Rarely Used (RU) Tier

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Choice-locked Sucker Punch is just begging to be set up on, honestly. I would remove the Sucker Punch and possibly give the Druddigon Crunch so it still has coverage. Other Pokes could use Sucker Punch more effectively. Sucker Punch would be great on a Life Orb set, however, since it wouldn't be locked into it, and it would offset Druddigons horrendous base 48 speed.
Percussionist said:
I love this idea, but is that Sucker Punch on a Choice set? Eeeewww. Being locked into Sucker Punch is awful. Also, Magnet Rise on Magneton? I feel like it's not that useful. Perhaps switch for HP Fire? Just some thoughts.

Well I've already explained that most pokemon that use Ground type moves in the tier are slower then Magneton therefore it has it's uses, you could switch it out for thunderbolt if you're more worried about fire and fighting type attacks.

If you're using HP-fire you have to drop HP-ice, therefore having inferior coverage, HP -fire really only hits durant and Ferroseed.

Although both are relatively common in RU, but Durant is likely to move up to UU from the June Statistics.

And most ferroseed run full support in the tier, therefore setting up a sub while accumulating SpA boost from Charge beam is usually a better option over HP-fire, even if it does attack it's unlikely to break your sub.

You could run HP-grass to catch the odd Gastrodon and Quagsire off guard but then you're walled by rotom-c (Elec/grass), Galvantula (Elec/Bug) and the many grass/poison types.

As for CB Suckerpunch, What blarajan said.
one day, gamefreak is going to release a dragon type priority just for druddigon. all hell would break loose then.

Hah, that would be pretty cool then. Druddigon would possibly see the light of day beyond RU/UU if a Dragon-type priority came into the mix. But even then, faster threats like Sharpedo and Scyther would tear through Druddigon's scaly face with their own priority. Not so much Sharpedo, but just for argument's sake. :O
I'd rather have Dragon rush over a Dragon Priority move currently. base 130 (sheer force) dragon stab is almost too good, except for the 80% accuracy, I think druddigon gets hone claw, i Could be wrong.
It's 75 accuracy, and yup he gets Hone Claws. You could drop Dragon Claw for Rock Slide. It benefits from SF and HC if you get one.

Would a phazing set like Hone Claws/Dragon Tail/Earthquake/Sucker Punch with Lefties work?
It may need Sucker Punch, but with Choice Band + Sucker Punch being as bad of a combination as it is, that just means Druddigon can't use Choice Band.

I highly disagree, it may be slow as hell, but the set Choice Band i mentioned is very usable with sheer force. And it has a good bulk to survive some hits without being locked on SP.
It may need Sucker Punch, but with Choice Band + Sucker Punch being as bad of a combination as it is, that just means Druddigon can't use Choice Band.

CB + Sucker Punch honestly isn't that bad >.<. It's rather necessary. While your opponent might be able to work around it, you should be able to take that into consideration. All Choice Band Druddigon require Sucker Punch. Whether or not you should actually bother to Choice Band Druddigon is up to you.
I love this idea, but is that Sucker Punch on a Choice set? Eeeewww. Being locked into Sucker Punch is awful. Also, Magnet Rise on Magneton? I feel like it's not that useful. Perhaps switch for HP Fire? Just some thoughts.

Why not just switch HP Ice for HP Fire...

Also being locked into Sucker Punch isn't as bad down in RU where there aren't too many pokes who can use a 1 turn of setup to sweep. In OU there's Lucario, Haxorus, Volcarona, Gyarados, etc. In RU there's only the odd Linoone, THE FREAKING EPIC DURANT, and Gorebyss.
Choice Band users love reliable priority. That's why stuff like Scizor, Azumarill and Mamoswine work so well. Sucker Punch isn't really reliable.

I'd probably avoid Sucker Punch for CB set. CB sets already require a bit of prediction without the burden of needing to predict an attack or a non-attacking move.
Druddigon should be only be used with LO imo. I am using a LO set with 3 attacks and glare that is working wonders for me!

Agility Porygon-z is also a beast if you can get the spatk boost from download.
Question, Are we starting RU Analysis' soon?
Probably not. I spoke to Oglemi several weeks ago and he said that RU C&C won't start until round 1 of RU suspects are done, and, at the earliest, RU suspects won't start until OU suspects round 5 is done.
Sucker Punch would make you huge set up fodder for any stat-upper switch in. Also, I glanced over the HP Ice thing, Magnet Rise is cool.

Exactly, even though Sucker Punch helps Druddigon, it's pretty useless and predictable on a Choice Band set unless you're gonna be a hit-and-runner. Other then that, it's better on a LO set so at least you can switch moves, while still being able to be a scaly offensive monster before you drop.
Would Braviary be viable in RU? It's got high Attack and HP stats, and it can also use a couple of SF boosted moves. It's unfortunately outclassed by Honchkrow, who has access to Roost, Moxie, and a plethora of support moves as well.
Well... Braviary could be a Toxic Shuffler with Toxic+WW and its great bulk. I think he could also run a Nasty Plot set...

Braviary doesn't learn Nasty Plot. Even though Vullaby and Mandibuzz are female counterparts to Rufflet and Braviary, Rufflet can't gain any egg moves because he's a male-only Pokemon. Vullaby can because she's female. Even if Braviary had NP, it would take 3 or 4 to make it even sort of viable because of his garbage base 57 Special Attack. It was a decent idea though. :toast: And the Toxic-staller set does sound pretty good.
Would Braviary be viable in RU? It's got high Attack and HP stats, and it can also use a couple of SF boosted moves. It's unfortunately outclassed by Honchkrow, who has access to Roost, Moxie, and a plethora of support moves as well.

I've actually used Choice Scarf Braviary with plenty of success. It has only two less base attack than Honchkrow, higher speed, and higher natural bulk. It also has one move any Scarfer loves that Honchkrow doesn't (U-Turn).
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