<p>Raichu has never been the strongest of attackers, and has consistently been relegated to the lowest tiers with each passing generation. Raichu gains a new toy in BW in the ability Lightningrod, generating a Special Attack boost when Raichu is hit by an Electric-type move. Additionally, Raichu's great Speed and high Special Attack stats are complemented by a diverse movepool, turning it into a decent sweeper. Unfortunately, Raichu is held back by its poor 60 / 55 / 80 defensive stats, which make it difficult to switch in. It is also hampered by its lack of overwhelming power, which means it has trouble breaking walls. Despite its flaws, Raichu is capable of severely denting the opposition with its few unique niches.</p>
name: Nasty Plot
move 1: Nasty Plot
move 2: Thunderbolt
move 3: Hidden Power Ice
move 4: Encore / Grass Knot
item: Life Orb
ability: Lightningrod
nature: Timid
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
<p>With its high Speed and Special Attack, Raichu can make use of its access to Nasty Plot quite well, easily facilitating a sweep. After a Nasty Plot, Raichu reaches 558 Special Attack, which lets it quickly break through opponents. Although Raichu's defensive stats make it difficult to boost comfortably, Encore can lock an opponent into a non-damaging move and give Raichu the free turn it needs to set up. Furthermore, Raichu gains free switch-ins on many other Electric-type Pokemon, such as Electabuzz and Rotom-S, whose STAB options activate Raichu's Lightningrod ability and grant it a free Special Attack boost.</p>
<p>Thunderbolt is Raichu's go-to move, being a naturally powerful move as well as an excellent STAB option. Hidden Power Ice provides the best coverage alongside Thunderbolt, as it grants Raichu the famed BoltBeam coverage, and hits key Pokemon that resist Thunderbolt, including Tangela, Torterra, and Dragonair. If necessary, one can forgo Encore in favour of Grass Knot in order to gain coverage on threats that can still handle the Electric / Ice combination, most notably Regirock, who is one of the heavier Pokemon in the game.</p>
<p>Lightningrod is the de facto ability on any Raichu set, as it provides Raichu with its only immunity, as well as simultaneously boosting its offensive prowess. As Raichu will often be attaining Special Attack boosts, Timid is the nature of choice, allowing Raichu to outspeed several key threats, including Haunter and Jynx. The EV spread provided is straightforward: maximum Special Attack and Speed investment best engender Raichu's ability to sweep. In that vein, a Life Orb is always the best item to accompany the set, granting a crucial boost in power that ensures OHKOs on many Pokemon that would otherwise survive an attack. That said, Leftovers is an acceptable alternative, extending Raichu's lifespan while it attempts to sweep, as well as reducing its vulnerability to priority attackers.</p>
<p>Although Raichu is powerful after a Nasty Plot, it still requires some team support to facilitate a sweep. Eelektross is an excellent teammate as it can cripple opposing sweepers and walls with Thunder Wave and Toxic&emdash;it's also immune to Ground-type moves, Raichu's only weakness. Raichu also appreciates entry hazard and dual screen support, Cryogonal being the best at fulfilling the latter role. One can opt to use Focus Blast over Grass Knot for greater coverage, most notably on opposing Crygonal, who will fall to a Life Orb-boosted Focus Blast when Stealth Rock is up. Stealth Rock is also notable in allowing Raichu to take out Amoonguss with Hidden Power Ice. Toxic Spikes are also appreciated in order to wear down defensive threats, such as Regirock and Quagsire; Garbodor fits this role well. Wish and Rain Dance support are also possibilities that Raichu will benefit from. The former ensures that if Raichu survives an attack it will be set up at full health, also creating room for a coverage option, while the latter grants Raichu a perfectly accurate Thunder with which it can decimate opponents. Alomomola is notable for its ability to fulfill both of the above roles, while also benefitting the rest of the team.</p>
name: Choice
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Hidden Power Ice
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Volt Switch
item: Choice Scarf / Choice Specs
ability: Lightningrod
nature: Modest / Timid
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
<p>Occasionally, Raichu yearns for the days of the original generation where it could power past the opposition, and this set provides it with a way to do just that! With either a Choice Scarf or a Choice Specs equipped, Raichu gains the ability to either outspeed almost any Pokemon in NU or to zap opponents with brute force, respectively. Thunderbolt and Volt Switch are both excellent STAB options; Thunderbolt being the more powerful of the two and allowing Raichu to sweep through weakened teams, whereas Volt Switch grants Raichu excellent scouting capabilities, maintaining momentum in the process. The crux of the set, however, is Raichu's Lightningrod ability, which pushes Raichu ahead of Electabuzz, whom Raichu would otherwise be inferior to. Lightningrod allows Raichu to counter opposing Volt Switches, absorb opposing paralysis attempts, and check general Electric-type attackers, gaining a Special Attack boost in the process. In order to take advantage of such a boost, Focus Blast and Hidden Power Ice are the coverage moves of choice, being strong neutral options and covering Rock-types, and Dragon- and Grass-types super effectively respectively.</p>
<p>The EV spread is standard for a Choice attacker, Special Attack and Speed once again being maximized to provide optimum power output. The choice between Modest and Timid will often be based on the item of choice, Modest working well with Choice Scarf and Timid being the best nature with Choice Specs, although any combination will provide satisfactory results.</p>
<p>Swellow makes an excellent partner for this Raichu variant, as it is not only immune to Raichu's only weakness, but also draws in Electric-type attacks for Raichu to switch in on. Furthermore, they create a U-turn / Volt Switch core that will maintain momentum—each member of the pair also threatens the walls that hamper the other Pokemon. As Raichu will be switching frequently due to its Volt Switch usage, Rapid Spin support is crucial, as Raichu is vulnerable to all forms of passive damage. Cryogonal is thus a strong teammate, as it can provide a defensive pivot should Raichu need to switch out. Lastly, entry hazard support is always appreciated due to the switches Raichu can cause. Spikes from Cacturne are particularly useful in order to weaken the Ground-type Pokemon that are immune to Raichu's STAB, Cacturne itself being able to defeat those Pokemon.</p>
[Other Options]
<p>Although primarily a special attacker, Raichu is capable of using a SubPunch set, which when used alongside other physical moves, such as Volt Tackle or Iron Tail, and can quickly catch opponents off guard. A mixed SubPunch set is also viable, however for any set utilising Focus Punch it must be noted that the move is illegal alongside Lightningrod, forcing Raichu to use the less useful Static as its ability. Raichu's other offensive options, moves such as Signal Beam, Discharge, and Fake Out, all have their own situational uses but are rarely worth using over one of the main moveslots.</p>
<p>Its support movepool, however, is where Raichu carries most of its alternative moves, albeit ones that are most often illegal alongside Lightningrod. Light Screen can be used to provide Raichu and its teammates with a temporary buffer from special attacks, with Rain Dance similarly boosting teammates Water-type moves. Substitute and Agility are options that scout for status moves and boost Raichu's speed respectively, although Raichu will rarely be strong enough to make use of them. Raichu can also provide HP support in the form of Wish, which, while not particularly large, in Raichu's case is never unwelcome. Tickle and Knock Off are niche options that will frustrate the opponent, the former weakening both their Attack and Defense stats whereas the latter strips them of their held item. Finally, Magnet Rise is useful against Pokemon locked into Ground-type moves, turning Raichu's only weakness into an immunity.</p>
[Checks and Counters]
<p>Quagsire is one of the best counters to any Raichu set lacking Grass Knot, taking little from either of Raichu's coverage moves while also nullifying Raichu's Nasty plot boosts thanks to Quagsire's ability, Unaware. Regirock handles Raichu quite effectively, its natural bulk allowing it to tank even Focus Blasts without undue hardship; it can then retaliate with a STAB Stone Edge. Similarly, Probopass can take any attack bar Focus Blast from Raichu and can proceed to set up Stealth Rock before whittling Raichu down. Specially defensive Grass-type Pokemon such as Vileplume also handle Raichu well, often being able to outstall its attacks while avoiding the 2HKO from Hidden Power Ice.</p>
<p>Other, more niche Pokemon, such as Lightningrod Seaking, Motor Drive Zebstrika, and Volt Absorb Chinchou can all handle Raichu's attacking combo without difficulty, although these Pokemon should rarely be considered. Of far more concern are any strong physical attacker that can outspeed Raichu, including Pokemon such as Tauros and Swellow, as well as powerful Choice Scarf users that will be able to outspeed and OHKO Raichu with ease. Similarly, strong priority users, such as Absol, Gurdurr, and Swellow, can prey on Raichu's weak Defense stat and KO it with priority moves, such as Mach Punch and Sucker Punch.</p>
<p>Raichu has never been the strongest of attackers, and has consistently been relegated to the lowest tiers with each passing generation. Raichu gains a new toy in BW in the ability Lightningrod, generating a Special Attack boost when Raichu is hit by an Electric-type move. Additionally, Raichu's great Speed and high Special Attack stats are complemented by a diverse movepool, turning it into a decent sweeper. Unfortunately, Raichu is held back by its poor 60 / 55 / 80 defensive stats, which make it difficult to switch in. It is also hampered by its lack of overwhelming power, which means it has trouble breaking walls. Despite its flaws, Raichu is capable of severely denting the opposition with its few unique niches.</p>
name: Nasty Plot
move 1: Nasty Plot
move 2: Thunderbolt
move 3: Hidden Power Ice
move 4: Encore / Grass Knot
item: Life Orb
ability: Lightningrod
nature: Timid
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
<p>With its high Speed and Special Attack, Raichu can make use of its access to Nasty Plot quite well, easily facilitating a sweep. After a Nasty Plot, Raichu reaches 558 Special Attack, which lets it quickly break through opponents. Although Raichu's defensive stats make it difficult to boost comfortably, Encore can lock an opponent into a non-damaging move and give Raichu the free turn it needs to set up. Furthermore, Raichu gains free switch-ins on many other Electric-type Pokemon, such as Electabuzz and Rotom-S, whose STAB options activate Raichu's Lightningrod ability and grant it a free Special Attack boost.</p>
<p>Thunderbolt is Raichu's go-to move, being a naturally powerful move as well as an excellent STAB option. Hidden Power Ice provides the best coverage alongside Thunderbolt, as it grants Raichu the famed BoltBeam coverage, and hits key Pokemon that resist Thunderbolt, including Tangela, Torterra, and Dragonair. If necessary, one can forgo Encore in favour of Grass Knot in order to gain coverage on threats that can still handle the Electric / Ice combination, most notably Regirock, who is one of the heavier Pokemon in the game.</p>
<p>Lightningrod is the de facto ability on any Raichu set, as it provides Raichu with its only immunity, as well as simultaneously boosting its offensive prowess. As Raichu will often be attaining Special Attack boosts, Timid is the nature of choice, allowing Raichu to outspeed several key threats, including Haunter and Jynx. The EV spread provided is straightforward: maximum Special Attack and Speed investment best engender Raichu's ability to sweep. In that vein, a Life Orb is always the best item to accompany the set, granting a crucial boost in power that ensures OHKOs on many Pokemon that would otherwise survive an attack. That said, Leftovers is an acceptable alternative, extending Raichu's lifespan while it attempts to sweep, as well as reducing its vulnerability to priority attackers.</p>
<p>Although Raichu is powerful after a Nasty Plot, it still requires some team support to facilitate a sweep. Eelektross is an excellent teammate as it can cripple opposing sweepers and walls with Thunder Wave and Toxic&emdash;it's also immune to Ground-type moves, Raichu's only weakness. Raichu also appreciates entry hazard and dual screen support, Cryogonal being the best at fulfilling the latter role. One can opt to use Focus Blast over Grass Knot for greater coverage, most notably on opposing Crygonal, who will fall to a Life Orb-boosted Focus Blast when Stealth Rock is up. Stealth Rock is also notable in allowing Raichu to take out Amoonguss with Hidden Power Ice. Toxic Spikes are also appreciated in order to wear down defensive threats, such as Regirock and Quagsire; Garbodor fits this role well. Wish and Rain Dance support are also possibilities that Raichu will benefit from. The former ensures that if Raichu survives an attack it will be set up at full health, also creating room for a coverage option, while the latter grants Raichu a perfectly accurate Thunder with which it can decimate opponents. Alomomola is notable for its ability to fulfill both of the above roles, while also benefitting the rest of the team.</p>
name: Choice
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Hidden Power Ice
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Volt Switch
item: Choice Scarf / Choice Specs
ability: Lightningrod
nature: Modest / Timid
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
<p>Occasionally, Raichu yearns for the days of the original generation where it could power past the opposition, and this set provides it with a way to do just that! With either a Choice Scarf or a Choice Specs equipped, Raichu gains the ability to either outspeed almost any Pokemon in NU or to zap opponents with brute force, respectively. Thunderbolt and Volt Switch are both excellent STAB options; Thunderbolt being the more powerful of the two and allowing Raichu to sweep through weakened teams, whereas Volt Switch grants Raichu excellent scouting capabilities, maintaining momentum in the process. The crux of the set, however, is Raichu's Lightningrod ability, which pushes Raichu ahead of Electabuzz, whom Raichu would otherwise be inferior to. Lightningrod allows Raichu to counter opposing Volt Switches, absorb opposing paralysis attempts, and check general Electric-type attackers, gaining a Special Attack boost in the process. In order to take advantage of such a boost, Focus Blast and Hidden Power Ice are the coverage moves of choice, being strong neutral options and covering Rock-types, and Dragon- and Grass-types super effectively respectively.</p>
<p>The EV spread is standard for a Choice attacker, Special Attack and Speed once again being maximized to provide optimum power output. The choice between Modest and Timid will often be based on the item of choice, Modest working well with Choice Scarf and Timid being the best nature with Choice Specs, although any combination will provide satisfactory results.</p>
<p>Swellow makes an excellent partner for this Raichu variant, as it is not only immune to Raichu's only weakness, but also draws in Electric-type attacks for Raichu to switch in on. Furthermore, they create a U-turn / Volt Switch core that will maintain momentum—each member of the pair also threatens the walls that hamper the other Pokemon. As Raichu will be switching frequently due to its Volt Switch usage, Rapid Spin support is crucial, as Raichu is vulnerable to all forms of passive damage. Cryogonal is thus a strong teammate, as it can provide a defensive pivot should Raichu need to switch out. Lastly, entry hazard support is always appreciated due to the switches Raichu can cause. Spikes from Cacturne are particularly useful in order to weaken the Ground-type Pokemon that are immune to Raichu's STAB, Cacturne itself being able to defeat those Pokemon.</p>
[Other Options]
<p>Although primarily a special attacker, Raichu is capable of using a SubPunch set, which when used alongside other physical moves, such as Volt Tackle or Iron Tail, and can quickly catch opponents off guard. A mixed SubPunch set is also viable, however for any set utilising Focus Punch it must be noted that the move is illegal alongside Lightningrod, forcing Raichu to use the less useful Static as its ability. Raichu's other offensive options, moves such as Signal Beam, Discharge, and Fake Out, all have their own situational uses but are rarely worth using over one of the main moveslots.</p>
<p>Its support movepool, however, is where Raichu carries most of its alternative moves, albeit ones that are most often illegal alongside Lightningrod. Light Screen can be used to provide Raichu and its teammates with a temporary buffer from special attacks, with Rain Dance similarly boosting teammates Water-type moves. Substitute and Agility are options that scout for status moves and boost Raichu's speed respectively, although Raichu will rarely be strong enough to make use of them. Raichu can also provide HP support in the form of Wish, which, while not particularly large, in Raichu's case is never unwelcome. Tickle and Knock Off are niche options that will frustrate the opponent, the former weakening both their Attack and Defense stats whereas the latter strips them of their held item. Finally, Magnet Rise is useful against Pokemon locked into Ground-type moves, turning Raichu's only weakness into an immunity.</p>
[Checks and Counters]
<p>Quagsire is one of the best counters to any Raichu set lacking Grass Knot, taking little from either of Raichu's coverage moves while also nullifying Raichu's Nasty plot boosts thanks to Quagsire's ability, Unaware. Regirock handles Raichu quite effectively, its natural bulk allowing it to tank even Focus Blasts without undue hardship; it can then retaliate with a STAB Stone Edge. Similarly, Probopass can take any attack bar Focus Blast from Raichu and can proceed to set up Stealth Rock before whittling Raichu down. Specially defensive Grass-type Pokemon such as Vileplume also handle Raichu well, often being able to outstall its attacks while avoiding the 2HKO from Hidden Power Ice.</p>
<p>Other, more niche Pokemon, such as Lightningrod Seaking, Motor Drive Zebstrika, and Volt Absorb Chinchou can all handle Raichu's attacking combo without difficulty, although these Pokemon should rarely be considered. Of far more concern are any strong physical attacker that can outspeed Raichu, including Pokemon such as Tauros and Swellow, as well as powerful Choice Scarf users that will be able to outspeed and OHKO Raichu with ease. Similarly, strong priority users, such as Absol, Gurdurr, and Swellow, can prey on Raichu's weak Defense stat and KO it with priority moves, such as Mach Punch and Sucker Punch.</p>