Project Player of the Week

Approved by Tadasuke
Taking over for SunMYSER as host


After a short break , player of the week is back !! This project will continue in a similar fashion as before, with people voting for the users they want to see interviewed. However from now onwards there will no longer be a seperate nomination period and the user at the end of the voting period with the most votes will be the potw.

To vote, please post your top three votes here , within the next 48 hours. Here is a link to the thread introduction where you can find a list of all the players who have already been interviewed.
Hello everybody and welcome back to CAP Player of the Week !! the project where some of CAP's finest community members are interviewed about their Pokemon and personal lives. This time around I'm very happy to have interviewed one of the newer faces in the tournament community...

crying !!
Favourite Pokemon : :mew:
Favourite CAP : :Pajantom:
(back to back seasonal finalist, is currently #1 on the circuit leaderboard)

Heyyo crying! How are you doing today :]


hi xp I'm doing fine​


yay ! tell me and the community a bit about yourself via a brief introduction ; both on and outside of showdown


My name is crying and i usually just participate in tours on smogon. Besides pokemon , i enjoy playing sports like tennis, track, basketball, and volleyball and watching shows. I also play shooting games such as valorant/cs, mafia games such as amongus/townofsalem, and other things like minecraft.​


thats pretty cool ! i really like basketball and volleyball as well , but cant play it as much because my friends arent as interested n_n

lets move on to something related to pokemon. As a tournament player, you've had a phenomenal year so far , doing extremely well in different circuits and even qualifying for ST poffs ( big congrats once again ). What do you think is the key to maintaining such a high and consistent level of gameplay throughout?


i think to maintain a high consistent of play you need to practice quite a lot whether its on the ladder and tournaments because whats important is to learn what kind of teams exist in a meta and how to build something that exceeds the meta even further.​


yeah thats a great answer , even though what you said is often overlooked. Continuing on a similar vein - you are known for your unconventional picks both in CAP and in other tiers as well (some examples that come to mind is you using cofagrigus in oras as an answer to m-alt in ST , and that leppa berry trevenant pu team that you made in BLT to beat stall ) How do you go about teambuilding in general? What entices you most in the builder?


i just look for mons that are very underated and can work in a meta as a counter to several high tier threats (such as espeon and polteageist ability to break through most stall teams with ease or smthin like avalugg which can wall threatening physical attackers) it just makes the game more fun compared to running something that is well known and super standard and is very satisfying when it works​


it really does feel good when you win with something thats kinda heat

Do you have a particular team that you'd like to share with us ?


:landorus-therian: :torkoal: :Victini: :Heatran: :dragapult: :Kyurem:
pretty basic sun team with victini to final gambit stuff like heatran and pex and open up the doors for heatran to break through or kyurem to sweep​


its not rock slide kyu i want a refund '-'

What was your favourite tour experience so far ? Any cool people youd like to s/o ?


sometimes it's rockslide if I really need to beat somethin like volc xp uh probably just stour rn since its the only time I was on the big stage and even though I fell early I learned a lot from it. no shoutouts to give​


Thanks for taking some time out of your day to do this interview!


Feel free to ask crying any questions you want!!


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hi !

what drew you to the cap tour scene?

what was your experience like in this most recent cappl? how did you feel about your team/your performance? is there anyone you'd want to team with again?

do you see yourself participating in future cap team tours?

you filled the bo3 slot on your team - which meta did you like the most?

what are your thoughts on cawmodore?

what cap would you most want to see get buffed?

what's been your least favorite experience in cap tours and why was it playing a 1000 turn game to tie against snorlax in the way?

favorite breakfast food?

favorite mob in minecraft?

who are you most worried about playing in cap circuit playoffs?

ever seen an alien / ghost?

favorite album(s)?

thank you for your time.
hi !
hi !

what drew you to the cap tour scene?
really just doing good in the first ssnl I joined and the cap community as a whole was really nice to me during the runs I had.

what was your experience like in this most recent cappl? how did you feel about your team/your performance? is there anyone you'd want to team with again? it was fine for the most part i felt like i was much more motivated during the first 3 weeks and started to lose steam after i kinda threw teamwise against strap when we were basically guaranteed poffs. i was happy w my team they definitely did well and i think most of our players surpassed expectations. not really happy with my performance though because even if the 2 other losses i had didnt matter the last one really stung because i didnt really prep much when it mattered most and everything i used was last second and even though i was pretty unlucky w flame body and para i felt like i could've brought something better. don't really have anyone specific in mind but i wouldn't mind teaming with everyone on my team again

do you see yourself participating in future cap team tours?

you filled the bo3 slot on your team - which meta did you like the most?
id say oras but maybe that's because I haven't run into a mega cruci yet. i think the tier is pretty different from normal oras and there's a lot of cap mon that are viable in the tier which is really fresh imo.

what are your thoughts on cawmodore?
not broken but really stupid.

what cap would you most want to see get buffed?
malacanda a grass type sun setter with u-turn to pivot and other utility moves like glare is really cool. id say the stats and typing are holding it back too much though

what's been your least favorite experience in cap tours and why was it playing a 1000 turn game to tie against snorlax in the way?
my least favorite experience is losing to cawmodore vs rabia twice in a row in ssnl finals even though i didnt really care to win it was a really depressing way to lose and a nice introduction to how dumb it is. D: the games vs snorlax is actually my favorite cap experience even when i was down 0-1 i knew i could've won the whole series if i tied that 1000 turn game and stuck it out. obviously, it was mentally draining but if i didn't win that i would've given the win to my r2 opponent and never joined another cap tour again so ;shrug;

favorite breakfast food?
eggs but i dont eat breakfast much

favorite mob in minecraft?
ghast because they are crying just like me!

who are you most worried about playing in cap circuit playoffs?
nobody honestly

ever seen an alien / ghost?
nope! not cool enough to see one ):

favorite album(s)?
can't really say theres an album i actually listen to x;

thank you for your time.
Hello crying! After a long hiatus, the government is back to ask random CAP players invasive questions. Don't worry though, I'm sure you're innocent.

Do you think there are any CAPs with some underexplored potential in the current metagame?

Of the three teams I used against you in CAPPL, which did you dislike playing against the most?

Favorite book or a book you've read recently that you like?

If you had to choose between running a Miasmaw or a Volkraken on a team, which would you choose and why?

Do you think there are any OU trends that have yet to come over to CAP that will shake up the metagame?

Do you play any instruments? If not, what would you play if you had the time to learn one?
^^ not wrong
Hello crying! After a long hiatus, the government is back to ask random CAP players invasive questions. Don't worry though, I'm sure you're innocent.
Do you think there are any CAPs with some underexplored potential in the current metagame?
fidgit, i feel like persistent is really cool and its a mon that can provide a lot of support to a team and techs like magic room or gravity which could totally work with more turns.

Of the three teams I used against you in CAPPL, which did you dislike playing against the most?
oras birdspam... i usually always use the wrong team when im against it.

Favorite book or a book you've read recently that you like? i haven't read in like 6-7 years but i liked reading the percy jackson franchise when i was growing up o.o

If you had to choose between running a Miasmaw or a Volkraken on a team, which would you choose and why?
volkraken both caps suck but volkraken has a lot more potential as a breaker and can at least u turn/destiny bond threats away while miasmaw has to be NP/SD to break through stall which most stall teams run a kyurem or tornadus anyways... specs lele just outclasses until you run into a sheninja imo while volkraken can do cooler things compared to volcanion

Do you think there are any OU trends that have yet to come over to CAP that will shake up the metagame?
not really i think hail was the last trend and that was quite a while ago and it was seen in cappl

Do you play any instruments? If not, what would you play if you had the time to learn one?
nope i would learn how to play the piano if anything its the best thing to listen to