nobody´s perfect and I make mistakes
warstory time
1695-1701 (don´t know exactly as this battle got erased by the second battle below before I took a look at it)
clown with jynx
trick, specs, ice beam, switch-ice beam frz, defrost after around 6 turns, he CHed with IB #9 then I switched to latias which took the 10th, set up chomp but he got a CH struggle somewhere so I “only” managed 2 SD and a sub (I think I subbed on the last struggle while being subbed already, because she was obviously faster and another CH would´ve broken the sub or something like that)
second poké mismagius, great…now steel was under 100 HP and I just outraged…magius was faster I thought shit the DB set, but no it was the other fast one using icy wind, which broke my sub and died in the process
in came metagross and I thought oh shit…locked into outrage meant if it was the ice punch/hammer arm set I would lose badly, against the QC one I´d lose if he got a QC activation turn2, these were the two sets I had in my mind at that point, anyway…
outrage, damage, zen headbutt…no MM? I wondered
next turn metagross went first (there you go QC), bullet punch (oh…owned) as I was at 41 HP
sent in registeel, my last hope, remember it was under 100 HP
I just went on and iron headed, he didn´t have “much” HP left, but it was a mistake, he hit me with zenbutt and I missed…this is where I stopped playing, as it was a very critical situation (up to this point it was a fast battle where I didn´t think about stuff that much)…I went on a journey across the house to find a ruler and seriously measure the HP bar, more exactly how much the metagross had left…
Note: the HP bar is 1,2 cm (12 mm) long
He was at under 3 mm, seemed like 2,75 mm to me, so about 35 HP (40 max if 3 mm) and my iron head does 13-16 damage lol…yeah I had to curse up once and 2HKO while facing the risk of missing again due to lax incense or being flinched &/or CHed by zenbutt
Long story short, I didn´t miss, he didn´t miss, noone CHed, I didn´t flinch…I won
Lesson learned: it´s not always good to try to set up chomp when there´s the possibility of magius4 coming in second and steel gets hard-hitted and frozen by ice beam before that, next time consider letting latias die in 2 and then set up steel, just like against ice trainers
After meeting like 8-9 PIs among the last 50 or so trainers, I faced this fella
PI Conway, battle #1719
Latias vs wailord
QC, blizzard, trick, , 81/185
Recover, 173, blizzard, 61/185
Recover, b153, blizzard, 41
Recover, 133, blizzard, 27 frozen solid
Frozen solid, blizzard miss
Switch, struggle, 163/182
SD, struggle, 146
SD, struggle, 129
Sub, 84, struggle
Quake, W fainted
Quake, sash, flash cannon, sub broke, 84/182
Quake, heatran fainted
Quake, miss, double-edge, CH, chomp fainted
Quake, sub, 121, 75, 86 (seriously, what an awful mistake…I didn´t remember it had quake and didn´t check the set, awesome shitting on a high streak, looks like I want to lose or something)
Curse, quake, sub broke, 97 (now what, I´m totally screwed, I didn´t think it would break my sub at least, dmg calc shows 44-52 way to make mistakes one after another)
This is probably the second worst situation I was in, the first one was
Ice trainer with lead aboma ice beam that froze registeel and CHed me like twice but I thawed out, still at like 65 HP, set up chomp on struggle after letting latias die to the 10th beam…second poké weavile broke sub, third poke glaceon was sashed and finished off chomp…
Now if glaceon had used blizzard that turn I would´ve lost like 99%, because I missed with iron head…but glaceon haiper beamed (!), giving me another turn to hit with iron head (blizzard+blizzard or blizzard+haiper would´ve killed me)…
Back to forry, I still have my brain, so what can I do? Straight cursing up doesn´t help me against a steel type with that defense and SE quake against me…I have a frozen latias at 27 HP, awesome…RIIGHT!
Switch-quake (there´s still a chance, but not very high…as DE does 19-23 to steel)
switch-DE, 76, 87
switch-slide miss, 98 (good boy !)
switch-DE, 78, 89
switch-DE, 69, 80
switch-slide 68, 79
switch-DE, 60, 71
switch-DE, 49, 60
pause here: I PP wasted quake, but it´s still far from over…at this point my initial idea was to let latias die to have a free curse afterwards, but my brain was working as needed and I remembered that 1-1, last pokémon, foe explodes and I lose
I don´t want to give him that chance, so….
switch-slide, 48, 59
slide, 45, flinch, 56
DE, 34, curse, 45
Slide, 37, curse, 48
Slide, 42, curse, 53
Slide, 47, curse, 58
DE, 51, sub, 16
Slide, curse, 27
Slide, curse, 38
DE, iron head, miss, 49 (lax incense is too evil)
Slide, iron head, 20% left, 60
DE, iron head, fainted
bad luck -> awful mistake -> critical position -> perfectly played since then + no more CHs
pokémon is fun as this match could´ve been a lot more different if the latias-wailord case was different (no frz), but still if I had started to PP waste quake right from the beginning and not after being hit by 2, the battle would´ve been a breeze
EDIT: I meant SE quake not STAB, shit happens