Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

some gay shit just occurrred... at battle 44?

starmie beats lead whatever, in comes shiftry.

shiftry proceeds to dark pulse, kills starmie before it can move. in comes garchomp. garchomp swords dances in shiftry's face, takes the dark pulse. CRIT dark pulse kills garchomp before it can Fire Fang for the easy kill. down to metagross...

metagross MM, hits, attack rose, shiftry in the very low red. here's where it gets tricky!

SWITCH to typhlosion to eat a Bullet Punch and kill me with Overheat.

WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT! the computer saw a clear path to victory and took it?!?!?
I tried (my luck in) the Battle Factory. I wrote about my team and stuff like that for battles 1-7:

441, Gliscor 1, Adamant, Yache Berry, 150, 161, 177, 58, 95, 115, Earthquake, Aerial Ace, Swords Dance, Baton Pass, Attk/Def

My lead, and it was quite awesome. I pretty much only used Swords Dance and Earthquake the whole time. It could survive basically any attack, and set up swords dance. Usually that meant 3-0, but there was one stupid pokemon with a random focus sash:

425,Ursaring 1, Brave, Focus Sash, 197, 200, 95, 95, 95, 67, Slash, Payback ,Avalanche, Counter, HP/Attk
But yeah, that really wasn't a problem, it just killed my gliscor. Turn 1, I swords dance, he paybacks. I earthquake, getting lazy and not checking the sheet. He survives with focus sash, and kills me with avalanche. Gliscor also had problems against these guys:

373, Skarmory 1, Impish, Occa Berry, 140, 132, 211, 54, 90, 90, Drill Peck, Steel Wing, Spikes, Roar, Attk/Def
This one is pretty obvious. Gliscor can't touch this at all.

351, Venusaur 1, Modest, White Herb, 155, 91, 103, 167, 152, 100, Leaf Storm, Sludge Bomb, Amnesia, Sleep Powder, Sp.Attk/Sp.Def
I figured venasaur wouldn't be a problem, I mean, gliscor sucks, but it doesn't OHKO it can it? Well yeah, I got lazy again and didn't do damge calculations. I used swords dance first, he OHKO'd me with Leaf Storm. Originally I thought he would 3-0 me, but yeah I'll comment more on that later.

There was a couple more, but whatever I can't remember them.

Overall, gliscor was very easily the MVP this round. I would like to note that yache berry only activated against Ursaring, but of course that didn't stop the 120 BP x2 move kill my gliscor. So yeah, my only complaint about this thing would be its item.


420, Ampharos 1, Modest, Shuca Berry, 165, 85, 95, 183, 142, 75, Thunderbolt, Power Gem, Light Screen, Thunder Wave, Sp.Attk/Sp.Def

Second best, it really did its job well. If gliscor didn't do his job (like against the skarmory) this thing usually could. I used power gem once when it wasn't needed at all, and I never used light screen. Thunderbolt pretty much OHKO'd or 2HKO'd everything. I admit it's pretty slow, but thunderwave actually helped. Oh yeah, it DOES NOT get OHKO'd by anything, at least the pokemon I faced with it. It's actually pretty bulky. Most of the time I just thunderwaved off the bat unless I was faster (I don't think that ever happened). I did that because of this:

If I was slower and used thunderbolt:

Opponent hits me, I survive and KO with tbolt. But if I can't OHKO, it will probably kill me, and it could possibly kill the rest of my team.

If I had used twave:

Opponent hits me, I hit them with twave. Next turn tbolt, then they might kill me. If they do, who cares then they are definitely slower then my gliscor and starmie. You see, I get the same number of hits, except if I don't kill them, they're at least paralyzed, which is of course better then having to face a potentially dangerous pokemon at full speed.

Helping gliscor KO his counters is really what made him the second best pokemon on my team. Raping things with tbolt and paralyzing with twave on a pretty bulky pokemon that is very hard to KO is awesome in the battle factory.


450, Starmie 1, Timid, Lum Berry, 135, 85, 105, 152, 105, 183, Surf, Psychic, Confuse Ray, Thunder Wave, Sp.Attk/Speed

Well naturally when I saw Starmie I knew it was going to be on my team. While it didn't do that much KOing, I'm very glad it was on my team. If it weren't for this, I would have lost in a couple of tight corners I was in. But beyond that, it wasn't too helpful. Lum berry was actually good the two times I got statused. Also, if it weren't for this I am SURE I would have lost against that venasaur I mentioned before.

Problem Pokemon:


At first I thought it would be easy, just swords dance up with gliscor and KO with Aerial Ace. But as I said previously, it just KO'd me with leaf storm and got back to +0 with white herb. Next I sent in Starmie, hoping to get a KO with psychic. I clicked psychic, and of course it didn't OHKO (nearly though). Thankfully, it used sleep powder. Woke up with Lum, and swept his team with starmie and ampharos. If there was any pokemon that cam close to ending my streak, it was definitely this one. But since the AI is quite stupid, I managed to beat this trainer.


This one -
481, Dragonite 1, Adamant, Lum Berry, 166, 204, 115, 136, 120, 100, Dragon Claw, Aerial Ace, Thunder Wave, Dragon Dance, Attk/Sp.Def
This was not much of a problem at all, but it probably could have been. It came in against Starmie, I was 2-1. I used psychic, he twaved, but lum berry saved me there. Next I got the KO. Like I said, not a problem, but I thought it might have been so I just decided to put it here anyways.

Seven down, 42 to go to destroy Nolan (and get my gold/colored symbol in the battle factory).
Peterko can you put me to the list because I got a 110 win streak about 5 or 6 days ago and I already posted my team with some analysis on this topic. (I also sent you a PM.)
SWITCH to typhlosion to eat a Bullet Punch and kill me with Overheat.

WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT! the computer saw a clear path to victory and took it?!?!?
Well the way I see it is you would have died regardless of the switch.
Well the way I see it is you would have died regardless of the switch.

while that may be true the typhlosion that i've fought so far have all had fire blast, and i was hoping on a miss... overheat could've missed too but you're probably right.

still i can't understand how the computer would switch that out. i could've used earthquake and won... but honestly that never even crossed my mind.
My new Battle Factory Single record is 36.

I've been working on metagame for the Battle Factory, and it seems to help out. It's all mental, but I've got a few tiers I place things on that seem to work fairly well as a rough estimate of worth. I'm hoping to share sometime... as soon as I have a few hours to burn.

Here's an example of a very highly classed mon:
821 | Mismagius | Timid | Focus Sash | Shadow Ball | Psychic | Thunderbolt | Destiny Bond | SpA/Spe
And another you'd almost always want to grab:
858 | Starmie | Modest | Expert Belt | Surf | Psychic | Thunderbolt | Ice Beam | SpA/Spe

Well well, looks like there's a lot of news lately.
Great job, Peterko! Apparently that team does a great job of minimizing the AI's luck factor.
Myself, I've been thinking about a team that can survive potential instant lethalities (QC Lapras triple Sheer Cold). Maybe Magnezone, Skarmory, or Shedinja could feature in a battle tower team? I don't have much time to work things out, sadly. Even if I did, I have no access to high-IV 'mon...

Now, on to bigger things. I've been thinking of writing a program (perhaps collaborating with Snapper) that would give readouts for potential upcoming Battle Tower or Battle Factory teams based on the trainer. Going through those lists by hand is something that boggles my mind, so why not make it easier? I don't fully understand it, I'm sorry to say, so if anyone would like to converse with me on the subject I'd be more than happy to listen.
while that may be true the typhlosion that i've fought so far have all had fire blast, and i was hoping on a miss... overheat could've missed too but you're probably right.

still i can't understand how the computer would switch that out. i could've used earthquake and won... but honestly that never even crossed my mind.

that said, i'm a little said shiftry hit starmie before it could attack, which is only possible with quick claw...but the QC shiftry doesn't have dark pulse, it has x-scissor, which not only won't kill 100% HP starmie (unless you have terrible IVs) but won't kill garchomp. overheat typhlosion indicates that you were playing set4 pokemon, which means that shiftry had brightpowder and actually had dark pulse, but unless you missed trick room getting up against starmie and missed shiftry going first when garchomp SDed you were definitely playing the bp shiftry.

i cant really blame you for using bp there and not eq, but the reason you lost this battle has more to do with getting BPed twice than the AI being "weird". if it were actually the QC one you would have been 100% right to use bp there, but shiftry can't kill garchomp with faint attack (its strongest non-explosion move) and a ch qc faint attack unless again you have shitty EV and even then shiftry would had to have been +atk (16% chance) so i doubt it even besides the fact that you were probably playing set4 pokemon
I've lurked the Smogon forums for a while, but this is my first BT Team to do any good. It's a Platinum Battle Tower singles team that uses TrickScarf Uxie with Scizor and Suicune. This team got me to a 165 streak before I got careless and lost. That being said, I am confident this team will eventually get me past 300.

Upon first glance, this team is almost identical to Calisto's infamous emulator team, so I ought to give credit to him. However, I did not take the idea from him, as I was already building this team before I ever stumbled across his. So just as a disclaimer, I didn't consciously plagiarize this team from him.

Team members are legally hacked.


Crux (Uxie) @ Choice Scarf
Bold Nature
EVs: 252 Hp / 72 Def / 184 Sp Def
-Stealth Rock
-Thunder Wave

Easily the best Trickscarf lead in the Tower. Memento and his bulk make him better than Cresselia, Lati@s, and Metagross, in my opinion. Usually he has no trouble setting up my sweepers. Trick always comes first, usually followed by Thunder Wave. Once I regain speed priority, I set up Stealth Rock for Sashers if I have enough HP, or go straight to Memento. I will always resort to Memento immediately after Trick if Uxie is in danger of dying. More often than not, Uxie manages to get everything done before using Memento. If anything, Stealth Rock gets overlooked sometimes, but it's generally not a problem. The EVs are kind of lazy, maximizing HP and rounding out the defenses, and could probably use some tweaking.


Overkill (Scizor) @ Iron Plate
Adamant Nature
EVs: 176 HP / 252 Atk / 80 Sp Def
-Bullet Punch
-Swords Dance

Everything a BT sweeper needs, he has. Strong priority with Bullet Punch, and the rest of his moves make setting up simple. From behind a Sub, +6 Bullet Punches generally always win me the match, at least 2HKO on everything but Steelix, Magnezone, and Heatran. Substitute provides hax protection, which BT teams desperately need. With Sub/Roost, Scizor is actually capable of PP stalling relatively well (I once managed to PP stall a paralyzed Infernape out of Flare Blitz after both Uxie and Suicune were gone). After Uxie's Memento, the enemy lead usally needs 2-4 hits to break one of his subs, making setup relatively simple. Since Uxie draws in all the Bug/Ghost/Dark moves you could imagine, it's really no surprise that Scizor works so well in conjunction with him.


Nereus (Suicune) @ Chesto Berry
Bold Nature
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Sp Atk
-Calm Mind
-HP Ground

This guy has fantastic type synergy with Scizor, usually able to set up to +6 on any fire attacks, water attacks, or special attacks. +6 Surfs are incredible powerful, usually capable of sweeping a whole team without me ever using Scizor. I used to carry Toxic for Sheddy and stalling, but I rarely found myself using it. I recently switched it to HP Ground, because Magnezone ALWAYS ruins my fun. I use him immediately after Uxie if the lead is locked into a fire move or STAB special move, either PP stalling them out of their move to let Scizor set up, or just setting up and attempting a sweep with Suicune.

So this team works fairly well. The type synergy is amazing between these three, and thier bulk makes setting up easy. The EVs are rather lazy, and any other advice/critiques would be greatly appreciated.

How I lost:

The video got erased from my Vs. Seeker, but I remember the battle well enough. The opponent led with a 647 Whiscash, and I Tricked, locking him into Hydro Pump. I set up Stealth Rock, then used Memento. Not wanting to force Scizor to set up against a scarfed Hydro Pump, even at -2, I sent Suicune in. He absorbed the remaining Hydro Pumps with impunity, easily setting up to +6 while Whiscash Struggled to death. He then sends in 796 Shiftry, who takes a bit of damage from Stealth Rock. I decide to go ahead and Surf, confident a +6 Surf would finish the job. Sure enough, Shiftry survives with minimal HP, and KOs Suicune with a critical Seed Bomb. Great. I send in Scizor and immediately Swords Dance, thinking Shiftry wouldn't be able to do much damage. Shiftry used Aerial Ace, doing about 13% damage or so. I decide to go ahead and set up Scizor to +6 so that I can make quick work of his last Pokemon after Shiftry is gone. Big mistake. I Swords Dance to +4, he Aerial Aces. I Swords Dance one more time to +6, and boom, Shiftry Explodes, ending my valiant streak.


God does this team hate Magnezone. +6 Bullet Punches are 5HKOs, and Magnezone typically has no trouble eliminating Scizor and unboosted Suicune with Thunderbolt. I finally put HP Ground on Suicune, although I haven't gotten to use it yet. Hopefully it will be able to OHKO Magnezone. Magnezone 3 has Magnet Rise, so I just have to hope for the best when facing him.

I only fought Sticky Hold Gastrodon lead once, and I immediately Memento'd. Suicune set up easily and handled to rest.

Really, any Choice item lead ruins my fun. I can usually find a way around it, but it really just breaks my momentum.

OHKO leads really mess me up, especially when they immediately one-shot Uxie. The key there is to Paralyze as soon as possible, so that Scizor can always get a Sub up before they can move.
@ dr dimentia - i have finally had the time to read your write up. great stuff, especially your insights/observations. hopefully the heatwave has died down in your state now!

@ kingbattlus - yes, the AI switching is sometimes a MAJOR problem. sometimes it has caused me nightmares in the battle castle - lets say i see the opponent has a starmie (lead) + medicham + aggron. best strategy would be to switch to blissey to deal with starmie, and then i might need to sacrifice her to deal with the others one-by-one, possibly losing one of my other pokes in the process. but occasionally ive seen things where after two seismic tosses the starmie switches out. and here, i cant afford to sacrifice blissey, since i will need her for later, yet switching something directly in can be a problem (due to crits etc).

another thing like this that has really baffled me is the AI's move selection. generally it is quite obvious, but a few things i have observed:

  1. sometimes an opposing swampert would choose to use avalanche against my milotic in favour of earthquake - this means i cant always afford to switch salemence in for the intimidate + EQ resist. is it trying to make use of the moves "effect"? (ie doing more damage after being attacked)
  2. i had a quagsire or something use stone edge over earthquake against my milotic also. it was a lead. i switched to milo who took a SE, then back to salamence who "took" an EQ. then back to milo (SE), then decided to stay in and use toxic before repeating this process. and it was lucky i did, because it used SE instead of the "obvious" earthquake. is it trying to make use of the "effect" again? ie the high critical hit ratio.
on both occasions milotic had plenty of hp, so it wasnt just going for the "lowest attack that can kill" thing.

EDIT: also thought this would be of some interest to people who use garchomp and/or registeel. these calculations were done on matlab, assuming jolly garchomp (182 attack) and peterko's registeel build (108 attack):

       Garchomp - Outrage - min damage

| Def ||  +0 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |  +4 |  +5 |  +6 |
|  50 || 247 | 370 | 492 | 615 | 737 | 860 | 982 | 
|  55 || 225 | 336 | 448 | 559 | 670 | 782 | 893 | 
|  60 || 206 | 308 | 410 | 513 | 615 | 717 | 819 | 
|  65 || 191 | 285 | 379 | 473 | 568 | 662 | 756 | 
|  70 || 177 | 265 | 352 | 440 | 527 | 615 | 702 | 
|  75 || 165 | 247 | 329 | 410 | 492 | 574 | 656 | 
|  80 || 155 | 232 | 308 | 385 | 462 | 538 | 615 | 
|  85 || 146 | 218 | 290 | 362 | 434 | 507 | 579 | 
|  90 || 138 | 206 | 274 | 342 | 410 | 479 | 547 | 
|  95 || 131 | 196 | 260 | 324 | 389 | 453 | 518 | 
| 100 || 125 | 186 | 247 | 308 | 370 | 431 | 492 | 
| Def ||  +0 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |  +4 |  +5 |  +6 |
| 105 || 119 | 177 | 235 | 294 | 352 | 410 | 469 | 
| 110 || 113 | 169 | 225 | 281 | 336 | 392 | 448 | 
| 115 || 109 | 162 | 215 | 268 | 322 | 375 | 428 | 
| 120 || 104 | 155 | 206 | 257 | 308 | 359 | 410 | 
| 125 || 100 | 149 | 198 | 247 | 296 | 345 | 394 | 
| 130 ||  96 | 143 | 191 | 238 | 285 | 332 | 379 | 
| 135 ||  93 | 138 | 184 | 229 | 274 | 320 | 365 | 
| 140 ||  90 | 133 | 177 | 221 | 265 | 308 | 352 | 
| 145 ||  87 | 129 | 171 | 213 | 256 | 298 | 340 | 
| 150 ||  84 | 125 | 165 | 206 | 247 | 288 | 329 | 
| Def ||  +0 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |  +4 |  +5 |  +6 |
| 155 ||  81 | 121 | 160 | 200 | 239 | 279 | 318 | 
| 160 ||  79 | 117 | 155 | 193 | 232 | 270 | 308 | 
| 165 ||  76 | 113 | 151 | 188 | 225 | 262 | 299 | 
| 170 ||  74 | 110 | 146 | 182 | 218 | 254 | 290 | 
| 175 ||  72 | 107 | 142 | 177 | 212 | 247 | 282 | 
| 180 ||  70 | 104 | 138 | 172 | 206 | 240 | 274 | 
| 185 ||  68 | 101 | 135 | 168 | 201 | 234 | 267 | 
| 190 ||  67 |  99 | 131 | 163 | 196 | 228 | 260 | 
| 195 ||  65 |  96 | 128 | 159 | 191 | 222 | 253 | 
| 200 ||  63 |  94 | 125 | 155 | 186 | 216 | 247 | 
| Def ||  +0 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |  +4 |  +5 |  +6 |
| 205 ||  62 |  92 | 122 | 151 | 181 | 211 | 241 | 
| 210 ||  60 |  90 | 119 | 148 | 177 | 206 | 235 | 
| 215 ||  59 |  88 | 116 | 145 | 173 | 202 | 230 | 
| 220 ||  58 |  86 | 113 | 141 | 169 | 197 | 225 | 
| 225 ||  57 |  84 | 111 | 138 | 165 | 193 | 220 | 
| 230 ||  55 |  82 | 109 | 135 | 162 | 188 | 215 | 
| 235 ||  54 |  80 | 106 | 132 | 158 | 185 | 211 | 
| 240 ||  53 |  79 | 104 | 130 | 155 | 181 | 206 | 
| 245 ||  52 |  77 | 102 | 127 | 152 | 177 | 202 | 
| 250 ||  51 |  76 | 100 | 125 | 149 | 174 | 198 |

       Garchomp - Outrage - max damage

| Def ||  +0 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |  +4 |  +5 |  +6 |
|  50 || 291 | 435 | 579 | 723 | 867 |1012 |1156 | 
|  55 || 265 | 396 | 527 | 658 | 789 | 920 |1051 | 
|  60 || 243 | 363 | 483 | 603 | 723 | 843 | 963 | 
|  65 || 224 | 335 | 446 | 557 | 668 | 779 | 890 | 
|  70 || 208 | 311 | 414 | 517 | 620 | 723 | 826 | 
|  75 || 195 | 291 | 387 | 483 | 579 | 675 | 771 | 
|  80 || 183 | 273 | 363 | 453 | 543 | 633 | 723 | 
|  85 || 172 | 257 | 342 | 426 | 511 | 596 | 681 | 
|  90 || 163 | 243 | 323 | 403 | 483 | 563 | 643 | 
|  95 || 154 | 230 | 306 | 382 | 458 | 534 | 609 | 
| 100 || 147 | 219 | 291 | 363 | 435 | 507 | 579 | 
| Def ||  +0 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |  +4 |  +5 |  +6 |
| 105 || 140 | 208 | 277 | 346 | 414 | 483 | 552 | 
| 110 || 134 | 199 | 265 | 330 | 396 | 461 | 527 | 
| 115 || 128 | 191 | 253 | 316 | 379 | 441 | 504 | 
| 120 || 123 | 183 | 243 | 303 | 363 | 423 | 483 | 
| 125 || 118 | 175 | 233 | 291 | 348 | 406 | 464 | 
| 130 || 113 | 169 | 224 | 280 | 335 | 391 | 446 | 
| 135 || 109 | 163 | 216 | 269 | 323 | 376 | 430 | 
| 140 || 105 | 157 | 208 | 260 | 311 | 363 | 414 | 
| 145 || 102 | 152 | 201 | 251 | 301 | 350 | 400 | 
| 150 ||  99 | 147 | 195 | 243 | 291 | 339 | 387 | 
| Def ||  +0 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |  +4 |  +5 |  +6 |
| 155 ||  95 | 142 | 188 | 235 | 281 | 328 | 374 | 
| 160 ||  93 | 138 | 183 | 228 | 273 | 318 | 363 | 
| 165 ||  90 | 134 | 177 | 221 | 265 | 308 | 352 | 
| 170 ||  87 | 130 | 172 | 214 | 257 | 299 | 342 | 
| 175 ||  85 | 126 | 167 | 208 | 250 | 291 | 332 | 
| 180 ||  83 | 123 | 163 | 203 | 243 | 283 | 323 | 
| 185 ||  80 | 119 | 158 | 197 | 236 | 275 | 314 | 
| 190 ||  78 | 116 | 154 | 192 | 230 | 268 | 306 | 
| 195 ||  76 | 113 | 150 | 187 | 224 | 261 | 298 | 
| 200 ||  75 | 111 | 147 | 183 | 219 | 255 | 291 | 
| Def ||  +0 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |  +4 |  +5 |  +6 |
| 205 ||  73 | 108 | 143 | 178 | 213 | 249 | 284 | 
| 210 ||  71 | 105 | 140 | 174 | 208 | 243 | 277 | 
| 215 ||  70 | 103 | 137 | 170 | 204 | 237 | 271 | 
| 220 ||  68 | 101 | 134 | 166 | 199 | 232 | 265 | 
| 225 ||  67 |  99 | 131 | 163 | 195 | 227 | 259 | 
| 230 ||  65 |  97 | 128 | 159 | 191 | 222 | 253 | 
| 235 ||  64 |  95 | 125 | 156 | 187 | 217 | 248 | 
| 240 ||  63 |  93 | 123 | 153 | 183 | 213 | 243 | 
| 245 ||  61 |  91 | 120 | 150 | 179 | 208 | 238 | 
| 250 ||  60 |  89 | 118 | 147 | 175 | 204 | 233 | 

       Garchomp - Earthquake - min damage

| Def ||  +0 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |  +4 |  +5 |  +6 |
|  50 || 206 | 308 | 410 | 513 | 615 | 717 | 819 | 
|  55 || 188 | 281 | 373 | 466 | 559 | 652 | 745 | 
|  60 || 172 | 257 | 342 | 427 | 513 | 598 | 683 | 
|  65 || 159 | 238 | 316 | 395 | 473 | 552 | 630 | 
|  70 || 148 | 221 | 294 | 367 | 440 | 513 | 585 | 
|  75 || 138 | 206 | 274 | 342 | 410 | 479 | 547 | 
|  80 || 130 | 193 | 257 | 321 | 385 | 449 | 513 | 
|  85 || 122 | 182 | 242 | 302 | 362 | 422 | 483 | 
|  90 || 115 | 172 | 229 | 286 | 342 | 399 | 456 | 
|  95 || 110 | 163 | 217 | 271 | 324 | 378 | 432 | 
| 100 || 104 | 155 | 206 | 257 | 308 | 359 | 410 | 
| Def ||  +0 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |  +4 |  +5 |  +6 |
| 105 ||  99 | 148 | 197 | 245 | 294 | 342 | 391 | 
| 110 ||  95 | 141 | 188 | 234 | 281 | 327 | 373 | 
| 115 ||  91 | 135 | 180 | 224 | 268 | 313 | 357 | 
| 120 ||  87 | 130 | 172 | 215 | 257 | 300 | 342 | 
| 125 ||  84 | 125 | 165 | 206 | 247 | 288 | 329 | 
| 130 ||  81 | 120 | 159 | 198 | 238 | 277 | 316 | 
| 135 ||  78 | 115 | 153 | 191 | 229 | 267 | 305 | 
| 140 ||  75 | 111 | 148 | 184 | 221 | 257 | 294 | 
| 145 ||  72 | 108 | 143 | 178 | 213 | 249 | 284 | 
| 150 ||  70 | 104 | 138 | 172 | 206 | 240 | 274 | 
| Def ||  +0 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |  +4 |  +5 |  +6 |
| 155 ||  68 | 101 | 134 | 167 | 200 | 233 | 266 | 
| 160 ||  66 |  98 | 130 | 162 | 193 | 225 | 257 | 
| 165 ||  64 |  95 | 126 | 157 | 188 | 219 | 250 | 
| 170 ||  62 |  92 | 122 | 152 | 182 | 212 | 242 | 
| 175 ||  60 |  90 | 119 | 148 | 177 | 206 | 235 | 
| 180 ||  59 |  87 | 115 | 144 | 172 | 201 | 229 | 
| 185 ||  57 |  85 | 112 | 140 | 168 | 195 | 223 | 
| 190 ||  56 |  83 | 110 | 136 | 163 | 190 | 217 | 
| 195 ||  54 |  81 | 107 | 133 | 159 | 185 | 211 | 
| 200 ||  53 |  79 | 104 | 130 | 155 | 181 | 206 | 
| Def ||  +0 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |  +4 |  +5 |  +6 |
| 205 ||  52 |  77 | 102 | 127 | 151 | 176 | 201 | 
| 210 ||  51 |  75 |  99 | 124 | 148 | 172 | 197 | 
| 215 ||  50 |  73 |  97 | 121 | 145 | 168 | 192 | 
| 220 ||  48 |  72 |  95 | 118 | 141 | 164 | 188 | 
| 225 ||  47 |  70 |  93 | 115 | 138 | 161 | 184 | 
| 230 ||  46 |  69 |  91 | 113 | 135 | 157 | 180 | 
| 235 ||  45 |  67 |  89 | 111 | 132 | 154 | 176 | 
| 240 ||  45 |  66 |  87 | 108 | 130 | 151 | 172 | 
| 245 ||  44 |  65 |  85 | 106 | 127 | 148 | 169 | 
| 250 ||  43 |  63 |  84 | 104 | 125 | 145 | 165 | 

       Garchomp - Earthquake - max damage

| Def ||  +0 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |  +4 |  +5 |  +6 |
|  50 || 243 | 363 | 483 | 603 | 723 | 843 | 963 | 
|  55 || 221 | 330 | 439 | 549 | 658 | 767 | 876 | 
|  60 || 203 | 303 | 403 | 503 | 603 | 703 | 803 | 
|  65 || 187 | 280 | 372 | 465 | 557 | 649 | 742 | 
|  70 || 174 | 260 | 346 | 432 | 517 | 603 | 689 | 
|  75 || 163 | 243 | 323 | 403 | 483 | 563 | 643 | 
|  80 || 153 | 228 | 303 | 378 | 453 | 528 | 603 | 
|  85 || 144 | 214 | 285 | 356 | 426 | 497 | 568 | 
|  90 || 136 | 203 | 269 | 336 | 403 | 470 | 536 | 
|  95 || 129 | 192 | 255 | 319 | 382 | 445 | 508 | 
| 100 || 123 | 183 | 243 | 303 | 363 | 423 | 483 | 
| Def ||  +0 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |  +4 |  +5 |  +6 |
| 105 || 117 | 174 | 231 | 289 | 346 | 403 | 460 | 
| 110 || 112 | 166 | 221 | 276 | 330 | 385 | 439 | 
| 115 || 107 | 159 | 211 | 264 | 316 | 368 | 420 | 
| 120 || 103 | 153 | 203 | 253 | 303 | 353 | 403 | 
| 125 ||  99 | 147 | 195 | 243 | 291 | 339 | 387 | 
| 130 ||  95 | 141 | 187 | 234 | 280 | 326 | 372 | 
| 135 ||  91 | 136 | 180 | 225 | 269 | 314 | 358 | 
| 140 ||  88 | 131 | 174 | 217 | 260 | 303 | 346 | 
| 145 ||  85 | 127 | 168 | 210 | 251 | 292 | 334 | 
| 150 ||  83 | 123 | 163 | 203 | 243 | 283 | 323 | 
| Def ||  +0 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |  +4 |  +5 |  +6 |
| 155 ||  80 | 119 | 157 | 196 | 235 | 274 | 312 | 
| 160 ||  78 | 115 | 153 | 190 | 228 | 265 | 303 | 
| 165 ||  75 | 112 | 148 | 185 | 221 | 257 | 294 | 
| 170 ||  73 | 108 | 144 | 179 | 214 | 250 | 285 | 
| 175 ||  71 | 105 | 140 | 174 | 208 | 243 | 277 | 
| 180 ||  69 | 103 | 136 | 169 | 203 | 236 | 269 | 
| 185 ||  67 | 100 | 132 | 165 | 197 | 230 | 262 | 
| 190 ||  66 |  97 | 129 | 161 | 192 | 224 | 255 | 
| 195 ||  64 |  95 | 126 | 157 | 187 | 218 | 249 | 
| 200 ||  63 |  93 | 123 | 153 | 183 | 213 | 243 | 
| Def ||  +0 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |  +4 |  +5 |  +6 |
| 205 ||  61 |  90 | 120 | 149 | 178 | 208 | 237 | 
| 210 ||  60 |  88 | 117 | 146 | 174 | 203 | 231 | 
| 215 ||  58 |  86 | 114 | 142 | 170 | 198 | 226 | 
| 220 ||  57 |  84 | 112 | 139 | 166 | 194 | 221 | 
| 225 ||  56 |  83 | 109 | 136 | 163 | 189 | 216 | 
| 230 ||  55 |  81 | 107 | 133 | 159 | 185 | 211 | 
| 235 ||  54 |  79 | 105 | 130 | 156 | 181 | 207 | 
| 240 ||  53 |  78 | 103 | 128 | 153 | 178 | 203 | 
| 245 ||  52 |  76 | 101 | 125 | 150 | 174 | 199 | 
| 250 ||  51 |  75 |  99 | 123 | 147 | 171 | 195 | 

       Registeel - Iron Head - min damage

| Def ||  +0 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |  +4 |  +5 |  +6 |
|  50 ||  99 | 147 | 196 | 244 | 293 | 341 | 390 | 
|  55 ||  90 | 134 | 178 | 222 | 266 | 310 | 355 | 
|  60 ||  83 | 123 | 164 | 204 | 244 | 285 | 325 | 
|  65 ||  77 | 114 | 151 | 188 | 226 | 263 | 300 | 
|  70 ||  71 | 106 | 141 | 175 | 210 | 244 | 279 | 
|  75 ||  67 |  99 | 131 | 164 | 196 | 228 | 261 | 
|  80 ||  63 |  93 | 123 | 154 | 184 | 214 | 244 | 
|  85 ||  59 |  88 | 116 | 145 | 173 | 202 | 230 | 
|  90 ||  56 |  83 | 110 | 137 | 164 | 191 | 217 | 
|  95 ||  53 |  79 | 104 | 130 | 155 | 181 | 206 | 
| 100 ||  51 |  75 |  99 | 123 | 147 | 172 | 196 | 
| Def ||  +0 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |  +4 |  +5 |  +6 |
| 105 ||  48 |  71 |  94 | 117 | 141 | 164 | 187 | 
| 110 ||  46 |  68 |  90 | 112 | 134 | 156 | 178 | 
| 115 ||  44 |  65 |  86 | 107 | 128 | 150 | 171 | 
| 120 ||  42 |  63 |  83 | 103 | 123 | 143 | 164 | 
| 125 ||  41 |  60 |  80 |  99 | 118 | 138 | 157 | 
| 130 ||  39 |  58 |  77 |  95 | 114 | 133 | 151 | 
| 135 ||  38 |  56 |  74 |  92 | 110 | 128 | 146 | 
| 140 ||  37 |  54 |  71 |  89 | 106 | 123 | 141 | 
| 145 ||  35 |  52 |  69 |  86 | 102 | 119 | 136 | 
| 150 ||  34 |  51 |  67 |  83 |  99 | 115 | 131 | 
| Def ||  +0 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |  +4 |  +5 |  +6 |
| 155 ||  33 |  49 |  65 |  80 |  96 | 111 | 127 | 
| 160 ||  32 |  47 |  63 |  78 |  93 | 108 | 123 | 
| 165 ||  31 |  46 |  61 |  75 |  90 | 105 | 120 | 
| 170 ||  31 |  45 |  59 |  73 |  88 | 102 | 116 | 
| 175 ||  30 |  44 |  57 |  71 |  85 |  99 | 113 | 
| 180 ||  29 |  42 |  56 |  69 |  83 |  96 | 110 | 
| 185 ||  28 |  41 |  54 |  68 |  81 |  94 | 107 | 
| 190 ||  28 |  40 |  53 |  66 |  79 |  91 | 104 | 
| 195 ||  27 |  39 |  52 |  64 |  77 |  89 | 101 | 
| 200 ||  26 |  38 |  51 |  63 |  75 |  87 |  99 | 
| Def ||  +0 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |  +4 |  +5 |  +6 |
| 205 ||  26 |  38 |  49 |  61 |  73 |  85 |  97 | 
| 210 ||  25 |  37 |  48 |  60 |  71 |  83 |  94 | 
| 215 ||  25 |  36 |  47 |  58 |  70 |  81 |  92 | 
| 220 ||  24 |  35 |  46 |  57 |  68 |  79 |  90 | 
| 225 ||  24 |  34 |  45 |  56 |  67 |  77 |  88 | 
| 230 ||  23 |  34 |  44 |  55 |  65 |  76 |  86 | 
| 235 ||  23 |  33 |  43 |  54 |  64 |  74 |  85 | 
| 240 ||  22 |  32 |  42 |  53 |  63 |  73 |  83 | 
| 245 ||  22 |  32 |  42 |  52 |  61 |  71 |  81 | 
| 250 ||  21 |  31 |  41 |  51 |  60 |  70 |  80 | 

       Registeel - Iron Head - max damage

| Def ||  +0 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |  +4 |  +5 |  +6 |
|  50 || 117 | 174 | 231 | 288 | 345 | 402 | 459 | 
|  55 || 106 | 158 | 210 | 262 | 314 | 365 | 417 | 
|  60 ||  98 | 145 | 193 | 240 | 288 | 335 | 383 | 
|  65 ||  90 | 134 | 178 | 222 | 266 | 310 | 353 | 
|  70 ||  84 | 125 | 165 | 206 | 247 | 288 | 328 | 
|  75 ||  79 | 117 | 155 | 193 | 231 | 269 | 307 | 
|  80 ||  74 | 109 | 145 | 181 | 216 | 252 | 288 | 
|  85 ||  70 | 103 | 137 | 170 | 204 | 237 | 271 | 
|  90 ||  66 |  98 | 129 | 161 | 193 | 224 | 256 | 
|  95 ||  63 |  93 | 123 | 153 | 183 | 213 | 243 | 
| 100 ||  60 |  88 | 117 | 145 | 174 | 202 | 231 | 
| Def ||  +0 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |  +4 |  +5 |  +6 |
| 105 ||  57 |  84 | 111 | 138 | 165 | 193 | 220 | 
| 110 ||  54 |  80 | 106 | 132 | 158 | 184 | 210 | 
| 115 ||  52 |  77 | 102 | 126 | 151 | 176 | 201 | 
| 120 ||  50 |  74 |  98 | 121 | 145 | 169 | 193 | 
| 125 ||  48 |  71 |  94 | 117 | 139 | 162 | 185 | 
| 130 ||  46 |  68 |  90 | 112 | 134 | 156 | 178 | 
| 135 ||  45 |  66 |  87 | 108 | 129 | 150 | 171 | 
| 140 ||  43 |  64 |  84 | 104 | 125 | 145 | 165 | 
| 145 ||  42 |  61 |  81 | 101 | 120 | 140 | 160 | 
| 150 ||  41 |  60 |  79 |  98 | 117 | 136 | 155 | 
| Def ||  +0 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |  +4 |  +5 |  +6 |
| 155 ||  39 |  58 |  76 |  94 | 113 | 131 | 150 | 
| 160 ||  38 |  56 |  74 |  92 | 109 | 127 | 145 | 
| 165 ||  37 |  54 |  72 |  89 | 106 | 123 | 141 | 
| 170 ||  36 |  53 |  70 |  86 | 103 | 120 | 137 | 
| 175 ||  35 |  51 |  68 |  84 | 100 | 117 | 133 | 
| 180 ||  34 |  50 |  66 |  82 |  98 | 113 | 129 | 
| 185 ||  33 |  49 |  64 |  80 |  95 | 110 | 126 | 
| 190 ||  33 |  48 |  63 |  78 |  93 | 108 | 123 | 
| 195 ||  32 |  46 |  61 |  76 |  90 | 105 | 119 | 
| 200 ||  31 |  45 |  60 |  74 |  88 | 102 | 117 | 
| Def ||  +0 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |  +4 |  +5 |  +6 |
| 205 ||  30 |  44 |  58 |  72 |  86 | 100 | 114 | 
| 210 ||  30 |  43 |  57 |  70 |  84 |  98 | 111 | 
| 215 ||  29 |  42 |  56 |  69 |  82 |  95 | 109 | 
| 220 ||  28 |  41 |  54 |  67 |  80 |  93 | 106 | 
| 225 ||  28 |  41 |  53 |  66 |  79 |  91 | 104 | 
| 230 ||  27 |  40 |  52 |  64 |  77 |  89 | 102 | 
| 235 ||  27 |  39 |  51 |  63 |  75 |  87 | 100 | 
| 240 ||  26 |  38 |  50 |  62 |  74 |  86 |  98 | 
| 245 ||  26 |  37 |  49 |  61 |  72 |  84 |  96 | 
| 250 ||  25 |  37 |  48 |  60 |  71 |  82 |  94 |
Thanks Bozo, for the compliment (responding in place of DrDimentia :P ... but to be fair, Dimentio's name is partially based on that word).

Peterko can you put me to the list because I got a 110 win streak about 5 or 6 days ago and I already posted my team with some analysis on this topic. (I also sent you a PM.)

From what I can tell, he does that when he has time, when there are enough notable streaks to justify editing the post, and when he feels like it. Asking him results in "not very effective".

God does this team hate Magnezone. +6 Bullet Punches are 5HKOs

- I'm pretty sure it's less than 5 hits on Magnezone... I ran Superpower on my Scizor and it was definitely more useful than Roost could have been. Might want to see for yourself...

also i have to say i don't like Uxie, nor memento, nor SR (i still have no idea why anyone uses SR) . But if it works for you that's fine. But I really must emphise that latias attracts more Ice and dragon (which is good for scizor/suicune). And less electric types (which is obviously the "problem" here). I also feel that Cress and charm/flash work wonderfully. Nice team though.

Maybe one day I'll post my tower record, but i really don't like how the team isn't mine at all. As in I had no originality in it at all. And it doesn't feel like an achievement...

- I'm not a huge Uxie fan either, but using Uxie with Memento and SR got me to a streak of 313, so I can say it is quite effective. Seriously, Focus Sashers, especially those with Ice moves or SE moves on Registeel, are more dangerous than you might think. Uxie has limitations compared to Latias, for sure. If I had a Latias, I'd be using it.

- Well, I said the same about my team (exact copies of Peterko's Registeel and Garchomp sets, only Uxie was different), and that mine had little originality. Don't feel like it's not an achievement. As you can see, I made a large record post despite my team being so similar to Peterko's, and also based on garo's use of Uxie.
Thanks Bozo, for the compliment (responding in place of DrDimentia :P ... but to be fair, Dimentio's name is partially based on that word).

haha yeah - my mistake sorry! nice alternative, but i admit it wasnt on purpose.....

well, i'm back in the battle castle, since i'm really annoyed about letting myself get beaten..... won't bother posting progress until i have something worth posting (or die). had a close match in the early stages because of the same impatience that cost me my earlier streak - blissey had disposed of their lead, and they had blaziken4+toxicroak4 (both level 55 since salamence OHKO's them both easily with no chance of being hurt). in comes blaziken, so i just decide to save time and switch salamence right in - it uses flare blitz instead of superpower (why? it had a white herb) and got a crit and burned me. with a small amount of prior damage this was all it took to kill me. so milotic managed to KO it, ending on about 50% after thunder punch. it was nothing short of a miracle that it survived the onslaught of the crit-hax frog (razor claw, cross chop, stone edge, gunk shot, earthquake). it started off with 4 non-crit gunk shots, none of which poisoned me (only time it would have been helpful lol, due to marvel scale). i figured the 5th would be a crit so i switched to blissey, and it missed.... i figured i'd leave bliss in to stall as many moves as possible - maybe it would miss a CC or two. no such luck - first CC OHKO'd (no crit). back came milotic, and after only 2 more CC's, it started using stone edge and earthquake. there was only one crit (stone edge) and i gradually was able to kill it in a couple of surfs (had checked ability in the pre-battle). well, it wouldnt have been "as bad" as losing at 569, but it would have been annoying to have to start again simply because i was lazy (and the AI got ridiculous hax - crit+burn on same turn).

anyway, this time through, i am going to try and address two questions:

  1. why does the AI sometimes choose "illogical" moves? eg, why does a swampert sometimes use avalanche against my full-health milotic when it could have used EQ for way more damage? would a mamoswine ever use ice fang over EQ on the same milotic? i suspect the "effect" of avalanche is what this is about.
  2. when the first pokemon is KO'd, how does the AI decide who to send in next? generally, when one of the opponents has a SE move and the other does not it always choose the SE one. but what if they both do? i used outrage to KO a dragonite lead, and they had a flygon and walrein - the walrein came out next. 4x stab > 2x stab? what if they had a rock type instead of walrein? would it go by base power? is STAB SE prefered over nonSTAB SE regardless of base power / total damage? eg snorlax with outrage compared with a shuckle with rock slide.
i think an answer to the second question could be helpful in the battle tower also.

EDIT: related to the 2nd:

  • i think there are some kind of ideas programmed in. the AI does not like to select moves with detrimental side effects - particularly stat reducing moves like close combat - and often selects something not as effective - eg flare blitz > close combat against blissey above, and the lead CB rhyperior that selected hammer arm > rock wrecker against my salamence.
  • also anything that has sunny day and solar beam seems to use them over virtually anything else. eg typhlosion 4 always uses sunny day and then spams solar beam against my blissey, even though it has overheat and focus blast, both of which would do considerable damage (and it even holds a white herb to deal with the sp atk drop from overheat).
when the first pokemon is KO'd, how does the AI decide who to send in next? generally, when one of the opponents has a SE move and the other does not it always choose the SE one. but what if they both do? i used outrage to KO a dragonite lead, and they had a flygon and walrein - the walrein came out next. 4x stab > 2x stab? what if they had a rock type instead of walrein? would it go by base power? is STAB SE prefered over nonSTAB SE regardless of base power / total damage? eg snorlax with outrage compared with a shuckle with rock slide.
From my observations, I believe that the AI chooses which Pokémon to send out next based on several criteria:

1. Which of their Pokémon can resist the move used to defeat the first Pokémon better. Let's say I used Lapras' Ice Beam to KO their first Pokémon. Given the choice between Arcanine and Manectric, the AI would send out Arcanine, because it resists Ice Beam (even though Manectric is the better choice in this situation).
If this doesn't apply:

2. Which of their Pokémon has a super-effective move against your Pokémon. If Lapras used Psychic to KO the first Pokémon instead of Ice Beam, the opponent would send out Manectric to threaten with Thunderbolt. STAB takes priority here - if the opponent had a Gardevoir with Thunderbolt and a Manectric with Thunderbolt, they would send out Manectric.
If this doesn't apply:

3. Which of the Pokémon is second in the line-up (I'm not sure about this one - further testing may be required). I believe this action also occurs if both the AI's remaining Pokémon qualify for either 1 or 2.

Feel free to refute me on this - I'm just going by what I remember.
From my observations, I believe that the AI chooses which Pokémon to send out next based on several criteria:

1. Which of their Pokémon can resist the move used to defeat the first Pokémon better. Let's say I used Lapras' Ice Beam to KO their first Pokémon. Given the choice between Arcanine and Manectric, the AI would send out Arcanine, because it resists Ice Beam (even though Manectric is the better choice in this situation).
If this doesn't apply:

2. Which of their Pokémon has a super-effective move against your Pokémon. If Lapras used Psychic to KO the first Pokémon instead of Ice Beam, the opponent would send out Manectric to threaten with Thunderbolt. STAB takes priority here - if the opponent had a Gardevoir with Thunderbolt and a Manectric with Thunderbolt, they would send out Manectric.
If this doesn't apply:

3. Which of the Pokémon is second in the line-up (I'm not sure about this one - further testing may be required). I believe this action also occurs if both the AI's remaining Pokémon qualify for either 1 or 2.

Feel free to refute me on this - I'm just going by what I remember.

yes, i guess it is the third option that i would like to test specifically here in the castle, seeing as you actually find out which is 2nd and 3rd.

however, i would refute the first point you made, as i have always observed that if the opponent has a backup dragon with a dragon move, they will generally come in after i have KO'd their lead with outrage. this can even be if their other pokemon is a steel type. i've tested that one enough times that i am reasonably happy to "predict" it, and level up thei backup dragon if i know i can still outspeed it (adamant salamence/flygon, calm lati@s etc).

but i do think you are right in the sense that it must have a list of things to check one-by-one in making its decision.

EDIT: the real problem is that sometimes i am so concerned with winning the battle that i forget to pay attention to stuff like this.

MUCH LATER EDIT: had a match against:

  1. medicham 4
  2. raichu 4
  3. bronzong 4
listed in that order when i checked them. salamence KO'd medicham and then due to neither raichu/bronzong having SE moves i thought raichu would come out next due to it being before bronzong in the list, but bronzong came out. also, its worth a giggle - i switched milotic into the bronzong and it used explosion straight up - ive never seen an opponent use explosion apart from when it was at very low health. milotic survived with exactly 1hp left (only to be promptly killed by raichu). but anyway, maybe bronzong came out because it had the move of max base power?

EDIT: next battle:

  1. bronzong 2
  2. ampharos 3
  3. espeon 2
after a crit EQ KO'd bronzong (checked ability) ampharos came out. possible reasons - (i) thunderbolt has higher BP than psychic (their strongest attacks respectively), (ii) this ampharos has higher sp atk stat (183 vs 182). note that it came out even though CB EQ was a guaranteed OHKO (perhaps it "didnt know" about my CB).

EDIT: i'm now convinced that if neither of the backups have a supereffective attack, the choice of who to send out will be made at random. here's what made me think this:

  1. heracross 3
  2. skarmory 1 - drill peck, steel wing, spikes, roar
  3. poliwrath 4 - waterfall, earthquake, focus punch, hypnosis
after KO'ing heracross (AA is still a guaranteed OHKO with coba berry) they sent out poliwrath. i thought it would have definitely been skarm, due to all of poliwrath's moves being NVE (or resisted totally) but no. it also knew that salamence had a SE move with which to attack poliwrath with - no chance to OHKO though without a crit, so maybe it figured its best chance was to barely survive AA, hypnosis me, and then focus punch me to death??? oh well. and yeah it seems im getting some (unneeded) hax going my way because i got a crit on AA and did one-hit him, just like against the bronzong above.
ive never seen an opponent use explosion apart from when it was at very low health.
Yeah, that's likely, but certainly not a rule. The Trick leads of Peterko's and mine already were exploded on right off the bat in the Tower.

As for your new Castle streak, good luck there.

As promised, I picked up the challenge of defending my former record. Still miles away from your 568, but I already beat my own 251 with relative ease, as the new (but kinda old, as it's coincidentally pretty similar to Peterko's Tower speedrun team, lol) team is still undefeated and good in racking up PP as well. I have just created a video that introduces it by showing some interesting matches:

I will post details when I lose or have the record. If the latter, you'll have to wait for a few weeks or even months, as I'm only playing like 14 matches per day...

Btw, this has yet to be proven, but I believe the AI prefers to send in higher levels before lower levels.

/edit: Post number 42. That's the answer. :P
Yeah, that's likely, but certainly not a rule. The Trick leads of Peterko's and mine already were exploded on right off the bat in the Tower.

As for your new Castle streak, good luck there.

As promised, I picked up the challenge of defending my former record. Still miles away from your 568, but I already beat my own 251 with relative ease, as the new (but kinda old, as it's coincidentally pretty similar to Peterko's Tower speedrun team, lol) team is still undefeated and good in racking up PP as well. I have just created a video that introduces it by showing some interesting matches:

I will post details when I lose or have the record. If the latter, you'll have to wait for a few weeks or even months, as I'm only playing like 14 matches per day...

Btw, this has yet to be proven, but I believe the AI prefers to send in higher levels before lower levels.

/edit: Post number 42. That's the answer. :P

ah cool bring on the competition :) it sounds like you are about as slow as me - my time for playing pokemon is basically just on the train.

as for the level thing, you might be right, although i think there is still something to do with supereffective attacks (ie it will send out a level 45 over a level 55 if the 45poke has a SE attack but the 55poke does not).

i have just encountered an instance of where a latias (dragon pulse) was sent in over a regice (ice beam). as it happens i had levelled up the latias, so thats another variable that prevents me from deducing that it is "random" when there is a SE attack (ie 4x is not considered better than 2x).

i wonder how long this race will last!
i got a 27 in the battle arcade doubles. A charizard destroyed my sceptile and metagross, and MR. Mime killed my machamp. Killed his Granbull, though. 'Til then my metagross was unstopable. Weird thing was I only used three pokemon, because I only had three (eligable) ones in my party. I didn't have to face Dahila, which was weird.

hey bozo, something i always wondered but never asked is why exactly you decided to go with jolly for salamence's nature instead of adamant. is it because you dont want to speed tie with other sala and flygon and stuff or do you not find the drop in power offputting enough to warrant adamant?

also, to follow up on the explosion thing, i have had to face turn 1 explosions about 10 times over dp and pearl, they aren't the most fun thing but none of them kill cresselia because she's kind of a diva. drifblim and shiftry get the award for the most first turn explosions against cresselia, i would care a lot more if she actually died to explosion

actually now that i think about it, peterko's only posted that his latias has been first-turn exploded on once, maybe twice...latias always dies to every explosion (there's like 20) but electrode's weezing's and probopass's and the last two can still do it with near-max damage, and cress only dies to licky and metagross (which have never used it [metagross would much rather be a dick with mm]). dont exactly wanna call it luck but garchomp/registeel dont beat an awful lot of pokemon without setup if latias gets exploded on
Is there any reason why almost everyone uses Starmie to beat the first 49 trainers?

Wouldn't it make more sense to "cheat" and use soul dew Latios?
hey bozo, something i always wondered but never asked is why exactly you decided to go with jolly for salamence's nature instead of adamant. is it because you dont want to speed tie with other sala and flygon and stuff or do you not find the drop in power offputting enough to warrant adamant?

the short answer is "speed". i guess i just like knowing when i see an opponent of base speed 99 or lower than i can definitely beat it, no matter what the nature, and that with base 100's i can still at least get a speed tie. it beats neutral natures up to base 114 speed, and actually ties with neutral 115 (starmie etc).

also, choice band stab outrage coming off 187 attack is still ridiculously powerful - it does a minimum of 199hp damage to things with 95 defense (including things like abomasnow, ursaring). so i generally dont find the attack drop offputting. sure there'll be one or two occasions where it could mean the difference in a OHKO and getting KO'd back, but there are far more situations where getting to move at all is far more important. just my opinion of course, but this is what has always worked well for me :)

when i start to try "my" latias+registeel+salamence BT team i will definitely be using adamant, given that dragon dance helps to take care of the speed issue.

also, to follow up on the explosion thing, i have had to face turn 1 explosions about 10 times over dp and pearl, they aren't the most fun thing but none of them kill cresselia because she's kind of a diva. drifblim and shiftry get the award for the most first turn explosions against cresselia, i would care a lot more if she actually died to explosion

actually now that i think about it, peterko's only posted that his latias has been first-turn exploded on once, maybe twice...latias always dies to every explosion (there's like 20) but electrode's weezing's and probopass's and the last two can still do it with near-max damage, and cress only dies to licky and metagross (which have never used it [metagross would much rather be a dick with mm]). dont exactly wanna call it luck but garchomp/registeel dont beat an awful lot of pokemon without setup if latias gets exploded on

to be honest, that alone is an excellent reason for using cresselia. after surviving explosion and losing its scarf in the process, it can at least cripple the opponent to some extent (even paralysis might give garchomp a chance to get subbed on a FP turn and then get one SD).

dedicating my achievement to my dog, who died last night

rest in my peace my best friend

hey man, really sad to hear that :( what kind of dog? his/her name?
dedicating my achievement to my dog, who died last night

rest in my peace my best friend

Congrats on 1666 keep it strong and my heart aches at the passing away of a dog as im a crazy dog lover.Im sorry about your loss.
Though curious question....What was the age?
updated the list

not sure whether some people will have a party about this fact or what...don´t send me PMs please :/

there were a lot of posts to go through, but not many records "hidden" among them

the breed was shih-tzu and he was over 11 years (11 and almost 3 months I think), I´ll miss him