Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

without even looking i remember that the plat hall venusaur definitely had sludge to go with toxic/protect/frenzy plant. why didnt you check the list before posting that
without even looking i remember that the plat hall venusaur definitely had sludge to go with toxic/protect/frenzy plant. why didnt you check the list before posting that
I actually did try to look at the list but it wouldn't load before. I tried again just before and it worked, and that Venusaur was there. Sorry.

Weird though, why would it have a move it couldn't learn at the time?
sorry i dont feel like going through the past like 30-50 pages
have i missed anything since jumpman got the new record and bozo's streak ended?
I'm really deciding on using your Scizor, Jumpman, in replace of my Garchomp, but altered in EV's, looking at some things it can do, it can prove to be much more effective than I imagine, since most of the time with my trick Latias, I'm always switching in Drapion for assurance wins, but I'm iffy with Garchomp ... Scizor seems to be the stable one, even though I would of considered Metagross instead, Technician is great. Hope you don't mind? D: I've rarely had any problems with trickscarf lead, if so I'd cripple their leads with anything preventing trick, so it's a winner still in my book. ;]
I'm really deciding on using your Scizor, Jumpman, in replace of my Garchomp, but altered in EV's, looking at some things it can do, it can prove to be much more effective than I imagine, since most of the time with my trick Latias, I'm always switching in Drapion for assurance wins, but I'm iffy with Garchomp ... Scizor seems to be the stable one, even though I would of considered Metagross instead, Technician is great. Hope you don't mind? D: I've rarely had any problems with trickscarf lead, if so I'd cripple their leads with anything preventing trick, so it's a winner still in my book. ;]

I've always had some issues with Scizor, probably just me, but I just can't seem to make him last long enough to set up. With Garchomp I can easily set up, but even with maxed speed there are still sixty-seven pokes I can face that outspeed me, twenty-seven of which can break my substitute, if I have one up, and one of which also has a OHKO move (forget Dugtrio >_>). Thing is, I still can't think of anything better than Garchomp for it.
Scizor seems the same with weaknesses and strengths as Garchomp in retrospect, though I just see Scizor more durable, Im going to check it out and see how far I go.
Scizor seems the same with weaknesses and strengths as Garchomp in retrospect, though I just see Scizor more durable, Im going to check it out and see how far I go.

Let me know how that goes for you, Scizor's always been one of my favourites, but I've never seen him as as durable as he'd need to be for the Battle Tower. Who are you pairing him up with?
I'm in the process of building a Tower team. It currently consists of

Adamant Nature
IVs: 31/31/31/10/31/31
~Baton Pass

Adamant Nature
IVs: 31/30/28/30/28/28
EVs: 48/252/0/0/0/208
~ Spore
~ Substitute
~ Seed Bomb
~ Focus Punch

the third member will probably either be a bulky water Pokemon, or a Tyranitar.

The idea is to pass my Spore SubPunching Breloom +3 speed, at which point it can outspeed everything. This gives me a pretty safe way to take out anything that doesn't have a Lum/Chesto Berry or Insomnia/Early Bird/Shed Shell.

I'm looking for suggestions on how to finish my Ninjask. Ninjask obviously needs Baton Pass and Substitute. For the third and fourth move, I'm not quite so sure what to give it.
- Bug Bite/X-Scissor
X-Scissor is much more powerful, but Bug Bite could save me some headaches with Lum Berries.
- Protect/Swords Dance
I can't decide on this one. I would prefer to use Swords Dance. 68 Speed EVs and an Adamant nature give Ninjask 189 speed, which is enough to outspeed everything in the Tower. However, there's still TrickScarf users that I can't outspeed. One solution is to use a Choiced Tyranitar, so that I can just switch to Tyranitar when I see a TrickScarfer. The problem with this solution is that if I'm down to Tyranitar as my last Pokemon, I don't want to be locked into a move that's useless against the other Pokemon. So the other solution is to use Protect. Protect also has the useful side effects of being able to scout for priority attacks like Ice Shard, as well as giving Ninjask to get +speed without losing HP. I don't like losing the chance to pass +2 Attack, but Breloom's attack power is enough to score 2hkos with Focus Punch on all but Pokemon like Moltres and things that have a 4x resist to Fighting (Venomoth?), so I may not need it.

EVs: I need 68 Speed for sure, and a bunch of HP. I'm not sure if I should EV for Attack or Defense after that.
Give it Swords Dance. It'll help Breloom take down things with Seed Bomb and Focus Punch. Also, Protect can allow you to get more boosts.
Let me know how that goes for you, Scizor's always been one of my favourites, but I've never seen him as as durable as he'd need to be for the Battle Tower. Who are you pairing him up with?

Latias and Drapion, basically similar to Jumpman's team but with a few tweaks I'm figuring out with the EV's.
@Efemera: I don't get why you want 189 speed. It doesn't outspeed anything in particular. It speed ties +speed 120 (Sceptile, Dugtrio)... doesn't even outspeed them, and neither of those are much threat to Ninjask. With Ninjask being the fastest pokemon in Battle Tower (without Scarf), you'd want to make use of that speed instead of letting it speed tie +speed 120s. If you want to outspeed everything (including scarfers) after 1 speed boost, you should just not have any speed EVs and have protect.

If you want to outspeed everything including scarfers, that's not possible, but really, you don't need to since Linoone shouldn't be much of a threat anyway. With 252 Speed EVs (Adamant), you outspeed +Speed Electrode, which might be a good idea seeing how one of the timid Electrodes have Thunder.

You need something that will be able to switch in on flying, ice, and fire attacks (at least) seeing how both Ninjask and Breloom will die pretty quickly to those. What that would be... up to you to decide.
@Efemera: I don't get why you want 189 speed. It doesn't outspeed anything in particular. It speed ties +speed 120 (Sceptile, Dugtrio)... doesn't even outspeed them, and neither of those are much threat to Ninjask. With Ninjask being the fastest pokemon in Battle Tower (without Scarf), you'd want to make use of that speed instead of letting it speed tie +speed 120s. If you want to outspeed everything (including scarfers) after 1 speed boost, you should just not have any speed EVs and have protect.

If you want to outspeed everything including scarfers, that's not possible, but really, you don't need to since Linoone shouldn't be much of a threat anyway. With 252 Speed EVs (Adamant), you outspeed +Speed Electrode, which might be a good idea seeing how one of the timid Electrodes have Thunder.

You need something that will be able to switch in on flying, ice, and fire attacks (at least) seeing how both Ninjask and Breloom will die pretty quickly to those. What that would be... up to you to decide.
Oh, damn, I searched for the highest speed Pokemon by putting Speed > 180 and didn't see that there was a second page. However, +speed base 120s have 188 speed, not 189, so 189 speed should be enough to outspeed them. Never mind, you're right. Is the information here inaccurate?

I'm aware of my Flying/Fire/Ice weakness. Tyranitar resists Flying and Fire and is neutral to Ice, takes out Shedinja, has enough bulk to take powerful neutral hits, especially if they're Special, and benefits greatly from speed boosts, so I'm considering using him.
Hm, interesting. I did not know about that site. But yeah, +120s have 189 speed if it's 31 Speed IV. 188 would have been if it had 29 or 30 IV (I'm thinking that site assumes 30 IV for some reason?), and yeah, Tyranitar could be good pairing with Ninjask. My experience with Tyranitar, however, is that sooner or later (probably sooner), it's going to get a miss or two on a sand veil Garchomp / Gliscor and then get quaked to death. It's pretty annoying, but yeah, it's stopped enough streaks for me to never use that again in Single Tower. So just a heads up.
Oh, damn, I searched for the highest speed Pokemon by putting Speed > 180 and didn't see that there was a second page. However, +speed base 120s have 188 speed, not 189, so 189 speed should be enough to outspeed them. Never mind, you're right. Is the information here inaccurate?

I'm aware of my Flying/Fire/Ice weakness. Tyranitar resists Flying and Fire and is neutral to Ice, takes out Shedinja, has enough bulk to take powerful neutral hits, especially if they're Special, and benefits greatly from speed boosts, so I'm considering using him.

Shedinja isn't an issue after battle 21, he doesn't show up at all. The information there has always been reliable to me, though it did tell me that a Jolly Garchomp with a perfect speed IV and max speed effort points would have 168 speed, when it is in fact 169. So a few errors here and there, but for the most part I've found it to be sound.
@ Efemera: Give Ninjask Protect so you can 1) oustpeed Scarfed pokémon and 2) Get more Speed boosts 3) Scout for moves. You could also give it some Stat-boosting Berry so you can pass that on too when you get low HP.

I realise that you are using sub to buy time and get more Speed boosts but how are you actually going to Baton Pass to Breloom without him dying? Trying to actually get a working sub and THEN Baton Pass is going to be quite hard on Ninjask's defensive stats. With Ninjask and Breloom having similar weaknesses I am guessing Breloom could be killed with one attack pretty often after Baton Pass. So I suggest giving Breloom Focus Sash so that at least he won't always die before you can use Spore.

I'm right there with you in thinking both Protect and SD can be useful. There doesn't seem to be much point in a damage move on Ninjask to be honest I'm not sure why you want it. Wouldn't you rather spend that one turn using Swords Dance and passing that on to something much deadlier like the Tyranitar you mentioned? You could of course always give the Sash to Ninjask so you can do Protect-SD-Protect-BP (try for Sub if they don't att too?). That would give you +3 Sp and +2 Att to a sweeper of your choice.
@ Efemera: Give Ninjask Protect so you can 1) oustpeed Scarfed pokémon and 2) Get more Speed boosts 3) Scout for moves. You could also give it some Stat-boosting Berry so you can pass that on too when you get low HP.

I realise that you are using sub to buy time and get more Speed boosts but how are you actually going to Baton Pass to Breloom without him dying? Trying to actually get a working sub and THEN Baton Pass is going to be quite hard on Ninjask's defensive stats. With Ninjask and Breloom having similar weaknesses I am guessing Breloom could be killed with one attack pretty often after Baton Pass. So I suggest giving Breloom Focus Sash so that at least he won't always die before you can use Spore.

I'm right there with you in thinking both Protect and SD can be useful. There doesn't seem to be much point in a damage move on Ninjask to be honest I'm not sure why you want it. Wouldn't you rather spend that one turn using Swords Dance and passing that on to something much deadlier like the Tyranitar you mentioned? You could of course always give the Sash to Ninjask so you can do Protect-SD-Protect-BP (try for Sub if they don't att too?). That would give you +3 Sp and +2 Att to a sweeper of your choice.
I don't like the idea of being stuck with Ninjask as my last Pokemon and being unable to do any damage. I think I am going to ditch Breloom in favor of something more durable, though.
you're never going to do too well with last-poke ninjask no matter how many attacking moves it has!

well, i've finally finished breeding my ninjask, and mimic-glitched some moves onto it. it'll have fake out, spore, protect, baton pass, with focus sash. the idea is to pass speed to machamp with spore, substitute, gastro acid, sheer cold with 106 speed.

the idea is to use fake out, protect, spore, baton pass in that order. it "should" give 3 speed boosts, after which machamp outspeeds everything, and annihilates with sheer cold. problems include inner focus and insomnia/berries. some of these will result in only 2 speed boosts (machamp still outspeeds all but the two trick-scarfers). another problem i can forsee is leads tracing speed boost, and waking up early. but anyway, its just meant for fun, so i'm more inclined to just give it a crack without spending too much time on theorymon....

i feel kinda bad doing this, while you're using a ninjask the way it was intended! with regular moves, i'd be going for:

  • protect, sub, baton pass, swords dance.
use protect to be faster than trick-scarfers, or to generally just get extra free speed boosts (always consult the lists to work out the best move). the main thing you need is several speed boosts for breloom, so just use swords dance if you are absolutely certain you'll be able to use it. watch out for quick claw, etc - if you're trying to set up against a quick claw user, dont muck around - the more turns you stay in, the more likely they will get the hax they're after.
Sorry, I'm very new to this, but this thread is amazing, even though I don't know too much of the lingo. I hope this is in the correct place. Experts can read this and remember when they were noobs...

Here's my Novice thought process:
I noticed in the Battle Hall, that when I lost, it was always because of a super effective attack. Therefore, I thought it would behoove me to reduce the number of attacks that were super effective against my pokemon, so I went with a Normal type pokemon.
1. Return would be Power 153 with STAB at full happiness (Right?), which is close to the power level of many super-effective attacks.
2. Only Fight moves are super effective against it.

I checked out all the normal pokemon and didn't "feel" Porygon, so I went for Tauros.
1. I figured his speed was pretty good.
2. His high attack worked great with Return (see above).
3. His Def/SDef and HP would hopefully let me live for a second attack, which would hopefully earn the KO.

I captured a wild Tauros with a Jolly Nature! I EV trained him for 152/152/6 attack/speed/HP.
Zen Headbutt
Rock Slide

Return is my weapon when I don't have any super effective attacks to use.
I chose Earthquake because it is at least "normally" effective when Return is 1/2 damage or worse. It also has a 100% accuracy.
I chose Rock Slide for Shedninja. It does give me a few more super effectives, though I'm leery of 90% accuracy...
Zen Headbutt could be swapped out for Fire Blast against steel and psychic types, should it be?

With this moveset, I have at least 1 move that can operate at least at 100% efficiency against every pokemon, I hope.

What item should I hold? I was thinking a Chople Berry to protect against Fight moves. Should it be Choice Band instead? Would I need Choice Scarf against certain types? Should I switch items for certain types of pokemon, like only use the Chople berry against the Fight pokemon (even though pokemon in other categories can have Fight moves)?

Right now he's LVL60. Is this high enough to take advantage of all the EV training he got at LVL 27?

I've already taken on all LVL 1-3 pokemon (oops). Should I tackle the Fight ones first, then what?

I realize that there aren't too many pokemon that people use in the Battle Hall. (Garchomp, a couple others) Do I have a chance to get to 170 wins with this guy?

Try a Choice Band. You generally only need one move against any opponent, and maximising your attack is important.

Also, Garchomp is shit in the hall, it almost always (99.7% chance or something) loses to Weavile, which appears pretty regularly. Salamence seems to be the new standard now.
Also, Garchomp is shit in the hall, it almost always (99.7% chance or something) loses to Weavile, which appears pretty regularly. Salamence seems to be the new standard now.

Actually, My Garchomp has trouble with Lickylicky. I can't seem to do more than 49% with Outrage. I'm using...

Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 Hp
Item: Focus Sash
~ Swords Dance
~ Outrage
~ Earthquake
~ Fire Fang/Stone Edge

I figure Sash helps me survive an ice beam, allowing me to 2HKO, but some pokemon just don't get 2HKOd...
It's partially the reason why I switched from Garchomp to Scizor, yet I'm still thinking about Dusknoir. Scizor has been holding up his own fairly well, though.
Try a Choice Band. You generally only need one move against any opponent, and maximising your attack is important.

Also, Garchomp is shit in the hall, it almost always (99.7% chance or something) loses to Weavile, which appears pretty regularly. Salamence seems to be the new standard now.

Eh, it might lose to weavile, but if you can avoid it in the first 20 (ice + dark), you have a pretty good shot of making it far. I got 186 with just a sashchomp, and although I never ran into weavile (in that streak), garchomp is a good pokemon to use if you have patience.

Anyways, just posting to say that I have beaten my record on the doubles hall, which was 78, and that I'm still going with my new team. Once (if?) my streak ends, I will post the details. For right now I'm going to say that I'm confident that my team can win 99% of all matches, assuming nothing negative from the panels. I think that, besides running into a team of weavile, infernape, and magnezone, which completely counters my team, if I lose, it will be due to a bad effect from the arcade (team switch is usually the culprit).

Also, on the 79th battle, the one to break my previous record, although the battle was easy and I didn't lose a pokemon, I ran into a shiny machamp as the last pokemon, which was kind of cool but annoying at the same time.
@ Wizened One: Tauros is decent Speed- and Attack-wise. Focus Sash is often a useful item to give to any Pokémon at the Hall that hasn't got really good Defences. It helps again Critical Hits, Brightpowder misses, Quick Claw, priority moves and others. Try to avoid moves that don't have 100% accuracy though, they might fail when you really need them (I realise unfortunately it is not always possible to get a good 100% accuracy move against certain types). I wouldn't recommend Fire Blast because it is a Special Attack move and Tauros' Special Attack isn't brilliant.

Alternatively, if you want to go for major damage with a Normal Pokémon maybe you could try:

Ambipom @ Focus Sash
Trait: Technician
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 Att, 252 Sp, 6 Hp

~ Fake Out
~ Last Resort
~ None
~ None

At level 100 this would be 299 Attack and 361 Speed, which is pretty good. Last Resort has 130 Base Power (195 because Normal Type) and Fake Out has 60 Power (Technician ability). Fake Out + Last Resort should kill quite a lot with relative ease. Focus Sash gives you an extra turn on really bulky things and offers some protection against misses, fast Pokémon and opponents with Quick Claw. Against most Pokémon this equates to about 450 Power worth of damage from 100 Base Attack, which seems awesome!

You might need a modified version with Shadow Claw or so when you could be facing Ghosts. For Rock- and Steel- Pokémon maybe a set with Low Kick, Brick Break or Natural Gift (Fighting, 60 Power) might be helpful. I don't think anyone has tried a streak with Ambipom yet though. However, it would be more work than Tauros because you need a couple of Ambipoms to cover all types.
Yaaaaaay :avatar: I just defeated Argenta! It's my first golden symbol, i'll try to continue the streak :) I'm using a Garchomp :)