HeartGold, Battle Factory, Single Open Level:
Streak 40
Woohoo! I'm getting closer to that elusive Factory gold plate. This record overtakes my last best streak of 38 wins. I lost in Round 6, Battle 6. Here's the team.
Cresselia 1
Item: Heat Rock
Nature: Bold
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 DEF, 252 SPD
~ Psychic
~ Solarbeam
~ Moonlight
~ Sunny Day
Garchomp 3
Item: Focus Sash
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Sand Veil
EVs: 252 ATK, 252 SPE
~ Dragon Rush
~ Stone Edge
~ Aqua Tail
~ Aerial Ace
Metagross 3
Item: Occa Berry
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 ATK, 252 DEF
~ Hammer Arm
~ Ice Punch
~ Thunderpunch
~ Aerial Ace
This team looks pretty solid, and I was up against Rich Boy Hanson, who I've battled many times. I am informed that the opponent is not concerned with types, so I trade away my Alakazam 3 for Cresselia.
I toss out Cresselia and he throws out Slowbro.
- I'm not too worried, so I start with Sunny Day. I really like this Cresselia set because it's so defensive, and with Sunny Day on, Moonlight restores 2/3 of my max HP. He uses Avalanche and it does less than 10% to me.
- Now I'm really not worried, and I hit with Solarbeam, dealing about 45% to him. He retaliates with another Avalanche and puts me down to about 75%.
- I Solarbeam him a second time, putting him below 10%, and he uses Aqua Tail, putting me down to about 65%.
- I finish him off with Solarbeam. Looking Back, I think I should have just used a Moonlight here for good measure, and hit with Solarbeam next turn, since I would likely have slightly more HP than 65%.
Next, he sends out Venusaur
- For some reason, I wasn't thinking straight, and sort of just got overconfident in my team at about this point in the battle. I used Psychic, and it brought Venusaur down to about 55%. He used Leaf Storm after that and took me down to about 15%, restoring his status with White Herb right after.
- Here's where I see my main mistake, I used Psychic again, and I probably should have just used Moonlight, but I wasn't paying attention to my game for some reason, and I know I should have since this is Round 6, Battle 6, after all. Psychic leaves him at about 5-10% and he finishes me off with Sludge Bomb.
I very quickly realize that I am not paying nearly enough attention, so I stop everything else and focus. I send out Metagross.
- Venusaur first uses sleep powder, and puts me to sleep right off the bat. I am fast asleep, or I would have used Ice Punch and finished him off.
- He Uses another Leaf Storm and takes down Metagross with a critical hit.
I send out my last Pokemon, Garchomp.
- I hope his last Pokemon isn't something that I can't beat, and I quickly dispose of Venusaur's remaining HP with an Aerial Ace.
He sends out Quagsire. Hmmm
- I use Dragon Rush, since none of my other moves are particularly good against him. It brings him slightly below half, about 45%, which isn't too bad, here's hoping I don't miss the next attack. He retaliates with Counter and my Focus Sash kicks in to save me at 1 HP.
- I use Dragon Rush one more time, and it misses. He finishes me off with Earthquake.
All in all, I really enjoyed this streak. Round 5, I started with Porygon-Z 4, Latios 1 and Zapdos 4. I traded the Porygon on Battle 7 for a Salamence. I also realized that pokemon with Curse and no leftovers tends not to work out as well as I thought, Tyranitar is on my mind here.
For now I think I'm going to take a bit of a break from Factory, even though thats all I play this game for. A friend and I are going for the full pokedex, since it's the last time in this Generation we'll be able to do it.
Enjoy Battle Factory! Don't get frustrated, anyone who has a decent record in Factory has also lost a hell of a lot more than they've gone far. You just gotta keep playing well, and hax always happens.