I just had a huge block of text typed up, and somehow the delete key moved me back a page... fuckin a.
Ok two things... first a question.
Is it better when using CM Lucario, to either a) set up to six calm minds and beat whoever the opponent is? or b) set up to six calm minds and wait until it breaks your sub so you can get down to a salac boost?
hate when that happens, when posts start to get big i put them in the real reply box so firefox saves them (i start in quick reply 100% of the time if im not replying to the post) or just resume typing in Word
the answer is definitely b, lucario needs the salac boost if you're not using vacuum wave. and if you cant get the salac boost because of stone edge or rock slide running out of pp, you can and should assess your next opponent and see if you can sub as it breaks your sub(s) so you can get your salac boost for it and the next poke and still have your sub, as i explain in
this post.
Ok... and number two... an epic warstory (haha not quite but it was close for me)
Latias vs Rampardos
Ok Rampardos' Mold Breaker is a big problem for the team since it allows the use of Earthquake on my incoming Tyranitar and Lucario... not so good. But this is a Trick team after all, so what happens next? I trick of course.
Only to get a fucking Choice Scarf back! Now Rampardos blasts me with a powerful Head Smash, dropping Latias around 25% or maybe a bit less. Since I still have a scarf, I can't switch moves, and I decide to sack Latias and bring Lucario in at full health.
two very big mistakes here. first, you should have been paying attention to the trainer, since the rest of the pokes you faced indicate that you're playing Set 4 pokemon, which should tell you that trick was the one move you shouldn't use against a rampardos you know already has scarf
second, i suggested thunderwave over wish and flash over light screen on your original set for a reason. now if you had known it was a scarf rampardos you may have used reflect with your current trick/tw/reflect/recover set and gone to lucario to get more setup but that doesn't really matter now. but this battle had no business being difficult for you. you personally need trick/tw/reflect on your latias because you dont have a pokemon that can threaten metagross, but there's seriously no reason to use recover for your team or in general.
you've gotta be fucking kidding me... this is the stupidest thing.
latias v heracross
trick, salac berry
megahorn, 2HKO
aura sphere a few times, CM once, die after my salac boost because i don't outspeed still
tyranitar, protect, take a megahorn next turn and it brings it down to 1 hp
i kill it and in comes flygon, no chance
yeah tricklead vs. heracross has defintiely been posted about in these threads like a dozen times by myself and peterko alone for over a year, but i guess you learned the hard way that "don't trick lead heracross". peterko lost to it the same exact way even with registeel, i don't know how many more people have to throw away perfectly good streaks with trick teams before the advice ive given repeatedly in this thread is taken (i've suggested charm latias over half a dozen times and warned about lead heracross probably more). next time reflect first turn, switch to lucario, then back to latias and play accordingly
and again, i see zero need for recover over flash, especially with your team. this is the only criticism i have of peterko's team but it applies even more to you. you say you use it for the reasons he stated in his thread, so i will address them now if only so i can chuckle to myself as the rest of you refuse to use trick/tw/charm/flash latias to easily get a huge streak (read: i'm not necessarily inclined to help anybody in this thread lol, not when i dont currently have the record)
1. struggle never misses (and CHs way too often)
this isn't a reason not to use flash. by registeel's nature, the lead poke will often be struggling against it, but how does recover on latias actually help against this? if you're at the point where struggling actually matters against either of your setup pokemon but you actually have charm on latias, this is a total non-issue.
2. OHKO moves are not affected by flash
how does recover on latias actually help against this? you are locking them into a move that will kill you no matter what if it hits. if you're ohkoed by their lead at any point, recover would only remotely help if you were able to charm/reflect on turn three so you will take slightly less damage by the time they start struggling. in no way is recover better than flash against lead ohko pokemon
3. you survive more thanks to recover = PP wasting moves to set up garchomp or cripple foe´s pokémon and still be able to be used if something goes wrong
the point of a trick lead isn't to pp waste, especially with a pokemon that takes an average of 10 turns to set up anyway. what attacking moves are you trying to pp waste instead of immediately setting up on? crunch or xscissor or night slash? why? most moves have 15 pp or less, which doesn't give registeel a lot of time to set up completely (which it needs to, at least from the physical side). and garchomp doesn't need pp waste help to set up on physical moves thanks to charm (or reflect), so what special attacking moves is garchomp even setting up on?
peterko, seriously state your case for recover here because i am not seeing it. when have you even used recover in a situation that helped you win? i will note that even with your inclination to save latias in case something goes wrong it didn't help you in battle 697 against Swampert, again it's lame to nitpick losses but Flash could have helped you here and we've already talked about how grim your prospects are against sticky hold gastrodon4