What an absolute roller coaster of a show AEW All Out was.
Some great matches and some baffling booking decisions it sure ran the gamut of Pro Wrestling, so here are some of my thoughts.
SwerveLee vs. The Acclaimed was definitely match of the night for me though it's a shame Acclaimed lost, The crowd was white hot for them and would've exploded for them winning. But still an incredible match.
Punk regaining the AEW Championship was really cool but those post media scrum comments are definitely gonna sour some people against him if they weren't already soured on him.
AEW does need to crack down on how long these shows run for though, 15 total matches between pre-show and main show is ridiculous, You don't need to get everyone on the PPV. Look at how WWE has been running their PPVs lately, Maybe at most 8 matches these days.
The Casino Ladder match was quite sloppy and rather boring, The ending at first had me miffed but after the reveal at the end of the show I was overall fine with it. Just a shame the Ladder Match itself wasn't so good.
There was some good action and moments out of the other matches but there was some weird booking throughout the show and alot of the small mistakes that have been made this year sort of came to a head tonight.
I'd probably go ahead and give this show a B- ranking, Had it not been for the reveal at the end I probably would have gone C+/C grade. Definitely one of AEWs weaker PPV shows.