Raichannel's Business Thread

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Finally, a better thread banner.

Hi there! I am pretty new to shiny hunting and other rarities, as you might be able to tell. And by new, I mean really new. For the longest time, the only Shiny Pokémon I had were from Wonder Trades with dot-com users offering suspiciously good Pokémon in exchange for almost nothing. But now, having played Shield for over 150 hours and finding literally nothing else to do, I have decided to take up shiny hunting and try to get 'mons worth trading for.

Current Status: Thinking of shiny hunting paradoxes at some point, but not planning on doing much for the forseeable future. Just wake me up when we get DLC news (zzz...)

Rules (please read, there's not that much)
  • General courtesy stuff, be nice, etc.
  • You do not need a trade thread to post here.
  • I can currently only trade for Gens 7 and 8, but I am working on Generation 6 connection.
  • Pokémon in the Trophy Case can be traded for, but they are free-redistributable ONLY.
  • All Pokémon can be redistributed freely, as long as you give credit.
  • This list is subject to change in response to other posts.

Skyrazer (Necrozma)
Ability: Prism Armor
IVs: 31/15/31/15/15/31
Quiet Nature
- Psychic
- Power Gem
- Night Slash
- Shadow Claw
Ball: Beast Ball
OT: Jakob
Game: Moon

Now this is a special one for the trophy case. While far from the best Pokémon specimen you've ever seen, Skyrazer is made rare by the fact that I spent hours desperately trying to catch it in a Beast Ball. Necrozma is still one of my favourite legendaries, and getting it in this way makes it even cooler. During my painstaking efforts to catch Skyrazer, I caught two Spinda which I named Teardrop and Swirly, which I am considering adding to my resources as they later obtained Pokérus. I was incredibly surprised when I finally caught Necrozma in only 129 Beast Balls, which actually isn't a lot. In fact, the only disadvantage of this is telling people that your most impressive 'Mon is literally called "Sky Razor." (I mean, why does it have to be pronounced like that?)

Ability: Battle Bond
IVs: 20/31/20/31/20/31
Timid Nature
- Water Shuriken
- Hydro Pump
- Dark Pulse
- Spikes
Ball: Poké Ball
OT: Jakob
Game: Moon

Not too much to say about this one, I finished the Sun and Moon demo in about half an hour and reset for Timid nature once it had been sent to Moon. The only thing that was particularly noteworthy is that I somehow managed to get Adamant AND Jolly natures twice each (as well as Modest once) before getting one with Timid nature.

Next project: None yet, waiting to finish Ultra Sun for wormhole shinies (namely Audino and Quagsire). May also hunt for Medicham, Altaria and Sigilyph afterwards.


Dave (Samurott-Hisui) (M)
Shiny: Yes
Brave Nature
- Night Slash
- Poison Jab
- Swords Dance
- Aqua Jet
Ball: Gigaton Ball
OT: MegaChungus
Game: Legends Arceus

One thing you will begin to notice is that I have had some weird ideas for my Trainer name in the past. (Just you wait until I start getting some good BDSP stuff.) But anyway, despite being far from the perfect Pokémon, Dave here was the first ever shiny I caught myself. It turned out to be quite the surprise when I stumbled upon him while searching for a decent massive mass outbreak. Having once accidentally caused a Shiny Kricketot to flee by throwing the wrong item at it in my shock, I was quite paranoid that I would knock Dave out that I did nothing but throw Gigaton Balls the entire time. Thirty turns later, that Shiny Samurott was finally mine, and I named him Dave, because I felt like it.


Ethereal (Gastly) (F)
Shiny: Yes
Alpha: Yes
Bashful Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Dark Pulse
- Sludge Bomb
- Psychic
Ball: Ultra Ball
OT: MegaChungus
Game: Legends Arceus

The newest addition to the Trophy Case and my first ever Shiny Alpha, Ethereal was caught purely by accident while I was looking for a shiny Psyduck in a mass outbreak. I didn't even notice or hear the shiny sparkles, and I pretty much just squinted at an Alpha Gastly that I had caught a glimpse of, thinking "Wait, is that a Shiny?" I managed to catch it on the first Ultra Ball, which was a relief. Although I did not end up finding a shiny Psyduck in that outbreak, catching Ethereal showed me that I should probably keep my volume up whenever I play PLA to avoid a near miss like this one. Also, I was playing pretty late at night, which noticeably dampened my adrenaline and prevented me from majorly messing up.

Next projects: Shiny Milotic, Shiny Centiskorch

Stuff I want (whether now or in the future):

Gen 6:
  • Pokérus 'mons
Gen 7:
  • Arceus w/Shadow Force
Gen 8:
  • Shiny Gigantamax Charizard
  • PP Maxes
Gen 9:
  • 0 IV Ditto
  • Shiny Flutter Mane


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Gen 7 Pokémon - Available For Trade

Shinies from Sceptilian70

These sets are copy-pasted from Sceptilian70's trade thread and were generously donated to me to help me begin this thread.
As a sidenote, they are all cured victims of Pokérus! I got a Groudon in trade with the user Christian and spread its Pokérus to other 'mons.

(#571 - Asher's "Neo" ♂

"The Strutter"


OT: Asher/096961 (Ultra Sun)
IVs: 31(HT)/31(HT)/31(HT)/31(HT)/31(HT)/31 - Modest/Illusion
Moves: Dark Pulse, Flamethrower, Shadow Ball, Protect
Neo is not currently EV trained, will be updated when he is.

Neo is the name of the protagonist of The Matrix, and is also similar to the word Neon, because of the luminous colors of Zorua and Zoroark.

[#254: Asher's "Celestial" ♂
"The Great Friend"

Asher/096961 (Ultra Sun)
IVs: 31 (HT)/31/31/31/31 - Modest/Overgrow ( )
EMs: Grassy Terrain
Moves: Leaf Storm, Giga Drain, Dragon Pulse, Protect
[252 SpA / 6 SpD / 252 Spe]

Celestial Sceptile? I dunno...

(#195 - Asher's "Ocean"
"The Strutter"


OT: Asher/096961 (Ultra Sun)
IVs: 31(HT)/31/31/19/31(HT)/31 - Sassy/Water Absorb
Moves: Rock Slide, Waterfall, Stomping Tantrum, Ice Punch
Ocean is not currently completely EV trained, will be updated when she is.

Ocean is a nickname my little sister came up with when I found this Shiny in the Ultra Wormhole.
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Gen 8 Pokémon - Available For Trade

The Spitbacks
Having messed around with various Masuda breed projects, I happen to have a lot of spare 'mons for trade. Those that are 3IV or less will be reserved for Wonder Trades, but those that are 4IV or higher can be claimed on this thread in exchange for other 'mons. All you need to do is reply to this post with the following form filled out:

In-game name (SwSh) - pretty self-explanatory
Pokémon you want - choose from the list below
Gender - male/female
IVs - e.g 31/31/X/31/X/31
Offer in exchange - put CMT here if you have a thread of your own

I will try to find a Pokémon in my Boxes with the requested attributes, but if not available, I will PM you with updates as needed. Note that 6IV 'mons cannot be requested YET.

Sizzlipede Spitbacks

All Sizzlipede come with the egg move Knock Off.

Shiny hunt status: On hold

Feebas Spitbacks

All Feebas come with the egg move Hypnosis.

Shiny hunt status: On hold

Pichu Spitbacks

These Pichu do not come with any additional Egg Moves.
Shiny hunt status: Cancelled
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Gen 9 Pokémon - Available For Trade

Currently display only until further notice.
(aaaaand the images broke. Awesome.)

View attachment 487757View attachment 487760
Sunrise (Lokix) (M) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
IVs: HT all
Ability: Tinted Lens
Tera Type: Fighting
Adamant Nature
- Axe Kick
- Swords Dance
- Throat Chop
- X-Scissor
Ball: Ultra Ball
OT: Raichannel
ID: 96310

View attachment 487758View attachment 487761
Draconis (Salamence) (M) @ Clear Amulet
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
IVs: HT all
Ability: Intimidate
Tera Type: Dragon
??? Nature, minted to Jolly (can't remember at the time of posting this, will update later)
- Dragon Claw
- Dragon Dance
- Fire Fang
- Roost
Ball: Ultra Ball
OT: Raichannel
ID: 96310

View attachment 487756View attachment 487762
Toedscool (F) @ Eviolite (haven't come up with a nickname yet)
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 20 Def / 236 SpD
IVs: HT all
Ability: Mycelium Might
Tera Type: Water
??? Nature, minted to Careful (forgot again)
- Knock Off
- Rage Powder
- Spore
- Trick Room
Ball: Ultra Ball
OT: Raichannel
ID: 96310
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Update time!
Alright. So, Scarlet and Violet came out, and I've been shiny hunting a whole heap of Pokémon and adding them to my collection. Despite breeding being (almost) completely ruined and money-grinding becoming both more difficult and more important than in previous games, I've been able to obtain some battle-ready shinies along the way as well through mints and caps. I plan to add some of my more notable shinies to the Trophy Case, however I haven't been able to sort out cloning for them just yet, so they will be purely for display purposes at the moment.
Update time(?)

Guess who completely forgot about the previous update's promise to add new sets?


Sunrise (Lokix) (M) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
IVs: HT all
Ability: Tinted Lens
Tera Type: Fighting
Adamant Nature
- Axe Kick
- Swords Dance
- Throat Chop
- X-Scissor
Ball: Ultra Ball
OT: Raichannel
ID: 96310


Draconis (Salamence) (M) @ Clear Amulet
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
IVs: HT all
Ability: Intimidate
Tera Type: Dragon
??? Nature, minted to Jolly (can't remember at the time of posting this, will update later)
- Dragon Claw
- Dragon Dance
- Fire Fang
- Roost
Ball: Ultra Ball
OT: Raichannel
ID: 96310


Toedscool (F) @ Eviolite (haven't come up with a nickname yet)
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 20 Def / 236 SpD
IVs: HT all
Ability: Mycelium Might
Tera Type: Water
??? Nature, minted to Careful (forgot again)
- Knock Off
- Rage Powder
- Spore
- Trick Room
Ball: Ultra Ball
OT: Raichannel
ID: 96310