Platinum Single Battle Hall: 180 wins with Machamp
Battle video: 17-11901-94317 (In case you don't feel like watching it, it's Machamp vs. Gengar. Gengar outspeeds, uses Hypnosis, and Sludge Bomb 2HKOs while I stay asleep.)
"Darunia" the Machamp. Level 51
Machamp @ Focus Sash / Choice Band
Adamant | No Guard
96 HP, 252 Atk, 32 Def, 128 Spe
27 / 31 / 5 / 18 / 28 / 31
~Stone Edge
~Ice Punch
Just like Carl, I went on a family vacation, and we drove the whole day. My vacation was 2 weeks long, and I got back yesterday night. Because we camped in 4 different places, we were driving for the majority of 5 days. Luckily, I remembered to bring my BF Pokémon list. I spent the first few days of driving to do this streak.
Notes about the set:
-Named after the Goron sage in OoT. Darunia's my favorite Goron, because of his dancing skills.
-Level 51 because that's when he learns DynamicPunch.
-Focus Sash seems weird, but it's useful again types like Flying and Psychic. It also keeps me sage from lame crits.
-Weak defense IV, I know. I got sick of breeding. The HP / Defense EVs are defense optimized to fix it.
-I was going to put Payback on, but I couldn't decide which slot to remove. I started playing with this moveset, and I like it. KOing Psychics isn't much of a problem; they generally are 1-2HKOs.
The general idea is to use hard-hitting attacks while surviving with his bulk (and optional Sash). I thought of this from the few Togekisses on the list. I didn't do very much theorymon, I instead went ahead with a standard "4 attacks, No Guard Machamp".
The two 100% Counters:
-H444 | Infernape | Adamant | Life Orb | Close Combat | Flare Blitz | Mach Punch | Fake Out | Atk/Spd
Psychic* --> Flying* --> Dark --> Fighting --> Water --> Ghost --> Dragon --> Poison --> Electric --> Bug --> Ice --> Grass --> Ground --> Normal --> Rock --> Steel
(* means I used Sash most of the time)
In conclusion, Machamp is pretty cool, but vulnerable to bad luck. I might try it again and attempt over 190 or even 200.
On an unrelated note: On the same vacation, about 2 days after the Hall streak, I naturally caught a shiny Floatzel in Plat! I can finally do RNG manipulation!
Battle video: 17-11901-94317 (In case you don't feel like watching it, it's Machamp vs. Gengar. Gengar outspeeds, uses Hypnosis, and Sludge Bomb 2HKOs while I stay asleep.)

Machamp @ Focus Sash / Choice Band
Adamant | No Guard
96 HP, 252 Atk, 32 Def, 128 Spe
27 / 31 / 5 / 18 / 28 / 31
~Stone Edge
~Ice Punch
Just like Carl, I went on a family vacation, and we drove the whole day. My vacation was 2 weeks long, and I got back yesterday night. Because we camped in 4 different places, we were driving for the majority of 5 days. Luckily, I remembered to bring my BF Pokémon list. I spent the first few days of driving to do this streak.
Notes about the set:
-Named after the Goron sage in OoT. Darunia's my favorite Goron, because of his dancing skills.
-Level 51 because that's when he learns DynamicPunch.
-Focus Sash seems weird, but it's useful again types like Flying and Psychic. It also keeps me sage from lame crits.
-Weak defense IV, I know. I got sick of breeding. The HP / Defense EVs are defense optimized to fix it.
-I was going to put Payback on, but I couldn't decide which slot to remove. I started playing with this moveset, and I like it. KOing Psychics isn't much of a problem; they generally are 1-2HKOs.
The general idea is to use hard-hitting attacks while surviving with his bulk (and optional Sash). I thought of this from the few Togekisses on the list. I didn't do very much theorymon, I instead went ahead with a standard "4 attacks, No Guard Machamp".
The two 100% Counters:
-H444 | Infernape | Adamant | Life Orb | Close Combat | Flare Blitz | Mach Punch | Fake Out | Atk/Spd
This guy is a pain it the butt. You have enough power to KO it, but Fake Out nullifies any Sash, and Close Combat / Flare Blitz can almost always KO.
Infernape's Fake Out + 120 BP STAB move (both level 51):
Against my Machamp: 199 - 236 damage (111.8% - 132.59%)
Against max IVs, 128 HP Machamp: 182 - 215 damage (98.91% to 116.85%)
-LuckInfernape's Fake Out + 120 BP STAB move (both level 51):
Against my Machamp: 199 - 236 damage (111.8% - 132.59%)
Against max IVs, 128 HP Machamp: 182 - 215 damage (98.91% to 116.85%)
Here is the biggie. Luck is what stopped me from winning so many times. For instance, against the ever-annoying Sash Sharpedo, you need to either 1) Use DynamicPunch and hope Sharpedo hurts itself in confusion, or 2) Hope does not use Zen Headbutt both times (it 2HKOs). Also, you can get outsped by some sleepers like Hypnosis Gengar (how I lost) or Lovely Kiss Jynx.
General order of types I played through for the first 170:
Psychic* --> Flying* --> Dark --> Fighting --> Water --> Ghost --> Dragon --> Poison --> Electric --> Bug --> Ice --> Grass --> Ground --> Normal --> Rock --> Steel
(* means I used Sash most of the time)
In conclusion, Machamp is pretty cool, but vulnerable to bad luck. I might try it again and attempt over 190 or even 200.
On an unrelated note: On the same vacation, about 2 days after the Hall streak, I naturally caught a shiny Floatzel in Plat! I can finally do RNG manipulation!