Battle Tower Record
Previous record with this team (different EV spread on latias):
Peterko (696) -
Latias, Registeel, Garchomp
This run started on Sunday, Oct. 4, 2009
some warstories
Friday, Oct. 16, 2006 = battles 491-553 (63 wins)
Saturday, Oct. 17, 2009 = battles 554-672 (119 wins)
Sunday, Oct. 18, 2009 = battles 673-742 (70 wins)
694 was a fisherman with lead gastrodon (haven ´t seen one in like 300 battles) and I risked the trick and worked (was set3 though)…this is a bad decision as 1st turn switch is optimal
700 was a legendary trainer with lead curseregisteel who got 3-0ed by chomp
702 set4 trainer and I set up steel, latias died to some CH, incoming magmortar c-rays so I say fuck you I attack and it CHs (I think) but I burn myself..sent out gyarados and I do around 30%, he quaked and Dded and I attacked and subbed oh his rest, then I mamaged one more IH before falling to burn (was at 23hp and that´s exactly 1/8 which sucks because 1/16 is just 11…) anyway I calc damage and if he flinches/CHs I lose, outrage does 73% min though…well, he Dded and outrage finished
730 (I think)… ice trainer with jynx, trick missed, jynx mean looked, trick hit, locked into lovely kiss, struggled to death…mamoswine came in, ice fang, set1 with hail, charmed three times, utilized recover, then switched back and forth to PP waste quake and ice fang, the ninth fang froze steel, brought chomp on peck, gg
veteran costin zapdos
trick, u-turn, 125/185
t-wave, ice punch, freeze, 49/185
switch, steel, IP 184/187
switch, fire punch, thawed out, 31/185
recover to 123/185, ice punch CH KO
curse, fire punch, 155/187
sub, fire punch, 120/187
curse, fire punch, sub broke, 131/187
sub, fire punch, 96/187
curse, fire punch, sub broke, 107/187
sub, fire punch, 72/187
curse, fire punch, 83/187
iron head, 75%, fully para, 94/187
iron head, KO, 105/187
light screen, iron head, 52% 116/187
bolt, sub broke, iron head, KO, 127/187
twister, flinch, 132/187
twister, amnesia, 137/187
twister, amnesia, 145/187
twister, amnesia, 154/187
twister, sub, 117/187
twister, IH, 48%, 128/187
twister, IH, 48%, 139/187
twister, IH, KO, 2-0
lesson learned: t-wave zapdos and this would´ve been a breeze (I figured this out a lot earlier but´s not always sunday, ehm)
742 PI with walrein which missed its first sheer cold but then hit the other 4, so I was only able to get sub and 1 SD, was enough in the end to sweep probopass and duggy
Monday, Oct. 19, 2009 = battles 743-805 (63 wins)
749 “gastro from hell” switched back and forth to PP waste IB and EP and then tricked his CH poisoningsludge bomb, set up chomp on struggle, swept jynx & shiftry
750 raichu4 from hell I missed trick for the 3rd time in R1 during this streak, he t-waved me and then CH returned…sent in steel who got 2Ched in a row (making it 3 in a row) and then another CH on the 6th hit and another one on the 8th… … … return is the new
765 flingclops, missym3, gengz
766 gaydol4, ttar, steelix
767 reporter with screen meta, cham, manectric (chomp got 2 utterly useless CHs here, total overkill)
768 pokéfan pandora with specjynx (1CH & 1frz), meggy, croak
769 idol trista with focus blast chicken, shucatyphlo, torty
770 roughneck ron with muscleskuntank crunch (aftermathless), BBcroak, Pup-umby
771 policeman kegan with sashbastio using worst attack in the game (1CH), sciz, empo
772 black belt ronni with gallade n-slash (2/14CHs), HJKlee, moltre return (wth?)
773 sailor carlo with chicken shclaw (0CHs), ccombatluca, focusblastyblasty
774 worker boyce with golem suckersandstorm, ttar, perior
775 guitarist roget with chestotrode t-wave, missym, zone
776 camper andre with herbrade sball, kingdra, lickilicklicklciclciklckcliclcclklcli ehm
777 ace trainer lew with LO mamo ifang (frz & CH), AAarti, lass
778 cowgirl carly with kangaoutrage, sunnytyphlo, seedshiftry
779 pkmn ranger gunter with ttar4 crunch (always DD be4), gyara, aero
780 waiter warren with bastiobeam, golduck, poliwrath
781 scientist irwin with lass ice punch, whisky, jynx
782 hiker glen with bastioDT, wak, cradily
783 cyclist ward zapdos2 (I t-wave and reswitch to lock into ominous which got 2allstatboosts), cham, scor
784 ace trainer daphne with phan, probo, umby
785 waitress leslie with kingdraibeam, vire, arca
786 waitress kathy with gongbeam, ambi, shitskarm beat chomp, stallwar … … …
787 cyclist hilda with counterchamp, altaria, cham
788 pokéfan pandora with cradilySE, muk, venu
789 cyclist ward with croak xscissor, kickchick, flinchbat
790 pkmn breeder antonia with DDttar (that´s how I like it :p), rampa, leaf
791 ace trainer lew with leftywalreinibeam, hailweavile, regice
792 bird keeper kira with sala1, zap, yan
793 ace trainer thad with chestogong ibeam, mamo, DTweavile
794 idol cocoa with payback umby, vappy, espy
795 dragon tamer nicolas with draggy2, aero2, kanga
796 idol maranda with signalzone, lanturn, pissey
797 gentleman joachim with DDlatios, entei, zap
798 rancher vern with crunchqueen, swamp, tank
799 cowgirl ginger with SEgranbull, milky, absol
800 cameraman skip with risetrode, galalade, raicha
801 aroma lady elisha with DTshiftry, torty, tangy
802 jogger austin with rainlanty, raicha, croak
803 aroma lady amber with leechbreloom (CH last struggle), vicy, tangy
804 collector newman DTglaceon, mortar, perior
805 PI river with hailmamo, hippo, zong
Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2009 = battles 806-840 (35 wins)
806 fisherman keaton sticky gastro3 (ppstall), golduck, BUpoli (miss)
807 veteran alfred with n-slash weavile (1st one CH-> sash), phan, clay
808 idol kristi with n-slash sceptile, kickchick, typhlo CH flare blitz KO steel, OHKO through shuca
809 guitarist roget with t-wave trode, vire, missym3 d-bond
810 ace trainer opal with wacan gong ibeam, weavile, regice
811 jogger ipunch duck, jynx, duggy
812 aroma lady ambre with stockpile cradily, rose, torty
813 gentleman joachim with ipunch rock, sunny cresse, return tres
814 camper freddy with giga slaking (CH on 1st hit but missed 2/5), walrein, tenta
815 policeman kegan with avalanche bastio, wrath, ape
816 fisherman keaton with ibeam milo, kingdra, lanturn
817 picnicker tonya with CB perior megahorn, drapion, honchkrow
818 sailor horatio with SE harry, champ, croak
819 idol nissa with glacebeam, flare, leaf
820 roughneck ron with bat1 cross psn, drifblim, shiftry
821 ace trainer chloe with DD latios, ice, zap
822 ace trainer daphne with espyball, draggy, hera
823 cyclist vanita with artiblizzard, hera, skarm
824 scientist Flynn with curserein, sala, vappy
825 dragon tamer Nicolas with outrage draggy, aqua aligatr, fire punch aggron
826 waitress leslie with blizzard mie, aggron, phan
827 cyclist hilda with n-slash skarm, altaria, zap
828 cyclist clive with gunkcroak, honchkrow, zap
829 PKMN ranger geoff with crunchkou, cune, gigas
830 battle girl mariane with polijab, sashchamp, entei
831 socialite janice with SE armaldo, venu, skarm
832 policeman hugh with RS breloom, forry, probo
833 fisherman delaney with c-ray tenta, kingdra, duck
834 ace trainer opal with regicebeam, lass, glalie
835 rancher boris with ibeam duck, kanga, venu
836 pokéfan simon with DM altaria, swamp, mime
837 beauty becky with blizzardempo, punny, rapi
838 battle girl eve with sball houndy, hera, hitmonchan
839 camper freddy with dpulse luca, yan, gengz
840 waitress leslie with ipunch aggro, mamo, jolt
Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2009 = battles 841-896 (56 wins)
841 cowgirl ginger with signaltrick, jynx, bastio
842 PI ralph with counterscor, arti, muk
843 camper freddy with slide clay, luca, lix
844 parasol lady sami with rushchomp, milo, pory2
845 idol nissa with glaceyawn, espy, jolt
846 psychic irene with ipunch gallade (trick miss), focus blast slowking, surf latios
847 bird keeper kira with braveskarm, scissorbat, gliscor
848 dragon tamer harvey with ibeam latias, ibbastio, rampa
849 guitarist tobias with ipunch vire, meta, gallade
850 cyclist hilda with zap1 t-wave (locked into drill peck later), quake hera, ffang sala
851 collector leroy with ibeam jynx (2CHs), duck, wak
852 roughneck ross with drill nido (hit 1/5), crawdaunt, skuntank
853 scientist irwin with t-wave raichu, harry, forry
854 ace trainer Charlie with sball jolt, draggy, pory2
855 cyclist clive with rushdraggy2, hera, zard
856 cyclist Hilda with aero3 crunch, arti, gallade
857 hiker glen with d-claw ttar (3rd hit CHed), torty, clay
858 PKMN breeder peter with psychoeggy, lix, amphy
859 guitarist tobias with ihead zong, chicken, amphy
860 ace trainer chloe with t-wave steel, tres, rock
861 gentleman joachim with sball cresse, tres, entei
862 policeman hugh with empo blizzard, hera, bullet scizor
863 sailor carlo with BUpoli, hera, cham
864 PI river with rapi horn drill I tricked (last time I t-waved and it missed HD twice on reswitch and I tricked it then), hit the first, missed second on steel, missed third, fourth and fifth on steel…lucky here, three in a row and I lose…sub and 1SD only, gastro, sashtrode…t-wave and switch is a better approach, still similar to kingler in that iron tail and flare blitz both break chomp sub…quaking it dead asap is maybe the best option (worst leads on top of my mind: rapi3, kingler, sticky gastro4)
865 ace trainer sawyer with hail arti, cresse, regirock
866 pokéfan europa with aslash zard (CH+flinch on the second hit, had a series of 3flinches followed by two CHs in a row on +6 steel with AS #14-18), granbull, whiscash
867 camper freddy with IB milo (second hit froze), luca, tenta
868 PKMN ranger geoff with signal raikou (confused on first hit and hurt myself R2), last struggle CHed, cresse, entei
869 jogger austin with specsbro s-ball, breloom, muk
870 waiter warren with drain punch breloom (that´s something new), sceptile using toxic on sub, weezing
871 hiker glen with leech torty, rampy, shuckle
872 parasol lady angie with t-wave luxio, magmar, primeape
873 camper andre with gyro lix, chomp, perior
874 reporter katie with mimic mime (what a weirdo, locked into copycat later), hypno, zone (missed first quake)
875 beauty nadia with sleep powder jump..ehm luff, seadra, combusken
876 cyclist vanita with hypnowrath, croak, bat
877 idol helene with IP vire, licky, mane
878 roughneck ron with IB lass, gengz, drifblim
879 PI ralph with sub nidoking, metafour, gliscor
880 cyclist ward with dpulse altaria, arti, champ…messed up here due to pulse PP issues
881 veteran costing with avalanche regice, latias, tres
882 PI chester (getting sick of these) with ifang hippo, zone, flygon
883 PI ralph (another (BAN ME PLEASE), that´s 4 out of the last 20) with iron head zone, hippo, wailord QC HP miss
884 bird keeper eliza with skykiss (missed 3 but CHed with struggle), yan…didn´t catch the second poké lol
885 worker boyce with SE harry, hera, chicken
886 idol nissa with espycharm, QCcurseflare, leaf
887 hiker glen with ifang lix (frz, CH, frz with the first 3 hits), rampy, probo
888 aroma lady elisha with scissor leaf, rose, breloom
889 collector with male lopuhoe travestite charming my girl latias, fake out harry, rhydon
890 psychic sylvie with sunny cresse, zong, bro
891 ace trainer chloe with zap1 I dealt with the same way as earlier this day, heatran, steel
892 beauty becky with blizzard colo, sexploud, chicken
893 ace trainer lew with hailmamo, nxyj, ice
894 roughneck ross with tauntkrow (what a bitch), croak, sashcruel
895 battle girl eve (wanna?) with seedbombreloom, gallade, houndy
896 ace trainer leda with IB lie, lass, rein
Thursday, Oct. 22, 2009 = battles 897-952 (56 wins)
897 pokéfan turner with jynxbeam, skarm, duggy
898 rancher vern with aa shiftry, something that I had to outrage, hypno
899 ace trainer thad with regicebeam, gong, aboma
900 waitress kathy with sticky gastro 2 (PP stall), duck, raptor
901 ace trainer daphne with impact slaking, phan, blissey
902 cowgirl ginger with sball hypno (first two CHed), zard, skarm
903 ace trainer charlie with leaf QC XS, flygon, lanturn
904 bird keeper kira with psong altaria (bitch), aslash & silver wind kiss (locked into SW), bat
905 waiter warren with DT shiftry, aboma, lanturn
906 jogger dimitri with signalmie, mamo, eggy
907 waitress leslie with DD sala, glace, ttar
908 gentleman joachim with cursesteel, tres, kou
909 ace trainer lew with galebeam, arti, lass
910 camper freddy with CH XC scizor, incense clay, noir
911 beauty nadia with swagger sharpedo, huntail, tropius
912 ruin maniac isadore with TR zong, rhydon, meta
913 pokéfan pandora with dpulse sceptile, glalie, breloom
914 PKMN breeder antonia with ibeamie, pory2, jolt
915 hiker glen with flinglem, queen, cradily
916 picnicker tonya with QC crunchippo, flygon, clay
917 PI conway with hailmamo, rhydon, kingler
918 fisherman keaton with haiper voice toed, floatzel, gastro
919 fisherman Delaney with CM bro, whisky, lanturn
920 pokéfan pandora with gastro from hell, altaria, weezing
switch, IB1, 179/187
switch, earth power1
switch, IB2, frozen, 171/187
switch, EP2
switch, IB3, CH, 147/187
switch, EP3
switch, IB4, 139/187
switch, EP4
switch, IB5, 131/187
switch, EP5
switch, IB6, 123/187
switch, EP6
switch, IB7, 117/187
switch, EP7
switch, IB8, 112/187
switch, EP8
switch, IB9, 106/187
switch, EP9
switch, IB10, 100/187
switch, EP10
trick, sticky hold, sludge bomb, 141/185
switch, SB 111
switch, surf, 108/185
recover, 185, SB, 146
switch, surf, 73/187
switch, surf, 112/185
recover, 185, surf, 153
recover, 185, SB, 145
recover, surf, CH, 118/185
recover, 185, SB, 145
recover, surf 152
recover, surf, 152
recover, surf 152
recover, surf 152
recover, SB, 139
recover, SB, 145
switch, surf, 32/187
switch, surf, 115/185
recveor, SB, 142, psn, 119
recover, surf, 150, psn. 127
recover, surf, 153, psn, 130
recover, SB, 142, psn, 119
recover, surf, 150, psn, 127
switch, surf, steel KO
charm, SB, 87/, 64
charm, struggle, psn, 36/187
swiutch, struggle 177/187
SD, struggle 171
Swords dance, struggle 165
Sub, 120/182, struggle
Altaria, outrage, KO
Weezing, outrage, KO
921 idol trista with sclaw ape, torty, typhlo
922 ace trainer chloe with apower gigas (1boost), arti, rock
923 hiker glen with ifang aero, torty (QC), clay
924 aroma lady elisha with sludge bomb plume, torty, meggy
925 picnicker tonya with storm eggy, flygon, amphy
926 idol maranda with staraptor (-6 CH BB on the switch in to steel), milky, kiss
927 sailor horatio with XS gallade, aligatr, breloom
928 waiter xander with DD gyara, probo, milo
929 idol trista with cursevenu, aligatr, torty
930 collector newman with SD scor, bliss, apmhy
931 cyclist clive with scary zard, sala, draggy
932 cyclist clive (again!) with DM draggy (charmed, OHKO on latias), sala, yan
933 fisherman delaney with DD gyara, walrein, starmie
934 black belt fergus with c-ray mortar, zard, tales
935 roughneck ross with absol2 (pressure, charmed, locked into swagger), umby, bat
936 scientist flynn with DT umby, weavile, rose
937 idol helene with ibeam lanturn, raptor, raicha
938 guitarist tobias with missym sball, zong, shiftry
939 hike glen with ipunch aggro, ttar, cradily
940 veteran costing with toxocress, latios, zap
941 pokéfan simon with gastro from hell (4th IB froze, 10th IB CHed, tricked into surf, 6th and 15th surf CHed), vicy, harry
942 psychic sylvie with DT cresse, mime, jynx
943 beauty becky with IP milky, exploud, aligatr
944 gentleman karston with cray mortar, gallade, phan
945 beauty nadia with yawn relicanth, girafarig, kecleon
Friday, Oct. 23, 2009 = (56 wins?)
946 clown enzo with reflect mime, espy, noir
947 guitarist cecil with nislash chick, gallade, clay
948 policeman hugh mit IP aggro (2nd froze), FO harry, gallade
949 cowgirl ginger with SE bull, raptor, rhydon (QC something)
950 ace trainer daphne with sball espy, tenta, lax
951 idol trista with curse torty, blast, chicken
952 guitarist iggy with twave trode, sball jolt, zone
953 ace trainer lew with curse lappy, gong, ipunch weavile
954 PKMN ranger elise with klutzpunny, blasthypno, pimpduck
955 waiter xander with ipunch ursa (2charms, froze on the switch in), scor, mortar
956 parasol lady angie with muddy marsh, wormadam, vigo
957 beauty nadia with sunny cherrim, dragonair, luxio
958 bird keeper kira with DD gyara, skarm, raptor
959 ruin maniac isadore with dclaw aero, zone, zor
960 PI river with ihead zone, sashtrode (switched on boom), rapi, 1-0
961 PKMN breeder peter with flashcan probo, tales, ursa
962 guitarist tobias with ipunch cham, vt raichu, bb weavile
963 sailor carlo with sclaw ape (2nd CHed, 5/14 overall), breloom, croak
964 idol trista with counterpert, torty, typhlo
965 reporter katie with tears jynx, raichu, bro
966 PI ralph with mmmeta (10/10 hit, 1CH), 2CHquake probo, 22/187, quake, 8/187, IH KO, 19/187, weezing, 8dmg, IH1hko (blabla chomp, not)
967 pokéfean pandora with signal manectric (miss+confusion, reswitch), CH on last struggle, kanga, cradily
968 idol nissa with ibeam vappy, reflect espy, flare
969 veteran alfred with wow houndy, probo, luxray
970 dragon tamer Nicolas with dpulse sceptile (messed up with PPs again! because of not paying attention/always forgetting), DD sala (only 1curse, 3amnesia and sub up when this came in…wanted to bring in chomp on struggle of course, no15PP = fail), milo
971 ruin maniac walton with rampa CH fling followed by SE CH (3/5 missed though), ffang aero, psychometa
972 battle girl mariane with aslash zard, heatran, mortar
973 cameraman darren with ibeam latny, trode, raichu
974 cyclist vanita with darkpulse luckrow (2CHflinches on steel), champ, gallade
975 picnicker inga with cbperior mhorn, honch, pory-z
976 dragon tamer nicolas with crunch arca, altaria, bastio
977 ace trainer opal with avalanche aboma, lass (I missed), glalie
978 parasol lady angie with leech ivy, torkoal, golbat
979 ace trainer charlie with sball pory-z, wailord, espy
980 waitress leslie with ipunch gallade, lax, scor
981 idol nissa with yawnjolt, vappy, glaceon
982 ruin maniac isadore with DT skarm, forry, scizor
983 worker boyce with bugbite shuckle, gallade, ape
984 cowgirl carly with def order vespi, kazam, manectric
985 waitress leslie with toxic wailord, weavile, drapion
986 socialite janice with outrage tauros (charm), swamp, ehm outrage listed on paper as 3rd poke (lol)
987 PKMN breeder peter with cray mortar, ttar, licki
988 scientist irwin with curse slowking, nidoking, mime
989 roughneck ross with dark pulse weezing, drifblim, umby
990 pokéfan pandora with bbird raptor, cc ape, quake empo (CH on naked steel)
991 PKMN breeder peter with ifang mamo, singblis, meta (CH iron headed)
992 dragon tamer nicolas with sclaw kanga, sala, lix
993 PKMN ranger geoff with SE rock, ice, entei
994 cyclist ward with nslash gallade, scor, chicken
Friday, 21:43, seven trainers left!
995 black belt ronni with ape, trick, sclaw, claw, charm, switch-clawCH, claw-sub, claw-curse, claw-curse, claw-amnesia, claw-amnesia, claw-amnesia, claw-amnesia, claw-amnesia, claw-amnesia, claw-amnesia, claw-amnesia, switch-claw 1HP left (bah), switch-struggle1CH, struggle2-SD, struggle3-SD, struggle4-sub, struggle5-SD (not enough HP left to sub again in case of CH), outrageCH-moltresKO, outrage-enteiKO, 3-0
996 dragon tamer nicolas with aligatr, trick-icebeamFRZ, thawed out charm-IB, switch-IB, IB-sub, IB-amnesia, IB-amnesia, IB-amnesia, IB-amnesia, IB-amnesia, switch-IB KO, SD-struggle1, SD-struggle2, SD-struggle3, sub-struggle4 KO (mistake here as I didn´t check the HPstat of aligatr, should´ve been reverse order of sub+2SD and quake incase of last struggle CH), outrage-altariaKO, outrage-salaKO, 2-0
997 ruin maniac walton with ttar, trick-scarf-icepunch, switch-IPCH, IP-sub, IPCH-curse, IP-curse, IPsubbreak-curse, IP-sub, IP-amnesia, IP-amnesia, IP-amnesia, IP-amnesia, IP-amnesia, IP-amnesia, switch-IP 4HP left, sandstorm KO (another bad calc lol making a fool of myself, well lati was at 89 after the first one…), IP-amnesia, switch-struggle1, struggle2-sub, struggle3-SD, struggle4breakssub-sub, struggle5-SD, quake-bastiosashSEsubbroke, quake-bastioKO, quake-omastarKO, 2-0
998 hiker lyle with flygon, trick-aerial ace, AA-charm, AA-charm, AA-charm, AA-recover, switch-AA, AA-SD, AA-sub, AA-SD, AA-SD, AA-sub(failed), AA-sub(failed), AA-sub(failed), AAsubbroke-sub, AA-outrageKOflygon, outrage80%-bastioavalanchesubbroke, confusion+lum, quake-bastioKO, quake-golemKO
999 ruin maniac isadore with sudowoodo, trick-SE, charm-SEmiss, charm-SE, recover-SEmiss, twave-SE, switch-struggle1, sub-struggle2, SD-struggle3, SD-struggle4, quake-sudoKO, quake-bastiosashavalanchesubbroke (WTF THIRD BASTARD IN A ROW), quake-bastioKO, outrage-shuckleKO
1000 Pokéfan Pandora with exploud, trick-icebeam, charm-IBCHlatiKO (come on guys, you won´t let me set up just once in this set of 7? I´m making a total fool of myself here in front of everyone), IB-sub, IB-amnesia, IB-amnesia, IB-amnesia, IB-amnesia, IBsubbroke-amnesia, IB-amnesia, IB-amnesia, switch-struggle1, SD-struggle2, SD-struggle3, sub-struggle4, quake-exploudKO, quake-ambipomKO, outrage-GASTRO FROM HELL KO (this shoud´ve been the lead for some crazy shit)…2-0 YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
1001 psychic sylvie with gallade, trick-twave, GG, switch-twave, sub-tw, SD-tw, SD-tw, SD-tw, quake-galladeKO, quake-gardevoirKO, outrage-slowbroKO
YES! 22:25, I´m soo happy to have achieved this magical number!
proof pic
Ladies and Gentlemen, fellow Smogoners, the 1K barrier is cracked!
the streak went slowly the following few days
#1042 warstory vs PI river
golem vs latias
trick, QC, SE, 97/185
charm, SE, 58/185
charm, SE, miss
charm, SE, 37/185
recover 129, SE miss
switch, chomp
struggle CH 113/182
sub, struggle
SD, struggle
SD, struggle
quake, KO
quake, sash, avalanche, sub broke, 68/182
sub, avalanche, sub broke 23/182 (tried to lure a horn drill maybe lol?)
quake, KO
night slash KO
NS, 75, recover, 167
nS, CH 53, recover, 145
recover 185, NS, 131
recover, 185, NS, 131
switch, NS 177, 187
switch, fissure1
switch, NS CH, 165, 176
switch, fissure2
switch, NS, 166, 177
switch, fissure3
switch, NS, 167, 178
switch, fissure4
switch, NS, 167-178
switch, fissure5
NS, 67, charm
switch, NS, 173, 184
NS, 179, iron head 65%,
NS, iron head, KO
I could post hundreds of words of "what if", but this is pokémon...OK can´nt resist a few:
-> 2/5 SE missed, the last one let me recover which was crucial in the end
-> if one of those SEs had CHed I´d be able to set up chomp better with possibly more HP in the end
-> struggle on switch in CHed, without it I would probably have enough HP to survive a hit from duggy (giga does like 77 max dmg)
-> I didn´t kill perior when I had to, those are things that decide about winning or losing in the end
-> last but not least, no arena trap hahaha I didn´t even "notice" this until almost all fissures were wasted...seriously LOLing about how stupid I was here (not taking that absolutely insane risk would be to somehow PP waste n-slash and get the freaking razor claw from duggy inbetween and then dunno...)
also haven´t checked, but wonder if there´s a faster poké than duggy among the PI group, because that was an ugly counter-team to garchomp
also faced the bane of set up chomp, james sashbond mismagius as poké2, luckily the last one was the hypno eggy which had a shot at beating me (beat latias) but missed with hypno on steel
the streak continues :D (1078 I think)
no there was no faster poké that the PI could´ve sent out...the only other faster one is electrode, but that´s sashed, item clause (perior had sash) means I couldn´t have faced it as the third poké
also +3 chomp beats aboma, arti, bastio, claydol (could miss but would stall with latias), gong, drifblim (could miss but can´t do shit to steel), flygon, forry (could miss but see claydol), gastro, glalie, hippo, kingler, licky (could miss but charm the hell out of it), zone, mamo (could miss but can´t touch latias), pinsir, probo, shiftry, skuntank, weezing, whiscash
impossible to face: zong (QC), phan (QC), trode (sash), eggy (sash), gliscor (sash), heatran (sash), lapras (QC), meta (QC), muk (QC), regirock (QC), rhydon (QC), steelix (QC), wailord (QC),
the only other possible threat would be nidoking, rapidash if I had missed them and maybe walrein with a lot of bad luck
in that case, only duggy was a 100%-sure case to beat chomp, 3 other pokémon if powder/lax incense had activated (walrein would have to lax incense+OHKO), I could´ve handled all others pretty easily
nice try, PI ;)
some OHKOer talk gliscor._.
#1412 warstory vs kingler and some other stuff
a salamence warstory at the bottom, some talk about dragons as well
Nov. 11th, 2009: 1540
talk about 5PP moves and comments about correct registeel usage
dedicated 1666* to my dog, who passed away the day before. RIP my friend
heavy warstory time!
cracked the battle tower! it starts from scratch again!
hello, my name is Palmer!
steel type trouble against a psychic trainer? plus some haxy battles
aftermath of the zong battle above
the game-breaking decision is near!
how the battle turned out!
getting close to...?
exactly! that number is over 2000!
some pretty numbers there
GAME OVER!!! The record is 2363!
It was an intense experience. I´m glad that I played and managed to get such an extraordinary streak. I enjoyed it :)
An awesome achievement that I´ll remember forever.
good luck everyone!