Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

the only reason i pointed out your miscues is because it seemed like you posted a 6.35% chance of something happening and framed it as bad luck with the other, actual bad luck battles you posted (crobat and kingler) when the zong battle was only significant because of at least two mistakes you made (charming thrice, SDing thrice, not calcing struggle on chomp)

1. you had a chance to "test" quake at +4 but you didn't, and that's the only reason 6.35% was relevant, that's all im saying

2. the fear of a struggle ch is present all the time though, definitely when you were at +4 and subbed. worst case: you EQ, it's levitate, it CHes your sub and breaks it, you sub again, it CHes your sub again, it doesnt break your sub, it faints. then i could have partially agreed with you about being BPed twice, but there's no evidence to support gallade is BPing garchomp twice there on different turn numbers (meta's on your screen for one turn instead of two)

3. it was only funny because you didn't exactly play it properly and it seemed like you were complaining about bad luck

1) yes, i do. and i of all people also know that bronzong doesn't break your garchomp's sub with that struggle

2) "what if?" you sub again, it CHes your sub again, it doesnt break your sub, it faints. if you still dont believe/understand me calc it yourself

3) idk what you mean by "nope", a CH on the first struggle is just as likely as one on the last

4) if you do know that i think you still dont realize that it makes all the difference in the world. if it ched you on its third struggle and broke your sub, you SD again at +4 after TR ends and then sub on its last struggle because it cant break your sub when it kills itself

5) besides the fact that i dont only play when im driving, i actually do have a calculator with me in my bag and have calculated on the fly many, many times when it mattered. and lol, ive "playdriven" what has to be like 600 hours by now without're the one who is going to be a lawyer, lets see how many hours you're in court before you help sentence someone to death :)

i have lost battles before because i was driving, but i blame myself before blaming luck or laughing at pokemon matchups (and ive never posted such battles anyway). the only theorymon i would have to have done is that chomp only needs +4 to kill literally every psychic type i could face after a lead bronzong.

anyway it just seemed like you weren't highlighting your own mistakes because the other battles you posted were actually bad luck (ched by crobat and kingler repeatedly) where you were in trouble through no fault of your own

yeah, you'll probably get 10 - and then you'll have the top place on the hax list! seriously, at some stage we should have a top 10 list of haxy battles - as voted by the community. i guess they'd have to be recorded though to prove it.

thats actually a really good idea, i included one battle id really early in this thread i think where froslass lax incensed me twice and then i got snow cloaked at least four times. we could all collectively assess how haxy a battle was and for what reason and vote appropriately
I would say ~ 6% is quite bad luck still. It's not 16^-5 bad, but it's pretty unlucky. I realise for you it may be different because the tower hates you. And you hate the tower for being such an ass at 499, and stuff like the battle where you subed 4 times to avoid 4 OHKO moves that hit. (Yes i saw that on wifi, it made me laugh quite a lot)
seriously, at some stage we should have a top 10 list of haxy battles - as voted by the community. i guess they'd have to be recorded though to prove it.
I think that'd be interesting too. Probably can be measured by some probability system, like lowest probability of the hax combo occurring get the top record or something.

It's not like the 1-49 speed run time records were recorded for proof or anything (lol 90 minute videos???). This type of thing is more for amusement than competition I think (like you wouldn't actually be TRYING to get the most haxy battle, right?), so I didn't really think having recorded proof is all that necessary, though it'd be interesting to watch anyhow.

I haven't been playing at all. :( Two more weeks of intense school projects and then I'll have time again!
school has been ravaging my schedule pretty hard too i haven't been able to do anything, which is sad. i'm glad that this thread has picked up a bit though as i check it usually once or twice a day and the last few days no one really said much.

i was thinking about a OHKO team for fun... i wonder if it would work well. like lapras (resttalk-sheer cold/fissure/horn drill something like that), then maybe gliscor to take the electric attacks (guillotine/fissure right?) and who knows what's last. could be walrein, nidoking... nidoking could have other attacks too, walrein could be resstalk like lapras, gliscor could have taunt, it could have sub, roost, whatever... just seems like it could work. you'd prob run into times when you miss all five OHKOs and then you're just out of luck but i would laugh if someone broke 100 with one
you need this list or the approach?


EDIT: found mine

thanks man :) i am still trying to think about the best build for my salamence when i get around to the BT again. i'm thinking of working out a good speed for it so it can deal with most of the OHKO'ers in the case of some kind of emergency. i'm thinking i might aim for about 140 speed, which outspeeds unscarfed kingler, and also scarfed 90 speed pokes. that leave him vulnerable to a couple of things:
937, Articuno 4, Modest, Charti Berry, 165, 94, 120, 161, 177, 105, Ice Beam, Air Cutter, AncientPower, Sheer Cold, Sp.Attk/Sp.Def
798, Glalie 4, Modest, Lax Incense, 187, 90, 100, 145, 100, 100, Blizzard, Dark Pulse, Sheer Cold, Hail, HP/Sp.Attk
602, Lapras 2, Impish, Quick Claw, 205, 105, 145, 94, 147, 80, Sheer Cold, Perish Song, Sing, Confuse Ray, Def/Sp.Def
544, Nidoking 2, Careful, BrightPowder, 177, 112, 118, 94, 127, 105, Focus Punch, Dragon Pulse, Horn Drill, Substitute, HP/Def/Sp.Def
689, Rapidash 3, Adamant, BrightPowder, 140, 167, 90, 90, 100, 157, Flare Blitz, Poison Jab, Iron Tail, Horn Drill, Attk/Speed
830, Pinsir 4, Adamant, Scope Lens, 140, 194, 152, 67, 90, 105, X-Scissor, Earthquake, Close Combat, Guillotine, Attk/Def
713, Gliscor 3, Jolly, Focus Sash, 182, 115, 145, 58, 95, 161, Guillotine, Earthquake, U-turn, Counter, HP/Speed
i guess registeel should be dealing with some of them, while luck would be required for the others.

EDIT: yup - ive finally decided i will go with 252 Atk / 156 Spe / 92 HP / 4 Def / 4 Sp Def. gives 140 speed to deal with above mentioned threat. no specific need to aim for 151 i dont think, since latios will outspeed 100 speed'ers after tricking and be able to thunderwave them hopefully. we'll see how it goes anyway.

thats actually a really good idea, i included one battle id really early in this thread i think where froslass lax incensed me twice and then i got snow cloaked at least four times. we could all collectively assess how haxy a battle was and for what reason and vote appropriately

i had a double BP earlier this week, but there have been far worse. i have a saved battle from emerald where a lapras beat my blissey 1-1 by freezing it and then me never defrosting.

I would say ~ 6% is quite bad luck still. It's not 16^-5 bad, but it's pretty unlucky. I realise for you it may be different because the tower hates you. And you hate the tower for being such an ass at 499, and stuff like the battle where you subed 4 times to avoid 4 OHKO moves that hit. (Yes i saw that on wifi, it made me laugh quite a lot)

its bad luck if you just played one battle, but if you play 20 battles, you can expect that 1/20 thing to happen with a good probability at least once (~30% it will never happen). so if you play close to 2000 battles, you absolutely have to be prepared for it.

I think that'd be interesting too. Probably can be measured by some probability system, like lowest probability of the hax combo occurring get the top record or something.

yeah thats true, although we'd have to work out a sensible way to calculate the hax, and even what can be regarded as hax. eg if it all boils down to getting flinched 3 times in a row at the end, do you count the inconsequential burn from flamethrower near the start?

It's not like the 1-49 speed run time records were recorded for proof or anything (lol 90 minute videos???). This type of thing is more for amusement than competition I think (like you wouldn't actually be TRYING to get the most haxy battle, right?), so I didn't really think having recorded proof is all that necessary, though it'd be interesting to watch anyhow.

I haven't been playing at all. :( Two more weeks of intense school projects and then I'll have time again!

actually i considered making a video just for kicks, although it would have to be done in stages given that my (not video) camera can only record up to about 45 mins before having to upload it, and my computer spazzes with files that big anyway. would be fun, although if you speed up battles without the animation its pretty boring to watch.

school has been ravaging my schedule pretty hard too i haven't been able to do anything, which is sad. i'm glad that this thread has picked up a bit though as i check it usually once or twice a day and the last few days no one really said much.

i was thinking about a OHKO team for fun... i wonder if it would work well. like lapras (resttalk-sheer cold/fissure/horn drill something like that), then maybe gliscor to take the electric attacks (guillotine/fissure right?) and who knows what's last. could be walrein, nidoking... nidoking could have other attacks too, walrein could be resstalk like lapras, gliscor could have taunt, it could have sub, roost, whatever... just seems like it could work. you'd prob run into times when you miss all five OHKOs and then you're just out of luck but i would laugh if someone broke 100 with one

i'd considered that once actually, but you'd having to actually get those moves to hit 3 times each battle over a long period of time, which could be extremely difficult given the hax.

EDIT: if a pokemon has two OHKO moves, both PP maxed, there's a 1/300 chance of each of them missing. so i guess its highly unlikely you would lose by not managing to KO the opponents. you would just have to be able to last the distance in fights where you miss a lot. would certainly be a bit of fun. you could try it in the first couple of rounds against weak trainers just to see what its like....
@kingbattlus: Also remember not to forget Sturdy pokemon! You'll probably need Lapras/Walrein/Dewgong to have Surf to take care of the Sturdy Rock or Ground types, and Nidoking will need Flamethrower/Ground move to take care of Sturdy Steel types. Well, probably other pokemon (or other moves) can cover them too, but yah, they just have to be covered. Also, an ice-type OHKOer is absolutely necessary due to the existence of levitating/flying ghosts being immune to Horn Drill / Guillotine / Fissure. Good luck with that!
Sorry for not being active but my ds has been taken away from me because of exams and such my catle streak ended at 97 cause of jolteon rape.with like 443 CP.Should have just skipped the last few battle but you know,shit happens...
Hopefully will start an arcade streak after the 8th of dec.
live coverage from "am about to lose"

felt like something was wrong today, maybe foreshadowing of something big, when I missed three outrages in a row against charizard which hit 2/3 focus blasts in the third battle today...chomp still won though

three battles laten a triple CH in just two turns (him-me, him)

then the all time favourite last turn struggle breaking sub...

and now, cowgirl

armaldo vs latias
I trick (not sure here whether I trick or charm this one) thinking it´s the CBone (lol), anyway, trick-scissor, charm-scissor, fainted
easy set up for registeel
now I feel he got too many CHs, like 4 total, but the most important one was right after getting to +6/+6 with max HP, when I was about to sub and then kill yeah CH scissor + sub got me to around 100 HP, next turn I faint him
this is the problem, because normally I dislike steel being anywhere near 100HP and whenever there´s a chance to get some health back, I stall
I didn´t, thinking, hopefully nothing will go wrong

yeah, this is where it gets "awesome"
cowgirl brings in torterra
torterra quakes (can´t break my sub, unless it CHes), sub broke, A critical hit!, iron head, 95%
OK no problem as long as he doesn´t get another CH, seriously
torterra quakes, A critical hit!, registeel fainted

here I am,´s not like double CH hasn´t happened before (I remember regirock with fire punch getting that but failing at OHKOing chomp with ice punch afterwards lol...loong time ago) yeah

making an analysis right now

so far, I´ve calced overgrow boosted wood hammer, which does roughly 177 max damage to me...that´s a lot

torty holds a QC, hammer recoil will kill it, so I´m thinking about SDing...

I´m checking the pokés I may face as the third one right now (the list below is cowgirl´s roster)


759, Venusaur 4, Modest, Wise Glasses, 182, 87, 98, 161, 115, 95, Frenzy Plant, Sludge Bomb, Hyper Beam, Synthesis, HP/Sp.Attk
760, Charizard 4, Timid, BrightPowder, 148, 89, 93, 156, 100, 161, Blast Burn, Air Slash, Focus Blast, AncientPower, Sp.Attk/Speed
761, Blastoise 4, Modest, Shell Bell, 181, 88, 115, 145, 120, 93, Hydro Cannon, Ice Beam, Hyper Beam, Focus Blast, HP/Sp.Attk
762, Meganium 4, Modest, Lax Incense, 182, 87, 115, 143, 115, 95, Frenzy Plant, AncientPower, Hyper Beam, Light Screen, HP/Sp.Attk
763, Typhlosion 4, Modest, White Herb, 148, 89, 93, 171, 100, 147, Overheat, SolarBeam, Focus Blast, Sunny Day, Sp.Attk/Speed
764, Feraligatr 4, Adamant, Lum Berry, 155, 167, 147, 84, 98, 93, Waterfall, Earthquake, Ice Fang, Dragon Dance, Attk/Def
765, Sceptile 4, Timid, Occa Berry, 140, 90, 80, 152, 100, 183, Leaf Storm, Dragon Pulse, Focus Blast, Hyper Beam, Sp.Attk/Speed
766, Blaziken 4, Adamant, White Herb, 150, 183, 85, 112, 85, 127, Flare Blitz, Superpower, ThunderPunch, Night Slash, Attk/Speed
767, Swampert 4, Adamant, Rindo Berry, 202, 172, 105, 89, 105, 75, Earthquake, Aqua Tail, Avalanche, Mirror Coat, HP/Attk

768, Torterra 4, Adamant, Quick Claw, 197, 171, 120, 81, 100, 71, Wood Hammer, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Crunch, HP/Attk
769, Infernape 4, Jolly, King's Rock, 146, 151, 86, 107, 86, 170, Flare Blitz, Close Combat, Earthquake, ThunderPunch, Attk/Speed
770, Empoleon 4, Brave, Quick Claw, 154, 146, 103, 158, 116, 67, Hydro Cannon, Flash Cannon, Drill Peck, Earthquake, Attk/Sp.Attk
771, Dugtrio 4, Adamant, Muscle Band, 105, 139, 65, 58, 85, 167, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Slash, Shadow Claw, Attk/Speed
772, Marowak 4, Adamant, Thick Club, 130, 139, 157, 58, 95, 60, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Iron Head, ThunderPunch, Attk/Def
773, Medicham 4, Adamant, Scope Lens, 130, 234, 90, 67, 90, 127, Psycho Cut, Fire Punch, ThunderPunch, Ice Punch, Attk/Speed
774, Quagsire 4, Adamant, Muscle Band, 197, 145, 100, 72, 80, 50, Earthquake, Waterfall, Stone Edge, Ice Punch, HP/Attk

775, Granbull 4, Adamant, Life Orb, 192, 183, 90, 67, 75, 60, Giga Impact, Close Combat, Earthquake, Stone Edge, HP/Attk
776, Jynx 4, Modest, Choice Specs, 135, 58, 50, 177, 110, 142, Ice Beam, Psychic, Focus Blast, Shadow Ball, Sp.Attk/Speed
777, Mr. Mime 4, Modest, Choice Specs, 110, 54, 80, 161, 167, 105, Psychic, Charge Beam, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Sp.Attk/Sp.Def
778, Lanturn 4, Modest, Expert Belt, 227, 65, 73, 135, 91, 82, Surf, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Signal Beam, HP/Sp.Attk
779, Breloom 4, Adamant, Shell Bell, 130, 194, 127, 67, 75, 85, Focus Punch, Seed Bomb, Giga Impact, Spore, Attk/Def
780, Forretress 4, Adamant, Lax Incense, 145, 150, 187, 67, 75, 55, Explosion, Double-Edge, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Attk/Def

781, Skarmory 4, Adamant, Life Orb, 135, 139, 187, 49, 85, 85, Brave Bird, Steel Wing, X-Scissor, Rock Slide, Attk/Def
782, Absol 4, Adamant, Choice Band, 135, 194, 75, 81, 75, 122, Night Slash, Superpower, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Attk/Speed
783, Whiscash 4, Adamant, Muscle Band, 212, 137, 88, 81, 86, 75, Earthquake, Aqua Tail, Zen Headbutt, Stone Edge, HP/Attk
784, Hariyama 4, Adamant, Scope Lens, 246, 183, 75, 49, 75, 65, Cross Chop, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Poison Jab, HP/Attk
785, Vespiquen 4, Adamant, Shell Bell, 172, 139, 117, 85, 117, 55, Attack Order, Defend Order, Heal Order, Confuse Ray, HP/Attk
786, Raichu 4, Adamant, BrightPowder, 130, 150, 70, 94, 95, 147, Volt Tackle, Return, Brick Break, Thunder Wave, Attk/Speed
787, Dewgong 4, Calm, Chesto Berry, 160, 76, 95, 117, 156, 85, Surf, Ice Beam, Signal Beam, Rest, Sp.Attk/Sp.Def
788, Manectric 4, Timid, BrightPowder, 140, 81, 75, 152, 75, 167, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Signal Beam, Swift, Sp.Attk/Speed
789, Staraptor 4, Adamant, Choice Band, 155, 183, 85, 59, 65, 147, Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Close Combat, U-turn, Attk/Speed
790, Gastrodon 4, Modest, Wise Glasses, 213, 88, 83, 152, 97, 54, Surf, Earth Power, Ice Beam, Sludge Bomb, HP/Sp.Attk
791, Skuntank 4, Jolly, Muscle Band, 173, 140, 82, 76, 76, 144, Poison Jab, Night Slash, Crunch, Explosion, Attk/Speed
792, Vileplume 4, Modest, Wise Glasses, 177, 85, 100, 161, 105, 65, Sludge Bomb, Energy Ball, Hyper Beam, Synthesis, HP/Sp.Attk
793, Victreebel 4, Modest, Focus Band, 182, 108, 80, 161, 75, 85, SolarBeam, Sludge Bomb, Wring Out, Sunny Day, HP/Sp.Attk
794, Electrode 4, Quirky, Focus Sash, 130, 65, 85, 127, 95, 187, Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, Explosion, Mirror Coat, Sp.Attk/Speed
795, Ludicolo 4, Modest, Lum Berry, 150, 76, 85, 150, 147, 85, Surf, Giga Drain, Ice Beam, Rain Dance, Sp.Attk/Sp.Def
796, Shiftry 4, Adamant, Cheri Berry, 192, 161, 75, 94, 75, 95, Seed Bomb, Sucker Punch, Aerial Ace, Explosion, HP/Attk
797, Exploud 4, Modest, White Herb, 206, 94, 78, 151, 78, 83, Hyper Voice, Overheat, Surf, Ice Beam, HP/Sp.Attk
798, Glalie 4, Modest, Lax Incense, 182, 85, 95, 139, 95, 95, Blizzard, Dark Pulse, Sheer Cold, Hail, HP/Sp.Attk
799, Lopunny 4, Jolly, Muscle Band, 135, 123, 99, 62, 111, 167, Dizzy Punch, Fire Punch, ThunderPunch, Ice Punch, Attk/Speed
800, Froslass 4, Modest, Lax Incense, 140, 85, 85, 139, 85, 157, Blizzard, Shadow Ball, Psychic, Hail, Sp.Attk/Speed

801, Ambipom 4, Adamant, Life Orb, 145, 161, 81, 67, 81, 162, Double Hit, Fire Punch, ThunderPunch, Ice Punch, Attk/Speed
802, Hypno 4, Modest, Choice Specs, 155, 79, 85, 132, 162, 82, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, Focus Blast, Sp.Attk/Sp.Def
803, Golem 4, Brave, Quick Claw, 150, 172, 177, 70, 80, 54, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Gyro Ball, Explosion, Attk/Def
804, Rhydon 4, Adamant, Quick Claw, 207, 194, 135, 54, 60, 55, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Megahorn, Horn Drill, HP/Attk
805, Slowbro 4, Quiet, Leftovers, 197, 90, 125, 161, 95, 40, Psychic, Surf, Ice Beam, Trick Room, HP/Sp.Attk
806, Weezing 4, Modest, Quick Claw, 135, 94, 167, 145, 85, 75, Sludge Bomb, Flamethrower, Shadow Ball, Destiny Bond, Def/Sp.Attk
807, Kangaskhan 4, Adamant, Muscle Band, 207, 156, 95, 49, 95, 105, Giga Impact, Earthquake, Crunch, Outrage, HP/Attk
808, Tauros 4, Adamant, Choice Band, 145, 161, 110, 49, 85, 157, Return, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Zen Headbutt, Attk/Speed
809, Alakazam 4, Modest, Expert Belt, 125, 58, 60, 200, 100, 167, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Focus Blast, Sp.Attk/Speed
810, Slowking 4, Modest, Wise Glasses, 197, 81, 95, 161, 125, 45, Psychic, Surf, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, HP/Sp.Attk
811, Miltank 4, Adamant, Muscle Band, 165, 139, 120, 49, 85, 147, Giga Impact, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Zen Headbutt, Attk/Speed
812, Altaria 4, Modest, White Herb, 145, 76, 105, 128, 120, 127, Draco Meteor, Air Cutter, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Sp.Attk/Speed
813, Toxicroak 4, Adamant, Razor Claw, 153, 168, 80, 90, 80, 132, Gunk Shot, Cross Chop, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Attk/Speed
814, Abomasnow 4, Brave, Shell Bell, 192, 152, 90, 108, 100, 67, Wood Hammer, Avalanche, Earthquake, Rock Slide, HP/Attk
815, Nidoqueen 4, Adamant, Razor Claw, 192, 141, 102, 81, 100, 91, Earthquake, Poison Jab, Superpower, Crunch, HP/Attk
816, Nidoking 4, Adamant, Muscle Band, 151, 152, 92, 90, 90, 132, Earthquake, Poison Jab, Megahorn, Outrage, Attk/Speed
817, Cradily 4, Calm, Leftovers, 177, 85, 133, 96, 157, 58, Stone Edge, Seed Bomb, Earthquake, Mirror Coat, HP/Def/Sp.Def

818, Armaldo 4, Adamant, Life Orb, 145, 189, 147, 76, 95, 60, Stone Edge, X-Scissor, Earthquake, Cross Poison, Attk/Def
819, Bastiodon 4, Adamant, Focus Sash, 162, 108, 183, 55, 153, 45, Metal Burst, Stone Edge, Avalanche, Curse, HP/Attk
820, Floatzel 4, Adamant, Razor Fang, 155, 167, 70, 90, 65, 162, Aqua Tail, Ice Fang, Crunch, Brick Break, Attk/Speed
821, Mismagius 4, Timid, Focus Sash, 130, 67, 75, 152, 120, 167, Shadow Ball, Psychic, Thunderbolt, Destiny Bond, Sp.Attk/Speed
822, Drifblim 4, Docile, Lax Incense, 252, 127, 59, 105, 69, 95, Shadow Ball, Air Cutter, Silver Wind, Explosion, HP/Attk
823, Golduck 4, Modest, Wacan Berry, 182, 87, 93, 156, 95, 100, Hydro Pump, Psychic, Ice Beam, Signal Beam, HP/Sp.Attk
824, Poliwrath 4, Adamant, Expert Belt, 192, 145, 110, 76, 105, 85, Waterfall, Focus Punch, Earthquake, Hypnosis, HP/Attk
825, Rapidash 4, Jolly, Chesto Berry, 135, 147, 85, 85, 95, 167, Flare Blitz, Megahorn, Double-Edge, Hypnosis, Attk/Speed

826, Muk 4, Adamant, Quick Claw, 207, 167, 90, 72, 115, 65, Gunk Shot, Shadow Sneak, Brick Break, Explosion, HP/Attk[/size]

the ones in bold may come third...
i think you're forgetting or arent aware of a crucial bt trait that rules out something you said but you can probably figure it out unless you really need my help
would the ai for sure use wood hammer though? i think it tries to save its own skin whenever possible. like for example, if you're at very low health, using a weaker move with 100% accuracy instead of using a super effective move with 90 accuracy just to guarantee the kill.

dunno if that would extend to avoiding recoil damage, though.
if that wasn´t enough, my internet connection died for like 45 mins

anyway, right now I´m in a half-state of shock, so I have no clue what "trait" you´re talking about jumpman

Glen, I´m not sure about wood hammer, but that´s the worst case scenario...I´ve seen plenty of exeggutors w-hammer me after they hung on their sashes

there are basically very few options

1. he QC CHs with wood hammer to make it one of the gayest losses in history

2. he QC wood hammers to leave me with low HP and dies and I
A) quake to waste a turn
B) SD to have a shot against stuff with ice moves that I´m not able to beat

A) I quake and kill it before it does whatever
B) I SD and it dies to recoil
C) I SD and it quakes or whatever THEN QC kills me with WH

OK if I do 3., then there´s these:
- blastoise, quagsire, dewgong, gastrodon, exploud, glalie, slowbro, slowking, abomasnow, bastiodon, golduck

11/58 = 18,96 %

that I lose to...that´s plenty

if I SD, there are three pokés I lose to for sure (unless very low damage) that are faster:
- electrode, sceptile, infernape (baah 1 stat point)

then there´s sash bastio and mismagius hmm...

according to this, SD is the % better choice (?)

at this point I just need to know what pokémon will come after freaking torterra LOL...any other helpful input?
what BT trait? I said
- overgrow, there´s no other ability choice
- QC is the item it´s holding,
- wood hammer is the attack I think it will use
- that list has 21 IV stats
- LO+QC means I eliminated the pokémon holding them from being third (or do you mean by switching items LO is still viable?)
or do you mean fire type with SE move would´ve come be4 a torterra or something like that?

fuck powder/lax incense...OK if I SD I may lose to (due to those items or focus band lol):
- zard, meggy, forry, raichu, manectric, vicy, glalie, froslass, drifblim (bah aftermath as well)

14/58...5 are almost 100% and the rest if I continue to have bad luck
mathematically the decision is pretty clear, you dont want me actually telling you what you should do though do you
not really clear to me lol

you don´t have to tell me what I should do, just what you would do haha ... no I mean what trait? have I forgotten/didn´t account for something?

EDIT: any last words from some BF fanatics before I make my move?
you kind of mentioned it in your next post so not really

and i would turn off my game if i were you but i doubt you actually want to do that
Go for the Swords Dance....and hope for

[SIZE=-2]802, Hypno 4, Modest, Choice Specs, 155, 79, 85, 132, 162, 82, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, Focus Blast, Sp.Attk/Sp.Def

[/SIZE]to come out last.

Sounds like your were on a TILT (thanks The Smog) though, and should have just stopped playing before this round.
turning off the game would mean my streak would be zero, wouldn´t it? lol

OK here I go

switch in chomp

click swords dance

quick claw activated, wood hammer, 28/182, recoil, fainted, swords dance


outrage, 1hko, I win!

Ginger go to hell!!!!!!!

wondering what TILT means, have to read the smog
I can´t...

lol I forgot to save the battle, way to go

it was #2 in the round, now I don´t even know where I am...
tilt means a loss of mental function due to unfortunate circumstances contributing to poor gameplay (almost exclusively used in poker), it's not really applicable in this case unless of course you were honestly thinking of doing anything but SDing there

i faced that torterra with my CLS team months ago and had it use woodhammer from my scizor to my cresselia (i'd thunderwaved lead ape after it used fake out and then uturned or something), but then when i switched back to cresselia, it used...stone edge. then when i tried to trick it, it QCed me (not a surprise) and used...stone edge again (a big surprise). why didn't it earthquake from scizor to cresselia, and then why did it use literally its worst move against cresselia besides the EQ i was immune to? it has both wood hammer and crunch, which are 180 and 160 BP against cresselia to stone edge's 100. it didn't really matter in the end but i was really confused. what im saying is it using earthquake on garchomp and THEN QCing it wasn't out of the question but i guess your AI acts the way it's supposed to, lol

anyway i'm surprised this is the first time your registeel has really been threatened by consecutive CHes considering it has to take at least two attacks from pokes two and three literally every time you set it up, i mean that's its achilles heel and all. torterra didn't even need to CH you at all to break your sub (regardless of whether you sub after the second EQ). i mean ive been brightpowdered consecutively enough to make me want to throw up but at least the pokemon i use don't let pokes two and three hit them first. by nature, curse registeel has to deal with both BP and CHes from pokes two and three...have you honestly never been CHed twice in a row by a pokemon that left registeel naked against the last poke?
lol too many times, the target on steels back to aim CHs at is way too big haha...I haven´t posted each and every battle with freaking hax, too many of them...basically, "foe´s last hit (before being iheaded to death" breaking the sub with a CH" is standard in my book

and nope, that torty does 36 damage max to +6 steel and x-scissor did like 5 damage

stone edge is often preferred by the AI due to high CH chance, happens a lot that it chooses those moves even in cases where it doesn´t make sense, at all...on the other hand, stone edge was "potentially 200" in your case

lol stop talking about "powdering", you´re sort of cursing me...I just missed a mamo :/ trainer bird keeper with salamence, cool...locked into scary face after reswitch, followed by skarmory (of course) that got a CH brave bird against chomp´s sub

PI now with rhydon using MH
Well, I just had hacks turn out in my favor for once, the starter was
651, Dewgong 3, Calm, Salac Berry, 186, 81, 121, 90, 149, 90, Sheer Cold, Horn Drill, Rest, Sleep Talk, HP/Def/Sp.Def
And I was too lazy to look it up, I tricked my uxie's scarf onto the Dewgong, and was somewhat annoyed when it used sheer cold. Well, I decided to just wait it out rather then switch to Registeel or Salamance.

So it misses 5 times in a row, and then I decide that "hey, I doubt that there is a Dewgong with two 1 hit KO moves, so I trick the scarf back, and and it uses horn drill.

Well, it then misses 5 times in a row, again. And this time, I look it up to see if it has fissure or something, but fortunately, it did not, so I had my turns of set up against rest.

I saved the match, and will probably post it sometime.