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TITLE: CAP X - Part 11 - Shiny Palette Submissions


(link to CAP X so far)


Shiny Palette Rules
  • Shiny palettes must be submitted as palette swaps of the winning sprite entry. No other modifications to the image may be made.
  • Colors in a shiny palette must have the same relative hue and brightness compared to the corresponding color on the original sprite.
      • Acceptable:
        • Light blue -> light red AND dark blue -> dark red
        • Light blue -> white AND dark blue -> gray
        • Light blue -> gray AND dark blue -> black
      • Unacceptable:
        • Light blue -> dark green AND dark blue -> light green
        • Light blue -> light red AND dark blue -> dark green
  • Images must be in PNG format.
No more than three WIP shiny palettes can be posted by any individual person through the entire course of the submission thread.

Final Submission Post

All artists must make a final submission post conforming to the shiny palette rules (listed above) and the following:
  • The post must have "Final Submission" (in bold) as the first line, with the sprites at the top, and any additional description or comments (if applicable) below them.
  • The final submission image must be hosted on a reliable image hosting service (such as Smogon forums or Imgur). Do not use the 'Attach a photo' tool on messaging apps (e.g. Discord). Do not use Iaza or Ezimba.
  • Only make one (1) final submission post.

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TITLE: CAP X - Part 5 - Stat Limits Discussion

(This stage may be skipped if the TLT has already decided on BSR limits.)


(link to CAP X so far)


This next stage is Stat Limits, and it's very important! Our Stats Leader, who will be leading this stage, is <Stats Leader>, so make sure that your posts are generally directed towards <him/her> and the questions <he/she> asks. <Stats Leader> will be deciding the stat limits for CAP X at the conclusion of this thread, based on community input. This is NOT the place where we actually submit stats. That will come later.

These limits will help to define what we consider when making and talking about stat spreads for CAP X. We will look at limits to CAP X's physical and special attacking prowess, its physical and special tanking capabilities, and the overall power of its stats.

This is a relatively tricky stage of the process if you're not familiar with what it is we're doing and why we're doing it. For that reason, we strongly encourage those who intend to participate to read the entire OP thoroughly and ask questions where needed.

Please do not poll jump by talking about specific stat spreads or suggesting specific abilities.

Be forewarned that there is no poll for this stage of the CAP. The Stats Leader will decide the stat limits for the CAP upon the conclusion of this thread.

Stat Bias Limits

Stat bias limits set the general stat bias of a Pokemon from an offensive and defensive standpoint. Stat biases are not solely for limiting stats, but they also describe the overall build of the Pokemon in offensive and defensive terms. However, the stat spread is the only part of the project that will be constrained by Stat Bias Limits. There will be four stat biases selected and a total Base Stat Rating (BSR) limit. The Stat Biases are:

Physical Tankiness (PT)
The rating of the Pokémon's physical defense.​
Physical Sweepiness (PS)
The rating of the Pokémon's physical offense.​
Special Tankiness (ST)
The rating of the Pokémon's special defense.​
Special Sweepiness (SS)
The rating of the Pokémon's special offense​

A spreadsheet for calculating the ratings can be found here. To use it for yourself, create an editable copy with File > Make a copy. If you don't have a spreadsheet program, OpenOffice and Google Sheets are free.

If you're a newer member of CAP, we highly recommend that you do some good lurking during this stage in the process. Read this page thoroughly to understand what exactly we're doing here. If you're still confused, check out some of the old Stat Limits Discussion threads for past CAPs in the CAP Process Archive. If you're still uncomfortable with posting here, then we suggest you watch how experienced users post; you can learn a lot from them!
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TITLE: CAP X - Part 8 - Counters Discussion

(This stage is optional.)


(link to CAP X so far)


Before we move onto movepool, we must first discuss counters and checks for CAP X in a more meaningful way. We have a list of Pokemon that we wanted to check CAP X in threats discussion, and we will list them below for reference purposes. Of these, we will now decide which will handle CAP X through its naturally learned stats, and which won't. We want a certain few Pokemon to beat CAP X soundly, but we also don't want every Pokemon to beat CAP X reliably, as that would result in the opposite problem of it being too easy to beat. Keep all of this in mind for this discussion, which will be open for 48 hours. It's entirely possible if discussion demands it that we will leave this open for longer.

Look here at <Topic Leader>'s post here from our Threats Discussion. It will play a crucial role in this discussion.

<Quoted post>

What other Pokemon out there should we force to handle CAP X? Are there any, or is this enough? I have more questions to ask here, and they are listed below.
  • Given the combination of typing, ability, and stat pool now decided, which previously defined threats are considered hard counters to the project?
  • Which Pokemon are regarded as basic counters?
  • Which Pokemon are checks?
  • Are the Pokemon that are currently able to counter the project the Pokemon we want/need to counter the project?
  • If not, what must be done to handle these Pokemon? Is it unavoidable?
  • What Pokemon have arisen in discussions that were not brought up before? As in, are there Pokemon that counter/check this concept on concepts that are not focused around its typing? Where should they be placed in the discussion?
  • Which Pokemon have been taken out of the counters discussion due to the stat pool and ability?
  • Which Pokemon have moved from threats purely by typing to checks? To neutral match-ups?
  • Which Pokemon are now countered by the project fully? Which are checked by the project? Which have become neutral match-ups against the project?
  • With this set list of counters and checks, does this fulfill the concept's goal?
The criteria for a hard counter are as follows, and hard counters must satisfy at least a few of these, but potentially as many as possible. We should focus on making CAP X's counters handle it as reliably as possible considering any or the most powerful sets.
  • Can switch into this CAP's strongest reliable STAB attacks at least three times from full health.
  • Can switch into this CAP's strongest possible coverage move at least twice from full health.
  • Can stall this CAP indefinitely using its recovery options either forcing the CAP out or healing enough that the stalling Pokemon can alternate between recovery and attacking.
  • Can OHKO or 2HKO the CAP with one of the moves on that Pokemon's relevant official Smogon moveset.
  • Can cripple this CAP with a permanent status move without risking a OHKO.
  • Can set up, use hazards, weather, or otherwise execute an opponent's strategy without risking a 2HKO.
Attacking Moves that would turn Pokemon on the CAP's list of Hard Counters into Checks under ordinary circumstances will not be allowed. Non-Attacking Moves such as stat boosters or Taunt that would turn Pokemon on the CAP's list of Hard Counters into Checks will not be allowed.

Here is a link to our threats discussion for reference.
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TITLE: CAP X - Framework Poll


Before you vote, it's important that you read through each framework carefully, as well as look at the TL's final post in the framework submissions thread linked here because this will guide the discussion for the entire CAP Process.

This will be a Ranked Pairs vote (RP) (a form of voting where each candidate is ranked according to head to head matchups with each of its competitors in a directed acyclic graph), the details of which were discussed here.

This is a ranked vote: order does matter! You can upvote your favorites and downvote your least favorites. You may choose to rank as many or as few options as you like, but we encourage you to rank as many options as possible to ensure your preferences are taken into account fully.

Bold your votes and nothing else!

A typical vote might look like the following:

Most Preferred
Second Most Preferred
Third Most Preferred

Any comments that the voter has would go below the votes in non-bold text. Bold text is used to determine what the user's votes are, so none of the supplementary text should be in bold.

CAP uses automated scripts to count votes. For this reason, it is very important for all ballots to be submitted correctly. If you do not compose a legal ballot, your post will be subject to moderation.
  • The scripts count bold words in ballots, so do NOT bold anything in your ballot other than the options you are voting for.
  • Do NOT put any formatting other than bold in your post.
  • Only one option per line.
  • The spelling of options must be EXACTLY correct and must match the spelling listed below.
  • Capitalization and spaces are ignored by the vote counting scripts, but you probably should not depend on it.
Composing a proper ballot is easy. Enter BBCode Edit Mode (the A in the upper right corner). Copy/paste the options directly from the OP to your ballot as plain unbolded text. Delete and/or rearrange the options to suit your preference and the poll type. Bold your vote text using bold tags or re-enter rich text mode, highlight your vote and click B. Spelling or formatting errors may spoil your ballot, so be careful!

Please post only your votes in this thread. You are allowed to say whatever you like in relation to your vote at the bottom of your post, but please do not look to begin a discussion. Keep those comments to the PS! CAP chatroom or the CAP Discord channel.

Asking for votes for your submission or for the submissions of others is not allowed. Anyone found to have done so risks punishment at the moderation team's discretion. If you find that someone has broken this rule, please contact the CAP moderation team with your evidence and no one else. Mini-moderation of this rule is also considered a serious offense and can be punished.

IMPORTANT: When voting, use only the exact name of the framework submissions as listed below! The list of possible votes include:

Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Option 5
Option 6
Option 7
Option 8

This poll will be open for 24 hours. The framework submissions are quoted below in order of submission.

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

Option 5

Option 6

Option 7

Option 8

Once again, your options are:

Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Option 5
Option 6
Option 7
Option 8

Please ensure your ballot uses the framework names listed above in bold and not the usernames of the submitters. This vote will end in 24 hours, so please do not feel rushed, and instead ensure you make an informed decision!
Flavor Submissions OP


Final Submission Post

You must formally submit the options you wish to see on the slate. You may submit at most three (3) options to be considered for the slate.

An option will be slated if:
  • It has been submitted by at least three different people with sufficient justification for its inclusion.
  • The appropriate members of the Topic Leadership Team do not veto the option.
Only make one (1) final submission post.

Your Final Submission post must adhere to the following format to be considered:
  • The first line of the post must have the words "Final Submission" in bold on its own line. No other text may be included before the bold heading.
  • A blank line
  • Your first submission in bold.
  • A blank line
  • "Justification: <your justification here>"
  • A blank line
  • Your second submission in bold. (optional)
  • A blank line
  • "Justification: <your justification here>" (only if your second submission exists)
  • A blank line
  • Your third submission in bold. (optional)
  • A blank line
  • "Justification: <your justification here>" (only if your third submission exists)
Below your submission, you can include additional comments. For example, you can support/oppose other options suggested in the thread. These comments will not affect the final slate.

Example final submission:

(Add example when this change is implemented.)
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