Pokemon Restyle

Venusaur: Snaquaza
Because screw flavor they're both good typings
Charizard: zerobreaker000
The different typings work well to create uncertainty.
Blastoise: Snaquaza
Dark is pretty necessary to beat spinblockers.

Also hooray, council!
Venusaur: 3 zerobreaker000, 3 The Reptile, 3 Snaquaza, 2 Amitghosh
Charizard: 5 zerobreaker000, 3 The Reptile,
Blastoise: 5 The Reptile, 4 Snaquaza, 1 Amitghosh
Flying / Fairy or Grass / Poison
Ground / Fairy or Grass / Ground

Fire / Dragon

Fire / Steel

Fire / Fairy

Poison / Dark or Water / Steel
Poison / Dark or Water / Steel

These will be the typings for the new Pokemon! The council will decide between ties, meanwhile you guys can talk about the current typings, ideas, preferences, etc.
Okay, disclaimer, I don't exactly know about the metagame as much as I would have liked, so feel free to point out any mistakes I made.

I think Blastoise doesn't nessesarly have to be a Dark type, as I feel it should force out spinblockers not with offensive means, but with defensive ones. Maybe Yawn? Having it be able to wall most of the Ghosts would be good too, so I think Bulletproof would fit well on it, even considering flavor.

Personally I'd prefer both Charizard and its megas to be specially based, but with different playstyle, such as having regular Char as a set-up sweeper, M-Char X as a bulky attacker and M-Char Y as a hit-and-runner. This makes it harder to predict exactly which variant one's facing.

Don't really have much to say about Venusaur.
Honestly I prefer Dark Poison over Water Steel on Blastoise. Water Steel is a very good typing, but I feel like Dark Poison better fits the job. It has less weaknesses than Water Steel, so can spin on more things, assuming it's decently bulky. It can also remove Toxic Spikes by solely switching in, so you can support your team without actually spinning. The most important thing is still the Dark typing imo. It sounds offensive, but you're forgetting one move: Foul Play. Foul Play is a STAB move that uses the Attack stat of your opponent, so is an amazing tool for a defensive Pokemon. Water Steel would be decent as well, but I feel Dark Poison would be better.

I don't really mind which Venusaur will be. Both are decent enough and we should be able to fulfill the niche.
True, forgot about Foul Play. I'm fine with both, just voted for Water/Steel for the flavor.

Also, how are we going to handle Mega Blastoise? I'm assuming it's going to fill the role of a bulky rapid spinner as well, which means it has to be as viable as, if not more than, regular Blastoise to justify the use of a mega slot.
Yeah Phione , kinda disappointed at council activity though.
Both became mine, one was 2 vs. 1 and one 1 vs. 1 and I tiebroke it.

So Venusaur is Flying/Fairy and Venusaur Mega Ground/Fairy
Blastoise is Dark/Poison!

We're moving on to the Ability Discussion!
Alright, let's kick start this thing. For Blastoise/Mega Blastoise, there's four abilities that we could use to make it impossible for spinblockers to stop us from spinning: Refrigerate, Aerilate, Pixilate, and Scrappy. Scrappy is the one that makes the most flavor sense and has the least chance of breaking Blastoise. We could also opt in for an ability like Magic Bounce to bounce back a layer should you be forced to switch immediately. Maybe Magic Bounce -> Scrappy?
Oh hey the thread is alive.

Venusaur being part Flying type gives me an amusing image. Anyways, Flying/Fairy does have quite a lot of weaknesses unfortunately, so Filter can work well with regular Venusaur. That, or Regenerator to help with its weakness to SR. Ground/Fairy is good coverage, which is why I'd suggest Adaptability for Mega Venu, giving it immediate power after Mega-Evolving.

Any one of the Charizard formes should probably have Levitate, to cover the Ground weakness. Going with the roles I suggested above (regular Char as set-up sweeper, M-Char X as bulky attacker and M-Char Y as hit-and-runner), I'd give it to M-Char X, allowing it to take the EdgeQuake coverage relatively well. Regular Charizard can have Multiscale to help it with setting up, I suppose, and it wouldn't even be too powerful when compared to the mega formes, as they both get the 100 stat boosts. For M-Char Y, I have no idea. Either Flash Fire for more chances to switch in and the boosted fire moves, or Download to get the potential boost in power.

On Blastoise, I agree with Phione's suggestion of Magic Bounce and Scrappy, but I think Magic Bounce should go to Mega Blastoise to give it an edge over regular Blastoise, as the mega losts its item slot. Cursed Body would've been good if it doesn't only have a 30% chance of activating, as it can then force many spinblockers to switch out. I don't think we're supposed to change how abilities work in this pet mod, right?
I don't agree with Scrappy at all - I don't see the point of making this thing part Dark if we're just going to slap Scrappy on it. I mean, sure, Scrappy assures 100% spin (not even - it loses to Rocky Helmet and stuff) but it doesn't do much else (Hitting Ghost-types with Fighting moves is largely irrelevant due to Dark STAB). Ditto with -ates, especially considerig they're either A) Way too good offensively for it (especially Pixilate) (I guess Aerilate is the worst of the 3 but its still decently strong) or B) basically worst than Scrappy in the case if we make it a special attacker with no good special Normal-type monster. I say we either go for an offensive ability to go for the offensive pressure idea or a more defensive idea. Regenerator is something I'm fond of, as it allows Blastoise to be healthy when switching into hazards and heal off the hazard damage. There's plenty of offensive options, so I don't think we should list them, especially not before we decide if we're going to be a physical or a special attacker.
I don't agree with Scrappy at all - I don't see the point of making this thing part Dark if we're just going to slap Scrappy on it. I mean, sure, Scrappy assures 100% spin (not even - it loses to Rocky Helmet and stuff) but it doesn't do much else (Hitting Ghost-types with Fighting moves is largely irrelevant due to Dark STAB). Ditto with -ates, especially considerig they're either A) Way too good offensively for it (especially Pixilate) (I guess Aerilate is the worst of the 3 but its still decently strong) or B) basically worst than Scrappy in the case if we make it a special attacker with no good special Normal-type monster. I say we either go for an offensive ability to go for the offensive pressure idea or a more defensive idea. Regenerator is something I'm fond of, as it allows Blastoise to be healthy when switching into hazards and heal off the hazard damage. There's plenty of offensive options, so I don't think we should list them, especially not before we decide if we're going to be a physical or a special attacker.
True, true since we can always bop Ghosts with Dark STAB, until we run into something like Sableye that is but that's a different matter. Regenerator seems pretty good to recover health on the switch and let us spin later. Hmmm, Regenerator -> Magic Bounce accomplishes a rather similar strategy as Slowbro in that you switch in, you switch out if you can't beat what just switched in or whatever and recover HP, and the opponent still doesn't know if you're a Mega variant or not. If you are a Mega variant and are facing a setter, you can also Mega that turn to stop hazards from being laid.
Although good suggestions have already been given, I think Intimidate could be a viable option on two of the regular formes: On Venusaur, it helps it come in on physical attackers in a similar manner to Landorus-t; On Charizard it gives a good opportunity for the Mega forme to deal damage or set up while the opponent switches or struggles to do damage. That said, I think better options have been given for regular Venusaur already though I think intimidate could be an option over the previously suggested Multiscale due to hazards being everywhere, while Levitate isn't amazing on a regular forme given that it can then be hit while it megas by a ground attack in any case. I think the ability should be supporting the mega forme even after the mega evolution, personally.
Lets go to Ability Submissions.
You can now submit Abilities. Personally I'm a fan of Phione 's suggestion but I'll think of something to submit as well!
Blastoise: Regenerator -> Intimidate
Venusaur: Intimidate -> Mold Breaker
Charizard: Defiant -> Levitate (X) or Sheer Force (Y)

Blastoise: Intimidate -> Rough Skin
Venusaur: Magic Bounce -> Adaptability
Charizard: Frisk -> Levitate (X) / Pixilate (Y)
Blastoise: MagicGuard -> MultiScale
guaranteed multiscale once, magic guard helps with switching in and out
Venusaur: Regenerator -> Shear force
staying non mega-d with out passive recovery can be a problem, shearforce helps with special power.
Charizard: Regenerator -> Levitate (X)/ Pixilate (Y)
regenerator helps with passive damage from mind games. levitate is obvious, Pixilate will give Y decent power while preventing it's coverage from boosting.