Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

Just thought I'd post to say that I got HeartGold today, and recently discovered via these forums that the Frontier sets are indeed identical to Platinum... lame. But I didn't get the game just for the Tower, so that's okay. The most relevant thing I can say right now is that, despite it being the same as in Platinum, I will give the Tower one last go in HG, possibly with one team member changed.



... I can't believe I've signed myself up for more of this torture...
Happy one year anniversary to this thread! As for a current streak, I'm trying to break 100 wins at the Platinum Battle Tower Singles but so far no such luck as I've lost a most recent streak at 60 to the opponents' last pokemon which was an Arcanine with Extremespeed/Crunch which means it was either number 888 or 480, what sucks is that it was so close to being ko'ed at less than 5% health >:( I will continue trying though to break a 100 wins, also I finally got my Gold Print for the Battle Tower in Platinum which tells you a lot about my skills although I copy peoples' teams on here that are so successful. Actually I'm using Jumpman's over 2000 wins Trick team with a slightly altered team member I swapped out Drapion for a Specs'ed Lucario and is working somewhat well the core member to me winning most matches is Garchomp and Mesprit allows him to set up a lot of the time. Good luck with anyone else who has a streak going at the moment!
it´s actually in a week /me runz

if you reread, I said sunday in a week :p

am off getting healthy and playing a bit of HG
Oh my bad Peterko, I guess I got too excited:) Anyway I just lost again in the Battle Tower Platinum Singles at 50 but, the battle was full of hax from the opponent, their Aggron getting two quick claw activations in a row and my pokemon getting fully paralyzed three times in a row so yeah, I'm going to the Battle Factory Open Level Singles to get my Silver and Gold prints:)
not necessarily, we have people here who have trouble getting to 100 wins in the battle tower with teams proven capable of winning much more than that. you haven't even posted the details of one battle, a "recommendation" from the OP for posting credible streaks that applies much, much more to the battle factory where borrow random pokemon.

why should any of us accept your picture proves what you would have us believe, especially when your seven-word "explanation" suggests little more than you essentially having given up?
Jumpman, I've been following ZystraL throughout his streak. Why exactly doesn't the picture prove anything?

I don't like having to be the primary "police" in this thread but it often seems that no one else is willing to step up and question obvious headscratchers. Think about it, andrew—a picture has never, ever proven anything. It's incredibly easy to fabricate a proof picture by photoshopping the numbers themselves, or cropping out any surrounding area that indicates the would-be record's picture was taken on an emulator's computer screen, or using an AR or flash cart to digitally alter the numbers to anything you want or give your pokemon whateve stats/moves/abilities you want. It's not really rocket science, and is why Peterko has told everyone to explain how they obtained their streaks for credibility purposes.

And as I stated, this suggestion is pretty much mandatory for the Battle Factory where your team is never set. Is ZystraL really naïve enough to believe that he can make two posts in here about a record he obtained with total mystery pokemon without explaining even one battle himself? Or, if he's telling the truth, naïve enough to not realize how lucky he was to get to 104 without incident, given the fact that only one person has even to get much more than half of that?

Just another reason this thread can never be perfect, I guess...
I have no problem if there is a question to my reliability.

First, on the topic of photo quality. You can see, from the angle and the glare across the screen that it is more than a simple photoshopping of an emulator.

However, if it is some sort of depiction you require to make it seem more realistic, I can recall a lot of what happened.
A lot of luck was involved. My clear favourite was a Sceptile with Focus Blast / Leaf Storm / Hyper Beam / Dragon Pulse, which thankfully appeared every time from Battle 90 onwards.
Up to that point, the selection of Pokémon was simple. I opted for anything with high speed, and good coverage, relying on Super Effective damage and the chance to strike first to get me through. It very often worked, and I usually kept a large powerhouse, such as an EndRev Medicham/Blaziken/Pinsir or something similar in the third slot, should something go wrong (and believe me, it did). But I digress.
Aside from that Sceptile, there were a few others I came across often. There was the Sandstorm/Double Team Garchomp, whom I took simply for novelty purposes. There was a Choice Band Rhyperior, who I enjoyed using, as that single move I chose was often enough to destroy whatever I saw.

As I said, the biggest problems I had were the Cradily (Toxic/Ingrain/Stockpile/Recover) and other EndRev users who managed to outpace whatever I was using.
I can remember the 103rd battle clearly.
Sceptile (above variant) / EndRev Typhlosion / Togekiss (Sky Attack/Drain Punch/filler).
I was up against an unknown variant of Kingdra, an unknown Dragonite and an EndRev Medicham.
You can tell what happened next; Dragon Pulse tore through the first two like paper. It came to Medicham, who of course, Endured the Leaf Storm and then swiftly disposed of Sceptile and Togekiss using Zen Headbutt. Of course, my own Typhlosion was much faster after its own Salac Berry, allowing a just victory with Blast Burn.

While I concur; my strategy of hitting them before they hit you doesn't always work (like when I started the 3rd round and got nothing with more than 300 speed), but it's the strategy I followed, and it paid off, with luck (again, as I've said).

I apologize for sounding naive (and now, for sounding condescending), but the honest truth is that I worked hard and sincerely for what I obtained.
See, that's kind of what I'm talking about...Sceptile's Dragon Pulse does not even come close to OHKOing Kingdra or Dragonite, and both have the ability to put massive dents in Sceptile if nto outright OHKO. It's literally impossible for you to have gone through both of them "like paper" unless you CHed both of them. And hell, half the Dragonite you could have faced aren't even 2HKOed by Sceptile's Dragon Pulse since it does 42-49%, meaning a CH wouldn't even have saved you, while both OHKO easy with AA or CB Outrage.

This is why I don't believe you—the little bit of story you decide to relay to us only when prompted does not check out, at all. You would have to have CHed Kingdra to not take any damage, then CH Dragonite 2 or 3 as well since both can kill you or do massive damage (Dragonite 3 would activate your Occa Berry but still). And if you didn't CH either, it means that neither variant should then have remained "unknown" as you state, which also doesn't check out. Even with that, CHing both, is the only way you could have killed both of them "like paper", and you make no mention of that, meaning that either you're very forgetful of the penultimate battle you had that you say you remember "very clearly" or you are lying to us.

And when you say "every time from Battle 90 onwards"...that is a maximum of two times, since the start of the next round of seven is at Battle 92, then 99, and you lost before 106. Even if I were to give you the benefit of the doubt on approximating "90", that is a maximum of three times, which doesn't explain how you won the 80+ battles before that (all of which were relevant), nor does it explain why you would say "every time" as though you had the opportunity to get Sceptile more than 2-3 times after whatever you meant by "Battle 90". And you never even told us how many tries it took you—are we supposed to believe that this supposed 104 record was your first and only run? Or that you never broke 60 or even 50 or whatever before losing in previous runs (both of which would have been very, very impressive as they'd put you in the top 5)?

I don't know what IVs opposing pokemon have after Battle 60 or whatever, but I doubt that it's much below 25 or whatever if they're not all 31, so not even that would explain things like how Sceptile would be able to tear through Dragonite like paper when it can't even 2HKO half of them. And all of this says nothing of the experience of everyone else in this thread trying to even get to battle 40—I can safely say that I'm not just speaking for myself even if I'm the only one who's questioning you. Do you kind of see where I'm coming from now?
Yeah, I noticed the Dragon Pulse thing right away when he said it "tored through" them like paper.

Another one: He COULDN'T have been facing EndRev Medicham AT ALL if he has his own EndRev Typhlosion. There is no way for both you and your opponents to have the same item (salac berry) in Battle Factory ... unless I am remembering Factory wrong.

EDIT: OH, and of course, the Endure Salac Typhlosion has no speed EVs, sitting at 120 speed. The Endure Salac Medicham is Jolly with 255 Speed EVs = 145 Speed, so the Medicham would have outsped Typhlosion even after Typhlosion's Salac activates.

EDIT2: O yeah, just one last thing. The physical Togekiss obviously has Extremespeed, ... there was no mention of Togekiss at least attempting to use that to stop the salac activated Medicham? Also, I just noticed... Zen Headbutt KO'd Sceptile, ok sure, not bothering with a calc for that, but I'm sure that it definitely does not KO Togekiss. Plus, it would definitely be using Reversal, not Zen Headbutt.

HeartGold, Battle Factory, Single Battle Open Level : Streak 38
I've been tackling Battle Factory for quite some time now, trying to get the gold plate, and hopefully better. This streak is my first attempt in HeartGold. On Platinum, my record is 35.

My team for Battle 39 was...
Electivire 4
Item: Shuca Berry
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 ATK, 252 SPE
~Fire Punch
~Ice Punch

Dragonite 3
Item: Expert Belt
EVs: 252 DEF, 252 SPA
~ Draco Meteor
~ Flamethrower
~ Thunderbolt
~ Surf

Registeel 4
Item: Shell Bell
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 164 HP, 164 DEF, 164 SPD
~ Iron Head
~ Hammer Arm
~ Earthquake
~ Curse

I lost on Battle 39 against Collector Marquez. I've never seen this guy before :P

He begins with Glaceon and I have Electivire.
- I use Fire Punch and deal a little over 50%, and he hits back with a Blizzard and easily OHKOs Electivire.

I send out Registeel
- I use Iron Head which finishes him off.

Next, he sends out Granbull.
- I feel relatively confident in my defenses and know none of the Granbulls have any way to easily demolish me, so I use Curse. He hits second with Fire Fang and does about 20% damage.
- I use another Curse and he attacks with another Fire Fang. I'm still over half of my max HP.
- He Fire Fangs first this time, putting me slightly below half, and I use Hammer Arm, which leaves him at a sliver of health left, like 1%! ARGGG! At least Shell Bell recovers my health back to about 60%
- A fourth Fire Fang brings me back down below half and I finish him off with Iron Head (Shell Bell recovers me 1HP in the process!)

Then he sends out Gengar. Literally my worst nightmare.
- He easily finishes off Registeel with Focus Blast.

Now my heart is racing. I send out Dragonite, hoping my favourite 1st Gen Pokemon can pull through!
- He begins with Confuse Ray, and I hurt myself. I went for Meteor, since I know it will OHKO him.
- Next, he used Psychic and critical hits me down to a mere 34HP. I, unfortunately, hurt myself in confusion again, putting Dragonite at 6HP
- He finishes me off with Psychic.

Well played, Marquez, well played.

Anyway, throughout my streak I've gotten fairly lucky in the pokemon I've received. In Round 5, I had an Articuno, Heatran and by the 6th battle I also had Salamence. In Round 4 I had the Choice Banded Staraptor 4 and Garchomp 4. Overall it was very fun to play out, and I especially like the new interface with HeartGold and SoulSilver. It just looks smoother, and it's much easier to keep track of your current team, and what your new team will look like if you trade.

I will post pictures tomorrow, good night all!
I agree, the new factory in HG/SS is pretty cool. They also updated the music and it sounds a lot cooler :> Factory overall is just pretty COOL (much like James and Mr. Freeze)

Wait, what's this? You say there is something new in the Frontier of HG/SS? Where can I find out about this? If the Factory is any less evil than Platinum's then I might be stupid enough to try it out, although I haven't even got up to the first Gym because I only just got a shiny starter...
Only the Frontier Brain music has changed, hasn't it? And even then only slightly. Though it sounds noticably more awesome.
And remember if you're playing HG/SS, save money with your Mom! She can buy you a Choice Scarf!
My god, just got kicked out of the battle tower by a Gastrodon of Hell. It used Fissure 3 times on my starmie / DD-Tar / Scizor <3 Battletower and its 100% hitting OHKO attack and 50% crit / status chance :(

Ow and i got my Copy of SS today! In Holland i had to wait for another week, but i got some Arceus and Giratina Figurine with it =). Time to test the new breeding system to make myself a Skarmory and a Drapion
Yeah, ummm, went up vs a Kingler in the Tower, it got 2/4 Guillotines to land after 4 Then the game got nice and gave me a crit on a crunch
Yeah, ummm, went up vs a Kingler in the Tower, it got 2/4 Guillotines to land after 4 Then the game got nice and gave me a crit on a crunch
Guillotine ignores all other Accuracy and Evasion modifiers, but instead has its own accuracy formula.
And this shit happens all the time :(
EDIT: Someone beat me again D:

I just got 110 Wins on Soul Silver Battle Tower Singles breaking the 100 barrier weee! D:

Togekiss @ Choice Scarf
Serene Grace - Bold
252HP/defensive EVs (Def/SpDef) which I forgot

Okay, so I thought of using a Trickscarf based team using the mons that I already own so I chose Togekiss so you can say that I built this team out of nowhere. Togekiss attracts Ice, Rock and Lightning attacks which is good beacuse it has great synergy (?) with Garchomp and Suicune. I was thinking of Roost over Flash because you lose your "Flying abilities" on that turn but I think it wouldn't help by the fact that the foe is faster than you after Trick (no speed EVs) so Roost effect is pretty much wasted.

Garchomp @ Lum Berry
Sand Veil - Jolly

Nasty. This guy sets up really quick. Switches in with locked lightning attacks and low PP moves like Stone Edge and makes the job look easy. Very nasty.

Suicune @ Leftovers
Pressure - Bold

Staller/sweeper because of it's bulk and Pressure makes those annoying low PP Ice type moves (Blizzard, Ice Beam) go to waste faster. After a +6 Calm Mind, no SpAtk moves can touch him with the exception of CHs and OHKO moves aka Hax which lead to my loss.

I lost facing Metagross4, Alakazam2/3 and Starmie2.
Turn1 QC activates Meta4 used Meteor Mash! 105/192 Togekiss used Trick - I was thinking, okay this is gonna be easy, I'll just switch to Suicune.
Turn2 Meta4 used Explosion! both faint...
Turn3 Suicune vs Alakazam2/3, Alakazam used Psychic! 115/206, Suicune used CM, leftovers 127/206
Turn4 Alakazam used Psychic! 72/206, Suicune used CM, leftovers 84/206
Turn5 Alakazam used Psychic! 41/206, Suicune used Rest 206/206 with +2 CM - still confident here because I can wall him completely
Turn6 Alakazam used Psychic! 160/206, Suicune is asleep, leftovers 172/206
Turn7 Alakazam used Psychic! 129/206, Suicune is asleep, leftovers 141/206, Psychic's PP depleted
Turn8 Alakazam used Charge Beam! 107/206 +1 SpAtk, Suicune used CM, leftovers 119/206
Turn9 Alakazam used Charge Beam! 81/206, Suicune used CM, leftovers 93/206
Turn10 Alakazam used Focus Blast! 54/206, Suicune used Surf Alakazam fainted, leftovers 66/206
Turn11 Suicune with +4CM vs Starmie2, Starmie used Thunder! 30/206, Suicune is paralyzed, used Rest 206/206
Turn12 Starmie used Thunder! 170/206, Suicune is asleep, leftovers 182/206
Turn13 Starmie used Thunder! CH! Fuck you!, Suicune fainted - GG
Turn14 Garchomp vs. Starmie2, Starmie used Blizzard! miss!, Garchomp used Outrage! dealing 90ish% - Give me a crit at least :(
Turn15 Starmie used Blizzard! Garchomp fainted

Analyzing my mistake, I should've used Sub instead of Outrage after the Blizzard miss and that would've gave me the victory, it should turn out like this
Turn14 Garchomp vs. Starmie2, Starmie used Blizzard! miss!, Garchomp used Substitute! 138/183
Turn15 Starmie used Blizzard! Sub broke, Garchomp used Outrage
Turn16 Starmie used Blizzard! Garchomp fainted
Oh wait nevermind, Outrage CH or 2 missed Blizzards for the win.
To those of you who are interested: 47-14905-24230
I love how the new scoreboard looks.
HeartGold, Battle Factory, Single Open Level: Streak 40

Woohoo! I'm getting closer to that elusive Factory gold plate. This record overtakes my last best streak of 38 wins. I lost in Round 6, Battle 6. Here's the team.

Cresselia 1
Item: Heat Rock
Nature: Bold
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 DEF, 252 SPD
~ Psychic
~ Solarbeam
~ Moonlight
~ Sunny Day

Garchomp 3
Item: Focus Sash
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Sand Veil
EVs: 252 ATK, 252 SPE
~ Dragon Rush
~ Stone Edge
~ Aqua Tail
~ Aerial Ace

Metagross 3
Item: Occa Berry
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 ATK, 252 DEF
~ Hammer Arm
~ Ice Punch
~ Thunderpunch
~ Aerial Ace

This team looks pretty solid, and I was up against Rich Boy Hanson, who I've battled many times. I am informed that the opponent is not concerned with types, so I trade away my Alakazam 3 for Cresselia.

I toss out Cresselia and he throws out Slowbro.
- I'm not too worried, so I start with Sunny Day. I really like this Cresselia set because it's so defensive, and with Sunny Day on, Moonlight restores 2/3 of my max HP. He uses Avalanche and it does less than 10% to me.
- Now I'm really not worried, and I hit with Solarbeam, dealing about 45% to him. He retaliates with another Avalanche and puts me down to about 75%.
- I Solarbeam him a second time, putting him below 10%, and he uses Aqua Tail, putting me down to about 65%.
- I finish him off with Solarbeam. Looking Back, I think I should have just used a Moonlight here for good measure, and hit with Solarbeam next turn, since I would likely have slightly more HP than 65%.

Next, he sends out Venusaur
- For some reason, I wasn't thinking straight, and sort of just got overconfident in my team at about this point in the battle. I used Psychic, and it brought Venusaur down to about 55%. He used Leaf Storm after that and took me down to about 15%, restoring his status with White Herb right after.
- Here's where I see my main mistake, I used Psychic again, and I probably should have just used Moonlight, but I wasn't paying attention to my game for some reason, and I know I should have since this is Round 6, Battle 6, after all. Psychic leaves him at about 5-10% and he finishes me off with Sludge Bomb.

I very quickly realize that I am not paying nearly enough attention, so I stop everything else and focus. I send out Metagross.
- Venusaur first uses sleep powder, and puts me to sleep right off the bat. I am fast asleep, or I would have used Ice Punch and finished him off.
- He Uses another Leaf Storm and takes down Metagross with a critical hit.

I send out my last Pokemon, Garchomp.
- I hope his last Pokemon isn't something that I can't beat, and I quickly dispose of Venusaur's remaining HP with an Aerial Ace.

He sends out Quagsire. Hmmm
- I use Dragon Rush, since none of my other moves are particularly good against him. It brings him slightly below half, about 45%, which isn't too bad, here's hoping I don't miss the next attack. He retaliates with Counter and my Focus Sash kicks in to save me at 1 HP.
- I use Dragon Rush one more time, and it misses. He finishes me off with Earthquake.

All in all, I really enjoyed this streak. Round 5, I started with Porygon-Z 4, Latios 1 and Zapdos 4. I traded the Porygon on Battle 7 for a Salamence. I also realized that pokemon with Curse and no leftovers tends not to work out as well as I thought, Tyranitar is on my mind here.

For now I think I'm going to take a bit of a break from Factory, even though thats all I play this game for. A friend and I are going for the full pokedex, since it's the last time in this Generation we'll be able to do it.

Enjoy Battle Factory! Don't get frustrated, anyone who has a decent record in Factory has also lost a hell of a lot more than they've gone far. You just gotta keep playing well, and hax always happens.

HeartGold, Battle Factory, Single Open Level: Streak 40

Woohoo! I'm getting closer to that elusive Factory gold plate. This record overtakes my last best streak of 38 wins. I lost in Round 6, Battle 6. Here's the team.

Cresselia 1
Item: Heat Rock
Nature: Bold
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 DEF, 252 SPD
~ Psychic
~ Solarbeam
~ Moonlight
~ Sunny Day

Garchomp 3
Item: Focus Sash
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Sand Veil
EVs: 252 ATK, 252 SPE
~ Dragon Rush
~ Stone Edge
~ Aqua Tail
~ Aerial Ace

Metagross 3
Item: Occa Berry
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 ATK, 252 DEF
~ Hammer Arm
~ Ice Punch
~ Thunderpunch
~ Aerial Ace

Ahh, forgive me. My ignorance was showing.