Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

I just lost at battle #170 in pbt battle hall with argenta...damn it.. the bitch had the brightpowered swampert... i was with classic chomp@focus sash... my first outrage missed, obviusly... i received a muddy water, chomp is 55%... second outrage hits for a little more then half damage to swampert, that subs and rests with a bunch of ps... difficult, but it could still be done... third outrage hits and breaks the sub.... but then, the second muddy water killed chomp... it wasn't a CH.... the only reason for this is the bitch getting a 100 as random power... must restart it all over...

well, second attempt with Argent went better.. watch video no. 94-50102-15908 this time the bitch had a sitrus regice... i quite fainted when I watch it.... i couldn't possibly 1HKO regice with outrage, so I had to withstand one blizzard... but chances weren't that bad... in order to lose, regice had to hit with blizzard my focus sash chomp (70%), freeze me (30%), and chomp not to thow out(50%)... so I swords danced, on order to avoid problems with the sitrus, and crossed fingers... blizzard hit, but no freeze... so I got the fourth plate... the only one missing is battle factory... but I have a question : I noticed, in some earlier attempts, that the pokemon of the trainers do not match with the pokemon/trainers list for battle tower, castle and hall.... how is that ? is there another list ? i don't see it the list...thanks,

a simple question which is probably better asked to you BF experts rather than in the wifi simple questions.....

does aerial ace bypass the effects of bright powder etc? ive always been nervous about telling my salamence to use it against things like ice punch gallade.

ive been trying to test it out against things i know can't hurt me (like tangrowth 4 - adamant lax incense - power whip, earthquake, aerial ace, brick break) and i've never missed so far in about 5-6 uses of the move, but of course that doesnt prove anything.
yes, it does

well, second attempt with Argent went better.. watch video no. 94-50102-15908 this time the bitch had a sitrus regice... i quite fainted when I watch it.... i couldn't possibly 1HKO regice with outrage, so I had to withstand one blizzard... but chances weren't that bad... in order to lose, regice had to hit with blizzard my focus sash chomp (70%), freeze me (30%), and chomp not to thow out(50%)... so I swords danced, on order to avoid problems with the sitrus, and crossed fingers... blizzard hit, but no freeze... so I got the fourth plate... the only one missing is battle factory... but I have a question : I noticed, in some earlier attempts, that the pokemon of the trainers do not match with the pokemon/trainers list for battle tower, castle and hall.... how is that ? is there another list ? i don't see it the list...thanks,


in future situations dont swords dance or at least calculate the damage, there's no way regice is taking less than 62.5% damage from garchomps outrage so you should just outrage for the chance that you ch and end it before giving it a chance to freeze you for literally no reason
ok cool, because it was my understanding that AA (and those other moves) were affected by bright powder in 3rd gen.

thanks guys :)
yes, it does

in future situations dont swords dance or at least calculate the damage, there's no way regice is taking less than 62.5% damage from garchomps outrage so you should just outrage for the chance that you ch and end it before giving it a chance to freeze you for literally no reason

Thanks Jumpman, you're right as usual... i had that suspect, too, but was too adamant to end the battle...

but my question remained... i understand that hall is different, but now i'm running the factory... i insist on the fact that here the trainers/pokemon that i see, do not match with any list.... what am i doing wrong ?

i have another question too, this time for hall.. i understand that the "total win" is given by the sum of max straight wins by my pokemon... but if i use, in single, two different chomps (say, an adamant
and a jolly one), will their wins sum up ? and what happens is hall double ? does every win count for 1, or will it counts as 2, given the fact that 2 pokemon are involved ? and if i use, in double, one pokemon that has also a win streak in single, will its wins sum up ?
So I have an idea for a team. It's not entirely original, but hey, since when are Trick teams original. :p


Metagross @ Choice Scarf
Jolly / Clear Body
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
- Trick
- Explosion
- Protect / Light Screen (?)
- Reflect

Since I can't use any of my legendaries as effective TrickScarfers, I'm using Metagross, as it's very bulky and has a wide variety of resistances. Explosion allows me to not lose to Sticky Hold / Choiced leads, and also can be useful if he survives and Snorlax gets KOed (somehow).


Snorlax @ Leftovers
Adamant / Immunity
252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
- Substitute
- Curse
- Amnesia
- Iron Head

Stolen from someone else in this thread, but I've forgotten. Sorry, but this is such a ridiculously awesome set that I need to use it.


Gyarados @ Muscle Band (?)
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
- Substitute
- Dragon Dance
- Waterfall
- Earthquake

Sub DD is something that Tyranitar could potentially do better, but that gives me another Fighting weakness, and Snorlax hates Sandstorm. Waterfall and EQ hit most of the things that resist Iron Head super-effective, like Lanturn, Heatran, Empoleon and Magnezone (but obviously I have to be careful about Magnezone and Lanturn).

Any major ideas?
So I have an idea for a team. It's not entirely original, but hey, since when are Trick teams original. :p


Metagross @ Choice Scarf
Jolly / Clear Body
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe You may want to do some calcs and see what explosion will KO without any attack EVs or very minimal ones. You only have one attack, no reason to max it out just for that. Figure out what you need to KO and put the rest into the defenses or just max HP.
- Trick
- Explosion
- Protect / Light Screen (?) Either is fine, Protect will stall PP, but Light Screen will support the team more.
- Reflect

Since I can't use any of my legendaries as effective TrickScarfers, I'm using Metagross, as it's very bulky and has a wide variety of resistances. Explosion allows me to not lose to Sticky Hold / Choiced leads, and also can be useful if he survives and Snorlax gets KOed (somehow).
I also may recommend putting a support move in the place of explosion coming back to this rate a few hours later. after you trick, you'll want to disable something as much as possible, flash is an option that many players like to utilize. I'm not sure outside of Stealth Rock what other support options Metagross has, I know they're pretty limited.


Snorlax @ Leftovers
Adamant Careful/ Immunity Thick Fat (Sub will block Toxic/status, and you're going to love taking Fire attacks aimed at Metagross with Thick Fat)
252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD May want some more special defense to help you while you're still Amnesia-less. I think most people run max HP/Sp Def, but since you have Amnesia, maybe a more balanced spread. If you already trained it this way then it'll probably be fine
- Substitute
- Curse
- Amnesia
- Iron Head

Stolen from someone else in this thread, but I've forgotten. Sorry, but this is such a ridiculously awesome set that I need to use it.


Gyarados @ Muscle Band (?) Pinch-berry here, probably Liechi since you went with a Jolly Gyarados
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
- Substitute
- Dragon Dance
- Waterfall
- Earthquake

Sub DD is something that Tyranitar could potentially do better, but that gives me another Fighting weakness, and Snorlax hates Sandstorm. Waterfall and EQ hit most of the things that resist Iron Head super-effective, like Lanturn, Heatran, Empoleon and Magnezone (but obviously I have to be careful about Magnezone and Lanturn).

Any major ideas?

You're honestly going to be better off using Snorlax to beat those electric types. Heatran is a pain with Snorlax (6HKO most likely at max attack), but the others will go down in 5 or less--I did calcs with typical natures and max HP, I didn't check the database thoroughly to figure it out for sure. With Gyarados here, you may want to consider a different attack for Snorlax, maybe something else... I'm not sure what. I was gonna say Fire Punch/Thunderpunch but they can be resisted through Flash Fire and Volt Absorb, so not those.

Crunch - Ice Punch - Rock Slide - Seed Bomb

Here's a list of other attacks that Snorlax can utilize... none of resisted by a pokemon with an immunity. Crunch seems the obvious runner up to me, followed by Ice Punch, Seed Bomb, and Rock Slide (only because of it's accuracy, otherwise I'd put Rock Slide near the top as Rock is a good offensive type). Iron Head's exta effect is wasted on something that can't benefit from a flinch, whereas Crunch can lower defense and Ice Punch can freeze. Something to look over the list and test out I guess... Find some problem Pokemon for each and weigh out how Gyarados fares against them.

Oh and uhhh, good luck, the tower is a bitch.
This is the cruelest way of losing a streak in the ever-evil Battle Factory that I could possibly think of. I had just won my 28th battle 3-0 by sweeping Gallade, Lickilicky and Jynx with a Metagross. I accidentally turned my DS off and, even though my streak was complete, I was disqualified because it had turned off before BP and saving. How annoying is that?!
So I have an idea for a team. It's not entirely original, but hey, since when are Trick teams original. :p


Metagross @ Choice Scarf
Jolly / Clear Body
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
- Trick
- Explosion
- Protect / Light Screen (?)
- Reflect

Since I can't use any of my legendaries as effective TrickScarfers, I'm using Metagross, as it's very bulky and has a wide variety of resistances. Explosion allows me to not lose to Sticky Hold / Choiced leads, and also can be useful if he survives and Snorlax gets KOed (somehow).


Snorlax @ Leftovers
Adamant / Immunity
252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
- Substitute
- Curse
- Amnesia
- Iron Head

Stolen from someone else in this thread, but I've forgotten. Sorry, but this is such a ridiculously awesome set that I need to use it.


Gyarados @ Muscle Band (?)
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
- Substitute
- Dragon Dance
- Waterfall
- Earthquake

Sub DD is something that Tyranitar could potentially do better, but that gives me another Fighting weakness, and Snorlax hates Sandstorm. Waterfall and EQ hit most of the things that resist Iron Head super-effective, like Lanturn, Heatran, Empoleon and Magnezone (but obviously I have to be careful about Magnezone and Lanturn).

Any major ideas?

Have you tried running a bulky Dragonite > Gyarados? It works remarkably well. Dragon Dance, Substitute, Dragon Claw, Roost works pretty well for me. Substitute blocks status, allowing you to easily get 6 DDs if you lock them into a ground move. Dragonite doesn't get slaughtered by electrics like Gyarados, and his single STAB move is only resisted by steels. I actually the same Metagross, with a CM Suicune(for support against fires, burns are annoying) and bulky DD Dragonite. Another tandem that has been working well for me is TrickScarf Latias + CMLucario + CMSuicune. The lucario set is:

Lucario @ Leftovers
Ability: Inner Focus
Nature: Timid (+Spe, -Atk)
EV: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
-Iron Defense
-Calm Mind
-Aura Sphere
-Shadow Ball

The idea is to trick a scarf on the lead, then Reflect + Light Screen + Memento(if possible, you'd be surprised how many computers don't choose the right move), then send in Lucario. Depending on the attack, you either Iron Defense or Calm Mind. It takes 9 turns to set up, but assuming you are in on a dark or bug attack, hax won't affect you very much if at all. You could probably run Dark Pulse + Substitute > Aura Sphere + Shadow Ball, to protect from hax and status, if you wanted.
I have been using this team lately, I am at 42 (I know, not that good) so far, and I would like some help with my team.

Here it is!

Roserade@Focus Sash
Timid Nature
Natural Cure
252 Spatk/252 Spe/4 Hp
Sleep Powder
Leaf Storm
Hidden Power (Fire)
Sludge Bomb

Okay, here is my lead. When I was looking at the battle tower suggestions, I saw to use a fast lead that can inflict status. I chose roserade because it is relatively fast, and very powerful. It inflicts status with sleep powder, which often lets my sweeper set up, and always kills at least one or two pokemon.

Latios@Choice Specs
Timid Nature
252 SpAtk/252 Spe/4 Hp
Dragon Pulse
Draco Meteor

Sweeper number 1. Trick is to cripple walls, and pokemon who set up. I honestly don't use it much TBH though. Dragon pulse helps kill pokemon, and for a clean sweep often. Surf is just for coverage, and isn't used that often either. Draco meteor is for those pokemon that can take a hit, but aren't crippled by trick, or already set up sweepers and pokemon that I need to get rid of NOW.

Sassy Nature
Thick Fat
168 Hp/120 Def/220 SpDef
Fire Punch
Body Slam

Sweeper number 2, the physical one. Snorlax almost always sweeps, with help from roserade, or thick fat, coming on from sleep poweder, or a fire and ice resistance. Once this beast gets a curse, its GG for the opponent. Fire punch is my coverage move of choice, while curse is oblitory. Rest is to heal, and is often very important for setting up for my sweep, while body slam spreads paralys and is my STAB move, while killing a lot of stuff after 3 or 4 curses.

Thats my team, I can use all the help I can get with it!

I just had a huge block of text typed up, and somehow the delete key moved me back a page... fuckin a.

Ok two things... first a question.

Is it better when using CM Lucario, to either a) set up to six calm minds and beat whoever the opponent is? or b) set up to six calm minds and wait until it breaks your sub so you can get down to a salac boost?

Ok... and number two... an epic warstory (haha not quite but it was close for me)

Latias vs Rampardos

Ok Rampardos' Mold Breaker is a big problem for the team since it allows the use of Earthquake on my incoming Tyranitar and Lucario... not so good. But this is a Trick team after all, so what happens next? I trick of course.

Only to get a fucking Choice Scarf back! Now Rampardos blasts me with a powerful Head Smash, dropping Latias around 25% or maybe a bit less. Since I still have a scarf, I can't switch moves, and I decide to sack Latias and bring Lucario in at full health.

Lucario vs Rampardos (Head Smash locked, holding Choice Scarf)

I do some number crunching and the details of the next few turns escape me, but I kill the bastard with 2 Aura Spheres, activate my Salac Berry, and wind up at 19HP with a Sub intact. Excellent. I haven't gotten any Calm Mind boosts, but I'm sitting in at least a semi-decent position.

Enter Garchomp.

Lucario (19 HP, Sub, Salac) vs Garchomp

After some crunching, I know that I can 2HKO all variants of Garchomp, but can't afford to Calm Mind. I Aura Sphere, does a little over 50%, he uses Dragon Claw--meaning the Focus Sash variant. I Aura Sphere again and he dies, leaving me at 19HP still, and without a Sub to protect Lucario from hax. Now, I'm still pretty optimistic with Tyranitar in the wings and at least one solid hit from Lucario to deal with whatever comes in... until it turns out to be a Salamence. Oh shit.

Lucario (19 HP and naked) vs Salamence

Only one hit here, so I use Dark Pulse to deal as much damage as possible, hoping for a crit, before I have to send in Tyranitar. Not very much damage. Damn. Probably does around 25-30% range. Salamence kills me with Earthquake. Double shit. Now I know not many Salamence have a bad match-up against Tyranitar, but this one definitely doesn't mind it one bit... (Mence 4 is EQ/DC/AA/DD)

Tyranitar vs Salamence (around 70-75% range)

More calcs, Tyranitar can survive an Earthquake, but if it Dragon Dances, I lose heartily. I Dragon Dance, praying that he uses Earthquake for a 2HKO attempt. Success! Ok now I'm faster, and around 50% health thanks to my Leftovers. Now I'm at a loss of what to do, until I notice Sandstream has taken it's toll on Mence's health. Hmmm... maybe, just maybe... I Protect... Sandstream. Hmm. Substitute. Sandstream. Protect. Sandstream. Salamence has been whittled down to about 40% health now or so. Calcs show that this Salamence should die to a Crunch!

And indeed it does.

This game stresses me out sometimes... and the funny thing is, that my speed team (Destiny Bond Gengar, Bullet Punch/Earthquake/Explosion Metagross and SD Yache Chomp) would've been fine here. Gengar Counters Rampardos, Destiny Bond's Garchomp and Metagross can Explode on Mence or Garchomp can Outrage.

Outrageous lol
wow I suck. I lost at 44 to a executor who survived with one health, set up TR and exploded on my latios, and then it was my 24 hp roserade and full hp snorlax vs his gastrodon. I curse, he fissures, OHKO. I switch in roserade, and get nailed with an EQ. =(
you've gotta be fucking kidding me... this is the stupidest thing.

latias v heracross
trick, salac berry
megahorn, 2HKO
aura sphere a few times, CM once, die after my salac boost because i don't outspeed still
tyranitar, protect, take a megahorn next turn and it brings it down to 1 hp
i kill it and in comes flygon, no chance
Thanks for your advice everyone. So, my updated team is more like:

Metagross @ Choice Scarf
252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
-Stealth Rock

I decided to use SR in the third slot, as Light Screen isn't actually as necessary if Snorlax is setting up, whereas Reflect is much more useful.

Snorlax @ Leftovers
Careful / Thick Fat
252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD

Thanks to King Battlus and Chinese Dood for this advice.

Dragonite @ Lum Berry
Adamant - Inner Focus
-Dragon Claw
-Dragon Dance

Thanks for the set Blasphemy1! Chinese Dood suggested Lum Berry, so I'll have to dig one up somewhere.

Thanks for your advice, everyone!


EDIT: Changing, as Chinese Dood pointed out some good options. Thanks, Dood.
Snorlax will have better use with Substitute than Amnesia, especially with 252 HP 252 Sp Def. As for Dragonite, I would go with Lum Berry instead, so he can potentially come in on a status move. Optionally, Lum could go with Outrage (over Dragon Claw) if you choose to take that route.

I see the point of Explosion, but I see more value in Flash, allowing your chubby pokemon to set up with more ease (also allows Metagross to have no need for attack EVs). Dragonite handles all the Physical Gastrodons (and the one that only has mud bomb + muddy water as attacks) fine, while Snorlax handles both of the special ones (Wise Glasses Earthpower fails to break Snorlax's sub). Just switch to Dragonite to see which ground move Gastrodon is using (all 4 has a ground move) and then either stay or switch appropriately.

The Cursing Muk (and the qc explosion one) might be annoying I suppose, while the other 3 Muks should be able to be handled easily by either Dragonite or Snorlax after Reflect (and/or a few flashes, which Metagross should easily be able to pull off since Muk can't hurt Metagross much). The cursing one, Metagross can just flash until Muk KOs Metagross, and then either Dragonite or Snorlax (probably Dragonite is better if it has Dragon Claw instead of outrage) can just come in, sub, and stat up.
wow I suck. I lost at 44 to a executor who survived with one health, set up TR and exploded on my latios, and then it was my 24 hp roserade and full hp snorlax vs his gastrodon. I curse, he fissures, OHKO. I switch in roserade, and get nailed with an EQ. =(

It doesn't mean you suck; it's because in the Tower (and other facilities) you simply can't rely on a Sleep-inducing lead to setup... especially with a Sleep move of only 75% accuracy. Accuracy is one of the most common causes of losses besides bad-timed critical hits (and CH spamming) from foes. Only Spore is reliable enough, but even then you can't trust sleep because foes often wake up quite early, and several hold Lum or Chesto Berry. So in short, you won't get a very huge streak by relying on status leads, unless you're super lucky.
I just had a huge block of text typed up, and somehow the delete key moved me back a page... fuckin a.

Ok two things... first a question.

Is it better when using CM Lucario, to either a) set up to six calm minds and beat whoever the opponent is? or b) set up to six calm minds and wait until it breaks your sub so you can get down to a salac boost?

hate when that happens, when posts start to get big i put them in the real reply box so firefox saves them (i start in quick reply 100% of the time if im not replying to the post) or just resume typing in Word

the answer is definitely b, lucario needs the salac boost if you're not using vacuum wave. and if you cant get the salac boost because of stone edge or rock slide running out of pp, you can and should assess your next opponent and see if you can sub as it breaks your sub(s) so you can get your salac boost for it and the next poke and still have your sub, as i explain in this post.

Ok... and number two... an epic warstory (haha not quite but it was close for me)

Latias vs Rampardos

Ok Rampardos' Mold Breaker is a big problem for the team since it allows the use of Earthquake on my incoming Tyranitar and Lucario... not so good. But this is a Trick team after all, so what happens next? I trick of course.

Only to get a fucking Choice Scarf back! Now Rampardos blasts me with a powerful Head Smash, dropping Latias around 25% or maybe a bit less. Since I still have a scarf, I can't switch moves, and I decide to sack Latias and bring Lucario in at full health.

two very big mistakes here. first, you should have been paying attention to the trainer, since the rest of the pokes you faced indicate that you're playing Set 4 pokemon, which should tell you that trick was the one move you shouldn't use against a rampardos you know already has scarf

second, i suggested thunderwave over wish and flash over light screen on your original set for a reason. now if you had known it was a scarf rampardos you may have used reflect with your current trick/tw/reflect/recover set and gone to lucario to get more setup but that doesn't really matter now. but this battle had no business being difficult for you. you personally need trick/tw/reflect on your latias because you dont have a pokemon that can threaten metagross, but there's seriously no reason to use recover for your team or in general.

you've gotta be fucking kidding me... this is the stupidest thing.

latias v heracross
trick, salac berry
megahorn, 2HKO
aura sphere a few times, CM once, die after my salac boost because i don't outspeed still
tyranitar, protect, take a megahorn next turn and it brings it down to 1 hp
i kill it and in comes flygon, no chance

yeah tricklead vs. heracross has defintiely been posted about in these threads like a dozen times by myself and peterko alone for over a year, but i guess you learned the hard way that "don't trick lead heracross". peterko lost to it the same exact way even with registeel, i don't know how many more people have to throw away perfectly good streaks with trick teams before the advice ive given repeatedly in this thread is taken (i've suggested charm latias over half a dozen times and warned about lead heracross probably more). next time reflect first turn, switch to lucario, then back to latias and play accordingly

and again, i see zero need for recover over flash, especially with your team. this is the only criticism i have of peterko's team but it applies even more to you. you say you use it for the reasons he stated in his thread, so i will address them now if only so i can chuckle to myself as the rest of you refuse to use trick/tw/charm/flash latias to easily get a huge streak (read: i'm not necessarily inclined to help anybody in this thread lol, not when i dont currently have the record)

1. struggle never misses (and CHs way too often)

this isn't a reason not to use flash. by registeel's nature, the lead poke will often be struggling against it, but how does recover on latias actually help against this? if you're at the point where struggling actually matters against either of your setup pokemon but you actually have charm on latias, this is a total non-issue.

2. OHKO moves are not affected by flash

how does recover on latias actually help against this? you are locking them into a move that will kill you no matter what if it hits. if you're ohkoed by their lead at any point, recover would only remotely help if you were able to charm/reflect on turn three so you will take slightly less damage by the time they start struggling. in no way is recover better than flash against lead ohko pokemon

3. you survive more thanks to recover = PP wasting moves to set up garchomp or cripple foe´s pokémon and still be able to be used if something goes wrong

the point of a trick lead isn't to pp waste, especially with a pokemon that takes an average of 10 turns to set up anyway. what attacking moves are you trying to pp waste instead of immediately setting up on? crunch or xscissor or night slash? why? most moves have 15 pp or less, which doesn't give registeel a lot of time to set up completely (which it needs to, at least from the physical side). and garchomp doesn't need pp waste help to set up on physical moves thanks to charm (or reflect), so what special attacking moves is garchomp even setting up on?

peterko, seriously state your case for recover here because i am not seeing it. when have you even used recover in a situation that helped you win? i will note that even with your inclination to save latias in case something goes wrong it didn't help you in battle 697 against Swampert, again it's lame to nitpick losses but Flash could have helped you here and we've already talked about how grim your prospects are against sticky hold gastrodon4
group refers to the specific pokemon you will see according to my list of the 950 pokemon. 1-4 in that order, so garchomp4 means the focus sash one, life orb honchkrow is honchkrow3, etc

Wow, there it is lol I haven't done near as much battling as you or peterko or a host of other users... and clearly it pays off when you do. I guess looking at trainer info would've been equally as beneficial as having the list in front of me for the actual pokemon and their movesets.

Thanks for all that advice and knowledge lol I'll use it accordingly. I'm going to try the team one more time before I swap things out for a more proven and effective pokemon in Scizor. I'm contemplating swapping out for an entirely different twosome or just Tyranitar and Scizor, as the Fire weakness, should it ever come up, can be dealth with resaonbly well by Tyranitar (save Infernape and Blaziken, but they should be easily KOed by Bullet Punch when set up).

Infernape is also something that I've wanted to try because it's just a beast. I'm not sure whether I'd go classic wall-breaker of purely special with Nasty Plot/Flamethrower/Grass Knot/Vacuum Wave (or Hidden Power Ice in there somewhere). Purely special means even set up I need some luck to beat Blissey (random 89+damage to 2HKO with flamethrower at +6), but mix loses priority which I'm coming to appreciate and splits EVs. Grass Knot also has the issue of something like Lanturn popping up and being an ass. And since with the four-moveslot syndrome of Infernape, I could be quick clawed to hell quite easily too, which is less appealing now that I've written it out... lol

One more streak with Flash over Recover, a trainer database list from Peterko and hopefully a little luck before I start making member-changes.
Jumpman, do you mind telling us what set(s) you used to get that insane Kingdra streak? I've tried alternating between three sets for Kingdra but ultimately have failed about a set from 170 for all my attempts (3).

My experience tells me that Kingdra is no doubt a fantastic pokemon (and would probably be uber with a few more speed/attack stats) as a) it generally has an >80% to beat any one pokemon it's up against and b) has one weakness which is easily overcome due to all dragon types lacking focus sash c) lacks an arch nemesis like Weavile who will beat it almost 100% of the time.

Its Achilles heel is that it lacks the firepower to straight up OHKO a great deal of pokemon with its 100% stab attacks, and must resort to the 90% Draco Meteor or Hydro Pump to OHKO some dangerous an example, I resort to Choice Scarf Kingdra to beat the bug sets, otherwise I believe Pinsir, Ninjask, Scizor and Scyther will beat you every time (unless you scarf-meteor them and don't miss). I can beat the majority of pokemon comfortably, but against a significant portion of the battle hall pokemon, I need to take a 90% or 85% chance to win, which adds up for 170 battles...

tl;dr version:
Jumpman, any tips for using Kingdra?
I can't say for sure because I haven't done it and I'm not sure I ever finished my Kingdra deal (this was spring this year). But I had almost everything done with:

(ripped off another Kingdra user)
One with EVs I don't remember, another specced to take a Fake Out -> Close Combat from Infernape. I also had a Choice Scarf Kingdra with HP Fire, Outrage, and Waterfall, iirc the fastest guy you have to worry about is easily handled with the scarf + scrap EVs

Disclaimer: Sorry if someone already posted this, delete away if so. Also, I don't remember if I quit because I got tired of trying or there was something I couldn't beat. Good luck!