If I recall correctly when raids originally started back in June, similar pattern too.
It's okay...Yeah it was at almost every Starbucks stop, still have yet to receive my EX pass sadly :(
Wait, definetly wait, dont use candies and (mainly) stardust to max up something when you can get a stronger one soonIt's okay...
I'm debating whether to charge up my Mewtwo or to simply wait for a better IV catch. The advantage is that I can use all the rare candies I collected to maximize the amount I would need to make it level 40, and then decide later. Either way, now I won't have to worry about which legendary to max out. :)
I feel you...View attachment 88231 Pictures speak a thousand words.
Probably just another one of the many visual glitches this patch, it was probably a stop or somethingI feel you...
Also, what's that empty spot thing under the Raikou? I'm getting that as well, no clue what it is... Any idea?
Hmmm yeah, I keep getting it too. No clue what it is.Probably just another one of the many visual glitches this patch, it was probably a stop or something
Well crap, good luck next timeView attachment 88231 Pictures speak a thousand words.
Maybe you just divide your stardust evenly. I think that can be good, especially during a raid.Neat, I only have 3 mons above 3000CP
It was mentioned that Zapdos does 20% less damage than Raikou, do you prefer Moltres over Entei?
With cool autumn nights quickly approaching in the Northern Hemisphere and sunny spring days arriving in the Southern Hemisphere, we thought it would be the perfect time to celebrate the coming equinox with an in-game event. New seasons mean new adventures!
From 1:00 P.M. PDT on September 22 to 1:00 P.M. PDT on October 2, 2017, you’ll have the opportunity to earn double Stardust for catching Pokémon and hatching Eggs as you walk around your neighborhood discovering new sights. While you’re out exploring, be sure to visit your local PokéStops and Gyms to collect special 2 km Eggs that have the opportunity to hatch Pokémon such as Chansey, Mareep, Larvitar, and more. You’ll also be able to get special boxes from the in-game shop that feature items like Lucky Eggs, Lure Modules, and all-new Super Incubators which hatch Eggs 1.5 times quicker!
Registering a new Pokémon to your Pokédex during this limited-time celebration will earn you triple the normal XP. So that makes this a very good time to battle against the Legendary Pokémon originally from the Johto region. Don’t forget that Raikou, Entei, or Suicune will each travel to a new part of the world on September 30, so make sure to battle the Legendary Pokémon currently in your area while you can!
—The Pokémon GO team