Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

Is there a way to see your record for Wifi Battle Tower? Not the one IN the Battle Tower... but the one where you go onto Wifi with a friend? I think we're up to 56 with pure telekinesis but I can't find anywhere where it shows the current streak. Getting 18BP per round is pretty sweet though.
and it seems you and i are the only people in this thread that cares about the battle castle :(

Make that us and Chinese Dood... and remember, this is an advantage, in that we have less competition. Also, similar to Chinese Dood being too busy to play the Castle, I could techincally have been playing it for ages by now, but due to the incident where I lost 2.5 years worth of gaming progress, I'm too busy re-playing lost game files. After that, I'll continue the streak which I left at 49 many months ago. With 438 CP, I should get a decent streak if I make no dumb decisions.

Also, it's been so long that I've forgot; there isn't an option to remove foe's items for CP, is there? I've forgotten how the whole thing works... and do the trainers have the same sets of Pokemon as in the Tower?

Also also, about Slowbro/King in the Tower, I was pretty sure Infernape would be able to deal with it, but was just bringing it up since I couldn't be screwed doing damage calculations (Jumpman loves doing that - so I let him do the work). Yep, Infernape is quite fearsome... also, may I ask a dumb question?


Is there any other reason than Intimidate for which Infernape is going to use NP/Vacuum Wave as opposed to SD/Mach Punch? Just wondering...

blaze boosted flamethrower is stronger than blaze boosted fire punch would be my guess dr.d

and since infernape's attacking stats are equal there's no reason not to use special attack over attack
blaze boosted flamethrower is stronger than blaze boosted fire punch would be my guess dr.d

and since infernape's attacking stats are equal there's no reason not to use special attack over attack
And not to mention scizor does a better physical priority user.STAB 90 bp priority is no joke!
Dan Dan: Look into your friend code list, the streak numbers are located in your friend's profile.

Make that us and Chinese Dood... and remember, this is an advantage, in that we have less competition.
Hey, don't forget about me! ;D In fact, I started my new streak with the intention of getting my record back, so that's already four. :P I might need some weeks to get above 250/300/whatever though, because holidays are over.

Also, it's been so long that I've forgot; there isn't an option to remove foe's items for CP, is there? I've forgotten how the whole thing works... and do the trainers have the same sets of Pokemon as in the Tower?
1.) Not for CP, you would need to use Trick or Thief or something like that.
2.) Yes, they are all the same.
Make that us and Chinese Dood... and remember, this is an advantage, in that we have less competition.

i guess i meant that someone posts that they broke the record, and noone even acknowledges it lol.....

i dont mind having competition actually - it makes it more interesting. seriously, i think the battle castle needs some more attention. the tower seems now to be a matter of "who's trick team gets the longest run before running into severe hax". but those kinds of teams will go terribly in the castle - having to completely heal (at least) one pokemon and buy back a 20CP item each turn. and having to worry about healing yourself instead of getting it done for free balances out the advantage of being able to see the opponents pokemon before battling.

Also, similar to Chinese Dood being too busy to play the Castle, I could techincally have been playing it for ages by now, but due to the incident where I lost 2.5 years worth of gaming progress, I'm too busy re-playing lost game files. After that, I'll continue the streak which I left at 49 many months ago. With 438 CP, I should get a decent streak if I make no dumb decisions.

well, i dont remember but my stock of points was maybe about 500-700 at that stage, and 250 battles later its 750 (got as low as 512 at the end of battle 252 as you can see on my youtube video), so as long as you do things reasonably well, you shouldnt have too much CP problems.

sucks about this "incident" - theft? will be cool to see you take up the challenge again :)

Also, it's been so long that I've forgot; there isn't an option to remove foe's items for CP, is there? I've forgotten how the whole thing works... and do the trainers have the same sets of Pokemon as in the Tower?

no, all you can do is see their stats+item, see their moves, or alter their level +/- 5. apart from the things you can do yourself.

something that noone has ever really mentioned is the possibility of changing items mid-streak. eg if i saw that choice scarf rampardos was leading the battle, it might consider changing my salamences choice band to a scarf, or maybe a focus sash might be helpful in certain situations too. i would be hesitent to do this towards the beginning of a set of 7, but maybe in the last battle.....

Hey, don't forget about me! ;D In fact, I started my new streak with the intention of getting my record back, so that's already four. :P I might need some weeks to get above 250/300/whatever though, because holidays are over.

i havent forgotten about you ;) its currently 301* but i'm doing the battle tower at the moment - i want to see how far i can get a "conventional" team to go. at some stage i'll probably go back and try to extend my BC run until it breaks, but when that happens, i don't imagine i'll give it much time any more - my strategy is quite slow and painful, and to be honest, i didnt start with the intention of breaking your record, just my old one (120).
Thanks PremiumVerumFatum, we're actually on 84! Much higher than I thought... I'd only counted 70 so far. I won't unveil the team yet but it's pretty much just goodstuffs
bozo, i'm curiuos what you mean by a "conventional" team? There are some very, very long streaks using non-trick related teams. what does yours look like?
bozo, i'm curiuos what you mean by a "conventional" team? There are some very, very long streaks using non-trick related teams. what does yours look like?

hmmmm, without actually looking at all the movesets, almost every team in the top 10 has a lead which i'd assume was a tricker - exceptions are typhlosion23 and for51years. are there any other ones of note?

my team is just the team ive always used - salamence+blissey+water (either suicune or milotic depending on what i feel like). i got up to 91 with milotic a few days ago, then died to a team i would beat 99% of the time (just waaaaay too many crits) - in the end it was an intimidated scarf ttar locked on ice punch which i knew could only beat blissey by getting two crit's in a row (or freezing me - i still had salamence on 4 hp to switch if i needed to), and of course it managed it lol..... now ive got up to about 70 with mence+bliss+suicune.

EDIT: im just talking about platinum BT i guess. i do like the whole sash/counter/DBond gengar thing. although i still dont consider it "conventional", as its really a (very clever) counter to the hax.
Just thought I'd post to ask a question about something related to Registeel perfection:

Okay, so Peterko amazingly got his 696 record with Registeel, and thus I am inspired to use one in my forthcoming attempt at getting a much higher record than my previous 196. After all, I finally have access to a Registeel via that event Regigigas.

It's waiting to be captured, and I have mastered RNG abuse for legends, so my question is regarding what works best in the Tower:

2. Registeel
Nickname: IRON FIST
Held Item: Leftovers
Ability: Clear Body
Nature: Careful
IVs: 31-31-27-23-27-9
EVs: 252 HP / 100 attack / 140 defense / 12 special defense / 6 speed
Lv.50 stats: 187-108-186-86-187-60
- Iron Head
- Substitute
- Curse
- Amnesia

- That's pasted from Peterko's record team... I had planned on an Impish nature... is there a noticeable advantage to having lowered speed before Curse (probably using that move - not certain yet)? Since I'll easily be able to get perfect IVs in basically every stat, should I ignore the speed IV?

... and that's about all I have to ask before I go and encounter him, after choosing the spread appropriate for the Tower.

Also, why has nobody seriously considered Infernape until now!? It seems rather obvious now... but I guess only in practice can it prove its' worth.
if you dont have a speed IV of at least 10 (or 9 and 4 Speed EVs) then sticky hold gastrodon4 is going to give you a lot of problems when it goes before registeel for the Earth Power

and with regards to infernape, for whatever reason there isnt a wealth of people in this thread willing to try new things, what can you say. i think the person/team i'm most impressed with is tyranitar23 and his straight-up cb infernape/lo latios/metagross team that got to 273 or whatever, i'd like to see anyone here even flirt with 200 with a non-trick team let alone 300
well i'm not sure if i should or shouldn't say this, but i have my doubts about that streak for a couple reasons that i'll share and he/she can refute it or whatever if they so choose--but i doubt that will happen since typhlosion23 joined in june this year, hasn't been on since august, and only has 3 posts, all of which are in this very thread.

the first qualm is the stuff i just stated--three posts, only active for two months, and posted a streak of 272 right off the bat.

second issue is the actual pokemon used: two strategies that go very much against the grain of what is commonly accepted as good knowledge in the battle tower is a lead CBer isn't going to get you much good and a LO sweeper will die too quickly. typhlosion even states that he generally would sac his CB infernape to deal damage before it was taken out "leaving it at 2-1", which is only true if he KOes the foe's lead every time, which obviously he doesn't. and then again we have the LO on latios, with no recovery either. while it does have the power to KO a lot of stuff, it also has to take a few hits in return as well.

the third problem is the mentioning, in one of three posts, of using ROMs on a DS... which we've already bashed another user for trying to pass off as a legitimate record due to the ease of altering everything and the the flexibility and lack of limitations they allow.

lastly, the picture doesnt' work. he has a picture link but the photo doesn't work for me. maybe if it does for someone else i'd buy it, but i haven't been able to see it since I started viewing this thread trying to study and learn.

anyway, i'm not saying it's impossible i'm just a wee bit skeptical of it i guess. but typhlosion23 if you're out there feel free to refute me i'd be glad to see a glimmer of hope for everyone sick of spending over an hour going through one set of 7.
I just ended a streak of 52 in the Level 50 Battle Factory.


The video for battle 49 can be found here. I'll give a recap of the battle here for those who don't want to watch it or can't see it very well due to the apalling quality I got from recording it from my laptop's built-in webcam.

In battles 42-49, there were surprisingly few strong Pokémon that I thought could fit into my team. I ended up with a team that shared a few weaknesses, but I felt it was pretty good anyway:

680 | Nidoking | Modest | Expert Belt | Earth Power | Sludge Bomb | Ice Beam | Shadow Ball | SpA/Spe
890 | Tyranitar | Adamant | Chople Berry | Stone Edge | Crunch | Earthquake | Dragon Dance | HP/Atk
863 | Espeon | Modest | Wise Glasses | Psychic | Shadow Ball | Signal Beam | Morning Sun | SpA/Spe

The first Pokémon I faced was an Ambipom. Not having any idea of its moveset (Brick Break and Shadow Claw would have been dangerous for Tyranitar and Espeon respectively), I decided to stay in and Sludge Bomb. Ambipom attacked me with Sludge Bomb, leaving Nidoking with 103/156 HP. Poison Point activated, and Nidoking got a critical hit with Sludge Bomb, KOing Ambipom.

Thorton sent out Wailord next. I didn't switch in Espeon straight away, because I didn't want to risk a possible Fissure instantly removing my best answer to Wailord. So I stayed in and used Sludge Bomb again, dealing just under 50% damage. Wailord Ice Beamed for the KO.

Seeing how much damage Sludge Bomb did, I figured Espeon's Psychic could KO Walrein in one hit. It did, and Wailord fainted. I had a full health Espeon, and Tyranitar in reserve.

Thorton's final Pokémon was Umbreon. There was no point in switching out, so I Signal Beamed for roughly 1/3 damage. Umbreon used Curse, and restored some of its HP with Leftovers. I Signal Beamed again, got a second critical hit, and KOd Umbreon. To be honest, I felt pretty bad about getting two critical hits, but a win is a win.

I'm really annoyed about battle 53, because I could have won it had I made a different move on turn 1. This was my team:

650 | Raichu | Timid | Petaya Berry | Thunderbolt | Focus Blast | Signal Beam | Nasty Plot | SpA/Spe
867 | Lucario | Modest | Expert Belt | Aura Sphere | Psychic | Shadow Ball | Dragon Pulse | SpA/Spe
851 | Aerodactyl | Adamant | Choice Band | Stone Edge | Aerial Ace | Earthquake | Dragon Claw | Atk/Spe

My opponent's first Pokémon was Regigigas. I had never faced a legendary in the Battle Factory before, let alone one of these, but I stupidly thought that Raichu could survive any of its attacks, and Nasty Plot up so that I could hopefully KO it next turn with Focus Blast. However, Regigigas used Earthquake, and took Raichu out.

I switched in Lucario, hoping that an Expert Belt Aura Sphere would do enough to KO. It didn't, and Regigigas used Earthquake again, leaving Lucario on 40 HP. Next turn, Lucario used Aura Sphere for the KO.

Luario faced Ninetales next. I switched out to Aerodactyl, and took an Overheat. I Earthquaked, KOing Ninetales.

Then my opponent sent out Milotic. Aerodactyl used Earthquake again, taking Milotic down to around/just under 50%. Milotic used Ice Beam for the KO.

I switched in my final Pokémon, Lucario. I used Aura Sphere, bringing its health down to red, but it was over. Milotic used Surf and KOd Lucario.

Had I used Thunderbolt first turn instead of Nasty Plot, Lucario would have been on full health facing Milotic, and I think I would have survived Surf and beaten it (although I haven't run damage calculations or anything).

One of the most interesting moments during the streak was on battle 28, when I had Pelipper and Magnezone left against a 20% HP Gliscor. Gliscor had Earthquake and the elemental Fangs, and I was almost certain that Pelipper was done for. However, it took the Thunder Fang like a champ, and KOd Gliscor right back with Ice Beam. The opponent had one more Pokémon left after Gliscor, and I don't remember what it was, but it was no problem for my team.
Since I'll easily be able to get perfect IVs in basically every stat, should I ignore the speed IV?

personally i would go for as flawless speed as possible (while of course making sure that the other important stats are perfect). while you will certainly be slower than just about everything after using curse, there might just be the rare circumstance in which it would be beneficial to outspeed something before you use it. you might need to complete a KO to end a close battle if your other sweeper has failed. or you might want to use one of your setup moves before a foe attacks you.

well i'm not sure if i should or shouldn't say this, but i have my doubts about that streak for a couple reasons that i'll share and he/she can refute it or whatever if they so choose--but i doubt that will happen since typhlosion23 joined in june this year, hasn't been on since august, and only has 3 posts, all of which are in this very thread.

i'm still slightly skeptical about that particular streak also. but also, i know there are quite a few people who are more active on youtube, or even other forums, who decide to come to smogon to brag about their latest record.

but for me the main reasons i have are:

  1. stone edge
  2. the "careless abandon" approach he seems to have. (as KB pointed out with the lead ape usually just going for it and hopefully ripping a hole in the team)
but regarding the comment about CB leads, most of my battle tower teams have involved a lead CB salamence. i've broken 100 on every battle tower except platinum (which i have really only just started to seriously try), and actually gone past 200 in emerald. you just need to have two good backup pokes, and be very careful to keep everything alive. my salamence is there almost as much for the intimidate, making things easier for the walls to do their job. the salamence+suicune combo works especially well against most fissure users (switch back and forth taking fissure and ice beam respectively), so the main problem is against the other OHKO'ers. but seriously, they pose just as much problem to trick teams. eg:

  1. cresselia/uxie/whatever tricks some poke and dies, incapacitating them in the process, before registeel comes in, gets 6 curses, 3 amnesias, and a sub, and then destroys their lead.
  2. in comes walrein. sheer cold takes out the sub. iron head doesnt KO (or misses lol). sheer cold KO's registeel.
  3. latios finishes off walrein, and then gets faced with something it cant beat. or tries to set up, but has a hard time while walrein manages to hit the sub a few times, and latios doesnt have enough HP or stat boosts to deal with the next foe.
it is all about luck, no matter how good your team is. so i'm sure it is possible that typhlosion23's team really did get that streak. but it would be a testament to supreme luck in my opinion.

I just ended a streak of 52 in the Level 50 Battle Factory.

congrats - you must be happy to have the print! if/when i get mine, i dont think i will ever go back - i absolutely hate the battle factory.

One of the most interesting moments during the streak was on battle 28, when I had Pelipper and Magnezone left against a 20% HP Gliscor. Gliscor had Earthquake and the elemental Fangs, and I was almost certain that Pelipper was done for. However, it took the Thunder Fang like a champ, and KOd Gliscor right back with Ice Beam. The opponent had one more Pokémon left after Gliscor, and I don't remember what it was, but it was no problem for my team.

hehe - i was going to post the other day about how much of a wuss aerodactyl is - a non-intimidated ice fang left my (0 defensive EVs) salamence with 10 hp! ok, it actually froze me too, but whatever, i just switched in blissey. but then one OHKO'd me with dragon claw today, so im thinking i must have got close to min/max damage RNG and possibly the ice fang one was a 21IV one.

well, my second BT attempt has ended at 90 (a few days after one ended at 91). again critical hits were the culprit.

  1. salamence vs ambipom. i switch to suicune fearing ice punch. gunk shot. so i know seed bomb is coming and switch back to salamence who takes it easily. switch back suicune who gets poisoned but not hurt much by gunk shot. back to salamence for another pitiful seed bomb.
  2. so i figure i should live a triple intimidated gunk shot and prepare to kill with EQ (life orb has taken a toll). but gunk shot gets a crit, and mence goes down.
  3. back comes suicune, and rests after ambipom does about 30hp damage with seed bomb. i get a couple of calm minds, but then seed bomb gets a crit on the turn i used surf. it didnt KO me, but left me at about 10hp and in no shape to stand up to the next guy unless.......
  4. sceptile.... crap. but i still have a full health blissey, so it'll be ok unless its the crit-hax one, which it does indeed turn out to be. leaf blade crits on the switch in, but not on the next few turns (one of which was a night slash crit) and i gradually get back to full health. i use flamethrower and do more than 50%, then spend the next few turns recovering until im back at full and ready to finish it hopefully. but of course it gets a crit that turn (does about 60-70%) and my flamethrower does not finish it. overgrow does the rest. blissey+suicune are no chance, and i didnt even see the 3rd poke.

also peterko, when you update the record page you can put me down for 91 mins for battles 1-49 with life orb starmie + cb salamence + blissey. i know my previous run was faster, but i didnt time it so this is the best i have actually recorded. i actually got to 35 in 55 mins, rarely having to send blissey out (or even mence for that matter) but a few things forced my hand and battles 36-49 took 36 mins.
I'm really struggling with a third member for my Uxie-Infernape combo... I've gone through the lists over and over and I just can't find a suitable mate. Perhaps I shouldn't dump Latias just yet and that might give me a different set of weaknesses to consider... I am honestly unsure.

Something that I'd strongly consider for its amazing resistances and typing is Magnezone, but the lack of stat-upping moves (ha ha charge beam lets rely on that!) really makes it sad. It can Magnet Rise though and really be a pain in the ass and just Thunderbolt/Hidden Power shit away. And Zapdos. Raikou doesn't have the same resistances but I've thought about it as well. And then back to Scizor and Garchomp. Regirock, Registeel, something to take Earthquake from Rampardos and Brave Bird from Staraptor (a combo that proves nigh impossible). Staraptor is really the problem pokemon, as Uxie, and by extension Cresselia as well, can handle an Earthquake through Mold Breaker and proceed to Trick, Thunder Wave and Reflect/Memento. Staraptor will 2HKO both of them though, and is a general bitch to deal with.

I'm really, really having a bitch of a time. I've been slowly going between theory and getting my streak back past 49... I just beat palmer number one this morning and probably won't have time to continue until Friday or so...

If anyone sees a suitable teammate for Infernape-Uxie to round things out please point it out, I'll be looking for Latias-Infernape combos tomorrow I suppose.

EDIT: oh and modest WG Infernape has to roll ran85-86 damage (the lowest two possible) not to OHKO a max HP, adamant metagross with flamethrower (without blaze factored in), making it much less of threat than thought to be on my old trick team. even with an attack boost, meta can only boast 74% max to ape... very nice!
ok, ive just had the biggest lol battle ever.....

  1. salamence vs drifblim. i switch to blissey and dont even see what it does. after lefties im almost back to full health.
  2. i do the customary turns of flamethrower, beforestalling it out of destiny bond, when the 3rd flamethrower burns it. so i think to myself softboiled over and over until it dies. anyway, i look back and it explodes and gets a crit - only way it could kill me through intimidate and burn.
  3. so i send mence back out. magnezone - ok this is good. EQ = dead magnezone. whats next.....
  4. misdreavus! i figure its all over - prob has icy wind and thunderbolt or something.
  5. i switch to suicune - yup icy wind. i look up the moveset list. it doesnt have TB, "just" energy ball. so i know the only thing i can do is see what happens with a calm mind. EB gets me down to about 100hp (out of 207, including damage from icy wind) and suicune uses calm mind. i select rest next turn, wondering how many pp EB has. but its second EB gets a crit too. same way my last two streaks ended, stupid crits.....
  6. salamence comes back out. im wondering if i might possibly survive an icy wind. and.... it misses! lol i didnt even know it had less than 100% accuracy, but i looked it up and sure enough, 95%.
all i can say is in your face battle tower.............
Hey I'm pretty sure you meant Mismagius (685 | Mismagius | Timid | Wise Glasses | Shadow Ball | Energy Ball | Icy Wind | Destiny Bond | SpA/Spe), not Misdreavus, haha, but yah that's pretty funny.

Reminds me of the double battle I had in the double battle tower a few months ago (I dunno why I still remember this) where I played pretty badly and I was left with a TR Bronzong (which had Trick Room/Psych Up/Faint Attack/GyroBall) after my BD Sitrus Snorlax fainted from Rhyperior's critical hit Earthquake. My opponent still had all 4 pokemon, but in that turn that Snorlax fainted Bronzong got Trick Room down, no psych ups though.

Unboosted Bronzong vs a low health Gengar, full health Rhyperior, Tangrowth and Rampardos. I won because Rhyperior was CB and stuck on EQ, basically helping me KO everything lol, Tangrowth was just power whipping Bronzong for low damage or missing. Probably my funniest and luckiest win ever.
Lost at 168 with Metagross, Manetric critted with Flamethrower, though I'm not sure it matters since my Meta runs only 80HP evs. I probably should have run FS+BP for the final round, oh well.
@King battlus Try jumpmans Ttar I tryed and got tired of trick teams so stopped at 70 with latias-infernape-tyranitat.
The set :
Tyranitar @ Leftovers
252 hp/252 att/6 def

I used protect to pp stall but rest is an option.

Currently doing the castle after being inspired by Bozo,chinese dood and the likes...
the team is very bozoish(dont mind please :p).
On 21.Lets see how far it goes maybe just maybe I can get top 5 :)
if calisto was right about one thing it was that tyranitar doesn't need rest and that protect is a very viable option, my first concern is thunderwave from the lead poke but that's more about not wanting to have to stall out 20 turns of thunderwave when you lock them in than anything else, also the better idea is to retrick them into something else after trick|tw, tw|tw, charm/flash the shit out of them|tw, trick|tw, trick|some dumb stuff you dont care about, go tyra/ape

a bigger concern is not having a dragon resist while using a dragon lead since flygon isnt an automatic trick, but at least tyra will never be 2hkoed by its outrage (or ohkoed by a CH). i say flygon because if you charm on turn one and it uses draco meteor it will suck even though latias doesnt die because if you get ched you are going to have to try setting up on stab earth power which kinda sucks even if it doesnt 2HKO at -2 (lol tyranitar is literally uber in the bt with sand). trick is probably best since flygon will have to deal with confusion if it's the outrage one and you took its lum (i bring this up because you wont always know flygon's set and can't necessarily always do one thing, same applies for garchomp)

lead ches suck though, cress survives most of them which is so cool. also ches in general, after charming lead dragonite and finding out its the special one, it will be at -2 and not be able to break tyranitar's sub with surf but ching sucks. at least sandstream isnt a total detriment for infernape, you can theoretically get into blaze range much more reliably with sand running
jump i haven't abandoned uxie just yet, do you suggest i should for latias? if i do i can imagine that most dragons will be problematic because of their shitty STAB that mandates a steel type...

the problem running infernape and tyranitar would be earthquake rampardos. while rampardos is one pokemon out of many, the son of a bitch has appeared in the first round after 49 every time for me. it doesn't necessarily use earthquake, but if it did, I would be taking a big risk. it also has the chance of being scarfed and fucking me sideways.

if it's not, we'll rely on the 75% chance here... rampardos uses earthquake as i trick, taking 27-32%. Not bad. Thunder Wave, sitting somewhere between 54-64% now. I can Flash and pray for misses on the next turn, and continue until it lands an Earthquake and puts me at 81-96%, where I can Memento and let Tyranitar set up the rest of the way by PP-stalling it and DDing whenever possible. Tyranitar CAN stall the PP the rest of the way and will be able to set up after that. Alternating between Sub and Protect, you can stall the remaining Earthquakes out should be able to Sub one last time that will last through all of the struggles and allow you to reach +4 ATK/SPD at worst assuming no misses.

Sending in Inferanpe seems more viable because Infernape is much more powerul (don't try and deny it as Tyranitar doesn't have a chance even at +6 to OHKO skarm like nape does with blissey). But even after a Memento, Infernape comes in to the tune of 66-78%... this isn't very fun. It doesn't let Infernape come in and set up like at all. It does put you immediately into Blaze range which is nice and all, but even then you're in trouble when you realize that you'd need a miss to have a shot. The most you can muster at this point is 72% with vacuum wave.

the good news about tyranitar is how sweet it is at taking on Staraptor after a Memento... a CB Brave Bird doesn't even break my sub! Which is excellent. Meaning I can stall and DDing my way up and sweep after that... AND while i posting i thought about my last streak's final blow and wondered how I would handle Heracross. After a Memento, Adamant 252 ATK CB Hera using Megahorn against Nape musters 18-21%, enough for me to Sub and Nasty Plot my way to victory. I guess this'll be the team I'm going to try.

Still set on using Uxie for now, unless you can provide compelling reasons to try for Latias again?
Hey I'm pretty sure you meant Mismagius (685 | Mismagius | Timid | Wise Glasses | Shadow Ball | Energy Ball | Icy Wind | Destiny Bond | SpA/Spe), not Misdreavus, haha, but yah that's pretty funny.

Reminds me of the double battle I had in the double battle tower a few months ago (I dunno why I still remember this) where I played pretty badly and I was left with a TR Bronzong (which had Trick Room/Psych Up/Faint Attack/GyroBall) after my BD Sitrus Snorlax fainted from Rhyperior's critical hit Earthquake. My opponent still had all 4 pokemon, but in that turn that Snorlax fainted Bronzong got Trick Room down, no psych ups though.

Unboosted Bronzong vs a low health Gengar, full health Rhyperior, Tangrowth and Rampardos. I won because Rhyperior was CB and stuck on EQ, basically helping me KO everything lol, Tangrowth was just power whipping Bronzong for low damage or missing. Probably my funniest and luckiest win ever.

oops and yes indeed i did mean mismagius ;)

i looooooove that battle you posted - its always awesome hearing about the computer getting smashed by its own stupidity like that. i mean how many times do you have it like 3-1 and that 1 comes back to kill your 3.....

well, i have another brilliant battle to post. i thought my streak was going to end in the 90's again, and to make it worse - to crits again.....

  1. mence vs infernape. i usually stay in since there's only a 1/4 chance it will have stone edge, 4/5 it will hit, and low it will be a crit. not to mention i outspeed two of them. anyway... it uses flare blitz and $#@!ing burns me. after recoil, EQ gets it down to about 5%. after my burn i'm at about 65%.
  2. i didnt risk switching because of blaze, and the fact this has thunder punch and might just do a random move, perhaps not wanting to die from recoil. so he flare blitzes again - blaze helps, and he dies from recoil. i EQ nobody in particular and end the turn on exactly 37hp. no big deal - blissey will heal him and he can probably OHKO at least one of the remaining pokes.
  3. out comes crobat. i switch to blissey to see what set it has, seeing as suicune can set up on most of them and i'd prefer to know what i'm switching into if possible. it uses zen headbutt for almost no damage. ok, so it will have brave bird. i can't remember if i selected aromatherapy straight away or softboiled so i could take it on at full health. well, it didnt matter because brave bird got a crit and KO'd my blissey.
  4. so now salamence will have a burn for the rest of the battle. anyway, no point sacrificing him for the intimidate - this thing has razor fang or whatever it is, and one more crit means suicune is probably gone. so suicune comes in. no time to risk setting up, i ice beam to finish it off (it lost about 50-60% from the blissey KO and a little more from the smallish hit on suicune). who's next........
  5. zapdos! KO's suicune with ease. and now i have a dillemma. i have a burn and 37/170 hp. the only thing that could save me is a crit from outrage, or a flinch from rock slide. i figure the flinch chance is 27% (factoring in accuracy) so i decide on that. does CB rock slide even OHKO zapdos?
  6. rock slide hits and does about as close to 50% as it could get, and flinches!! burn takes me down to 17hp. this is it - not even a flinch will save me now - i need to hit and KO.
  7. rock slide hits, and KO's!!
wow - take that battle tower..... i'm on to 98 now, so let's just wait and see what they have in store for me on battles 99 and 100.......

Lost at 168 with Metagross, Manetric critted with Flamethrower, though I'm not sure it matters since my Meta runs only 80HP evs. I probably should have run FS+BP for the final round, oh well.

bugger...... battle hall im guessing? maybe electic types should be done earlier? given that they resist steel and all.

Currently doing the castle after being inspired by Bozo,chinese dood and the likes...
the team is very bozoish(dont mind please :p).
On 21.Lets see how far it goes maybe just maybe I can get top 5 :)

hehe i dont mind at all ;) just a hint though, you can blast through the first few rounds blindly levelling up the opponents and not hiring any items. gets you a huge supply of CP to use later on. you can use things like salamence, starmie, infernape, weavile, garchomp, etc in these rounds and then switch to the team you want to really use.

but good luck anyway! movesets? note that stat-upping is not so effective, since you will often consume a lot of PP each match, although being able to see who you will be facing can tell you who should be setting up, and how much is required.
I was counting on Choice Scarf + EQ + Ice Punch (Zapdos) to handle electrics, I completely overlooked Manetric :P

The Castle sounds like fun, I'll try that next since all my 'innovative' pokemon in the hall have failed to crack 170 :(
I was counting on Choice Scarf + EQ + Ice Punch (Zapdos) to handle electrics, I completely overlooked Manetric :P

The Castle sounds like fun, I'll try that next since all my 'innovative' pokemon in the hall have failed to crack 170 :(

ah... does manectric have a sash? or is it still faster?

EDIT: ok im happy now. got 100 wins. 100th battle almost didnt happen. lead forretress 3 (swagger, toxic, double team, dig). suicune easily sets up and KO's with first attempt at surf despite double teams. sceptile 3 comes in and crits with leaf blade - KO. salamence comes in and eats a weak shadow claw (or whatever). KO's with aerial ace. in comes CB armaldo. i switch to bliss (i need one seismic toss to put it into KO range for outrage). stone edge misses twice in a row, and the 3rd doesnt KO bliss - salamence not needed.
Hey there, I'm off at another attempt at the BT. I wish Jirachi wasn't banned... D=
Anyway, here's my new team. I'm at battle 42 right now and I can't see any gaping weakness, but if I could get some of your answers to my questions, that would be great.


Latios @ Item? I had Lum or Yache or Expert Belt in mind. Which one?
Timid - Levitate
4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
-Dragon Pulse

Yeah, this is Negator's Latios. I use it as a Starmie wannabe, which usually sweeps their teams. With Latios' stupidly high Special Attack, he isn't as susceptible to Starmie's usual killers (Machamp Paybacks/Hariyama Flings). Really fast, really strong, a great starter. Question: Should I use a Specs/Trick set? I seem to be having nice progress in these lower battles, but I don't know how that's going to change the higher I go.


Scizor @ Leftovers
Adamant - Technician
248 HP / 88 Atk / 172 Spe
-Baton Pass
-Bullet Punch
-Swords Dance

I haven't seen many Baton Pass Pokemon in the BT, and frankly, I don't know why. I used to use a Ninjask/Tyranitar combo back in D/P, and I'm really liking my Scizor. It has a lot of bulk, especially with Roost, and as soon as I come across a threat, I Baton Pass to my Dragonite. He can sweep and BP (BP and BP... ho ho I'm funny), making him extremely versatile and extremely useful.


Dragonite @ Life Orb
Adamant - Inner Focus
252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 ? EVs?
-Dragon Claw
-Flamethrower / Fire Blast / Dragon Dance

ES Dragonite is AMAZING. Credits to zero_likespie for this great HG/SS RNG breed. The ridiculous power of this thing is almost in line with Scizor's Bullet Punch. It OHKOs so many Pokemon with just +1 Attack, and if I get a boost from Scizor, he's pretty much unstoppable. I need to know if Flamethrower / Fire Blast is more viable than Dragon Dance. If Scizor dies early, I still want a way to boost my Attack, but I don't have any Fire type attacks in my team. Right now I'm using DD, and it hasn't been a problem. I just don't want to come across a Bronzong when Latios is dead. I'm not really sure where the 4 extra EVs should go, or if there are some Pokes in the BT that would be good to outspeed with some Speed EVs.