Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

well for one thing, "stone edge is the worst move in the game". i dont think you've actually posted your full team in this thread, but using a tyranitar without sub and with stone edge is begging to lose real fast. the only way you'd lose to that hariyama is getting quick clawed. i dont know how you have a dd tyranitar on a trick team that not only doesn't have sub to go with dd, crunch and rest/protect, but has stone edge as the second attacking move over EQ (EQ ohkos all hari at +6).

second, you're playing dp, so use the dp list

third, you may not have actually activated salac...but you actually may not have any speed EVs on lucario, which would allow a randomly +Speed Staraptor to outspeed 31 Spe IV 0 Spe EV lucario by three points. i hope it's the former but either way you seem to have missed a detail there

sorry about not replying to your aero question but yeah no, not worth it at all for a big streak
I knew I should´ve answered earlier but that I already wrote it I have to post it

well, when considering the following movesets and the fact that according to my list there´s just one leftovers snorlax trainer above battle 49, collector newman, who doesn´t even use haryiama and staraptor, I came to the conclusion that you play DP tower and not Plat. tower and you were facing a cyclist...

473, Snorlax 1, Adamant, Leftovers, 267, 178, 85, 76, 130, 50, Return, Rock Slide, Curse, Yawn, HP/Attk
609, Snorlax 2, Adamant, Chesto Berry, 235, 178, 85, 76, 162, 50, Fire Punch, ThunderPunch, Ice Punch, Rest, Attk/Sp.Def
745, Snorlax 3, Adamant, White Herb, 235, 178, 85, 76, 162, 50, Outrage, Superpower, Gunk Shot, Seed Bomb, Attk/Sp.Def
881, Snorlax 4, Adamant, Life Orb, 267, 178, 85, 76, 130, 50, Double-Edge, Earthquake, Zen Headbutt, Crunch, HP/Attk

that cyclist was using this
609 | Snorlax | Leftovers | Focus Punch | Curse | Substitute | Yawn | HP/Def, the list is not wrong

as for how /why you lost, basically two words:
1. stone
2. edge

trick, sub
switch, sub
sub, sub
dd, sub
dd, sub
dd, sub
dd, sub
dd, sub
dd, sub
crunch, sub (135 HP)
crunch, struggle doesn´t break sub
crunch, snorlax fainted
crunch this
512 | Hariyama | Quick Claw | Belly Drum | Brick Break | Earthquake | Stone Edge | Def/Sp. Def
which should 2HKO unless he QCs you after breaking your sub

Lesson: never use stone edge in the tower/frontier, EVER!

EIDT: also both of your stat uppers have a ground and fighting weak :/ there´s rampardos and random stuff will get locked into fighting moves occasionally, which means you´re screwed unless you PP waste
glen i don't believe anyone has been able to say conclusively one way or the other, but i think the general concensus has been to keep a good team together over trying to swap just for the sake of swapping.

ok back to my nonsense... i have two lists of pokemon saved for the BT database but I thought they were the same, that was a simple mistake on my part (peterko your database copied into notepad then excel is much neater than the one I'm using on word so I wanted to try and stick to that, damn!).

I was using a hybrid of teams, which would be like these:

Latias @ Choice Scarf
Timid - See Peterko's EV spread for his streak
-Light Screen

I opted for Wish over Recover so that I could wish and send in Lucario, who'd get healed to full health after taking the first hit. Otherwise I think it's standard fare.

Lucario @ Salac Berry
Modest - 28 HP / 228 SP ATK / 252 SPD (See Jump's Lucario I believe)
-Calm Mind
-Dark Pulse
-Aura Sphere

I loved this set... until it failed me. I had used Sub all three times, aiming to get a Salac Boost. Does the HP have to be 30/29 or something for it to activate the berry after the third sub? It must be something like that... I'll double check.

Tyranitar @ Leftovers
Adamant - 6 HP / 252 ATK / 252 SPD
-Dragon Dance
-Stone Edge

Well I wanted to go for Rock Slide over Stone Edge, just for the simple accuracy fact. I forgot though and it bit me right away. I didn't have Sub on here, I'm not sure I thought with the boost in speed and max attack Tyranitar wouldn't really need more than one hit with the type coverage... and again after a quick claw boost I guess that was a mistake also.

The reason I choose the team I did is that when starting off with Latias, you should be looking at Tricked Ice, Bug, Ghost, Dragon or Dark moves when the opponent attacks, as Latias resists Fighting and is immune to Ground, the two common weakneses my sweepers share. If for some reason they had chosen one of those moves, it would be very easy for Latias to go ahead and Charm away, wishing back to full health and then switch in one of the other two and set up.

I actually did face a Rampardos in my first battle after Palmer 2, and I was using Snorlax instead of Tyranitar, with Curse, Return, Earthquake, Rest... but as I explained with Haze Milotic, I thought it was best to get a sweeper that would up it's speed or at least have some speed to begin with. Basically Rampardos was stalled out of Stone Edge Latias and Lucario, and I forget the rest of the match from there. I think I only managed a couple CMs in the process (Stone Edge did miss at least twice) but I won anyway.

ughhhhh... well back to the drawing board. I'll come up with something fun sooner or later lol

Thanks for your help guys, let me know if maybe the HP IV being flawless played a part in missing the Salac Boost afte the third sub--I'll bet that was it.
hi sorry if this has been addressed before, but in the battle factory, are IVs boosted by repeated swaps?

hi i actually think it is but only slightly. i strongly advise against swapping just for the sake of swapping because that can and will burn you in the end. the #1 priority for the factory is ensuring you have a well-rounded team, take that from my surprising success in the factory that made me miserable for six weeks straight in emerald in 2005 more than the fact that i am generally awesome (i cannot believe still only four people have gold in this place)

good luck pokemon trainer...
hi i actually think it is but only slightly. i strongly advise against swapping just for the sake of swapping because that can and will burn you in the end. the #1 priority for the factory is ensuring you have a well-rounded team, take that from my surprising success in the factory that made me miserable for six weeks straight in emerald in 2005 more than the fact that i am generally awesome (i cannot believe still only four people have gold in this place)

good luck pokemon trainer...

thanks jama

i got pretty close to gold (unless youre talking about emerald in which case i havent tried emerald factory), my personal best is 41. i got spanked by being 'outpredicted' with my last mon endrev scizor against his last mon arcanine wherein it extremespeeded as i endured, then flare blitzed as i quick attacked. OUTPLAYED.
oh my god glen you are a masochist or something :p I stay as far away from that shit as I can...oh well it´s the facility right next to it, the tower

I wish you good nerves

as for me, I had a nice little encounter with a bitch abomasnow today (they´re always bitches as leads for my team)...private investigator and I think OK leech seed, nope

trick, sheer cold, hit #1
chomp, sub, sheer cold, hit #2 (2/2 is definitely unusual from my exp.)
sub, sheer cold, miss
swords dance, sheer cold hit #3, sub broke
...time for a decision...
-> I can´t sub because of never-ending-hail-unless-hippo-comes
-> +2 outrage isn´t gonna OHKO much stuff, low health means if I don´t 1hko they will finish off and then hi OHKOer vs my slow registeel :/
-> swords dance naked, hey, he hit 3/4 already, 4/5 would be too much

right, I swords dance (!) and sheer cold misses
damage calc for fun but quake 1hkos no way
chomp triple outrage KOs aboma
oh shit...if I remember correctly, this one´s got the sash so garchomp dies
in my mind I already imagine how registeel would get horn drilled afterwards
well, no decision to make, triple outrage, rhyperior lives without the need of sash (this surprised me a bit), avalanche, lives through hail as well (this is bad, very bad)
registeel vs rhyperior
subsitute, avalanche (huh?), rhyperior dies to hail
incoming... ... ... skuntank (yeah that one is physical IIRC)
check the set, physical
iron head about to 3hko when he exploded, good boy

hmm maybe offering steel to take the second sheer cold and then stall so I can set up chomp on struggle is another way to handle this situation...hmm good question

also found a perfect 2nd poké counter to prevent my garchomp sweep, namely sash mismagius4 which is faster and can destiny bond...good thing the oponent sent it out as his 3rd a few battles ago :)

EDIT: +4 chomp outrage does 186-219 damage to the monster that is sash 212HP/200def rhyperior (so I did rand. 85-90 damage), wow

EDIT 2: oh my god hahaha

Glen said:
hey jump just wanted you to know i got to 2200 wins in the battle tower with cloyster/primeape/linoone i didnt record the last match but i can tell you how i think it went from memory if you want
As for Factory, I'd recommend switching a lot in the first three runs. There isn't that much you can lose then, but instead you'll earn more well-IVed Pokémon in the starting roster in the later runs where it matters. That's how I got my Lv. 50 Gold (quite unbelievable that I'm still the only one there wtf), I traded after like every battle of the first 21 and still a lot in 22-28 iirc. Then, in the late runs, I never swapped more often than two times.
I can't believe this. 98. Then an Ace Trainer comes along. Already I'm worried. I knock over his Garchomp, but his Yanmega gets a critical Bug Buzz on my Suicune that's only used 3 Calm Minds so far. It dies, Yanmega gets a speed boost, and I'm unable to beat it with my remaining Garchomp.


I decided to play the Factory again but failed at #14
Round 1
Team: Simsala, Nidoqueen, Froslass
Roserade --> Psychic ( Roserade dead )
Heracross --> Psychic ( Heracross dead )
Blaziken --> Endure --> Psychic --> Blaze Kick (Simsala dead), Aerial Ace ( Blaziken dea )
swapped Nidoqueen for Roserade
Flygon --> Psychic --> Roost --> Psychic ( Flygon dead )
Sceptile --> Psychic ( activate Liechi ) --> Leaf Blade (Simsala dead), Leaf Blade (Froslass dead) Quick Attack,Sludgebomb ( Sceptile dead )
Politoed --> Magical Leaf x2 ( Politoed dead )
Slowbro --> Shadow Ball x2 ( Slowbro dead )
Granbull --> Psychic --> Return ( Simsala dead ), Ice Beam ( Granbull dead)
Staraptor --> Ice Beam ( Staraptor dead )
Claydol --> SB, Trick Room, EQ, SB, EQ ( Simsala dead ), Ice Beam ( Claydol dead )
Rampardos --> Rock Slide ( KO Froslass ), Magical Leaf ( Rampardos dead )
Lanturn --> Magical Leaf, Discharge, Magical Leaf x2 ( Lanturn dead )
Dusknoir --> Shadow Ball, Fling (crit, Simsala dead), Magical Leaf ( Dusknoir dead)
Lickilicky --> Sludge Bomb, EQ, Sludge Bomb ( Poison ), EQ ( Roserade dead ), Ice Beam ( Lickilicky dead )
Armaldo --> Ice Beam, X-Scissor, Ice Beam, X-Scissor, Ice Beam ( Armaldo dead)
Starmie --> Shadow Ball ( Starmie dead )
Dugtrio --> Sand Tomb, Psychic ( Dugtrio dead )
Dewgong --> Psychic, Waterfall, Psychic, Waterfall ( Simsala dead ), Sludge Bomb ( Dewgong dead )
Meganium --> Future Sight (misclick), Leech Seed, Calm Mind, Leech Seed, Calm Mind, Leech Seed, Psychic ( Meganium dead )
Gengar --> Psychic ( Gengar dead )
Bastiodon --> Psychic, Thunderbolt ( + LS dmg ), Psychic (crit, Bastiodon dead )
Round 2 ( decided to do it just abit more detailed )
known opponents: Claydol, Feraligatr
team choices: Absol #2, Politoed #2, Roserade #2, Lickilicky #2, Forry #2, Nidoking #2
My Team: Roserade ( he will do good against them I think), Lickilicky ( good coverage ), and Nidoking ( physical sweeper )
Claydol --> Giga Drain, Zen Headbutt ( Roserade dead ._. ), Grass Knot, Surf ( Claydol dead )
Feraligatr --> Waterfall ( flinch ), Scary Face , Thunderbolt ( Feraligatr dead )
Cradily --> Energy Ball, Ice Beam (crit, Cradily dead )
known opponents: Houndoom, Weavile
swapped Roserade for Feraligatr to deal with Houndoom
Houndoom --> Fire Fang, Waterfall ( Focus Sash ), Waterfall ( Houndoom dead )
Weezing --> Waterfall, Shock Wave, Waterfall, Shock Wave ( Feraligatr dead ), Surf ( Weezing dead )
Weavile --> Screech, Surf, Fake Out, Surf, Night Slash, Surf ( Weavile dead )
known opponents: Quagsire, Marowak
Quagsire --> Waterfall ( to test, he has Water Absord though ), Yawn, Ice Fang, Curse ( Fera sleeping ), Amnesia, switch to Nidoking, some boostin, Sub, Curse, Horn Drill (miss), Dive preparation, Focus Punch preparation, Dive, Focus Punch, Horn Drill ( Quagsire dead ) 
Marowak --> Horn Drill ( Marowak dead ) 
Jolteon --> Discharge, Horn Drill ( miss ), Discharge, Focus Punch, Dig preparation, Focus Punch ( miss ), Dig, Dragon Pulse, Thunder Wave, Dragon Pulse, Dig preparation, Dragon Pulse (miss), Dig ( survived with 1 hp ), Dragon Pulse ( Jolteon dead )
known opponents: Steelix, Hippowdon
Steelix --> Waterfall, Ice Fang, Waterfall, Fire Fang (burn), Waterfall ( Steelix dead ) 
Hippowdon --> Waterfall, Sand Tomb, WAterfall ( heal with Sitrus Berry), forgot what he used ( burn damage, Feraligatr dead ), Surf ( Hippowdon dead )
Medicham --> Poison Jab, Surf, Poison Jab, Surf ( Medicham dead )
known opponents:Tentacruel, Crobat
Tentacruel --> Rock Slide, Giga Drain, Rock Slide, Giga Drain, Rock Slide, Giga Drain ( Feraligatr dead ), Toxic, Thunderbolt ( Tentacruel dead) 
Crobat --> Twister ( flinch ), Zen Headbutt, Thunderbolt, Zen Headbutt, Thunderbolt ( Crobat dead ), Poison damage ( Lickilicky dead ) 
Froslass --> Psych Up, Dragon Pulse, Sucker Punch (miss), Substitute, Sucker Punch, Dragon Pulse, Ice Punch ( sub broken ), Dragon Pulse ( crit ), Swagger, Dragon Pulse ( Froslass dead )
known opponents: Rhydon, Dugtrio
Rhydon --> Waterfall ( resist berry, Rhydon dead )
Dugtrio --> Sand Tomb ( miss ), Waterfall ( Dugtrio dead )
Absol --> Sucker Punch, Waterfall, Facade, Waterfall ( Absol dead )
known opponents: Forretress, Flygon
Forretress --> Waterfall ( flinch ), Waterfall ( flinch ), Waterfall, Dig preparation, Waterfall ( miss ), Dig, Waterfall ( crit, Forry dead)
Flygon --> Draco Meteor ( Feraligatr dead ), Draco Meteor, Ice Beam ( Flygon dead )
Gastrodon --> Surf, Waterfall, Surf, Waterfall ( Lickilicky dead ), Horn Drill ( miss ), Fissure ( hit )

well, maybe next time, when I will have the time.
is it unusual to face the exact same lineup of pokemon?

it's happened more than once leading up to my second palmer... most recently, i had to face this team twice (and they used near the exact same sequence of moves as well)...

gengar vs machamp
i shadow ball, he rock tombs, speed drops
shadow ball again KO
gengar around 60-70% vs Drifblim
shadow ball, puts it in the red
memento, drifblm faints and i'm at -2/-2
gengar vs shuckle
i swap to metagross, take a stone edge, leftovers fully heals
metagross vs shuckle, 100% each
i meteor mash, it misses
he uses power trick
earthquake for KO

the only difference is that last time I kept gengar in and it used double team before power trick, and I shadow balled two (maybe three?) times for the KO

does it only happen in the beginning of runs because there are fewer pokemon that they use during that time?
sighhhhh more battle factory woes

at 29 i managed to open up with arguably the best team i've seen in the starting roster. blaze kick/cc/shadow claw/eq (i think eq) lucario, dd/outrage/waterfall/iron head@lum kingdra, and life orb rampardos with head smash and 3 unimportant moves because i have head smash.

so im up against victreebel (lol). lucario blaze kicks and murders it, no problem. out comes magmortar. close combat ohkos. yes. this is what i like. out comes... porygon-z. it gets a sp atk download boost, which i do not like. anyway, i calc it, and even with +1 sp atk and my luke at -1, due to me having actually good sp def ivs and a few in hp, tri attack cant possibly ohko. so i go for the cc. pory-z tri attacks and crits. luke is down. out comes rampardos to save the day with head smash. nope, tri attack crits. ramp is dead. so its time for kingdra to shine. i do some calcs and find that outrage doesnt ko, but nor does tri attack, so if i can dd i have it in the bag. ive got lum too so i cant even get screwed by a status off tri attack. so i dd and... tri attack crits. again.


Porygon-Z is legit broken in the Factory.

Anyway, I got up to battle 34 in the level 50 Factory and I switched each time. I would have been able to go on were it not for a mechanic misunderstanding and utter hax.

My Pokémon are Flygon (can't remember the moveset), Mismagius with Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Destiny Bond, and something else, and Rhyperior with the Elemental Punches and Aqua Tail. Flygon takes out my foe's first two Pokémon (albiet taking substantial damage in the process), and out comes Staraptor. It's faster than Flygon, uses Double Team and Flygon misses. Next turn I send out Mismagius since I know Destiny Bond ignores accuracy changes and I still have Rhyperior under my belt. I'm faster, use Destiny Bond, and Staraptor takes off about 2/3 health. Here's where I went wrong: I didn't use Destiny Bond again because I thought that it lasted for two turns. Needless to say, Mismagius goes down. So I send out Rhyperior, and for the next 10 or so turns, I miss- every time- with either Thunderpunch or Ice Punch, and Staraptor alternates between Double Team and Return. Eventually I lose.
and the importance of thunder wave on latias just shown through as i lost to metagross being unable to really do much of anything to stop it meteor mashing its way through my team... the only hope was a miss in the 6 times it attacked, but of course it went 6/6. had it been paralyzed i would've outpaced it and crunched for the KO after lucario managed to put it around 20-ish%. and of course you can't forget the attack boost it managed in the process, which made it impossible NOT to OHKO tyranitar, whereas without it, it would've had to run random 98+ damange to KO...

fuck again lol i'm almost gonna just stick with my gengar/meta/gengar team that i use to run up to 49 because it handles shit way easier and doesn't need a ton of set-up to win.
or you could use thunderwave over wish and flash over light screen so lucario has lasting support from latias

i seriously think that trick/tw/charm/flash latias might be better than trick/tw/reflect/flash cresselia if you have the right team members. if i werent set on proving that cls is still the best i would use the Latias/Scizor/Garchomp team i posted last year or some variant
I have a question, though; why do you consider Charm superior to Reflect? While I know that they don't function exactly the same (that is in halving physical damage), I would imagine that Reflect would be better since you wouldn't need to use it again after the Charmed Pokémon faints. Unless, of course, you're capitalizing on the non-switching tendency of the AI to set up.
98 - 4.5 hours
91 - 5 hours
80 - 6.25 hours. Got hit four times by a Fissure, an event with 0.0081 probability of occuring. God dammit.
yeah i think those would've made a difference in that battle, granted i was only at like 58 or something obscenely low...

my new latias set will be trick / thunder wave / reflect / recover.

i'm choosing recover over flash for reasons that peterko mentioned in his description. hopefully i can break past that set of trainers after the second palmer so i can feel like i'm actually accomplishing something...
I have a question, though; why do you consider Charm superior to Reflect? While I know that they don't function exactly the same (that is in halving physical damage), I would imagine that Reflect would be better since you wouldn't need to use it again after the Charmed Pokémon faints. Unless, of course, you're capitalizing on the non-switching tendency of the AI to set up.

llewellyn already basicallly answered it (forgot to hit the post reply button before i went to bed) but that's how trick strategies and the BT in general work, it's not so much as tendency as it is a hard-coded fact with virtually non-existent and completely predictable exceptions. in addition to that reflect only lasts five turns and isn't stackable like charm is. the only reason it's actually very welcome for my team is the fact that metagross is coincidentally the biggest threat for most trick teams and charm doesn't work on it. only for teams that can immediately remove threats like metagross would charm be very worth it, and a lati@s lead with something like garchomp, infernape or even sd lucario is an example, and why i'd probably like to use a latias/scizor/garchomp team
Can anyone think of any notable threats to this new team of mine?

Levitate | Timid | Choice Scarf
4 HP, 252 Def, 252 Spe

Once the opponent is locked into Thunder Wave, Toxic or Will-O-Wisp, Latias will use Safeguard to prevent Empoleon or Rotom-A from getting a status condition before they can set up a Substitute. Charm decreases the opponent's Atk so that Empoleon can take physical hits (even if they are ineffective) more easily.

Torrent | Jolly | Leftovers
252 Atk, 4 Def, 252 Spe
-Swords Dance
-Aqua Jet
-Drill Peck

Empoleon will be the main "sweeper" here. +6 Aqua Jet should be able to 2HKO most Pokemon except Vaporeon and Quagsire. Together with Drill Peck, Empoleon can hit every Pokemon except Lanturn and other Empoleon for at least neutral damage.

Levitate | Timid | Life Orb
4 Def, 252 SA, 252 Spd
-HP Fighting
-Shadow Ball
-Pain Split / Thunder Wave / Discharge / Charge Beam / Will-O-Wisp

Once Empoleon has KOed the opponent's first Pokemon, Rotom-A can switch in on the expected Fighting/Ground/Electric move from the opponent's second Pokemon (if it seems as though Empoleon can't deal with them). Thankfully, Rotom-A is one of few Pokemon not to receive x2 damage from the infamous Fire/Thunder/Ice Punch combo. I'm not too sure about Rotom-A's held item. I guess Rotom-A can go low on HP after a few turns, then use Pain Split to recover and "attack" the opponent at the same time. Thunder Wave will primarily be used to slow down the opponent (since the AI is usually still able to attack non-stop due to hax). Discharge works in a similar manner, while Charge Beam may earn the +1 SpA boost. Will-O-Wisp helps kill bulky Pokemon when I'm in trouble and reduce their Atk output.
Hey guys, what do you think about this?
I saw that nobody had tried doubles arcade yet so I've decided to give it a shot with the most successful doubles team yet - TeamRocketElite's. The only problem is, you can only have 3 pokemon and starly doesn't work because you can't bring in focus sash.

The two leads are:

Brave (+Atk, -Speed)
252 HP, 252 Atk, 6 Sp.Def
-Trick Room
-Gyro Ball

Sassy (+SpDef, -Speed)
252 HP, 58 Def, 200 Sp. Def
-Night Shade

And also:

Thick Fat
Brave (+Atk, -Speed)
100 HP, 252 Atk, 160 Def

Do you think it could work?
I'm going for the gold in singles arcade, and I was wondering if I could get any input on the team I'm currently running.
I'm currently sitting at 35 wins, but I don't want to go back until I rework my team.
I opted for heavy offense rather than set-ups that some people prefer here simply because it's easier to run and I hate random crits and the NPC's luck ending them.
EDIT: Lost match 36 because of a fucking Politoed setting up Belly Drum and Moltres' Air Slash missing twice. Azu survived to kill itself and Toed with Double Edge then Granbull got a Fire Punch crit on Scizor. :(

252 SpA / 252 Speed
Air Slash

I don't have a Timid one on me, so Modest will have to do. (i should get myself one though) I chose Moltres because it's powerful, reasonably fast, and has good defenses. U-turn helps do some damage if I get an unfavorable match-up, though I do take my chances hoping for an Air Slash flinch against bulky waters. Mostly though this thing is just there to do as much damage as possible before sending in my priority users.

200 HP / 252 Att / 56 Speed
Bullet Punch
Swords Dance

An odd set by normal standards, but it works well in the Arcade. Sometimes I get opportunities to set up due to freezing the enemy Pokemon or just sitting in front of something it walls and setting up because the opponent never switches. U-turn is there when it can't, and Superpower and BP do enough damage even without SD to clean things up.

idk the spread, i think 252 HP / 252 Att or something like that
Aqua Jet
Superpower / Ice Punch
Double Edge

Like Moltres, meant to take and deal heavy damage. Like Scizor, it has strong priority. Azu is the glue, the MVP of my team because it's the best way I deal with enemy bulky waters besides trying to rely on Air Slash flinches. I want to run Ice Punch but I use Superpower often enough so idk.

So honestly, there's little strategy besides sweeping. The team does have synergy to a degree, though Electric types of any kind scare me greatly especially since the Arcade star runs a Zapdos in match 49.

I was thinking of running a Lati in there, but I don't know where. I think Latios could replace Moltres....opinions?

I just lost at battle #170 in pbt battle hall with argenta...damn it.. the bitch had the brightpowered swampert... i was with classic chomp@focus sash... my first outrage missed, obviusly... i received a muddy water, chomp is 55%... second outrage hits for a little more then half damage to swampert, that subs and rests with a bunch of ps... difficult, but it could still be done... third outrage hits and breaks the sub.... but then, the second muddy water killed chomp... it wasn't a CH.... the only reason for this is the bitch getting a 100 as random power... must restart it all over...
hi i actually think it is but only slightly. i strongly advise against swapping just for the sake of swapping because that can and will burn you in the end. the #1 priority for the factory is ensuring you have a well-rounded team, take that from my surprising success in the factory that made me miserable for six weeks straight in emerald in 2005 more than the fact that i am generally awesome (i cannot believe still only four people have gold in this place)

good luck pokemon trainer...

thats the approach i'd recommend too. although i dont have much experience in the platinum factory. i did get a gold symbol in emerald - there i did level 50's, and switched as minimally as possible - who cares if you have an awesome dragonite, when they get an awesome articuno lol. seriously, if you get a team that works well, use it, but if you can generally improve it, then of course do it.

anyway, i've now moved on to 210 in battle castle, putting me in 2nd place. still hovering at around 600CP which goes up/down depending on how crap my luck is, and how lucky i feel with upping the levels of things i "know" i can deal with. just gotta be so careful, and have plenty of "plan B's" because that starmie that my blissey can take so easily at level 55 will totally obliterate me if somehow blissey gets haxed by something else.

also, the other morning i thought i was going to have to report the end of my streak to a new kind of hax. i was on the train, and had my lead salamence dead already (their lead dead too), and milotic in but paralyzed on low health. i knew the next turn would not KO (without a crit) but the question was whether to switch or stay in and try and get a recover in. right then, a guy walked past and bumped my elbow, and i pressed recover! really shouldnt have fungers near buttons while thinking.... of course i was FP that turn, and died the next. i panicked and had by now forgotten what the last poke was going to be, but blissey finished the 2nd poke off, and the 3rd turned out to be life orb brave bird skarmory, which almost KO'd itself with recoil, and didnt survive flamethrower. luckily no crit. phew......