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Serious Political Correctness and Race

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I agree with all that, and there are companies that arent huge MNC's like coke or nike that do have ethical supply chains and it's actually a good thing that these options exist and that consumer demand for these supply chains exists. My other point was that these twitter advertisement performances are hardly the worst thing: the actual 10 cent wage for the person in myanmar is the worst thing, not the latest lies mnc's are using to bring consumers in.
. At least companies that are profiting off bombing iraq aren't claiming that they're making the middle east a happy utopia.
and thats where your series of posts strikes me as disingenuous: there is no 'at least' here, unlike the 'at least' of 'at least that ceo donated some money to homeless services'. sorry dude, all those woke advertisements arent even close to equivocal.
I prefer companies to not say one thing while doing another. Using slave labor to build your products is bad but saying you're against slave labor at the same time you're doing it is imo an order of magnitude worse
In an email, biostatistics professor Megan Neely warned students of “unintended consequences” from speaking their native language on campus. She has since left a leadership post.
“They were disappointed that these students were not taking the opportunity to improve their English and were being so impolite as to have a conversation that not everyone on the floor could understand,” Neely wrote about her colleagues.
A few things:
1. The students spoke Chinese during break time, not during the lecture.
2. Assuming that international students have to improve their English all the time, despite some can speak English just fine.
3. Some questioned whether these students were singled out because they were speaking Chinese as opposed to other languages. Some French students pointed out that they were never told to stop speaking French by the same professor.

My opinion: People really should get used to hearing other people speak in a different language, whether you understand it or not. It should be a basic right for people to speak in their native language-- it should not be seen as impolite.
“I’m not just upset that you have slaves, I’m more upset that you lied about not having slaves.” -a reasonable human being with a reasonable argument.

Read carefully what GatoDelFuego said:

'I prefer companies to not say one thing while doing another. Using slave labor to build your products is bad but saying you're against slave labor at the same time you're doing it is imo an order of magnitude worse'

All I am reading is that his point is slavery is less bad then slavery + lying about slavery to sell your products which is a redundant point to make as it is very hard to make a case against that statement but it is certainly not a wrong one.
nice selective reading did you not see him say ' and this is the worst thing about corporate culture' a few posts up
Multibillion dollar international corporations do not care about social justice. They care about the bottom line. Political pandering and Twitter banter between companies is the worst thing to come out of the 21st century corporate culture. Remember the pepsi kendall Jenner ad?
it is literally just 'it's better to bomb ppl to keep food prices low if you have a military contract than to lie to the consumers about paying ppl who made the food 10 cents', wtf cares which is worse except someone who probs doesnt care at all about either issue but is upset that corporations are now prodding their masculinities aong w it?
i mean shit whats worse

the corporate ad about masculinity or that it's being used itt to apologize for the military industrial complex
How it feels like to be a real man in 2019



Why are we attacking masculinity? Whether it(the attacker) be a corporation or an individual or a protest group on a college campus? Why are we dissecting masculinity in such a manner?

Just a few posts above we see someone saying that "ALL WOMEN ARE QUEENS"
Would it be toxic masculinity if i said all men are kings? And why? Would it also be toxic then when someone says "all women are queens"

God i feel so attacked, like a bunch of people decided to stab me multiple times, randomly, in the name of the nights watch
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it is literally just 'it's better to bomb ppl to keep food prices low if you have a military contract than to lie to the consumers about paying ppl who made the food 10 cents', wtf cares which is worse except someone who probs doesnt care at all about either issue but is upset that corporations are now prodding their masculinities aong w it?
Not really what I'm saying. You can criticise the military warmongers and blame them for middle east deaths etc and there's no way to slink away from that conversation. Public consciousness (among young ppl, I'd say) is not on the side of the military industrial complex. It's harder to 'build a case' against, say, apple's slave labor when they 're running woke propaganda campaigns for women's rights and such. Every once in a while, a company is too smart for its own good (hey #TechGirls! We're a very woke company, you should #HackAHairdryer) and people turn on them.

I'm not equating the companies practices. I'm saying that I believe the result of this "social justice propaganda" (I.e. People thinking companies care about social justice) is the worst thing to come out of corporate culture (not capitalism).The point is that gillette does not care about toxic masculinity. They care that by making this ad it will increase their predicted revenue or public opinion. In 8 months they'll go back to "toxic masculinity advertisements". Nothing will change.

Being mad that gillette"insulted all men" is dumb, because gillette doesn't care how many women get catcalled or how many people get raped or the wage gap, they care about temporary publicity.
Hello, I am new to this thread and would just like yall's opinions on this whole Virginia mess. From the sexual assault allegation on Fairfax, to the blackface admittance by the AG to the solid evidence of blackface against Northam.

My Opinion
This may not be that important but I am a lean left independent, and I think that what they did was horrible. However, does doing something like what 20 years ago constitute you having to pay for those actions with a resignation? It would be severely hypocritical for the Governor, AG, and Lit. Gov. not to resign as the AG called for the resignation of Northam before he admitted to blackface, and many democrats called for the resignation or impeachment of Kavanaugh when he was accused of rape. Please point out if I am in the wrong on anything, I love reasonable discussion. Thanks!


  • 01-ralph-northam-yearbook.w700.h700.jpg
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I want to preface this with saying that I think that blackface is absolutely abhorrent and terrible and Northam should 100% resign.

I think that what happened twenty years ago, ten years ago, five years ago, in one off incidents is not something that should consistently be brought up as a testament to someone's character. I think everyone makes mistakes, some worse than others, and yes I think that saying "n*gger" once could be excused depending on how long ago it happened. I think what should matter is a person's character. I believe that what Northam did is not necessarily the worst thing that ever happened, although I think it's pretty egregious. What matters though, is not necessarily the one off act twenty years ago, but whether or not he has consistently held those views and consistently enacted upon his beliefs. Someone who is a member of the KKK is not a garbage person just because they use the N word, they are a garbage person because despite being confronted with the societal impact of their terrible bias they double down in their bigotry and use their positions to affect other people. Someone who uses racial slurs in a political protest is not necessarily a terrible person 5 years down the line as long as they have learned to recognize their demons, their wrongs, and strives to make improvements. Trump is not a racist because he said Mexicans were all rapists, as this could be interpreted as just plain ignorance rather than malicious intent. He is a racist because of his consistent actions towards African Americans, such as denying them pay, denying them stays in his businesses, slight comments about them in his private homes, his consistent comments about certain races, his support of racist legislature and practices.

I think that people consistently deserve second chances, and I am personally prepared to forgive even Ralph Northam for his views thirty years ago as long as he makes an effort to improve himself. I believe that Ralph Northam has not made an effort to improve himself, and for this reason must resign. After he chose to say that the person in those pictures was indeed him, with his yearbook nickname being "Coonman", him posing next to a KKK dressed member, he then decided to go back on his story and attempt to say that the person in those pictures was NOT him. This to me represents flipflopping and a disingenuous attempt at controlling the narrative. Northam has shown that not only does he admit to the incidents, he does not even show the nuance to recognize why they are bad, and shows the typical political outlook in straight denying it. I think his PR team sould be fired and he should resign from his position. What matters to me is not whether someone was racist in one event in their history as I believe that every single person should have the opportunity to improve themselves, recognize their mistakes and bias, and move on to become a better person, even in the event of repeated patterns. What does count though is whether the person even attempts to make strides, and it seems that Northam is just attempting to control the narrative. If he had recognized the issue, repented, and recognized that all humans are flawed and worked to improve himself then i would say that he shouldn't resign, as Lt. General Mark Herring did also recently. I dont care if you did blackface as a kid, or even if you did it at 30 years of age, as long as you can be an adult, recognize that the situation was abhorrent, indicate why you perceive it to be wrong, issue out an apology, and strive to work the opposite of the biases you had.

As to the Sexual assault allegations, I struggle to form an opinion on them. I do not believe that every single sexual assault allegation is something that should be considered as 100% valid as it indeed ruins a person's social persona whether they are true or not. I would like to believe the justice system could resolve it with the accused having an attempt to resolve the issue or address the claims, but I am aware that the justice system is not exactly good at being fair and equal to every individual, and so am unsure if the denials are just another attempt at silencing a woman. I simply do not know enough about the issue and don't wish to give a weighted opinion either way. If the sexual assault allegations are true then they need to be addressed and he needs to resign.
See, the media is brazenly using racism as a marketing tool. It has been a popular theme in politics for a long time, as I explained in a now deleted post. It's not a stretch to apply the same principles in woke af liberal marketing schemes.
See, the media is brazenly using racism as a marketing tool. It has been a popular theme in politics for a long time, as I explained in a now deleted post. It's not a stretch to apply the same principles in woke af liberal marketing schemes.

THE_IRON_...KENYAN? how many of katy perry's shoes are you gonna buy in support of free speech

"Really nothing about the way my job is set up requires or encourages or even supports me in understanding or appreciating the experiences of those at the margins. And when we talk about women in prison, we are necessarily talking about people at the margins. Our prisons may be full of people who have committed crimes, but how we police, how we prosecute, how we judge, and how we punish is not evenly distributed across every population. The pull of gravity always favors those with the most privilege. The system is more generous and fair to you the more privilege you have. That’s just gravity."

Expanding your capacity for discomfort in this way will help you to develop the courage
and urgency to act strategically, even and especially when the cards are stacked against
you. All oppression depends upon the acquiescence of the majority—including people
who disagree with what is happening, but have convinced themselves that there is nothing
they can do. They are convinced because they can’t see a strategy for speaking up that
looks like it will win. Instead, they worry about who they will offend, or how crazy they will
sound, or how it will hurt their career, or that they will look like they are not a team player.
I am not suggesting that you should not pay attention to the possibility that people may
be offended, nor am I suggesting that you ignore how you will sound. But we are all
leaving options on the table all the time."

I'm shocked that people are calling this nationalism/ supremacist movement.
It's not.
Everyone should be proud of their own traditional arts. Even white people. (Not that bad parts like bull fighting though)
Far too many Chinese people have an inferiority complex and blindly follow Japanese/ Korean trends.
The Japanese and Korean government put a lot of work in preserving their traditions, but you just don't see China do the same thing.

In fact, the communist government do not like people reviving ancient clothing, because they view Imperial China as evil.
They even banned films and TV shows about ancient China ... in China. (Even films with history/ educational purposes)
They also never taught any Imperial Chinese history in schools in Mainland China. (Only Taiwan currently teaches it. Colonial Hong Kong used to teach it, but stopped doing it. )
Danny Baker fired by the BBC over 'racist' royal baby tweet
Broadcaster Danny Baker has been sacked by BBC Radio 5 Live after tweeting a joke about the Duke and Duchess Of Sussex’s son using a picture of a monkey.

Baker shared a short message on Twitter saying he’d been fired by 5 Live where the 61-year-old broadcaster presented a weekend show.
That is NOT okay. Plus I doubt someone living in the UK would not know that it's racist.

i posted this in general news, but it isn't news, i think it is relevant to this thread tho and maybe be interesting for some ppl to read:

any '13th dimensional chess' tweets about how the AL leg composed this abortion ban to provoke a court fight has never met an actual neoconfederate

this is what they want 100%, it's a white supremacist aristo fertility cult and all the moves make sense when understood that way"

"southern politics makes a lot more sense when viewed through the lens of pro/anti-confederacy politics; confederate society is based upon a ruling gentry descended from the cavaliers

another ‘understanding the confederacy’ thing, all the protest tweets saying “the cruelty is the point” are wrong, the point is opportunities for race-based policing (a la weed), disenfranchisement, reinforcing patriarchy, and more labor/babies to exploit + compliance
sure there’s a bunch of cruelty in there too but the whole thing is a means to the ends of rolling back the civil rights movement and restoring the structure of Dixie as the gentry/cavaliers prefer; the confederates may be slavers at heart but they’re not cartoon villains
(they're way worse)
In case I get hit by a bus, I currently think the concept of hegemonic liberty is the most misunderstood aspect of the cavalier mindset, so here’s three key pages from Albion’s Seed~ (ive parsed the relevent passages below)

"The Virginians thought of liberty as the hegemonic condition of dominion over others- and equally important- dominion over oneself [i.e to not be overruled by others]...

John Roanoke summarize his ancestral creed in a sentence, 'I am an aristocrat,' he declared, 'I love liberty, I hate equality.'

anyway the pages of albion's seed that the author posted are interesting too mainly because unlike the altright weirdo gatherings, white supremacist christianity actually gets ppl to work together for long periods of time which is super scary imo
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They even banned films and TV shows about ancient China ... in China. (Even films with history/ educational purposes)
I know this post is like a month old but how "ancient" are we talking about? Because I've seen a thousand different boring Chinese TV shows about some historical Chinese figure that maybe existed and the TV shows have like gazillion episodes. The shows are all inevitably boring as shit because they have to toe a ridiculous line at the behest of the Chinese government, but just from that I wouldn't expect them as a whole to be banned. Is it just a matter of a different time period, or is there something more subtle here?
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