So now that we're almost done with April and heading into the month of May I decided to do another classic PPV review and this time I ended up with Judgment Day 2005, So here are my Ratings for each match and what I think of each match.
WWE Tag Team Championship Match: MNM (c) vs. Charlie Haas and Hardcore Holly - **½
I honestly didn't even know that Charlie and Holly were a tag team at one point so I found that pretty interesting. But as far as the match is concerned It was better then I thought it would be, The crowd was really into Haas and Holly so that made this match a little more enjoyable in that respect.
Carlito w/ Matt Morgan vs. Big Show - *¼
An ok match, One thing I did like is the crowds reaction to Big Show delivering his signature Hand slaps to the chest of Carlito. Other than that the only real highlight is Matt Morgan hitting Big Show with an F5.
Cruiserweight Championship Match: Paul London (c) vs. Chavo Guerrero - ***¼
A really good match between the two, Some good heel work from Chavo and some great athleticism from Paul London. Definitely a match to watch in my opinion.
Kurt Angle vs. Booker - ***¾
This was the result of the storyline where Angle was acting like a pervert and wanted to sleep with Sharmelle to get into Bookers head.... yeah... this was an actual storyline. Anyways, This was a pretty physical match between the two, The action does pick up near the end but the one gripe I have with the match is the ending kinda comes out of nowhere. Other than that this Match is pretty good.
United States Championship Match: Orlando Jordan (c) vs. Heidenreich - ¾*
I did not realize Heindenreich stuck around this long, I thought he was gone by the start of 2005 but I guess I was wrong, Anyways that aside this match was pretty meh, Easily the worst match of the night imo and I'm surprised Heidenreich stuck around past this point. Oh and by the way... HEI-DEN-REICH!
Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio - ****
Out of all the matches on the card this one was the one I was most excited for and it lived up to my expectations, Even with the way it ended I was loving every second of it. Eddie was so good around this time and I wish he was still with us cause he was an awesome wrestler and had a great personality. A Hard hitting match with an equally hard hitting ending, These two told a great story and put on a heck of a match.
WWE Championship I Quit Match: John Cena (c) vs. JBL - ****¼
A brutal and bloody brawl, This match is not for those who hate blood because there is alot of it in this match. JBL really knows how to play the role of the asshole heel while Cena was really over with the crowd during this match. Some hard hitting spots these two really put it all on the line. A Must watch if you're a fan of either man I'd say this was the match of the night imo.
Overall this PPV was pretty good, Aside from the US Title match and Show vs. Carlito all the other matches were good to great.
You should definitely check out the Main event and Mysterio/Guerrero if you get a chance too. Those were the 2 best matches of the night.
Now so far I've gotten rather lucky with my first 2 PPV Reviews but next up I figured why not do a WCW PPV from 1999 to balance things out a bit.
So next time I will be reviewing WCW The Great American Bash 1999 because why the hell not.