Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

@kingbattlus: Also remember not to forget Sturdy pokemon!

hehe yeah, i'd forgotten about that! i think a OHKO team is going to be pretty difficult to implement. (i) you'll have to have a backup plan for each and every sturdy pokemon imaginable. (ii) you'll have to count on often having battles last many turns due to your moves missing a lot - this means your pokes have to be superduper walls. (iii) when you come up against an AI's OHKO'er, can you really imagine their moves missing, and yours hitting? hehe....

turning off the game would mean my streak would be zero, wouldn´t it? lol

OK here I go

switch in chomp

click swords dance

quick claw activated, wood hammer, 28/182, recoil, fainted, swords dance


outrage, 1hko, I win!

Ginger go to hell!!!!!!!

wondering what TILT means, have to read the smog

good stuff - that was fun to read, although a pity i wasnt here when it happened. i think i probably would not have SD'd since there was always the chance the QC would have happened on the second turn - essentially you gave the torterra a 1/16+1/10=16.25% chance to beat you (crit turn 1 or QC turn 2 would have been a guaranteed win). but in the end it turned out ok.

progress score?

tilt means a loss of mental function due to unfortunate circumstances contributing to poor gameplay (almost exclusively used in poker), it's not really applicable in this case unless of course you were honestly thinking of doing anything but SDing there

i agree - if you feel like you're not in the zone, or even just have some ridiculous "bad vibe", give it a break. you'll never know if you averted a disaster, but if you do continue and lose you will be furious with yourself. when my previous castle streak ended, i was on a long drive and was really sleepy and lethargic - i'm sure that contributed to me letting my killer instinct go to sleep.....

i faced that torterra with my CLS team months ago and had it use woodhammer from my scizor to my cresselia (i'd thunderwaved lead ape after it used fake out and then uturned or something), but then when i switched back to cresselia, it used...stone edge. then when i tried to trick it, it QCed me (not a surprise) and used...stone edge again (a big surprise). why didn't it earthquake from scizor to cresselia, and then why did it use literally its worst move against cresselia besides the EQ i was immune to? it has both wood hammer and crunch, which are 180 and 160 BP against cresselia to stone edge's 100. it didn't really matter in the end but i was really confused. what im saying is it using earthquake on garchomp and THEN QCing it wasn't out of the question but i guess your AI acts the way it's supposed to, lol

ive noticed that when a move has an effect like:

  1. has a high critical hit ratio (SE, cross chop, etc)
  2. does double damage if already taken damage (avalanche etc)
  3. does double damage if slower (payback)
it will randomly use it over other more logical moves from time to time. there seems to be absolutely no rhyme or reason to it - ie no way to predict when they will use that move. other moves include counter and mirror coat - ive had an opposing pokemon at 1hp use counter against my milotic lol (i used recover on that turn). i think destiny bond is used according to some kind of probability measure that increases as the foe's HP gets lower - against things like mismagius, my blissey uses a few flamethrowers hoping to get a burn, but if i get it to within a crit of KO'ing i will leave it to use all its DB's - sometimes if it is at about 30% it will use thunderbolt nearly half the time, but when it is really low it will use DB without fail - i have only ever once seen something (drifblim?) use DB at over 50%.

i cant remember how this goes if the foe has a SE move, but i am pretty sure a machamp would sometimes choose payback over revenge even against a lucario.

this randomness really sucks because for example, against a swampert i cant just switch back and forth between salamence/milotic wasting EQ's and avalanches.

anyway i'm surprised this is the first time your registeel has really been threatened by consecutive CHes considering it has to take at least two attacks from pokes two and three literally every time you set it up, i mean that's its achilles heel and all. torterra didn't even need to CH you at all to break your sub (regardless of whether you sub after the second EQ). i mean ive been brightpowdered consecutively enough to make me want to throw up but at least the pokemon i use don't let pokes two and three hit them first. by nature, curse registeel has to deal with both BP and CHes from pokes two and three...have you honestly never been CHed twice in a row by a pokemon that left registeel naked against the last poke?

this is exactly what i found. the team is extremely robust, but the whole "what if poke 2 crits and breaks the sub, then poke 3 crits again to KO, and can defeat garchomp?" question means that there is a very real danger of losing.

this alone is enough to make me want to try out drapion!! the fact that you get the speed boosts puts it in a class above registeel, although of course registeel gets to choose what stat to boost - it must be a bit annoying when getting special attack boosts when you really need to be building up your defenses.

Well, I just had hacks turn out in my favor for once, the starter was
651, Dewgong 3, Calm, Salac Berry, 186, 81, 121, 90, 149, 90, Sheer Cold, Horn Drill, Rest, Sleep Talk, HP/Def/Sp.Def
And I was too lazy to look it up, I tricked my uxie's scarf onto the Dewgong, and was somewhat annoyed when it used sheer cold. Well, I decided to just wait it out rather then switch to Registeel or Salamance.

So it misses 5 times in a row, and then I decide that "hey, I doubt that there is a Dewgong with two 1 hit KO moves, so I trick the scarf back, and and it uses horn drill.

Well, it then misses 5 times in a row, again. And this time, I look it up to see if it has fissure or something, but fortunately, it did not, so I had my turns of set up against rest.

I saved the match, and will probably post it sometime.

that is pretty hilarious - i would love to see that when youve recorded it. i once had 5 SC's miss in a row against me, but i didnt trick the scarf back lol......
oh my god lol i just had what is inarguably the haxiest factory battle ever. i really hope we do a top 10 haxiest battles so i can win. i saved it, but how do i go about recording it/uploading it to youtube?

anyway, here is what happened. it was game 13 so i wasn't paying that much attention, which doesn't really excuse the awful playing on my part but whatever.

my team:

468 | Magnezone | Bold | Light Clay | Thunderbolt | Mirror Shot | Light Screen | Reflect |

517 | Staraptor | Jolly | King's Rock | Endeavor | Aerial Ace | Endure | Quick Attack |

619 | Salamence | Jolly | Razor Fang | Dragon Claw | Fire Fang | Thunder Fang | Dragon Dance | Atk/Spe

not a bad team at all. i'm told they will have rhydon and empoleon. so we throw our pokeballs, i go for the mirror shot against rhydon to kill it, it misses, and eqs for game. not very good.


i send in mence. the intimidate lets me survive a rock slide i figure, so i go for a dance. rock slide hits, brings me to about 40 hp. i dragon claw, doing about 45% as it scary faces. shit. bad. i could dragon claw and take it into staraptor's ko range but really i'm convinced that if i don't get lucky and get a second dance off, i lose this anyway so whatever. i dance, it rock slides for the kill.


now staraptor comes in. i don't see this ending well. i aerial ace for like, 20ish% which is atrocious. it scary faces. i aerial ace again as it crunches, doing like, 25% maybe? it got intimidated twice, of course. i aerial ace for the kill.


ok so since, from what i've seen, the opponent rarely if ever mixes sets, this is empoleon1.

362 | Empoleon | Adamant | Razor Claw | Waterfall | Metal Claw | Brick Break | Knock Off |

i aerial ace for like 25%. it waterfalls me down to 28 hp. this is not good. i figure there is no way out of this because even the random knock off would probably do 28 damage. i endeavor with all my might, and... i get a flinch from my king's rock. YES. i aerial ace for the kill. i am sweating.


their last pokemon is slaking. this would usually make a pokemon with endure happy, but this is almost without question slaking1.

486 | Slaking | Impish | Lax Incense | Facade | Shadow Claw | Slack Off | Yawn |

this is very very bad for me because i cannot just endure stall it. there is a good side though, in that all it can do to kill me is facade. if it uses any of its other 3 moves, excluding any lax incense bullshit, i win with endeavor/quick attack.

it goes first because of the scary face and shadow claws. i endeavor and it misses. 95% chance to hit, but whatever, lax incense is bullshit, and it doesn't really mean anything because i can endeavor as it loafs and quick attack for game afterwards. i endeavor as it loafs around, and it misses, AGAIN. seriously? SERIOUSLY? ok, back to square 1. it goes first, uses slack off, YES. i endeavor it to 28 health, a mere pixel. i quick attack as it loafs around but it MISSES. yes guys, that has been 3 misses out of 4 attacks, all from lax incense's 5% evasion boost. i quick attack hoping for the kill and i am rewarded with a hit, and slaking dies.


so yeah. basically, i got lucky as shit with some insane AI moves and an amazing king's rock flinch. i then proceeded to miss 3/5 attacks because of lax incense but still pulled out of it with a 28 health staraptor, which swept an entire team! given the hax on both ends, this is without a doubt the most ridiculous thing i have ever seen
true yeah, for a sec i thought you would just be referring to the hax against you, which was pretty damn bad, but if you add your own endeavor flinch against empoleon it's overall very haxy. that said, i'm wondering how you ever lose to slaking given its truancy since you can literally endure every turn and cancel out its speed advantage from staraptor being scary faced. all you would have to fear is yawn on an endure turn which didn't happen in practice...also i am pretty sure you forgot or didn't know that aerial ace doesn't give a shit about lax incense, meaning the third lax incense miss shouldn't have happened at all since it was loafing that turn making your lower speed a non-issue, but hey you won anyway, lol lax incense

and nope, that torty does 36 damage max to +6 steel and x-scissor did like 5 damage

im referring to the fact that it always 2HKOs your sub with EQ when you're at +6 Def and you never OHKO it with +6 iron head. as i said, you probably sub again when your IH doesn't kill, but it does indeed not need a CH to break your sub and you actually have to hack IT to prevent it from doing so. now that i think about it this is actually true of every fire pokemon (since none are fire/rock or fire/ice but the magcargo you'll virtually never see) and the water/grounds and the big bulky grounds (hippo donphan claydol etc), they all get two chances to CH your sub cause you dont ohko at +6 (three but the second one doesn't matter when you're resubbing that turn).

basically 1/8 will CH your fresh sub and im kinda surprised it hasnt caught up with you when you add that to the lax incense and brightpowder and focus band stuff registeel (and almost every other setup poke) has to deal with pointing this out because scizor and latios and drapion and even lucario almost never give anything a chance to touch their subs even once and registeel's are gonna be hit 2-4 times every time it has to set up and that's a 20% chance of them being CHed every battle if we're pretending a CH chance in the BT/BF is 6.25% (it isn't).

ive noticed that when a move has an effect like:

  1. has a high critical hit ratio (SE, cross chop, etc)
  2. does double damage if already taken damage (avalanche etc)
  3. does double damage if slower (payback)
it will randomly use it over other more logical moves from time to time. there seems to be absolutely no rhyme or reason to it - ie no way to predict when they will use that move. other moves include counter and mirror coat - ive had an opposing pokemon at 1hp use counter against my milotic lol (i used recover on that turn). i think destiny bond is used according to some kind of probability measure that increases as the foe's HP gets lower - against things like mismagius, my blissey uses a few flamethrowers hoping to get a burn, but if i get it to within a crit of KO'ing i will leave it to use all its DB's - sometimes if it is at about 30% it will use thunderbolt nearly half the time, but when it is really low it will use DB without fail - i have only ever once seen something (drifblim?) use DB at over 50%.

yeah i've noticed it with avalanche and payback and destiny bond you can at least understand because it's a high-risk high-reward move, but stone edge is still kind of a headscratcher. i mean just because it's a high CH move? wood hammer still outdamages it mathematically when you account for both moves' CH chances so we'd be back to my battle arcade warstory from months ago where blaziken used flare blitz on my thick fat, ~58%, +3 Def snorlax which only had a chance to kill if it CHed, even given the fact that the AI doesn't like to use superpower. whatever i guess

this is exactly what i found. the team is extremely robust, but the whole "what if poke 2 crits and breaks the sub, then poke 3 crits again to KO, and can defeat garchomp?" question means that there is a very real danger of losing.

this alone is enough to make me want to try out drapion!! the fact that you get the speed boosts puts it in a class above registeel, although of course registeel gets to choose what stat to boost - it must be a bit annoying when getting special attack boosts when you really need to be building up your defenses.

it's slightly annoying, but only against surf, ice beam and stab (or +1, thanks Download) Shadow Balls does drapion really care, even if mesprit gets CHed on turn one (which happens an awful lot). im probably going to change to to careful, 252HP/56Def/196SpD/4Spe because i really dont need any attack at all and this allows drapion to take surfs and stuff like stab x-scissor much better, but regardless of that, if im really in "trouble" like if starmie or tentacruel CH mesprit with surf so i can't TW or flash, i have exactly a 50% chance of boosting either Evasion or Special Defense exactly once with my first two acupressures ((15/21) × (14/20)). boosting speed in the first two turns is nontrivial as well because those surfs do not always 3HKO drapion and at worst i can rest at low HP and stall out the 11 surfs i'll have to and then switch to garchomp on the first struggle and set that up without any problem.

surf is a bigger deal than ice beam because in addition to the fact that the stuff with STAB IB doesn't like to use it on mesprit in favor of shadow ball and signal beam, ice beam has less PP (which is the reason i dont care about blizzard and hydro pump). even though i cant flash regice i worry less about it than like articuno or froslass ice beam since mesprit will be slower after the trick, otherwise i'll be able to paralyze and flash away and stall out the seven remaining ice beam. sometimes i even acupressure in regice's face with drapion because it probably wont 3HKO with IB so i have almost a 50% chance of boosting evasion of SpD with the first acupressure when you account for FP, even if i get frozen it will use a minimum of four IBs on drapion and if it is FP its chances are even slimmer. and even if i dont thaw and drapion dies i can sub on the rest of its IBs with garchomp and SD on the struggle without even needing it to be FP, though that's unnecessarily risky

tldr drapion is a boss
true yeah, for a sec i thought you would just be referring to the hax against you, which was pretty damn bad, but if you add your own endeavor flinch against empoleon it's overall very haxy. that said, i'm wondering how you ever lose to slaking given its truancy since you can literally endure every turn and cancel out its speed advantage from staraptor being scary faced. all you would have to fear is yawn on an endure turn which didn't happen in practice...also i am pretty sure you forgot or didn't know that aerial ace doesn't give a shit about lax incense, meaning the third lax incense miss shouldn't have happened at all since it was loafing that turn making your lower speed a non-issue, but hey you won anyway, lol lax incense

i didn't want to risk an endure because if it yawned i lost, that's why i referenced how i was happy initially due to seeing slaking and having endure, but realizing what set it was made me do a frown.

and yeah i totally forgot about the aerial ace perfect accuracy too, which makes the game even more terrible on my part. i was on tilt from so much lax incense foolery mixed with the audacity of the game for stressing me out as early as game 13.

tuesday, nov. 24th = 1890
wednesday, nov. 25th = 1890
thursday, nov. 26th = 1890
friday, nov. 27th = 1890
saturday, nov. 28th = 1904
sunday, nov. 29th = 1904
monday, nov. 30th = 1932
tuesday, dec. 1st = 1967
that particular battle with the analysis was #1976
wednesday, dec. 2nd = 1988

#1995 vs Pokémon Breeder Peter
Latias vs Weavile
1. trick-ice punch, 59/185
2. switch-ice punch freeze, 166, 177
Registeel vs Weavile
3. ice punch, 156, frozen, 167
4. IP, CH, 122, 133
5. IP, 113, frozen, 124
6. IP, frothawed, 103, curse, 114
7. IP, 101, sub, 55, 66
8. IP, curse, 77
9. IP, curse, 88
10. IP, curse, 99
11. IP, curse, 110
12. IP, sub broke, a critical hit!, curse, 121
13. IP, 115, frozen solid, 126
14. IP, 120, frozen, 131
15. IP, 125, frozen, 136
16. Struggle, 131, 142
17. Struggle, 137, frozen, 148
18. Struggle, 143, 154
19. Struggle, 148, fainted, frozen, 159
Registeel vs Gengar
20. Thunderbolt, 114, frozen, 125
21. Thunderbolt, 82, frozen, 93
22. Switch, bolt, doesn´t affect garchomp
Garchomp vs Gengar
23. Swords dance, shadow ball 92/182
24. Outrage, gengar fainted
Garchomp vs Leafeon
25. Outrage, leafeon fainted

#1996 – didn´t pay attention lol
#1997 – Dragon Tamer with outrage draggy
#1998 – PKMN Breeder with gyro ball steelix
#1999 – Waitress Kathy with sunny day rapidash, sandstorm duggy & tauros
#2000 – Ice Trainer Thad with confuse ray froslass, curse walrein & focus blast regice
#2001 – Scientist Irwin with giga drain meganium (CH struggle #3, naked after #4), hypno, cradily
#2002 – Fisherman Delaney with blizzard starmie (froze steel, set up chomp), gastrodon, slowbro

thursday, dec. 3rd = 2002

Hey Peterko, the Mayans called - they say you'll lose on battle 2012.

...but seriously, congrats! Over 2,000 is epic.
oh my god lol i just had what is inarguably the haxiest factory battle ever. i really hope we do a top 10 haxiest battles so i can win. i saved it, but how do i go about recording it/uploading it to youtube?

that was a really great read!! cant wait to watch it when you upload it. for youtube, just record the battle with a video camera and then upload it (if you have a video camera and \youtube account).

yeah i've noticed it with avalanche and payback and destiny bond you can at least understand because it's a high-risk high-reward move, but stone edge is still kind of a headscratcher. i mean just because it's a high CH move? wood hammer still outdamages it mathematically when you account for both moves' CH chances so we'd be back to my battle arcade warstory from months ago where blaziken used flare blitz on my thick fat, ~58%, +3 Def snorlax which only had a chance to kill if it CHed, even given the fact that the AI doesn't like to use superpower. whatever i guess

yes thats right - it is stupid to use stone edge when another move is more effective - it would sometimes use it even if NVE meaning that say a STAB EQ would do more damage even than a crit NVE SE. not saying there is a logical reason for it, just that it happens. and is annoying.

and you reminded me of a few other things i was going to mention:

  1. the AI's reluctance to use superpower even when STAB'ed, SE, and still holding a white herb. basically they will almost only use it when the battle is basically over.
  2. if a pokemon has sunny day and solar beam, they will favour solar beam over everything else. i am not 100% sure about this when there is a SE/NVE consideration to be taken into account. but for example, moltres 2 will use solar beam against blissey instead of sun boosted STAB fire blast.
  3. a pokemon will always use hyper beam (or blast burn or whatever) if it is low on health, even if it has a more effective move. this is helpful in the castle, since i know my blissey can softboiled when they're almost dead, then seismic toss them for the KO and end the battle on full HP. im pretty sure starter pokes will generally go for their stab moves when overgrow etc kicks in.
tldr drapion is a boss

i am definitely going to give drapion a try. maybe when my latias/registeel/salamence team has had a go. i got up to 49 with them over the last couple of days - i switched latias for starmie except in the palmer rounds, because i wanted my team to get the ribbons, and starmie already has them. i think i will keep at the castle for a bit before giving this BT streak a serious try. i still have a fair way until my next castle milestone.

thursday, dec. 3rd = 2002


cool :)
Can anyone attest to the viability of this Pokemon in the Battle Tower?

Snorlax @ Leftovers
(Still working on nature and EVs)
Thick Fat
~Rest/Fire Punch/Crunch

It's an inferior version of the popular Registeel set Peterko is using on his team. The only reason I considered it is it's general bulk and access to both Amnesia AND Curse.
is there a reason why there are no spiritombs in the frontier? i noticed it and was surprised. are there any other pokemon inexplicably missing?
uxie, mesprit, azelf are absent in the tower, as well...

all of them (including spiritomb) are in the hall, though

no clue why
Head Honchkrow, the standard Snorlax BT set is:

Snorlax @ Leftovers
252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD

Amnesia means you either get screwed by crits if you drop sub, Ghosts if you drop Crunch, and Lucario if you drop Return. Iron Head is an option, but Registeel is still obv. better.
A few quick things:

- I really do like the idea of having a 'Fun Top 10' or something for haxiest battles in the Frontier... I bet no-one else has ever had 5 crits consecutively from 1 in 16 each time against them... shame that wasn't recorded though.

- Well done for surpassing 2000 Peterko (I predicted you would). However, I can almost guarantee some insane hax will bring you down before 3000. I'm placing my bets on Kingler, Torterra (lol, close call you had before), Nidoking, Dewgong, Infernape (because he loves ending my highest streaks in multiple facilities), Heatran or Empoleon as likely streak-enders. I'm not saying I want you to lose, I'm just saying it would be ridiculously lucky to make it to 3000. Also, please tell me you have passed battle 2012, because if you die there, people will come up with stupid theories and conclusions.

- I've noticed that over 75% of my Frontier battle losses have been due to critical hits.
thanks, but I´ll fight til the end and don´t make it easy for the AI

updated the list and edited the post that was called "obnoxious" (90% pics changed into links, comments at the end were changed much earlier to showcase more of the actual happy/party feeling that was there, instead of "flaunting" that it evoked but wasn´t meant to)

the post will stay incomplete for the time being (for an obvious reason)
Can anyone attest to the viability of this Pokemon in the Battle Tower?

Snorlax @ Leftovers
(Still working on nature and EVs)
Thick Fat
~Rest/Fire Punch/Crunch

It's an inferior version of the popular Registeel set Peterko is using on his team. The only reason I considered it is it's general bulk and access to both Amnesia AND Curse.
Don't use it. You're right about "It's an inferior version of the popular Registeel set". Registeel has amnesia and curse. Registeel has STAB iron head (Snorlax will have to use a steel move or it can't defeat a significant proportion of the metagame. Or it will lose a recovery move or subsitute).

Unless you're thinking of Trick/ Lucario/ Snorlax, which i have used and then i wish you luck. If it's not lucario use registeel>Snorlax.
If you're planning to use it I suggest to use curse/amnesia/rest/crunch

curse/amnesia/rest/return leaves you screwed against ghosts while
curse/amnesia/rest/fire punch gives you less coverage then using crunch > fire punch.
If you use Crunch then any physical Fighting-type can come in and eat you alive, even with Curse up. Moreso if they crit. Seriously, Registeel is better, but Snorlax is more offensively based.
That would be amazing for Peterko to make it over 3,000 wins in the Battle Tower, it's still pretty amazing that he's gone past 2,000. As everyone already knows the battle factory is still arguably the hardest facility out of the rest, and as for any notable streaks for me I can't seem to get past a streak of 8 in the open level singles even though my record is 20:( Good luck to other battle factory players!
I managed to get 38 wins in the battle factory but lost to that hax I keep hearing about. Somethings up with my computer so I don't have the picture yet, but I will keep on trying.
yeah the factory is retarded, i can't believe jump got it out of the way with so little effort

i've invested close to 150 hours into just the factory and all i've gotten to 43 wins
yeah the factory is retarded, i can't believe jump got it out of the way with so little effort

i've invested close to 150 hours into just the factory and all i've gotten to 43 wins
I'm not sure he'll like the "with so little effort" part. I'm fairly certain that most of the people that got their 49+ in the factory spent a considerable amount of time and effort making the best moves possible while hoping luck to be on their side.

It might not be 150 hours, but you might just have been more unlucky than average, or you may have misplayed without knowing. Who knows...

I've got between 30 and 40 streak in both open level and level 50 about 4 or 5 times each and probably spent less than 100 hours on it. I'm still stuck on 40 for open and 43 for level 50. I'm still under the impression that IF I make it past 21, Level 50 is going to be easier.
Platinum battle tower multi battle w/ingame trainer
Pokemon i was using
Porygon-Z @ lum berry
Tri-attack, Dark Pulse, T-Bolt, Ice Beam
252 sp atk 252 spd 6 hp

Zen Headbutt, Meteor Mash, earthquake, pursuit
got this guy via trade so no idea of his evs
Adamant/clear body
I'm not sure he'll like the "with so little effort" part. I'm fairly certain that most of the people that got their 49+ in the factory spent a considerable amount of time and effort making the best moves possible while hoping luck to be on their side.

It might not be 150 hours, but you might just have been more unlucky than average, or you may have misplayed without knowing. Who knows...

I've got between 30 and 40 streak in both open level and level 50 about 4 or 5 times each and probably spent less than 100 hours on it. I'm still stuck on 40 for open and 43 for level 50. I'm still under the impression that IF I make it past 21, Level 50 is going to be easier.

no, jump addressed earlier how lucky he was with the factory to get gold so easily, that's what i mean. i'm not trying to belittle his efforts. obviously, being jump, he played it well. but comparatively speaking, 20 hours of work (just guessing, i dont know much long he actually spent) is significantly less effort than 150 hours of work.
yeah youre right and i didnt take any remote offense to your comment because i knew you were referring to what i said in my big factory warstory. actually now that i think about it ive always said that in emerald's factory in 2005 i play "3-4 hours a day for six weeks straight" to finally get the gold symbol, and that actually equates to 147 hours so lol

for comparison, getting from 0 to 1,000 in the BT with my CLS team would take just under 47 hours, full speed and obviously not losing. i would be able to have two "lol 999"s and then finally get to 1,000 with my third-time-charm, and still have spent less time doing this than it took me to get to 42 in the emerald factory. for some more comparison: guess how many times people in these threads have had streaks of 400 or more in the DP or PT battle tower? hint: it's the same number of people who have earned the gold symbol in the open factory
Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if there were more people who have got the Gold Print, or even broken 100, in the Tower than have got the goddamn SILVER Print in the Factory. I mean in total, btw.

Also, I feel like self-harm because I forgot to bring my copy of Platinum on my holiday. ;)