SPOILERS! Pokemon Sun and Moon Full Game Datamine General Discussion Thread

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It seems strange to focus on ball diversity in reintroducing Apricorn ones (in an outrageously limited way, for now at least) and customizing what random trainers use and then remove a variant that a lot of people seem to collect. I suppose while revisiting the whole system they might've decided they wanted, for whatever reason, those not to be permanent options past Gen V, but I doubt it.
are kazo_war's datamine videos still up? He had a pokeball video of all the release animations. I feel like Dream Ball was in there, though I may have confused it for Heal.
bulbapedia is listing the catch rates of all UBs to be in the double digits or even 255 for a few of them. Is this when beast ball is assumed?
bulbapedia is listing the catch rates of all UBs to be in the double digits or even 255 for a few of them. Is this when beast ball is assumed?
the catch rates were directly datamined, those should be the exact catch rate.

What's not sure is if ultra beasts ignore other ball rates.
the catch rates were directly datamined, those should be the exact catch rate.

What's not sure is if ultra beasts ignore other ball rates.
Different beasts do still appear to have different catch rates even when caught with regular balls.

Before this people were guessing that the beast ball worked like the heavy ball and applied a fixed boost to the base catch rate, but now it seems more complicated than that.
Different beasts do still appear to have different catch rates even when caught with regular balls.

Before this people were guessing that the beast ball worked like the heavy ball and applied a fixed boost to the base catch rate, but now it seems more complicated than that.
Wicke explains it as this: Beast Balls have some increased bonus against Ultra Beasts. Every other ball works significantly worse due to the ultra beasts being from another dimension so the pokeballs have difficulty recognizing them, so there's some catch rate penalty involved (or at the very least, treats every ball as a normal pokeball?)

But both formulas likely still run off that base. So Pheromosa really does have a 255 catch rate, but gives a significant penalty to non-beast balls.

Pretty curious if anyone bothers digging out the formula involved. This kind of stuff usually isnt high priority (and lots of myths regarding catch rates existed for a year or 2 in gen 4/5)
Wicke explains it as this: Beast Balls have some increased bonus against Ultra Beasts. Every other ball works significantly worse due to the ultra beasts being from another dimension so the pokeballs have difficulty recognizing them, so there's some catch rate penalty involved (or at the very least, treats every ball as a normal pokeball?)

But both formulas likely still run off that base. So Pheromosa really does have a 255 catch rate, but gives a significant penalty to non-beast balls.

Pretty curious if anyone bothers digging out the formula involved. This kind of stuff usually isnt high priority (and lots of myths regarding catch rates existed for a year or 2 in gen 4/5)

It was recently posted by SciresM that when you use a ball not named Beast Ball to catch an UB, the catch rate multiplier is set to 0.1. Similarly, when you use a Beast Ball on a regular Pokémon, the ball multiplier is set to 0.1 (5x for UBs).

It's also worth noting that a few balls had their catch rate changed. Notably the Lure Ball went from a 3x multiplier to 5x and the Heavy Ball now adds +20 when the Pokémon weights more than 440.92 lbs (was 451.5 lbs).
challenge mode: fill the entire alola pokedex with ultra balls where applicable, except the utlra beasts who are in normal balls
It was recently posted by SciresM that when you use a ball not named Beast Ball to catch an UB, the catch rate multiplier is set to 0.1.

So, if I'm understanding and calculating correctly: If you try to catch Pheromosa or Kartana in a non-Beast Ball, it is the equivalent of trying to catch Snorlax in a Pokeball. The other's meanwhile are 10x harder than that, about equivalent to catching Mewtwo in a Pokeball.

So pretty tough, but not outside the realm of possibility.

Trying to catch Mewtwo in a Beast Ball, of course, is literal hell.
It was recently posted by SciresM that when you use a ball not named Beast Ball to catch an UB, the catch rate multiplier is set to 0.1. Similarly, when you use a Beast Ball on a regular Pokémon, the ball multiplier is set to 0.1 (5x for UBs).

What... What! You mean it wasn't just setting everything to x1!

-Looks at the Careful Celesteela I caught in a Friend Ball earlier today-

o_0 I think I have something better than I could ever imagine... BRB, Cloning to use Clones as Ultimate Trade Fodder.
What... What! You mean it wasn't just setting everything to x1!

-Looks at the Careful Celesteela I caught in a Friend Ball earlier today-

o_0 I think I have something better than I could ever imagine... BRB, Cloning to use Clones as Ultimate Trade Fodder.
you have more than one Friend Ball?
challenge mode: fill the entire alola pokedex with ultra balls where applicable, except the utlra beasts who are in normal balls
You mean Beast Balls.
And well, I already have all new Pokémon (and Alolan formes) in Beast Balls - with Hidden Abilities whenever possible - except Vulpix, Passimian and Turtonator. And non-UB legendaries. Hunting for Alolan Geodude was a major pain, I tell ya, because SELF-F*CKIN-DESTRUCT.
While I have yet to wait for the game to be sent to me, I read something about people scanning random QR codes that are not supposed to be shared teams.

I'm curious... what silliness comes out from them?
What's the average number of chains found that resulted in a shiny? I think I'm having horrendous luck with this Trapinch chain.
Can we get pokemon with more than 4iv?
I chained more than 200 Ditto, but still get 4iv ones....or it's the maximum?
Can we get pokemon with more than 4iv?
I chained more than 200 Ditto, but still get 4iv ones....or it's the maximum?
I don't know for sure, but I think 4 is the max. Despite this, I think that 6 IV Dittos are possible.

Even if 4 is the maxumim, the other two IVs are randomly generated and could be any number, even 31. There's a 1 in 32 chance of 5 IVs and a 1 in 1024 chance of 6 IVs. We just need to wait for someone to get that 6 IV Ditto and trade it to someone who can clone it and would be happy to give out the clones.
how much do you need to chain to start getting 4 IV pokemon?
I heard 30. Is there a good resource for general chaining info?


Also, I think farming bottle caps works with the rippling fishing spot right outside of Seaside Village (immediately to the left and surf). I got ~ 4 in the last hour.
It works well
Has anyone checked if the Pickup tables changed I'm just trying to see if there is a way to get multiple Apricorn Balls in this game, why give us only one of each, we can get multiple master balls but so far nothing on Apricorn balls is really no bueno might as well have left them out :(
Has anyone checked if the Pickup tables changed I'm just trying to see if there is a way to get multiple Apricorn Balls in this game, why give us only one of each, we can get multiple master balls but so far nothing on Apricorn balls is really no bueno might as well have left them out :(
someone in another thread mentioned finding a destiny knot at level 8, so the tables have definitely changed.

I think the issue is that so few pokemon have the ability. Lillipup loses it the moment it evolves and its pretty close by the time you catch it. Pikipek & Trumbeak have it, but only if you go out of your way to sos grind them. Munchlax has it but its on a post-hala area and the event one comes with Thick Fat so most people probably dont bother. So there's meowth but that evolves by happiness and then becomes fur coat, and people probably prefer technician if they're using one.
Ah yeah, this is a minor thing, but....

... I noticed in new items page in Serebii, Dream Ball is not listed. This may have implication that Dream Ball no longer exists and female Pokemon with Dream Ball when bred won't give children with Dream Ball anymore (or even that Dream Ball converts into ugh, measly Pokeball when the Pokemon is brought from PokeBank). Can anyone maybe confirm this?

This will be especially sad as I have long cherished some of Dream Ball residents I have from GenVI that I want to bring, especially my star Espeon....
Thank Arceus, I can rest well. Some of the effects in other videos are impressive, I'll love my team even more. And whoa, Beast Ball has impressive effects, I want my Metagross and regular Raichuu (sadly legally can't yet) in it.
(It's shame that Heal Ball isn't as impressive as Love Ball despite me liking Heal Ball's design more than it that I have my little Ninfia Nina inside it.)
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So, I'm not quite sure what to make of Hyper Training. According to Serebii the changes made are superficial, but the boost is factored in battles? At the risk of sounding completely brain-dead does this make Hyper Training useless or not because the wording makes it seem like you can keep your needed Hidden Power type and not have to worry about the drop in your stats.
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