I've lurked the Smogon forums for a while, but this is my first BT Team to do any good. It's a
Platinum Battle Tower singles team that uses TrickScarf Uxie with Scizor and Suicune. This team got me to a
165 streak before I got careless and lost. That being said, I am confident this team will eventually get me past 300.
Upon first glance, this team is almost identical to Calisto's infamous emulator team, so I ought to give credit to him. However, I did not take the idea from him, as I was already building this team before I ever stumbled across his. So just as a disclaimer, I didn't consciously plagiarize this team from him.
Team members are legally hacked.
Crux (Uxie) @ Choice Scarf
Bold Nature
EVs: 252 Hp / 72 Def / 184 Sp Def
-Stealth Rock
-Thunder Wave
Easily the best Trickscarf lead in the Tower. Memento and his bulk make him better than Cresselia, Lati@s, and Metagross, in my opinion. Usually he has no trouble setting up my sweepers. Trick always comes first, usually followed by Thunder Wave. Once I regain speed priority, I set up Stealth Rock for Sashers if I have enough HP, or go straight to Memento. I will always resort to Memento immediately after Trick if Uxie is in danger of dying. More often than not, Uxie manages to get everything done before using Memento. If anything, Stealth Rock gets overlooked sometimes, but it's generally not a problem. The EVs are kind of lazy, maximizing HP and rounding out the defenses, and could probably use some tweaking.
Overkill (Scizor) @ Iron Plate
Adamant Nature
EVs: 176 HP / 252 Atk / 80 Sp Def
-Bullet Punch
-Swords Dance
Everything a BT sweeper needs, he has. Strong priority with Bullet Punch, and the rest of his moves make setting up simple. From behind a Sub, +6 Bullet Punches generally always win me the match, at least 2HKO on everything but Steelix, Magnezone, and Heatran. Substitute provides hax protection, which BT teams desperately need. With Sub/Roost, Scizor is actually capable of PP stalling relatively well (I once managed to PP stall a paralyzed Infernape out of Flare Blitz after both Uxie and Suicune were gone). After Uxie's Memento, the enemy lead usally needs 2-4 hits to break one of his subs, making setup relatively simple. Since Uxie draws in all the Bug/Ghost/Dark moves you could imagine, it's really no surprise that Scizor works so well in conjunction with him.
Nereus (Suicune) @ Chesto Berry
Bold Nature
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Sp Atk
-Calm Mind
-HP Ground
This guy has fantastic type synergy with Scizor, usually able to set up to +6 on any fire attacks, water attacks, or special attacks. +6 Surfs are incredible powerful, usually capable of sweeping a whole team without me ever using Scizor. I used to carry Toxic for Sheddy and stalling, but I rarely found myself using it. I recently switched it to HP Ground, because Magnezone ALWAYS ruins my fun. I use him immediately after Uxie if the lead is locked into a fire move or STAB special move, either PP stalling them out of their move to let Scizor set up, or just setting up and attempting a sweep with Suicune.
So this team works fairly well. The type synergy is amazing between these three, and thier bulk makes setting up easy. The EVs are rather lazy, and any other advice/critiques would be greatly appreciated.
How I lost:
The video got erased from my Vs. Seeker, but I remember the battle well enough. The opponent led with a 647 Whiscash, and I Tricked, locking him into Hydro Pump. I set up Stealth Rock, then used Memento. Not wanting to force Scizor to set up against a scarfed Hydro Pump, even at -2, I sent Suicune in. He absorbed the remaining Hydro Pumps with impunity, easily setting up to +6 while Whiscash Struggled to death. He then sends in 796 Shiftry, who takes a bit of damage from Stealth Rock. I decide to go ahead and Surf, confident a +6 Surf would finish the job. Sure enough, Shiftry survives with minimal HP, and KOs Suicune with a critical Seed Bomb. Great. I send in Scizor and immediately Swords Dance, thinking Shiftry wouldn't be able to do much damage. Shiftry used Aerial Ace, doing about 13% damage or so. I decide to go ahead and set up Scizor to +6 so that I can make quick work of his last Pokemon after Shiftry is gone.
Big mistake. I Swords Dance to +4, he Aerial Aces. I Swords Dance one more time to +6, and boom, Shiftry Explodes, ending my valiant streak.
God does this team hate Magnezone. +6 Bullet Punches are 5HKOs, and Magnezone typically has no trouble eliminating Scizor and unboosted Suicune with Thunderbolt. I finally put HP Ground on Suicune, although I haven't gotten to use it yet. Hopefully it will be able to OHKO Magnezone. Magnezone 3 has Magnet Rise, so I just have to hope for the best when facing him.
I only fought Sticky Hold Gastrodon lead once, and I immediately Memento'd. Suicune set up easily and handled to rest.
Really, any Choice item lead ruins my fun. I can usually find a way around it, but it really just breaks my momentum.
OHKO leads really mess me up, especially when they immediately one-shot Uxie. The key there is to Paralyze as soon as possible, so that Scizor can always get a Sub up before they can move.