@kingbattlus: Also remember not to forget Sturdy pokemon!
hehe yeah, i'd forgotten about that! i think a OHKO team is going to be pretty difficult to implement. (i) you'll have to have a backup plan for each and every sturdy pokemon imaginable. (ii) you'll have to count on often having battles last many turns due to your moves missing a lot - this means your pokes have to be superduper walls. (iii) when you come up against an AI's OHKO'er, can you really imagine their moves missing, and yours hitting? hehe....
turning off the game would mean my streak would be zero, wouldn´t it? lol
OK here I go
switch in chomp
click swords dance
quick claw activated, wood hammer, 28/182, recoil, fainted, swords dance
outrage, 1hko, I win!
Ginger go to hell!!!!!!!
wondering what TILT means, have to read the smog
good stuff - that was fun to read, although a pity i wasnt here when it happened. i think i probably would not have SD'd since there was always the chance the QC would have happened on the second turn - essentially you gave the torterra a 1/16+1/10=16.25% chance to beat you (crit turn 1 or QC turn 2 would have been a guaranteed win). but in the end it turned out ok.
progress score?
tilt means a loss of mental function due to unfortunate circumstances contributing to poor gameplay (almost exclusively used in poker), it's not really applicable in this case unless of course you were honestly thinking of doing anything but SDing there
i agree - if you feel like you're not in the zone, or even just have some ridiculous "bad vibe", give it a break. you'll never know if you averted a disaster, but if you do continue and lose you will be furious with yourself. when my previous castle streak ended, i was on a long drive and was really sleepy and lethargic - i'm sure that contributed to me letting my killer instinct go to sleep.....
i faced that torterra with my CLS team months ago and had it use woodhammer from my scizor to my cresselia (i'd thunderwaved lead ape after it used fake out and then uturned or something), but then when i switched back to cresselia, it used...stone edge. then when i tried to trick it, it QCed me (not a surprise) and used...stone edge again (a big surprise). why didn't it earthquake from scizor to cresselia, and then why did it use literally its worst move against cresselia besides the EQ i was immune to? it has both wood hammer and crunch, which are 180 and 160 BP against cresselia to stone edge's 100. it didn't really matter in the end but i was really confused. what im saying is it using earthquake on garchomp and THEN QCing it wasn't out of the question but i guess your AI acts the way it's supposed to, lol
ive noticed that when a move has an effect like:
- has a high critical hit ratio (SE, cross chop, etc)
- does double damage if already taken damage (avalanche etc)
- does double damage if slower (payback)
i cant remember how this goes if the foe has a SE move, but i am pretty sure a machamp would sometimes choose payback over revenge even against a lucario.
this randomness really sucks because for example, against a swampert i cant just switch back and forth between salamence/milotic wasting EQ's and avalanches.
anyway i'm surprised this is the first time your registeel has really been threatened by consecutive CHes considering it has to take at least two attacks from pokes two and three literally every time you set it up, i mean that's its achilles heel and all. torterra didn't even need to CH you at all to break your sub (regardless of whether you sub after the second EQ). i mean ive been brightpowdered consecutively enough to make me want to throw up but at least the pokemon i use don't let pokes two and three hit them first. by nature, curse registeel has to deal with both BP and CHes from pokes two and three...have you honestly never been CHed twice in a row by a pokemon that left registeel naked against the last poke?
this is exactly what i found. the team is extremely robust, but the whole "what if poke 2 crits and breaks the sub, then poke 3 crits again to KO, and can defeat garchomp?" question means that there is a very real danger of losing.
this alone is enough to make me want to try out drapion!! the fact that you get the speed boosts puts it in a class above registeel, although of course registeel gets to choose what stat to boost - it must be a bit annoying when getting special attack boosts when you really need to be building up your defenses.
Well, I just had hacks turn out in my favor for once, the starter was
651, Dewgong 3, Calm, Salac Berry, 186, 81, 121, 90, 149, 90, Sheer Cold, Horn Drill, Rest, Sleep Talk, HP/Def/Sp.Def
And I was too lazy to look it up, I tricked my uxie's scarf onto the Dewgong, and was somewhat annoyed when it used sheer cold. Well, I decided to just wait it out rather then switch to Registeel or Salamance.
So it misses 5 times in a row, and then I decide that "hey, I doubt that there is a Dewgong with two 1 hit KO moves, so I trick the scarf back, and and it uses horn drill.
Well, it then misses 5 times in a row, again. And this time, I look it up to see if it has fissure or something, but fortunately, it did not, so I had my turns of set up against rest.
I saved the match, and will probably post it sometime.
that is pretty hilarious - i would love to see that when youve recorded it. i once had 5 SC's miss in a row against me, but i didnt trick the scarf back lol......