Pokémon XY Leaks

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Man, imagine it: You're fighting Yveltal and accidentally ko it. Not only to you not get to catch it, but you and your Pokemon just straight up die. GAME OVER.
So wait, is yveltal the "ultimate weapon" mentioned in earlier plot related posts? I remember someone saying that Team Flare was doing something that sucked the spirits out of pokemon or something, and that seems to relate to Yveltal's dex entry.
Then it would just faint, not die....right?
Man, Yveltal don't play.


Whatever you guys do, don't knock it out too hard.
Oh shit nuzlockers beware of catching or defeating yveltal
That would be goddamn sick if the pumpkin ghost duder got different stats based on the size. Like smaller has more speed but bigger gets more defense or HP would be neat-o

That sounds like a funky idea. I've been planning on getting Pumpkaboo (or Phatump, but I digress) so if there was something that let me change its stats somehow that would be interesting. Halloween's just around the corner too.
So, question. I'm sure I could find the answer somewhere else, but this seems like a reliable source of information.

On Saturday, when the game is released, will it be available on the E-Store through the Nintendo 3DS? If so, does anyone know what time it will become available?
So, question. I'm sure I could find the answer somewhere else, but this seems like a reliable source of information.

On Saturday, when the game is released, will it be available on the E-Store through the Nintendo 3DS? If so, does anyone know what time it will become available?
It will become available at 12:00am Oct 12,2013 :))))
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