Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

Since Wild Eep's flawless Salamence didn't OHKO Abomasnow, I did a quick damage calc to find that there's a very low chance for adamant Salamence to OHKO Abomasnow with Flamethrower, while abomasnow OHKOs Salamence with Avalanche (assuming 120 BP) even after 2 intimidates. So I'm guessing Abomasnow might be that pokemon?

Oh wait... You can double target on one Abomasnow. Nevermind.
or im retarded and i actually have fire fang lol

this is a copy paste of the theorymon i have right under the pokes:

"aboma always dies to 267 SpA FT, 254 SpA heat wave, and 405 Atk FF."

however, that may not be a bad idea, since they dont have blizzard. probably a better idea even if i have to miss the two fire fangs first turn to lose

ps: you've uncovered the other reason garchomp is a horrible idea for singles hall: adamant fire blast does 99.73% max to abomasnow, and you need a special fire move or you have issues with scizor
Wait... don't you still lose to Weavile?

Turn 1
Weavile 1 used Ice punch on Salamence 1. Sash may or may not activate, but health low enough.
Weavile 2 used Ice punch on Salamence 1. Salamence 1 fainted.
Salamence 2 used EQ (doesn't really matter what it is since both weaviles have sash).

Turn 2
Weavile 1 and 2 used Ice punch. Salamence 2 fainted.

Did I miss something here? Isn't this just like the same problem with Single Battle Hall then? Only, the Weaviles get double intimidated, but double Ice Punch still KOs one salamence in first turn. If the weaviles target different salamences, then Salamence wins by double quake first turn, but they sometimes do double target.

So I got a streak of 194 in the Double Battle Hall this time, same Metagrosses, losing to the same Rotom in almost the exact same way (i.e. critical hits). I think that's a sign telling me I should just move on to something else, since using the same pokemon for 380 battles in 2.5 days is enough and boring enough, lol.

I wish they had more awards/prints/ribbons/etc. for the frontier facilities for Double, since I like double more, but I guess I'll go back to single for a while to attempt to get those silver and gold prints.
it's pretty different from singles hall, but i dont know why i thought protect would let salamence survive the entirely of turn 1 no matter what. i envisioned it being a 100% win outside of freezes (which most pokemon cannot avoid even if they're faster since weavile is sashed and would have to use night slash on them), with one salamence protecting and the other using EQ and doing 67% min to both weavile and surviving no matter what thans to sash (even if double targeted), then my salamence switching roles with the "1%" one protecting and my 100% one finishing them off with EQ guaranteed.

that said, this little exercise itself has made me remember that even with that incorrect sash assumption, a 1% Salamence is definitely going to be a target of Weavile's priority, and I think both of them. I wouldn't be surprised at all if both Weavile targeted the 1% Salamence with Ice Shard, allowing my 100% one to EQ for the kill when the 1% one Protects. Now I'd have to have my Turn-1 EQing Salamence survive no matter what and if my Salamence were Lv100 that would actually happen 7.69% of the time (would be 2.56% if i had 31/31 HP/Def but alas they are only 28/31/30/16/31/31). At Lv56 I survive one IP 80% of the time. Anyway:

Turn 1: Salamence 1 uses Protect, Weavile 1 targets it. Weavile 2 targets Salamence 2 with Ice Punch, survives no matter what, Salamence uses EQ, both Weavile at 33% tops (can CH but it doesn't matter). Sala 1 at 100%, Sala 2 at "1%", Weavile 1 & 2 at "33%".

Turn 2: Salamence 2 uses Protect, Weavile 1 & 2 target Salamence 2 with Ice Shard/Quick Attack because that is always how the AI has used priority moves, Salamence 1 uses EQ for the win.

If they double target the wrong one (the one that's Protecting), I definitely win every time (barring freezes). So as I see it, I think my chances are still pretty good with them in Doubles, a shade under 75% accounting for freezes (and not thawing). Better than the ~42% in Singles with Swagger as your only chance, unless you have luck like LordCaelus and get the ~0.59% odds you didn't know you needed to work in your favor of course, lol (i'm surprised he didnt record this battle but whatever)

at any rate chinese dood i like that your thinking cap is on itt, i missed the timid specs latias vs sash scyther thing too and i can tell both of us can appreciate the subtle thinking that has to go into things like salamence beating sash IP/IS weavile and latios beating sash XS/QA scyther. since i can kinda do whatever i want i am going to post some of my lucario theorymon because you were wondering about it and i mentioned fire types:


k fire

need to counter arcanine, unless it does enough recoil damage with flare blitz. you do 48.60% (156 HP) min with -1 319 Atk EQ, then 19.31% min with ES (62 raw HP). it does 93 raw HP damage recoil to itself with flare blitz which adds up to...311, of course lol this was 100 vs 100, L100 Arcy has 321 HP but Lv96 only has 308 HP but therefore takes less recoil from Flare Blitz, but whatever

and 319 atk EQ does only 80-95% to Typhlosion, and 329 EP only does 69-82%. 100 vs 100 350 Atk EQ only does 88-104% and 100-96 only does 95-113%.

so to beat typhlosion you may need sash reversal lol...timid with QA and not OHKOed by even 350 Atk EQ (no CB)

rev rs counter eq?

reversal does 98% min to entei 100 vs 100 (107% min 100 vs 96 also ledge IVs)

cb and enough HP/SpD to survive FTs? lol doesnt help against intim =/

what does adamant sash rev/eq/rs/counter lose to again? nothing i dont think (besides rock slide being the fourth worst move in DP)

yeah and if entei uses FF for some reason it does 75-89% (and that's 100 vs 100) so haha do i really have to be lonely what the fuck ever...or just have a crappy def and HP IV lol i'm going to call this one "Au Natural"


Lucario@Focus Sash: Reversal/Earthquake/HP Rock/Counter, 252Atk/4SpD/252Spe, IVs: 6/31/0/31/30/30. Lv100, Adamant, Inner Focus. Typhlosion/Heatran/Charizard/Arcanine. don't need max speed, and HP rock>rock slide because i can't 2HKO either moltres or charizard with it anyway (also rock slide blows)

Just posting to announce my Battle Factory streak died hard with an awful selection of six starting off last time I went there.

Also, a record of 56 in the Battle Arcade using Tyranitar, plus the same Garchomp and Gengar I've used before.

Quiet, Sand Stream
252 HP/ 40 Atk/ 216 SpA
-Focus Punch
-Ice Beam
-Dark Pulse

Yep, Boah. Ice Beam takes out annoying things like Cradily over time, and Gengar already has Bolt (and does it better), so I dropped Thunderbolt for Ice Beam.

Also, a Battle Factory open level Multi record of...3.
First try was not encouraging.
hey can someone, aside from switching my salamence out of togekiss (i assumed thunderwave), explain this one to me?


keep in mind these are the pokemon im facing:

887 | Togekiss | Modest | Expert Belt | Hyper Beam | Air Slash | Aura Sphere | Psychic | SpA/Spe
938 | Zapdos | Modest | Brightpowder | Thunderbolt | Air Cutter | Heat Wave | Signal Beam | SpA/Spe
766 | Blaziken | Adamant | White Herb | Flare Blitz | Superpower | ThunderPunch | Night Slash | Atk/Spe

Cress @ Choice Scarf
Bold (+Def -Atk)
Lvl 50 stats: 227 / x / 155 / x / 150 / 137
Ev's: 252 HP / 252 Spd / 6 Def

- Trick
- Reflect
- Flash
- Thunder Wave


Registeel @ Life Orb
Careful (+SpD -SpA)
Lvl 50 stats: 187 / 102 / 181 / x / 203 / 70
Ev's: 252 HP / 54 Atk / 84 Def / 120 SpD
Clear Body

- Rest
- Curse
- Iron Head
- Substitute


Salamence @ Leftovers
Adamant (+Atk -SpA)
Lvl 50 stats: 201 / 180 / 112 / x / 113 / 121
Ev's: 246 HP / 70 Atk / 94 Def / 96 SpD / 4 Spd

- Substitute
- Earthquake
- Dragon Claw
- Dragon Dance


The Salamence/Registeel combination resists every attack.
Registeel solves the brave bird / status / rock attacks.
I like life orb giving me the damage boost, lum berry wasn't worth it since I have rest and practically nothing that's resisted by registeel can break my sub in three or less turns. I consider givin' it more SpD Ev's since it carries curse for +atk/+def.

Salamence is pretty clear, sub for hax/setup, dragon claw provides Stab, earthquake is there to cover Registeel's ground/fire weaknesses. dragon dance for the setup. I might drop some Def ev's and put them in SpD since Registeel is Uber in walling physical attackers, and Salamence has an ubertrait called Intimidate.

This team solves the problems CLS had against:

Rampardos 1 Persim Berry Thrash Headbutt Zen Headbutt Head Smash HP/Atk
Rampardos 3 Salac Berry Endure Stone Edge Earthquake Giga Impact Atk/Speed
Rampardos 4 Choice Scarf Head Smash Earthquake Giga Impact Iron Tail Atk/Speed

Metagross 1 Occa Berry Magnet Rise Rock Polish Zen Headbutt Meteor Mash HP/Atk/Speed
Metagross 3 Quick Claw Meteor Mash Earthquake Zen Headbutt Arm Hammer HP/Atk
Metagross 4 Quick Claw Explosion Meteor Mash Earthquake Zen Headbutt HP/Atk

Raichu 4 Jolly Shell Bell 135 131 75 99 121 155 Volt Tackle Iron Tail Brick Break Light Screen Atk/Sp. Def/Speed

Charizard 2 Adamant Scope Lens 153 149 98 116 105 152 Flare Blitz Aerial Ace Crunch Dragon Claw Atk/Speed

Staraptor 2 Razor Claw Brave Bird Roost Endure Endeavor Atk/Speed Staraptor 3 Muscle Band Brave Bird Return U-Turn Featherdance Atk/Speed Staraptor 4 Choice Band Brave Bird Close Combat Frustration Steel Wing Atk/Speed

Registeel really laughs at most of them except for volt tackle raichu and flare blitz charizard, who would both get pwnt by Salamence anyway.

I'd like some comments and tips about the EV spreads, since I already decided to use these three pokes anyway.
even if my first instinct is to let you figure it out yourself given i figured out CLS myself and your confidence that this team solves the problems it had, i'll indulge you

rampardos may not beat you all by itself, but it will beat you indirectly because you will not be able to get registeel set up at all. if you have to face the choice scarf one. if i hadnt already posted about it itt you may have been inclined to think that lead rampardos is always something to trick, and if you trick that, you are very likely going to lose:

Turn 1: trick/head smash, cress at 44%, rampard at ~62%
Turn 2: switch to registeel/head smash, registeel at ~70%, rampard at ~46%
Turn 3: head smash/curse, registeel at ~40%, rampard at ~31%

at this point you start to realize this isn't going the way you envisioned it, and are faced with a pretty big decision when you remember that head smash only has 2 pp left and see that rampardos will have one turn of struggle. you can't sub because rampardos' fourth head smash will do 19%, putting you at 21%, so you have to either rest or curse again. the best you can do is have a +1, 60%, unsubbed registeel to face two pokemon, since cursing again will put you at 21% and attacking will also leave you at 21% too but at +1.

i never lost to or because of rampardos (then again, i only lost twice). the reason is because a worst case +1 latios or +2 scizor have a much, much better chance of sweeping than even a +4 registeel. even if you reflect with cress as you're supposed to, it will be a tall order to get registeel at more than +3, and without bullet punch or 178 speed, and a 75 base attacking stat that's a far cry from 130, you're not going to be sweeping as much as you may think

also, along the same lines, metagross is actually going to be even tougher for this team to face. registeel may resist meteor mash...but so what? did you know that meta only needs one attack boost to always break registeel's unboosted sub? or that even at +2 your life orb iron head is a 5HKO (and LO is a bad idea anyway), so you will have to eventually rest and be target practice? though they have lower defense lucario and scizor don't need 7-8 turns to beat meta

i think i've said enough for now, you may want to rethink your poke selections (registeel/salamence misses electric btw)
gayed again by the battle tower and co.

i'm relatively ok with superpowering CHing +6 lax there, but flare blitz? why would she use flare blitz? i mean i understand the whole "weakest attack that has a chance to KO regardless of accuracy" thing virtually always being true, but since when does that literally apply to CHes? CH flare blitz only does 55-65% to my lax, and i was at 59%. a flare blitz CH kills lax less than 60% of the time there. i don't get it.

sure it's "can" and not "will always" but that doesn't make any sense either, because dahlia needed a CH to beat me. there's tons of times the AI has been in position to kill a poke of mine with "the weakest move that can KO, if there's a CH". Thunderpunch does 54% max with a CH there (night slash does 51% max), so ok...but seriously?

i mean there've been times where the AI has used the "weakest attack that has a chance to KO regardless of accuracy" on things like my tyranitar and failed to do so, but i'm pretty sure that if "weakest attack that has a chance to KO regardless of accuracy if there's a CH" is always true, there was another move it could have used. remember this:

Peterko said:
Your 156HP/81def latios faces Aerodactyl 4 (CB, stone edge, iron head, earthquake, dragon claw) turn one, what attack will Aerodactyl use and why?

if aerodactyl adhered to "weakest attack that has a chance to KO regardless of accuracy if there's a CH", it would have used iron head, which does 103% with a CH min even if the aero has a hindering attack nature. i guess if it knows everyting kills with a CH it has to just use the "weakest attack that has a chance to KO regardless of accuracy". however, it had to be a hindering attack nature like peterko said it was, because neutral attack (162) does 106% min with stone edge, and obviously more with dragon claw. 145 attack SE does 95% min, our "weakest attack that has a chance to KO regardless of accuracy", which i guess works out.

i later noted that i "distinctly remember it being Dragon Clawed at least once" with my latios behind a sub, but that i didnt think that i was at 100% HP. my own latios has 154HP/98Def stats at Lv50 (either 98Def or 99), and it's interesting that 145 atk aero never does 100% with stone edge, doing 82-96%. i reeeeally dont think i was at 100% when it hit my sub though. 162 neutral attack CB SE does 91-108% to my latios, so that is the "weakest attack that has a chance to KO regardless of accuracy" ignoring CH chance (it has never used GI or IH to my memory). this all means that it had to have been at 145 attack the time it used DC on me, but more importantly: CB DC does 87.01-102.60%. CB CH IH does the same exact damage, which means...nothing since they randomly decide which moves to use if they're the same power, so even if CB IH were preprogrammed to CH i wouldn't have evidence either way.

peterko did note that he was paying attention to cb aero and "IIRC it always dragon clawed me hence the 3-0 skarmory sweep", which is odd because stone edge is the weaker move. stone edge literally is always the "weakest attack that has a chance to KO regardless of accuracy", as even a CH CB IH on peterko's latios does 103% min as stated above. so something doesn't check should never, ever have used dragon claw on peterko's latios because stone edge is always the "weakest attack that has a chance to KO regardless of accuracy", even if aero has 145 attack and not 162, because 145 atk means 95% min. so something is still a little weird.

if my snorlax had 103 defense or more (instead of 92) it never dies to CH Flare Blitz becaue of Thick Fat, but there's already a lot of evidence to support the suspicion that the AI doesn't know your ability, and if I didn't have thick fat it does 109% min. however, all of this is ignoring the fact that there's no guarantee that i'm smart enough to use Return there with 151/256HP lax facing blaziken and not rest, and superpower is a 3HKO on lax even after attack drops.

in sum (i hope you didnt read all that shit), there is no reason for the AI not to have used SE on peterko's latios every time no matter its attack, unless it accounts for CHing with stone edge. but that means it indeed can pick and choose when it wants to CH, because it should then use Iron Head if it knows it is going to CH, because that does 103% min even from 145atk, where every other move does more if the move it's going to use is going to CH, which i point out because while CB DC and a CH CB IH do the same, a CH CB DC obviously does double and is actually the most powerful attack any CB Aero can use on any Latios no matter what.

while my +6 Def lax vs blaziken case doesn't give conclusive evidence to the AI CHing you when it wants/needs to, when coupled with peterko's CB aero vs latios case it seems to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the AI can pick and choose which attacks will CH. again, superpower is a 3HKO on my lax without CHes, and there's no reason to believe I'm using Return (unless the AI utilizes input-stealing like some arcade fighting games as well and doesn't decide what move to use until you select an attack, which I wouldn't rule out either). If the AI does not know it's going to CH or isn't input-stealing, there's no reason not to use Superpower. i think ive rambled on enough though, someone feel free to point out a flaw in that logic
My best guess is that due to the nature of Pokemon the AI holds a heuristic function that when certain variables of situations are realized and the program determines that the AI is no longer being competitive to the human player, the script gives it additional advantages (such as the ability to critical hit at will possibly). Maybe the situations of both of yours, when input into the heuristic function, deemed you weren't being challenged enough and decided to give you a harder time.

Anyway, my real question is in response to Jump's theory. I know some companies have released their AI scripting language and corresponding script, has this ever been done by Nintendo for Pokemon? I tired looking for it on google with no luck, but that doesn't always mean its never been released. I'd just be curious.
sorry, did it again and it was totally random.
I doubt the AI could "see" your item, as this could actually lead to it "thinking" of the best way to beat your team. Using crits as a weapon is just wrong though, i dont see any game having a program like that.
EDIT: except the battle factory, lol
This is a sketchy argument so keep that in mind.

I think you could be giving the game a little too much credit here Jump, or at least overlooking the fact that Superpower also lowers Blaziken's stats after use. I'm just speculating here but could it be that the AI actually ranks stat lowering moves below those that induce recoil damage? You said yourself that the AI doesn't seem to account for your ability and "in the game's mind," the potential 4HKO with Flare Blitz when discounting Thick Fat would certainly be better than lowering your stats twice for the 3HKO? I'm not so sure the AI accounts for the fact that White Herb is there and probably doesn't factor that in. But even factoring in WH, you need back to back max damage from Superpower to snag a 2HKO when Lax is +6. So it's a 3HKO on average from SP at a cost of -1 in attack and defense. A 3HKO is indeed better than a 4HKO but we know for a fact that this game does not have perfect reasoning and maybe, just maybe, it would prefer to take some recoil here instead. I would think SE move trumps Neutral move, but as I said this game has its own logic because let's face it, it's just following the programmed code. Obviously I'd need some proof to back this up because I'm grasping at straws here to explain what all in all looks like either some extremely large fluke or a game that actually cheats far more than we ever imagined.
a game that actually cheats far more than we ever imagined.
It follows a pre-programed code obviously, but can it be evil to keep it "challenging"?
I wonder if part of the programing is to make you lose at a certain point. Thank God that it is limited to ~950 pokemon.

I can think of a few examples to prove the game is evil:-
1. The battle factory.
2. Quick claw OHKO moves in the Battle tower both activating more than once per battle (Lol this has happened).
3. If the rank 10 battle hall selection is variable (if only between ~5 pokemon), I have only found Weavile on rank 10 Ice so far.
4. What Jumpman16 said or (the AI can pick a CH)

Im sure there are many more, however this is all just proberbility and all logically possible. Remember we dont complain when we score a crit to futher a win-streak, or when we freeze with ice beam. I am leaning towards incrediblly unlikely luck, the game isn't "Cheating"..... I hope.
Edit: If CH's really are controllable/manipluable by the AI to stop us, then i quit Pokemon.
My first & only Single Battle Castle run has yielded a win streak of 145 with 558 CP

The team:

Starmie @ Expert Belt
-Ice Beam

Scizor @ Leftovers
-Bullet Punch
-Swords Dance

Garchomp @ Choice Scarf
-Fire Fang
-Aerial Ace

Not much to say here. I slapped this team together to get my Gold Print back in February and abandoned it at 49 wins. Came back to it last weekend with the interest in seeing how far it could get, considering Diana's success with a similar team.

I lost to a team of Entei(?)/Heatran/Moltres. While on paper my team should have won, I made some stupid choices during the battle which resulted in Moltres sweeping me. I suppose the message of this loss is never play while drinking (Also why I cannot remember the 1st pokemon, though I am pretty sure it was Entei).

I won't be challenging the Castle or the hall for a while now (though I am interested to see how far Jump gets with his 'Emerald' Team). I may move to Arcade, or go back to Tower Doubles in DP or Plat. I've still yet to play the Factory, however I'd rather wait until I finish my English Plat just so I can take advantage of the hints.
I'm kind of proud seeing someone use something so similar to mine to barely edge by my team. Guess I wasn't just lucky. o_o

I'd have had a few more streaks done by now but suspect testing's gotten my attention a little too much.

Also, I just read Jumpman's long rant on the AI which makes me wonder if the AI even knows what it's doing... But it sure does seem to me that it's picking when to CH, despite me not wanting to believe it. I'm hoping it isn't true but I'll be looking into this myself just to see if we can get any more evidence (this breeding job needs to finish first though, I've been having some really bad luck)
Hmm...anyone have advice for a starter in the Battle Tower? Have should you go about making a team? Psy Sweeper / Spec Sweeper / Wall?

Really, my best advice is go through some of the records of this thread and the diamond/pearl tower records thread (it's in smogon's greatest hits) and see what they made. Those should give you a good idea to start with, you can build from there.
on the topic of the cresselia/registeel/salamence team, as jumpman pointed out, rampardos is a complicated poke and that´s one of the reasons rotom fits so well in the team, with mold breaker it will use eathquake for the OHKO then salamence will set up easily, rotom also has the electric resistance, i have to say that since platinum came out i´m feeling tempted to try salamence since it now learns outrage and the entire dragonite moveset with a great intimidate trait (i don´t like the fact that salamence only learns roost trough TM and also i like dragonite better, but anyway), it´s just that i have not bought my platinum yet, maybe i will buy it in the next 2 or 3 days because finally i´m on summer vacations:naughty:.

I'm not going to switch Nite for Sala or Chomp...and Meta will probably stay. Sui is probably in as well. Just Theorymon.
lol I don´t think anyone else beside me and a few other people were able to follow and, at the same time, fully understand your post properly jump :D

I also appreciate you din´t forget the previous discussion about this matter in the older topic :)

anyway, we won´t get any foolproof results and knowledge with just 2 examples

the AI needs some serious testing and I mean theorymon a suitable battle situation for checking the AI behaviour first and then pointed tests...these will be somewhat hard to pull off, unless we test them against the weaker pokémon in the earlier rounds (do battle 1-7, reset, repeat, try to find the right oponent)...or maybe we should decide on a team and at least 3 people would use it above battle #49 or something :/

@ EeveeSkitty: I am not sure if you read the first post in this topic :(
I don´t have the patience right now to explain this to you (maybe try what Diana said) ... and by the way, posting 3 randomly put together pokémon is definitely nothing you´d call theorymon in this topic ._.
I was ironically thinking that we needed a way to test this myself before seeing all these possible "controlled hax" situations, so of course, I'd be willing to help.

Only one problem: If it has the legendary dogs/Lati twins involved, I really don't have a reliable way to get that, but I'm sure we'd figure something out... I mean I could get them but they'd be the terrible 11/0/7/0/0/0 types like from R/S/FR/LG.

But that's not the point, the point is I'd love to be able to help out with something that big, especially with all the theorymon that goes on in this thread.

Good news on my part though, that I finally got a good Bagon that I can now train, just down to Lucario after this.
So it's a 3HKO on average from SP at a cost of -1 in attack and defense. A 3HKO is indeed better than a 4HKO but we know for a fact that this game does not have perfect reasoning and maybe, just maybe, it would prefer to take some recoil here instead. I would think SE move trumps Neutral move, but as I said this game has its own logic because let's face it, it's just following the programmed code.

well first, arcade pokes dont have items, which is one of the main reasons i love the place and especially my SSS team there, none of my pokemon really need items to be effective. second i'm still confused even if i cant think of more concrete examples where the AI has actually confused me so much, which i think says something by subtraction or something. again this discussion isnt even happening if it uses superpower, i've been willing to accept for almost four years now that frontier/tower AI has a "50%" CH rate in those situations, that isn't confusing it's just lame.

which brings me to the last point, i'm more confused than like mad or whatever, the only other times i lost in the arcade was by being late on the game board or something. like i said on irc, by now i think i've taken advantage of the ingame ai far more than vice versa

I'm kind of proud seeing someone use something so similar to mine to barely edge by my team. Guess I wasn't just lucky. o_o

lol to be fair, the team both of you are using is awfully similar to my Starmie/Tyranitar/Garchomp team from two years ago in pearl, in that both of you are using 100% the exact same garchomp i am (you admitted this and changed your EVs at my suggestion) and the exact same starmie as well except you have timid...i dont think i was lucky either figuring out the synergy!
lol I know this, I just actually got something to work for once, I'm happy. I still remember how you said "lol Earthquake" which I still havent seen as a problem outside of a random Quagsire or Gastrodon.

Don't worry though, I still think you're the best at this for sure.

On a related note, testing the AI will really help people in making more original things, I'm still dying to do that.