Raichu (Analysis) GP:0/2

Start of turn 20
The foe's Sawsbuck used Horn Leech!
It's super effective!
Donphan lost 155 HP! (48% of its health)
Donphan fainted!
Donphan had its energy drained!
The foe's Sawsbuck is hurt by its Life Orb!

The Cheetos Trainer sent out Raichu!

Start of turn 21
carter called Sawsbuck back!
carter sent out Donphan!

Raichu used Nasty Plot!
Raichu's Sp. Att. sharply rose!

The foe's Donphan restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 22
Raichu used Hidden Power!
It's super effective!
The foe's Donphan lost 27% of its health!
The foe's Donphan fainted!
Raichu is hurt by its Life Orb!

carter sent out Jolteon!

Start of turn 23
The foe's Jolteon used Shadow Ball!
Raichu lost 159 HP! (60% of its health)
Raichu's Sp. Def. fell!

Raichu used Focus Blast!
The foe's Jolteon lost 100% of its health!
The foe's Jolteon fainted!
Raichu is hurt by its Life Orb!

carter sent out Floatzel!

Start of turn 24
The foe's Floatzel used Brick Break!
Raichu lost 24 HP! (9% of its health)
Raichu fainted!
The foe's Floatzel is hurt by its Life Orb!

The Cheetos Trainer sent out Empoleon!

well theres a log

Start of turn 3
whatispokemon called Zapdos back!
whatispokemon sent out Registeel!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Registeel!

Nidoking used Ice Beam!
It's not very effective...
The foe's Registeel lost 9% of its health!

The foe's Registeel restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 4
The Cheetos Trainer called Nidoking back!
The Cheetos Trainer sent out Raichu!

whatispokemon called Registeel back!
whatispokemon sent out Rotom!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Rotom!

Start of turn 5
Raichu used Nasty Plot!
Raichu's Sp. Att. sharply rose!

The foe's Rotom used Substitute!
The foe's Rotom made a substitute!

Start of turn 6
Raichu used Hidden Power!
The foe's Rotom's substitute faded!
Raichu is hurt by its Life Orb!

The foe's Rotom used Shadow Ball!
Raichu lost 189 HP! (72% of its health)
The foe's Rotom is hurt by its Life Orb!

Start of turn 7
whatispokemon called Rotom back!
whatispokemon sent out Registeel!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Registeel!

Raichu used Hidden Power!
It's not very effective...
The foe's Registeel lost 14% of its health!
Raichu is hurt by its Life Orb!

The foe's Registeel restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 8
Raichu used Focus Blast!
It's super effective!
The foe's Registeel lost 76% of its health!
The foe's Registeel fainted!
Raichu is hurt by its Life Orb!
Raichu fainted!

id have more but i did this on my laptop
In your first log, your opponent misplayed pretty fucking hard by not just going into Floatzel to start with. You weren't going to use Thunderbolt on Sawsbuck.

In the second log, I honestly don't see what that has over Raikou, especially since your Raichu wasn't using Encore.
In your first log, your opponent misplayed pretty fucking hard by not just going into Floatzel to start with. You weren't going to use Thunderbolt on Sawsbuck.

In the second log, I honestly don't see what that has over Raikou, especially since your Raichu wasn't using Encore.

well actually he made a good choice as he thought Raichu would not break the Sub and proceed to sweep him.

EDIT: I tested him on the SU Server which says that Encore + Nasty Plot is not legal(?) but on the beat server is.. what im trying to say ofc i wasnt going to use Thunderbolt on Sawsbuck -.- i used NP becuase iknew he was going to Donphan i knew i was faster and managed to KO 2 pokes AND weaken a sub-split rotom
I don't see how that's worthy of having an analysis. At that point, raichu is a frail booster with a decent sped tier. The only comparable booster is raikou, who is faster, has BULK especially with cm, and is just all around better.

Simipour is in this category too, and yet it is getting an analysis, right?

Just for fun, let's do a nice little calc. This is assuming you say that NP is Raichu's main niche, not Lightningrod or Encore.

Assume that you have a Raichu that is running Timid and a Raikou that is running Modest (or Rash, if you so desire).

Raichu's SpA pre NP is 279. After the boost, its SpA is 279*2 = 558.
Raikou's SpA pre CM is 361. After the boost, its SpA is 361*1.5 = 541.

This means that after the boost, Raikou has a stat that is 96% of that of Raichu's, is actually faster than base 100s (and does not speed tie with them), and has better defences all the while. Pre-boost, Raikou is 100% superior stat-wise, even if running Rash.
Let's clear some things up.

First of all, we do not care if other Pokemon outclass Raichu. It is irrelevant. As long as any Pokemon is actually viable it should be given an analysis so that people know what it does or how to use it most effectively. Additionally, in some cases two similar Pokemon can be used together to break walls for each other or some other such strategy, making it viable.

This is basically the only point the Anti-Raichu side has been grasping onto, so please if you still believe Raichu is not viable, then you can post why - just remember that "outlcassed" is not a valid reason.

Second, don't bother with posting logs in the middle of a debate. Honestly, it doesn't matter how good or bad your log is, people who disagreed already will find something wrong with it or accuse you of cherry picking etc.

I am going to test Raichu and I'll post if I think it's viable or not. It doesn't matter how "different" it is if it isn't viable. Nor does it matter how outclassed it is when it is viable.

Played a bunch of matches, and I didn't even need Lightning Rod, though it's undoubtedly better. Encore is really useful and Thunderbolt is just such a good attack, especially with a NP boost it definitely functions effectively. I didn't play any star players but I haven't lost with it yet, and it's been sweeping, revenging, or simply stopping set up with Encore.

First of all, we do not care if other Pokemon outclass Raichu. It is irrelevant. As long as any Pokemon is actually viable it should be given an analysis so that people know what it does or how to use it most effectively. Additionally, two similar Pokemon can often be used together to break walls for each other.

im SOO sigging this.. you make a good point there thoughRaikou is good and all very great pokemon on UU we agree but Raichu is different from Raikou YES Raikou has CM YES It has Aura Shere so what? does it get the ability to suck up electric attacks? yes it resists them but an immunity is better.. Chansey SR Vanrinats can be easily Encore Nasty Plot and start spamming Thunderbolts..


I will get to writing it ASAP

EDIT: Overview has been writeed up

i robably wont finsh this until toomorow though :/
i robably wont finsh this until toomorow though :/

Let me put this nicely (because others won't.) Your writing needs a lot of work. If you want to make this a collaborative process, I would be more than willing to help you write this analysis. Simply put, this (even just the overview so far) needs an astounding amount of improvement.
Make sure you follow the grammar standards and the correct format as well (no "HP Ice", needs to be "Hidden Power Ice").
Okay, since this got approved, I'm not going to argue any further. However, I am going to suggest that you put some important bits of information into the analysis.

Counters: Raichu gets curbstomped by any Ground type that isn't weak to HP Ice or Grass Knot. Mamoswine, Gastrodon and Quagsire all laugh at HP Ice versions. Those without HP Ice get walled by Grass-types. Bulky Celebi and Shaymin can survive +2 HP Ice, while max Speed versions tie with Raichu. Chansey beats Raichu, not the other way around, since you take 3-4 turns to kill it, while with SR and LO recoil, Chansey is guaranteed to 2HKO you with Seismic Toss. Snorlax doesn't survives everything Raichu throws at it and kills with EQ or Body Slam, or whatever. Rotom-H resists both Thunderbolt and HP Ice, takes nothing from Grass Knot and is only afraid of +2 Focus Blast, while roasting Raichu with Overheat. Jolteon outspeeds Raichu, is immune to Thunderbolt and does a lot of damage with Shadow Ball, only afraid of +2 Focus Blast. Cobalion outspeeds and destroys you with Close Combat. Abomasnow is only afraid of +2 Focus Blast, as it resists Thunderbolt and takes very little from HP Ice. Scarf variants can also revenge Raichu quite easily. You have Duggy in there already. Raikou can Calm Mind up on you and kill you unless you're brave enough to Encore it (he outspeeds Raichu).

Teammates: Stuff that can switch into the above. Wynaut is also really good as it can Encore walls, Thunder Wave and what not for Raichu to get a free switch.
Thought I'd quote this:

*+2 Thunderbolt Raichu KOs Nasty Plot Mismagius,weakened Empoleon,Clefable.

NP Mismagius outspeeds Raichu, so you might not want to mention it. Clefable isn't very common, so you might not want to mention it either. Empoleon is weak to Electric, which Raichu gets STAB on even, so I would be very surprised if +2 LO Thunderbolt fails to OHKO Empoleon at full health. You might want to pick another example. I haven't done the calcs, but you could quote the damage vs. 252/0 Arcanine, Victini (Victini ties Raichu though), Dusclops, Kingdra, Deoxys-D, idk.

Since you're mentioning priority in checks and counters you could also mention faster Pokemon, including Azelf, Raikou, all Scarfed Pokemon, etc.

DS Uxie is a weird Pokemon to quote. Of all the Pokemon bulky enough to take +2 LO Thunderbolt, why this one? Why not Umbreon or Cresselia or Deoxys-D, etc? You could just say "bulky Pokemon not KOed by +2 Thunderblt" or something like that, instead.
Thought I'd quote this:

NP Mismagius outspeeds Raichu, so you might not want to mention it. Clefable isn't very common, so you might not want to mention it either. Empoleon is weak to Electric, which Raichu gets STAB on even, so I would be very surprised if +2 LO Thunderbolt fails to OHKO Empoleon at full health. You might want to pick another example. I haven't done the calcs, but you could quote the damage vs. 252/0 Arcanine, Victini (Victini ties Raichu though), Dusclops, Kingdra, Deoxys-D, idk.

Since you're mentioning priority in checks and counters you could also mention faster Pokemon, including Azelf, Raikou, all Scarfed Pokemon, etc.

DS Uxie is a weird Pokemon to quote. Of all the Pokemon bulky enough to take +2 LO Thunderbolt, why this one? Why not Umbreon or Cresselia or Deoxys-D, etc? You could just say "bulky Pokemon not KOed by +2 Thunderblt" or something like that, instead.

ok also when i meant NP Mismagius is tha people can take Raichu lightly switch to a +2 Raichu thinking it wont do much NP whioe you hit them with Thunderbolt
thanks for taking care of quality control and the skeleton, zambos king

we'll let another writer take care of it from here

anyone who wants to take raichu through copyediting contact me or oglemi

EDIT: assigned to accidentalgreed