our player for this week is none other than !!
The Number Man !!
Favourite pokemon :



Favourite CAP :
( CAP 29 playtest winner , 5-0 in the recently concluded CAPPL )
Heyyo tnm!! Hows your day been so far
Pretty good, i paid off some parking tickets today (paid parking is extortion) and i just finished my lunch. How about yours?
As the name suggests , a member of Libertarian Sigma (LIGMA), is an honest citizen. Ive enjoyed my day so far mostly due to the nice weather ( i like rainy days ) Do you have any preferences when it comes to the weather ? What would your ideal day be ?
Of course, I would never do anything illegal aha... Well obviously a sunny day is better than a cloudy or rainy one, but it shouldn't be too hot. Esp in the summer days can be very hot where i live which is not ideal. Ideally its sunny and warm enough that the sun feels warm on your skin, cause that's optimal workout weather
A cold glass of lemonade/soda on a hot day sounds heavenly >///<
can you tell me and the community a bit about yourself via a brief introduction, both on and off smogon. Name, age, favorite color, your favourite way to annoy
Atha , whatever you would like to say! Since you mentioned working out , do you have any more hobbies irl ?
Yeah lemonade is my go-to drink during the summer. Sure, most of you know me as The Number Man or more recently just TNM. Im a boomer (26yo) and currently employed as an assistant professor at university. It's not my favorite way but atha gets insanely tilted when he sees my teams because i don't order moveslots "correctly", which is funny af. Not really tbh, altho watching shitty tv series with my gf is a guilty pleasure of mine.
I relate to the fact of not having many hobbies besides mons '_'
lets get into some fun questions. How did you get into pokemon ?
lmao, well im usually all-in into something once it draws me in.
i started playing pokemon when i was like 7 or something, when my aunt got me pokemon silver for my birthday. ended up playing religiously through gen3 up until diamond which i never even finished. i got back into mons around the time i was in my last year of high school, because i realised emulator apps for smartphones existed. i needed a way to pass the time during school lessons cause the teachers were really annoying when i talked to my friends during class, so i put rom hacks on my phone and played them with the phone hidden in my pencil case lmao
such things make for great memories tbh , looking back now i wish i did more things like that x_x though i think ive had my fair share of fun
high school was the best tbh, just fucking around with the boys
Is there anything in particular that made you join/stick around the community?
i found ps back in 2014, played for a few months but then ditched it cause my irl friends picked up league again. i came back in 2019 which was a really bad year for me, id hit a low point in terms of my health due to a series of injuries following an earlier surgery which left me unable to do much with my time. with a lot of time and not much to do i rmbd PS and decided to try it out again. i joined to play mons, but stayed because i found friends on this site
Hopefully youre doing better now

Im glad that you stuck around and im sure many people feel the same way :]
For our readers who are not familiar , can you tell us what other tiers/communities you like participating in ?
yeah i've come a long way, im not 100% yet but im much better thankfully. i can actually work out and engage in physical activity again
well apart from cap (obviously) i'm probably best known for being # in om mashups as well playing oms, mostly AAA these days altho i am also on the council for camomons and inheritance
that's quite the list of accomplishments you got there o.o
But ye oms are great ! Used to play them when they were current gen, my favourites include oras aaa and usum mnm, mostly because I was good at laddering them (^_^;) But I did have a lot of fun playing aaa vs you in practice games this ompl , might consider getting into it when I can !
Let's get into topics related to CAP. What sparked your interest in the tier originally?
glad to hear you enjoyed aaa, its in a really good spot atm and ive been having alot of fun w it speaking of oms check out the om spotlight league (spiritual successor to om snake draft, where managers drafted various snakes to play oms) since i am managing the uwu urshifus there with everyone's favorite greek god (scrub) lasen (link here:
i honestly cant remember what exactly made me get into cap
i think it was probably the fact that i knew some people that played it - initially snafu and binpin, then i met atha as well
so i decided to give it a try when CAP 28 playtest went up with the intention to steal teams from atha, and somehow ended up finishing as the runner up
in the mean time i also signed up for cap snake, which was a very fun experience
Imagine having such an insane year tourwise ( the BANNER man

) when you decide to pick up a tier on a whim , goat tbh
But yeah , continuing off of the previous point , you've done extremely well in every your you've signed for, ranging from ssnls to playtest , and more recently cappl. What are playstyles you like / dislike ? Correlating this with another point , would you like to talk about your capple team and overall experience ?
Yeah idk, CAP just fits my playstyle well id say. Speaking of, as some have already noiced probably, i mainly enjoy using balance and bulky offense. I'm not a fan of stall nor HO cause they generally lead to less engaging and less interactive games. I enjoyed capple a lot. Going into it I expected to be passed teams but I really hit my stride building wise so I built a lot and i really liked all my teams, so I'm very happy with my performance. Obviously the way we lost was unfortunate, but I still believe our team was the best team in the tour, at least when it comes to SS, which was reflected by our overall SS record i think.
Yeah you did go undefeated while using
BIG navi
Any other mons that you think are great rn ? I know that you rate glowking quite highly
LMAO that team was actually kinda bad, cause the zera MU is a bit shaky, but in testing it still felt playable so i decided to take the risk and i paid off
yeah glowking is insane. i like av as well, but CM + resist berry glowking is disgusting
other than that im a big fan of electric wincons - BU zera and CM koko, and i think they pair really well with wisp astro
Disgustingly good ;)
on a similar vein , are there any new/underrated player(s) that you feel will make it big in the coming future ?
Hmm well both raj and arnav were my teammates this capple and they've both been doing well recently
arnav had a very good PL, iirc he was 4:1 or something? whereas raj won the ssnl
and last, i have to mention the legend himself: poopidoopi , getting bodybagged by him was an eye opening experience for me, i really hope he starts playing in cap tours more
Team India Wcap 2021 ftw

I agree about poopi btw , imagining a world where all slots of the team he's on rolling up with 6 caps keeps me up at night
As I said earlier , you've been killing it in tours all year long :>> What advice do you have towards maintaining such a high level of consistency? Any advice oriented towards newer plays just starting out?
LOL thats a terrifying prospect indeed
I wouldn't say all year long since my OMPL season wasn't the best, but i guess it holds true for CAP at least. I also can't give any concrete advice apart from the general stuff everyone talks about - focusing on the game, thinking through your plays, using the calc, identifying and playing to your wincon. Some personal stuff I've noticed - i play best when i consciously decide to "play" instead of just clicking. As for teambuilding, my most successful teams I usually have a good feeling about even before testing them. For newer players - join individual tours and pester people for test games. Most people you play with will be glad to offer advice after the game. Its a good way to pick up the meta as well as make friends with the players.
I strongly relate with the fact of how a good team "feels" good , and as u said it's something that comes with practice
Lastly can you tell us about your favourite tour experience ? Any people you'd like to s/o for being awesome?
My fav tour experience has got to be the first TPP (Tours Plaza premiere, for those who are unfamiliar with the acronym), back in late 2019. It was my first ever team tour and I was managing it alongside best gal after being asked by to do so by the TP room owners... We had no idea how to draft a team or anything, but somehow ended up putting together a winning team. Winning is obviously part of why I enjoyed it so much, but the team atmosphere we had back then was amazing, we basically just shitposted our way through the tour, it was glorious.
As for shoutouts there's honestly too many people to do individual shoutouts, so instead id like to shoutout all my friends from different communities for making my time on this site so enjoyable!
This interview was very fun bro, thanks for your time ! Any words you'd like to sign off with ?
Thanks for having me, and deez nuts
Huge thanks to tnm for giving us such an informative interview !! As always , ask away !!