I just ended a streak of
52 in the Level 50 Battle Factory.
The video for battle 49 can be found
here. I'll give a recap of the battle here for those who don't want to watch it or can't see it very well due to the apalling quality I got from recording it from my laptop's built-in webcam.
In battles 42-49, there were surprisingly few strong Pokémon that I thought could fit into my team. I ended up with a team that shared a few weaknesses, but I felt it was pretty good anyway:
680 | Nidoking | Modest | Expert Belt | Earth Power | Sludge Bomb | Ice Beam | Shadow Ball | SpA/Spe
890 | Tyranitar | Adamant | Chople Berry | Stone Edge | Crunch | Earthquake | Dragon Dance | HP/Atk
863 | Espeon | Modest | Wise Glasses | Psychic | Shadow Ball | Signal Beam | Morning Sun | SpA/Spe
The first Pokémon I faced was an Ambipom. Not having any idea of its moveset (Brick Break and Shadow Claw would have been dangerous for Tyranitar and Espeon respectively), I decided to stay in and Sludge Bomb. Ambipom attacked me with Sludge Bomb, leaving Nidoking with 103/156 HP. Poison Point activated, and Nidoking got a critical hit with Sludge Bomb, KOing Ambipom.
Thorton sent out Wailord next. I didn't switch in Espeon straight away, because I didn't want to risk a possible Fissure instantly removing my best answer to Wailord. So I stayed in and used Sludge Bomb again, dealing just under 50% damage. Wailord Ice Beamed for the KO.
Seeing how much damage Sludge Bomb did, I figured Espeon's Psychic could KO Walrein in one hit. It did, and Wailord fainted. I had a full health Espeon, and Tyranitar in reserve.
Thorton's final Pokémon was Umbreon. There was no point in switching out, so I Signal Beamed for roughly 1/3 damage. Umbreon used Curse, and restored some of its HP with Leftovers. I Signal Beamed again, got a second critical hit, and KOd Umbreon. To be honest, I felt pretty bad about getting two critical hits, but a win is a win.
I'm really annoyed about battle 53, because I could have won it had I made a different move on turn 1. This was my team:
650 | Raichu | Timid | Petaya Berry | Thunderbolt | Focus Blast | Signal Beam | Nasty Plot | SpA/Spe
867 | Lucario | Modest | Expert Belt | Aura Sphere | Psychic | Shadow Ball | Dragon Pulse | SpA/Spe
851 | Aerodactyl | Adamant | Choice Band | Stone Edge | Aerial Ace | Earthquake | Dragon Claw | Atk/Spe
My opponent's first Pokémon was Regigigas. I had never faced a legendary in the Battle Factory before, let alone one of these, but I stupidly thought that Raichu could survive any of its attacks, and Nasty Plot up so that I could hopefully KO it next turn with Focus Blast. However, Regigigas used Earthquake, and took Raichu out.
I switched in Lucario, hoping that an Expert Belt Aura Sphere would do enough to KO. It didn't, and Regigigas used Earthquake again, leaving Lucario on 40 HP. Next turn, Lucario used Aura Sphere for the KO.
Luario faced Ninetales next. I switched out to Aerodactyl, and took an Overheat. I Earthquaked, KOing Ninetales.
Then my opponent sent out Milotic. Aerodactyl used Earthquake again, taking Milotic down to around/just under 50%. Milotic used Ice Beam for the KO.
I switched in my final Pokémon, Lucario. I used Aura Sphere, bringing its health down to red, but it was over. Milotic used Surf and KOd Lucario.
Had I used Thunderbolt first turn instead of Nasty Plot, Lucario would have been on full health facing Milotic, and I think I would have survived Surf and beaten it (although I haven't run damage calculations or anything).
One of the most interesting moments during the streak was on battle 28, when I had Pelipper and Magnezone left against a 20% HP Gliscor. Gliscor had Earthquake and the elemental Fangs, and I was almost certain that Pelipper was done for. However, it took the Thunder Fang like a champ, and KOd Gliscor right back with Ice Beam. The opponent had one more Pokémon left after Gliscor, and I don't remember what it was, but it was no problem for my team.