that's an aside...thank ET for the Sala and Tyra nicknames, they're supposed to be ~*pretentious*~, and they play off of my spur-of-the-moment "But I Jest" for a clown, Jolly Metagross.
As for the OHKO moves: 28-22012-15437. You'll love this battle.