My first ever simultaneous Battle Hall streak ended
Pokémon Platinum Battle Hall streak: 186
FLYING #170 Hall Matron Argenta – Slaking: OHKO
FLYING #171 Bird Keeper Nancy – Mantine: OHKO
GROUND #172 PKMN Ranger Doyle – Camerupt: 3HKO
ROCK #173 Veteran Costin – Tyranitar: OHKO
WATER #174 PKMN Breeder Adriana – Cloyster: OHKO
PSYCHIC #175 PKMN Breeder Howard – Exeggutor: OHKO
GHOST #176 PKMN Ranger Duke – Banette: 2HKO
GRASS #177 PI Ralph – Meganium: 2HKO
DRAGON #178 Veteran Alfred – Altaria: OHKO
DARK #179 Roughneck Ross – Shiftry: 2HKO
NORMAL #180 PKMN Breeder Tyron – Snorlax: OHKO
BUG #181 PKMN Breeder Adriana – Ninjask: OHKO
POISON #182 Veteran Beck – Vileplume: OHKO
ICE #183 Ace Trainer – Dewgong: difficult one, got a sD drop + CH in the end
ELECTRIC #184 PKMN Ranger Mena – Rotom: 2HKO
FIGHTING #185 PKMN Ranger Alma – Primeape: Cross Chop 2/3 missed, Counter OHKO
STEEL #186 Cameraman Darren – Steelix: Flamethrower 92%, Burn / Curse, Burn KO
FIRE #187 Policeman Hugh – Ninetales:
1. Protect - WoW (lol)
2. WoW burn - Psychic
3. C-ray - Psychic sD drop White Herb kicks in, burn dmg
4. Quick Attack CH - hurt herself + burn dmg, 315/651 HP
5. Overheat sharp spA drop - hurt herself + burn dmg, 86/651
6. Overheat - 11/651 Psychic, what? I actually lost, apparently, tales SURVIVED my psychic and I died to the burn (didn´t pay attention as I was typing this...but yeah the first two psychics both did about 1/3 damage)
so I lost to confusion (like I always do) and misfortune with the rng part of the damage formula
- I´m seriously reconsidering the moveset...maybe I´ll test Water Pulse (over psychic) in the next run, but I´m sure I´ll lose to something like Poliwrath in Fighting type or other things, yeah I bet Dewgong because of its ability and no sD drops :/ (or a poison type)...damn
Pokémon Heart Gold Battle Hall streak: 181
#170 Hall Matron Argenta – Feraligatr: RD/cou, AT/cou KO
#171 PKMN Breeder Howard – Moltres: Thunderbolt 2HKO
#172 PKMN Ranger Doyle – Hippowdon: 2HKO
#173 Hiker Everett – Lunatone: 2HKO
#174 Ace Trainer Yardley – Lanturn: 4or5HKO (?)
#175 PI Ralph – Espeon: 2HKO but 4-5 misses
#176 Ace Trainer Stavros – Banette: 2HKO
#177 Ace Trainer Zane – Bellossom: OHKO after Stun Spore
#178 Dragon Tamer Harold – Garchomp: OHKO
#179 Roughneck Ross – Shiftry: 2HKO
#180 Veteran Beck – Kecleon: OHKO
#181 Ace Trainer Yardley – Scizor: 2HKO
#182 PKMN Ranger Doyle – Gengar:
1. protect - hypnosis (lol no idea why I do this)
2. hypnosis - fast asleep
3. sludge bomb - fast asleep
4. nightmare - fast asleep, nightmare cuts B in her sleep
5. sludge bomb - fast asleep, nightmare cuts B in her sleep once again
6. sludge bomb - survives with 1HP, wakes up, psychic 95%
7. sludge bomb - B faints
- I obviously lost because of a 4 turn sleep, that sucks
- oh yeah, did dark at #179 and not #180 like I usually do to try not to face umbreon, it worked ;)
- I played both streaks at the same time, on 2 DS lites
here some pics for amusement :/ (sorry the first one is pretty bad)
guess I have no choice but call the three investigators (anyone remember Jupiter Jones, Pete(r) Crenshaw & Bob Andrews? haha reading the books were good times)
the infamous old hag, twice
what she used, but failed :p