Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

ok this is something i thought up last year like august-october while i was playing with my CLS team because i'm a degenerate:

Metagross @Choice Scarf ** But I Jest
EVs: 252HP / 4SpD / 252Spe
Nature: Jolly
~ Trick
~ Flash
~ Light Screen
~ Earthquake

Yep, I'm ironically using my least favorite pokemon here. Should tell me something but I'm not listening...anyway, Metagross gets 201 speed max with a Scarf at Lv50, extremely important so i trick the 130 base speed+ crew for the Trick. Probably wouldn't be using this team if Metagross didn't pass that test. The rest of the moves are to support my team—unfortunately Meta doesn't get Thunderwave, which would probably go over Flash. I decided I needed Earthquake because of Magnet Pull Magnezone, and because of my next two pokes.

Salamence (F) @Persim Berry ** Woe Betide
EVs: 252HP / 252Atk / 4Def
Nature: Adamant
~ Outrage
~ Dragon Dance
~ Substitute
~ Roost

Shouldn't really be surprised, I've had a hard-on for Salamence for over for years now, and any opportunity to use one for a great team in the Battle Tower has to be taken. This actually takes special hits slightly better than my Latios did (ones of the same effectiveness like Surf, of course), but the real awesomeness is of course in the sheer power of Outrage:

[17:34] <Jumpman16> ahahah
[17:34] <Jumpman16> 103% min to three of four skarmory in PT BF (Atk/Def)
[17:34] <Jumpman16> at +6
[17:35] <Jumpman16> the last one takes 95-112%...which is familiar cause yeah i remember calcing this before!!
[17:36] <Jumpman16> (170 HP/Def)
[17:38] <Mekkah> niec
[17:39] <Jumpman16> yeah so not calcing scizor
[17:39] <Jumpman16> only (BAN ME PLEASE) are meta and registeel then
[17:39] <Jumpman16> oh aggron
[17:39] <Jumpman16> i really dont wanna use eq at all
[17:41] <Jumpman16> whoa 98% min to 252 Def Metagross
[17:41] <Jumpman16> salamence is so uber
[17:43] <Jumpman16> slightly more min damage to max HP no def, which is the infamous QC one lol (98.4 here vs 98.1 max def)
[17:43] <Jumpman16> i'd say metagross looze
[17:46] <Jumpman16> 116% min against all bronzong
[17:50] <Jumpman16> and 82-97% to all aggron
[17:50] <Jumpman16> im sure you care about all this

That "chatlog" of course shows that I was thinking of the only pokemon that stood a chance to beat Salamence at +6. The relatively low initially speed is cause for some concern especially against pokes I have to Trick into OHKO moves (more on that below), but there's only one or two pokes that make me want to have 127 speed instead of 120, so whatever I guess. I'm hesitant to do that because of those calcs above and in general: Salamence seems to need all the attack it can get. Maybe dropping HP, but then Yanmega is more of an idiot (Tinted Lens) etc...we'll see.

I originally had Rest and not Roost because I wanted to be able to both get rid of status and also not cancel my Flying type, which directly contrasts with the idea behind using Salamence against things like Heracross or other Fighters locked into a Fighting move, but the instant recovery is really nice. May go with Lum over Persim, since I'd rather risk the 50% confusion if I couldn't get a three-turn Outrage to kill everything than being burned or whatever, but most of the time I use my last against status anyway so whatever.

Tyranitar (M) @Leftovers ** How Droll...:
EVs: 252HP / 252Atk / 4SpD
Nature: Adamant
~ Crunch
~ Dragon Dance
~ Substitute
~ Rest

This one's pretty self-explanatory, but I will highlight how easily Tyra sets up on Thunderbolts because of the SpD boost. Crunch does enough to stuff at +6 and it's pretty easy to get Tyra there, Leftovers really helps as it does with Latios.

Anyway I'll be the first to admit this team isn't as good as my CLS team, or probably even my LLL team. I kind of don't care though, I'm a degenerate and I've wanted to use DD Outrage Salamence for a while, and also this Tyranitar, they're in my "Fave 5" of pokemon so yeah. I'll probably use this team till I lose a few times to stuff I can't 100% blame myself for, then purposely use another team that's not my CLS team because the way I see it doing so means no more fun in the BT for me. Thinking about it rationally (rather than being cocky/pretentious about it) and knowing the pokes I'd face in Plat, I have no reason to believe I'd lose with CLS if I used it, and a slightly-less horrible reason to change teams in the middle of a streak I care about. But that's an aside...thank ET for the Sala and Tyra nicknames, they're supposed to be ~*pretentious*~, and they play off of my spur-of-the-moment "But I Jest" for a clown, Jolly Metagross.

As for the OHKO moves: 28-22012-15437. You'll love this battle.
lol That's the Battle Tower for you: hax all the way. Poor Metagross... By the way, I love how your &quot;for fun&quot; teams are better than almost every tower team in existence (try looking up random battle videos, you'll laugh at most.) Also I love how substitute had to block Horn Drill. Five Times.

I do want to note that I have something fun planned for the Battle Hall eventually, depends how long the rest of the things go for when I decide to get around to using it.
Diana, are you breeding the normal way, or manipulating the RNG which is somewhat easier but, difficult to learn?

Edit: I think I'm going to breed the way I know how, and not learn how to RNG manipulate as it would take too long:D
Diana, are you breeding the normal way, or manipulating the RNG which is somewhat easier but, difficult to learn?

Edit: I think I'm going to breed the way I know how, and not learn how to RNG manipulate as it would take too long:D

I haven't used the RNG... I could probably learn it if I wanted to but I really don't feel like it, lol
The past few days I was just playing several different frontier facilities, didn't really feel like theorymoning too much or breeding. I didn't get anything spectacular, but anyway, here are some stuffs:

34 streak in Single Battle Factory Open Level. I was stupid. I could have won. I had a pretty good team, with:
Latios (Psychic/Thunderbolt/Ice Beam/Energy Ball)
Heatran (Flash Cannon/Heat Wave/... and forgot the rest)
Ambipom (Double Hit + elemental punches I think?)

I faced Gengar, and chanced that I'll outspeed, or that I'll survive a shadow ball with Latios' good special defense. Well, obviously I was slower, but I did survive with 4HP, and I used Psychic, but of course Gengar had a psychic resist berry and lives. I figured Latios is still useful (it OHKOd all 3 pokemon in the battle just before this one), so then I was stupid again thinking that Gengar would shadow ball again, so I switch to Ambipom which gets killed by Sludge Bomb. Heatran then takes a resisted Shadow Ball and finished Gengar off (seriously, I had no idea why I didn't do that earlier). Jolteon comes in and Twaves Heatran, whose Heat wave misses. Then Jolteon 4HKOs Heatran (I think) while Heatran got fully paralyzed 2 turns and got one heat wave in doing about 90% damage, but yah, it's over after heatran fainted since Jolteon is obviously faster than Latios and easily OHKOs. Yeah, I made so many mistakes.

Then, today, I was hanging with my pokemon buddy, and we played Multi Battle Factory Open Level together, and got up to 14 streak, didn't lose yet. 14 streak probably doesn't really deserve to be on any record list, but hey, I figured most people probably aren't going to play this a lot lol, so I might as well mention it. My friend is awesome.
EDIT: O yah, 7 swaps, if that means anything.

Meanwhile, I was also playing Double Battle Castle. I was surprised to find out that, unlike Double Battle Tower, this Battle Castle actually uses 3 pokemon even for Double! I was just going to use my Jolteon/Ludicolo/Vaporeon/Metagross rain team, since... that's the only double team I currently have (aside from my Togekiss/Snorlax/Bronzong/Filler TR Team on my Diamond... which won't do as well anyway, since it requires Snorlax belly drumming every battle, costing me precious CPs). Since I can only use three pokemon, I decide to ditch Metagross and just use Jolteon/Ludicolo/Vaporeon. Too lazy to type all the stuff about the team again, so just look here (minus Metagross):

So my record isn't even that good, but I'll post anyway, since I might as well. I got a 39 streak with 275 CP. Everything was going pretty smoothly, until I faced a team with Dewgong / Froslass / Gastrodon.

Turn 1:
--> If you actually clicked on the link above, you'll notice that I lost my double battle tower streak to this exact lead (Dewgong and Froslass). So, this time, I don't bother even trying to Rain Dance.
Jolteon came back. Vaporeon came into battle.
Froslass used Ice beam on Vaporeon for very little damage. No freeze thank goodness lol.
Ludicolo used Grass Knot on Dewgong. Doesn't KO.
Dewgong used Sheer Cold on Ludicolo and hits. Ludicolo faints. Jolteon comes back out.
--> I didn't bother with fake out on Dewgong either, because that doesn't really benefit anything, I figured, since Ludicolo's partner wasn't attacking anyway. But now that I think about this, I should have used fake out, and then 2nd turn Ludicolo Grass Knot while Vaporeon HP Electric on Dewgong for the KO, bah o well too late.

Turn 2:
Jolteon used Rain Dance.
Froslass used Ice Beam on Jolteon (~50% damage). No freeze woohoo.
Dewgong used Rest. Hydration cures Dewgong's status.
Vaporeon used HP Electric.
--> I feared Thunder's accuracy without rain, so I rain danced, only to benefit Dewgong. bah.

Turn 3:
Jolteon used Thunder on Dewgong who faints.
Froslass used Ice Beam on Jolteon. Jolteon faints.
Vaporeon used Brine on Froslass for >50% damage.
Gastrodon came into battle.
--> so now it's 1 on 2, but I was actually feeling relieved that it's Gastrodon, since I thought I can probably kill Froslass next turn and just toxic stall Gastrodon alternating between protect and brine. Obviously I lost, so yah this is what happened.

Turn 4:
Froslass used Thunderbolt (~48% damage).
Vaporeon used Brine on Froslass. Froslass fainted.
Gastrodon used Fissure #1 which missed.
--> Yikes, now I don't feel too confident. This was my plan: Toxic, Protect, Brine, and then Protect, so if Gastrodon's Fissure misses next turn and 3 turns later I should be able to win.

Turn 5: Vaporeon used Toxic and hits. Fissure #2 misses.
Turn 6: Vaporeon used Protect. Fissure #3 doesn't hit.
Turn 7: (The deciding moment!) Vaporeon used Brine. Fissure #4 hits. Game over.

I know, if I actually checked the database (or just thought more thoroughly), I probably could have done better (i.e. in dealing with that Dewgong), but o well. I don't look at the database anymore when actually battling. I do all my theorymon and stuff and check up with the databases, but when I play, I just play. O yah, a couple days ago I actually used the exact same team and lost at Battle #35 because I forgot to refill my PPs, so my Jolteon was pretty much deadweight with no rain dance or thunder.
Meanwhile, I was also playing Double Battle Castle. I was surprised to find out that, unlike Double Battle Tower, this Battle Castle actually uses 3 pokemon even for Double!

I discovered this on accident as well the other day.. I was going to kill two birds with one stone and get my color print and test my vgc doubles team but so much for that idea. Really weird but that gave me a wacky team idea to abuse these 3 pokemon doubles matches in the Castle so when I get around to testing it I'll explain in more detail.
Been working on a new plat BT team and I could use some suggestions:

Timid Latias@choice scarf
252 hp/6 def/252 spe
Recover* Consider replacing with Draco Meteor

Standard tricker..kinda. Reason I chose Latias over Metagross or Cresselia is because it can still outspeed some slow pokes even after they are scarfed allowing me to charm if i can't survive a 2nd hit or charm+recover and have a living latias then go to Luke. Safeguard is if they get stuck in a status move. Latias is mainly targeted with dark/shadow/ice/dragon, all of which allow Luke to set up. I'm a bit iffy about outrage but it seems that Luke is able to survive and set up on dragon claw dragonite and draco meteor needs 2 hits to kill Latias it seems keeping my Luke safe barring a crit.

Adamant Lucario(Steadfast)@salac berry
252 atk/6 def/252 spe (30 hp iv)
Close Combat
Swords Dance

Why lucario? Its so fragile! True, Luke cannot take many hits but I am still able to setup on Weavile ice punch and get at least 1 sd before the salac boost and sweep. I seems that no one targets Lucario with priority moves possibly because of how AI works(using SE moves instead of priority?) It works wonders if I get a subsalac and at least 1 sd since I'm able to sweep a whole team. I also use steadfast for bite and dark pulse which gives me speed boosts. :P

Bold Suicune@leftovers *Consider replacing with DD Lapras read below
252 hp/252 def/6 sp.atk
Ice Beam
Calm Mind

Used as the last resort incase my lucario gets haxed while setting up. I don't find it that effective since its too slow to sweep effectively and tanking hits result in more critical hits on it.
Possible replacement: Adamant Lapras@leftovers Waterfall/Outrage/Dragon Dance/Substitute 174 hp/252 atk/84 spe
I chose Lapras is because it can soak up ice beam which Lucario has trouble setting up on armor! Allowing me some hax free setup. But I'm worried about taking stab shadow ball since I'm not so confident about Lapras' special taking abilities. This is where I need some help on.

Team has trouble with scary face/sand attack/perish song move leads which hammer my Lucario's sweeping abilities. Other than that I haven't met troubles. I managed to lose at 75 because I got stupid and forgot to use safeguard after charm which allowed my Lucario to freeze for 10 turns due to ice punch and dies(while my opponent struggles to death). In comes Jolteon which obliterates my suicune with thunderbolt before I can set up ending my streak. I must say it is entirely my fault. :pirate:

Now it would be nice if someone provided me with the info I seek such as AI behaviour when they only have not very effective moves against latias(worried about thunderbolt which I plan to just outstall with recover and set up while they struggle) and priority move usage against Lucario. If an infernape has mach punch and close combat vs my -25% lucario with salac, will they use close combat or mach punch? Also if a Scizor has brick break and bullet punch, which move would it use?

Suggestions to improve latias lead would also be appreciated since I cannot deal with speed reduction moves or accuracy reduction moves.
@ forbidden
Dont replace Suicune, it does a better job at setting up than Lapras. For Latias, Don't run recover or Draco Meteor. Insted use Thuder wave. The point of a trick lead is to cripple, and hense allow a set up. You DONT want to KO them.
If you have that much of a problem with Thunderbolt, replace Lucario with Something that Resists it or has no problem taking them.
Random musing.. is it just me or is the Battle Arcade actually the least random facility in the whole Frontier, despite being advertised as the most random?

I mean,
- you use your own pokemon
- your opps don't have items so no QC/BP hax (unless you accidentally give them items)
- you get to see your opp's team beforehand
- the "roulette" is actually completely skill-based rather than luck based, provided you pick your tiles carefully (i.e. don't go for a bonus if there's a "swap team" tile next to it)

I guess I'm just surprised the record is only 77. I'm going to go for a high score here after I get that damned 49 wins @ factory.
Random musing.. is it just me or is the Battle Arcade actually the least random facility in the whole Frontier, despite being advertised as the most random?

I guess I'm just surprised the record is only 77. I'm going to go for a high score here after I get that damned 49 wins @ factory.

I thought that too, but once you get past 49, the speed of the roulette really is insane. You might think that you can just sit there and stare at it and focus like crazy, but eventually there are more tiles that hinder you, and really, keeping focus for a round of 7 is really difficult.
I'm a little new here, so forgive me if i'm making a mistake ^^

I'm planning on making this Battle Frontier team, and would like opinions on what to change. Normally I would take sets directly from the main site(Which I did for some Pokemon, but altered others), but the Battle Frontier is different then competitive battling. :X

Tentacruel@Black Sludge
Calm/Liquid Ooze
252 HP/120 Def/136 Sp. Def
-Confuse Ray
-Toxic Spikes/Ice Beam
-Sludge Bomb/Rapid Spin?

Special Wall-ish. Can switch in for Special Sweepers that try to take down Tangrowth/Salamence. I feel like Toxic Spikes would be useless in the Battle Frontier; it would take time to set up. I would have it over Confuse Ray in Competitive battling, but not here. I don't know what would be better; Sludge Bomb for STAB, or the coverage with Ice? Or should Giga Drain be in the picture somewhere? Also, how common are Spikes/Toxic Spikes/SR in the Frontier? Should I have Rapid Spin on there? Black Sludge over leftovers for the case of trick.

Impish/Leaf Guard
252 HP/ 252 Def/ 6 Sp. Def
-Power Whip
-Knock Off
-Leech Seed
-Sleep Powder/Poison Jab

Tangrowth is a highly underestimated Pokemon. He as an excellent base spread, his only issue are special sweepers. I was thinking Poison Jab to stop other Grass walls that would counter this set. Knock off can cripple certain Pokemon.

Salamence@Yache/Life Orb
252 Attack, 252 Speed, 6 HP
-Aerial Ace/??
-Dragon Dance
-Dragon Claw/Outrage

I'm skeptical on the Nature because I really don't want a lower Special Defense, but I realize that if Salamence doesn't have the Yache then it doesn't really matter what defense is lowered. However, with this set I wouldn't be running a MixMence and therefore wouldn't need Naughty. EQ counters some of Tentacruels threats. I am pushing for Dragon Claw over Outrage because of the confusion and no control for x turns; With Stab, it has the base power of Outrage anyway. Aerial Ace gets STAB and covers anything that would wall Tangrowth and hit Tentacruel hard, but I am open to other suggestions.

Forgive me if I did something wrong :X
@ Mitty

Your right, the Frontier is different from competitive battling which means that some of the main site sets are either void or need a lot of tweaking to work. So just keep this is mind

Secondly, entry hazards are redundant in the Frontier. Only 2 Pokemon have stealth rock, while a meager handful have Spikes or Toxic Spikes. The time it takes to set the latter two up is large, leaving you prone to KOs or hax. Meanwhile, if the AI starts setting up Entry hazards, this gives you free turns to hammer them.

Finally the best advice I can give is lurk a bit more in the thread, and check out other peoples teams on the Leaderboard. This will give you a good idea on what works and what doesn't work in Frontier, and can hopefully help you develop a successful team of your own

Welcome to Smogon
Note that about the Arcade, usually streaks end because of the roulette. It's just that fast... I really just tried to stay away from the things that hurt me a lot, and it worked out well enough. Someone's eventually going to top my 77, I'm sure of it, but when you play Arcade luck is definitely involved more than you'd think by the early rounds.

But seriously, good luck, I want to see someone top 100 on that eventually.

Oh my gosh I just did something so stupid... Finally bred that Bagon and just now realize I didn't breed Dragon Dance onto it. Luckily I had a quite good Dragonite from back on Pearl so to save my own Sanity I'll try that, along with my Scizor.

All right, so the tower decided to play its games again: 83-06528-50183
ok i lied im using this team instead:

Latias (F) @Focus Sash ** Dr. Paula
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252HP/16Def/240Spe
Nature: Timid
~ Thunderwave
~ Charm
~ Flash
~ Roar

The doctor is in. Paula has the beauty and smarts to stop you in your tracks the second you step into her office (Thunderwave). Any tension or general animosity you could display to this kind-hearted physician will be instantly put to rest by her good-natured smile and pleasant disposition (Charm). She'll run a few general, diagnostic tests on you, but they won't hurt a bit—though I've heard the optical check-up isn't as easy on the eyes as she is (Flash). Oh, and if she doesn't wan't to see you right now, she'll let you know (Roar).

lol anyway, this has enough speed at 173 to beat Adamant Dugtrio, which wasn't a far cry from Jolly Garchomp's 169 speed, the real issue. TW obviously doesn't work on ground types, and given the nature of my next poke, that could be problematic, but with 173 speed, I can Charm Garchomp twice everytime. Flash is standard fare against everything, mainly Special Attackers as usual, but Roar is really what sells this set. Pokes I can't hinder with Latias as much as I'd prefer like Clear Body pokes, at the top of the list Metagross (surprise), would be a pain for the rest of my team to face. Roar really solves that problem much better than anything else would have (why don't you get Skill Swap Latias =/), since many of the pokes that would be problems will actually try to set up, like Curse Regirock and Registeel.

Drapion (M) @Black Sludge ** DRAPULA
Ability: Battle Armor
EVs: 252HP/252Atk/4SpD
Nature: Adamant
~ Crunch
~ Acupressure
~ Substitute
~ Rest

The hero. After you're done with Dr. Paula, Drapula will perform a more...thorough investigation. Feel free to let him know what's on your mind, really lay it on him, because rest assured he can take it.

The main reason I'm even using this pokemon and this team is Battle Armor, which may or may not be obvious so I'm making sure to point it out. That Jolly Garchomp I mentioned above?

Jolly, 182 Attack Garchomp's twice-Charmed Earthquake on a 177HP/130Def Adamant Drapion (max/min): 30.51-37.29%

You can start to see what I'm getting at now. Drapion will never, ever lose to Garchomp because of Battle Armor and Black Sludge, since Garchomp (and anything) would have to do 37.5% damage three times to kill Drapion, and as you can see, this literally can never happen. Latias will be able to Charm twice every time (sometimes even three times), and Drapion will be able to Rest off the Earthquake damage every time and stall it out of EQ PP, assuming the worst which is no Defense or Evasion boost the first two times I use Acupressure.

Crunch is because Drapion does need all the power it can get (which explains why it's not Bold), and Sub to protect against OHKOs or to scout a miss from a special attack. However, since Nintendo has found new ways to disappoint me, Acupressure fails if Drapion has a Substitute. This seems like a mind-blowingly dumb oversight on their part, and it probably is, though it can be explained, according to Colin, by the evident fact that stat-changes are applied to the target, not the pokémon. The crucial difference between Acupressure and moves like Swagger or Flatter or Psych Up is that all of those can target foe pokemon, whereas Acupressure is just user and ally.

So...I blame both Nintendo and the concept of doubles battles in general—it doesn't make sense that they would intentionally disallow Acupressure to work if you're subbed, since Nintendo's had a Double Team fetish since the very beginning and the Sub/Double Team "strategy" has been available for a decade now and is arguably more broken than what I'm trying to do here. That said, it is actually just a minor inconvenience, since there isn't much that can kill Drapion anyway and I can still Sub to scout misses as mentioned. Three times already have pokemon used Overheat on Drapion's Sub, essentially doing much of my work for me. I'm considering Taunt over Sub to stop things like Hypnosis and Dragon Dance, but Sub obviously has its merits even if I could just switch Latias back into Overheats and accomplish the same thing as Sub would.

It kind of doesn't even matter though—I cannot stress enough how unbeatable Drapion is against basically every physical attacker, and like literally everything but Roar Rhyperior and Sash/Roar Houndoom (both of which fall easily to my third afterwards) with Battle Armor, +6 Attack, Defense, Special Defense, Speed, Accuracy (fuck off Brightpowder and Lax Incense), and Evasion.

Anyway, proof of Nintendo being dumb about Sub/Acupressure: 77-63332-34766

Scizor (M) @Leftovers ** Dr. Lapua
Ability: Technician
EVs: 80HP/252Atk/4Def/4SpD/168Spe
Nature: Adamant
~ Bullet Punch
~ Superpower
~ Substitute
~ Swords Dance

Dr. Lapua may see you if you'd like a shorter appointment, and may even if you don't (you probably won't). My Scizor is renamed and slighty reEVed for Platinum—106 Speed still gets Suicune, and it was 107 before for the possibility of +Speed Heatran (106), which is now impossible with set AI natures. Leftovers is possible because Drapion rocks, and is admittedly better than Sitrus Berry, but it's not like I can complain about my CLS team too much.

Scizor is more than just a logical choice to resist the attacks Latias is weak to—it's a great clean-up poke capable of sweeping even after just two turns (Sub/SD). I obviously know how Scizor works by now in the BT, and until I see a concrete reason to change it, I'm not going to.

As for the nicknames, which again are more important and witty than anything else about my teams: I started with the Drapula pun on Dracula (yay for unvoiced stops), which also goes well with my decision to go Crunch instead of Night Slash. From there EeveeTrainer and I decided to go with anagrams, and he came up with Dr. Paula for Latias which is pretty much perfect for obvious reasons. Dr. Lapua will take some explaining for those of us who are not military rifle maniacs or huge fps-game enthusiasts—the round (bullet) used in many of the popular military sniper rifles is a ".338 Lapua" caliber round, and after the decision to go with anagrams, Dr. Lapua more than "just fit" for a pokemon who makes short work of his opponents with quick, powerful, metal bullet punches.

Anyway, I want to use this team for two reasons. One, Acupressure is slated to be the feel-good move of the summer (in theaters now). It was either my first or second Battle Factory run where I got the Poison Jab/Crunch/Aqua Tail/Acupressure Adamant Drapion (it had Sniper but whatever), and I was lucky enough to be squared off against the Sucker Punch/Poison Jab/Slash/Screech Skuntank that let me spam Acupressure 21 times and sweep with ease and, more importantly, a big grin on my face.

Which leads into two: I'm bored of Trick teams. I am "allowed" to say that because I've used them for so long in the BT that it's just not fun anymore, not for me. Acupressure is, though, as I've seriously loved the move for years and am kind of surprised I haven't thought of this strat sooner, as it's not as if Latias and Drapion have any Platinum moves or as if I haven't theorymonned teams while using existing ones.

This set is such a contrasting blend of dice-rolling luck (Acupressure) and anti-luck (Battle Armor) that the product just seems right. Kind of like mixing a Dark type that's weak to Bug and Fighting with a Poison type that's weak to Psychic and Ground but covers the Bug and Fighting weaknesses and enjoys the Psychic immunity it direly needed.

Finally I'm at 105 right now with this team, and will use it until blah blah I'm serious this time (probably).

ps hey peterko at what point do we start asking for pictures of records? i would also like it if we mandated the #1-3 record battles to be recorded with the VS seeker for Platinum and uploaded ot the GTS, this isn't too much to ask at all imo

Finally I'm at 105 right now with this team, and will use it until blah blah I'm serious this time (probably).

I laughed so´re crazy, period.

ps hey peterko at what point do we start asking for pictures of records? i would also like it if we mandated the #1-3 record battles to be recorded with the VS seeker for Platinum and uploaded ot the GTS, this isn't too much to ask at all imo

this is a tough one, hmm...there are many facilities, let´s start with maybe like TOP 3 instead of a particular streak length (?)

as for the battles, does such a recorded battle give proof of the streak at all?

ps I am getting platinum soon...I mean tomorrow or thursday :D
Why the leaderboards for the Platinum WiFi tower and the D/P WiFi tower kept separate? Aren't they exactly the same?
For the requiring the top 3, I could do that for any new streaks... I do wonder, what about the people who don't have wifi? It doesn't seem right to exclude them from having a top 3 spot.

also, rofl Jump, that's pure insanity. Acupressure Drapion.. xD
For the requiring the top 3, I could do that for any new streaks... I do wonder, what about the people who don't have wifi? It doesn't seem right to exclude them from having a top 3 spot.

also, rofl Jump, that's pure insanity. Acupressure Drapion.. xD

They can still record the battle on the vs seeker and record a video of it on a camera and upload to youtube :D
Battle factory: 25 streak
I dont need to tell you it's unfair, but i missed 5 times with wide lens thunder (Starmie) against a dd Lapras, it then went on to crit my scizor with Outrage...
Lesson is dont apply luck to anything in the factory.

Oh and i found a definate increase of IVs after swapping, not too sure by how much though.
I must say, after using a Curselax in the battle factory, I am very tempted to get one of my own to use in the rest of the facilties.

Update (all are dead streaks)

Lv 50 Factory: 29 Wins

Open Level Factory: 26 Wins

Lv 50 Arcade: 50 Wins (same team as in the Castle)
Oh and i found a definate increase of IVs after swapping, not too sure by how much though.

are you sure this is separate from the already-documented 4 IV increase for every round of 7?

and i agree, the factory is stupid, once you're aspiring for the gold symbol/print you get over the novelty of "challenge cup" real quick, given how legitimately difficult it is to win with the AI's inflated (and very real) hax rate. our leaderboard is all the evidence we need—more people would have won 49 straight battles by now if it weren't harder than every other facility. i'm sure glad they thought emerald's 42 battles for gold was too easy and bumped it to 49, or—more likely—decided they had to adhere to "49 battles for gold anywhere" (50 for hall is the same thing) since they took Tower gold down from 70
So how many battles do you have to complete for each facility to get the gold symbol?

Tower, Factory, Arcade, and Castle: 49
Hall: 170

I have all the gold symbols outside of that stupid Factory.. I hate the place.