(approved by Star)
As of now Quick Claw is allowed in DPP OU. Certain RNG Elements have been removed from standard pokemon play in many tiers, including stuff that falls under evasion clause and similar issues. I would argue that Quick Claw falls in the same category. In my opinion it falls under both uncompetitive and unhealthy.
It is uncompetitive because it takes the game out of the better players hand a surprisingly high amount of times. While the chance for an activation is "only" 20% over a single turn, usually you have it on mons that have the bulk to be around for more turns and get the activation. You would usually put it on mons like Metagross, Machamp, Tyranitar etc who have high dmg output and OHKO potential while having the bulk to be around for a few hits. Especially in the case of Quick Claw on Machamp with Dynamic Punch activating that can just be detrimental to any sort of game plan one can make. There is no counterplay to it other than pray. add to that the fact that even if there was counterplay you cannot assume that quick claw is coming your way, since you would expect people to use more reliable items. I have a few replays from both myself and others to showcase games where the better player lost because of quick claw.
II.) We cater to both ladder players (the higher end of the ladder) and tournament players.
Some people might say that it is not a problem or not common in tournaments but I don't think that alone is good enough to justify not taking an action. It is very common on ladder and according to tiering policy decisions cater to both! Specifically on the higher end of the ladder running into a quick claw mon and losing means quite a lot, because at times there are not that many high elo players playing so oftentimes you're paired vs someone 300 points below you and then when you lose to a series of quick claw activations you couldn't prevent you have lost a lot of points. That is very unhealthy, both in the tiering policy sense (undesirable for the metagame such that they inhibit "skillful play") but also for ladder activitiy, when losing games like that gets punished hard it will discourage people from laddering.
oshoode had the game entirely lost until quick claw came into play. 3 activations and a good bulk on rhyperior turned a game around and there was no counterplay to it.
starmasters team was by no means unequipped for rhyperior but when both of your para immune counters get hit by the quick claw there truly is nothing you can do. you can play this match up as many times as u want in the end the quick claw activations vs these 2 mons will be the deciding factor.
bunch of quick claw activations through paralysis that turned the entire game on its head. oipon did what he had to, to win the game and yet didn't.
emergency exit through quick claw on a game that looked pretty lost otherwise.
revenge killing clearly is not a reliable option vs quick claw. how else are offensive teams supposed to deal with threats that have good coverage and ohko power if they cannot reliable outspeed them?
Conflict had a much greater Match Up, got the reads right but I stopped 2 of his mons with Quick Claw and in the end only lost due to a para (if Quick Claw activated the last turn I won too). The outcome there was more dependant on quick claw activations than anything else.
got kills I should not have gotten and opened up the game for my cune with quick claw.
The DPP Councils opinion is that Quick Claw needs to go and we hereby open the discussion on the topic.