lol when did this topic turn into a damage formula/technician mechanics discussion?
all of you should read the in-depth smogon articles first, particulary the following
the reason this annoys me quite a bit is that I worked hours and days on figuring this stuff out with the help of X-Act and people simply ignore it...
the strategy dex pages are not "totally" wrong (as in: the general damage output is roughly 50% more, no matter where you´d place the STAB modifier, but it is still incorrect), they just use a wrong formulation (wording) for convenience, or to make a strong point / convince people to use the moveset, yes it hurts my eyes sometimes, but I´ve been too lazy to fix such insignifant details (insignifant when compared to all the helpful strategy description stated on the page)
writing something like "STAB increases the damage output roughly by 50%" would be pretty inconvenient
1. Bullet Punch has 40 Base Power.
2. Muscle Band is a 1.1x Base Power Modifier.
3. Technician is a 1.5x Base Power Modifier.
4. STAB is NOT a Base Power Modifier.
STAB is applied near the end of the formula, before type effectiveness, so in reality, STAB doesn´t boost the base power, more like total damage or "increases the damage output in the damage formula before STAB boost is applied"...´
the article is maybe a bit difficult to understand, but the Base Power "part" of the formula in this case looks like this:
(40 x 1.1 x 1.5) = 66
technician depends on the Base Power of the move, so in case of using payback after the foe made their action, it turns into 100 and thus technician is not applied (so technician payback is either 75 or 100 base power, 100 base power ignores technician)
back to technician bullet punch
606, Tangrowth 2, Bold, Big Root, 196, 108, 182, 130, 91, 70, Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Toxic, Double Team, HP/Def/Sp.Attk
assuming adamant 252 EV´d 31 IV attack on scizor, 3xSD (800)
tangrowth defense is 182
simplified damage formula (for my convenience):
((((800 x
66 x 0.44) / 182) + 2) x 0.85-1) x
1.5 = 163-193 damage / 196 HP
that tangrowth will always survive a muscle banded 3 SD Technician Bullet Punch from Scizor (excluding a CH, obviously)
tl;dr read the smogon articles, they´re really helpful and use the smogon damage formula, it is based on the smogon article posted above
Ah. I figured it out. Libelldra Forge's calculator tells you the final base power of the attack after all multipliers have been applied. However, for some reason, it only lists Bullet Punch as a 66 Base Power move when it's really a 99 Base Power move. If I put in the Base Power as 66 with no multipliers, it gives me a lower damage percentile than if I put it in as 40 WITH the multipliers, meaning it really is calculating the damage as though BP is a 99 base power move even if it says its only 66.
tl;dr Libelldra Forge has a small error with its calculator.
for the reasons mentioned, that calculator is correct...again,
1. STAB is not a base power modifier and
2. both STAB and technician are applied on scizor´s BP (they´re just modifiers that are located in different parts of the damage formula each)
Damage Formula = (((((((Level × 2 ÷ 5) + 2) ×
BasePower × [Sp]Atk ÷ 50) ÷ [Sp]Def) × Mod1) + 2) ×
CH × Mod2 × R ÷ 100) ×
STAB × Type1 × Type2 × Mod3
both muscle band and technician are in the
red part of the formula, STAB is (in) the
blue part of the formula
hope that helped clarify this matter
EDIT2: now my post was totally off topic...well, on my first HG attempt with my 2 newest Blisseys (changed the spread to 651/x/118/273/306/118 to outspeed poliwrath) ended in battle #15, crazy magcargo got me once again, my serene graced psychic needed 15 turns to lower its sp.def. ._.
now I´m in my second attempt, did the first 50 last night...have both plat. and HG at 50, so I can do both streaks simultaneously for more time efficiency (I have 5 lv.100 blisseys already damn, pretty overkill)
yeah and the pokéwalker is neat in motivating me to walk around and do rope skipping (started this a few weeks ago but figured out only recently that I could utilize it for the pokéwalker) or jog lol, to the point I strained my legs badly last friday (what did I get, like 500 watts lol?)...damn my muscle/tendon output is far from what it used to be when I was still a competitive tennis player
by the way, are you still playing the voltorb flip for your staryu? you know who I´d be nice to hear how your record(s) developed