The first time I used Starmie/Chansey/Snorlax/Tauros/Exeggutor/Clefable. Months later I tried to climb the ladder again with the team, but lead Zapdos was very popular around this time and giving me trouble, so I replaced Starmie with Jolteon and hit the top again with that variation.I had some experience with it when Lapras was still around: I remember that because Snorlax and Lapras are both matchups that will make you want to reconsider your decisions. Clefable was decent early in the game, using Blizzard against Exeggutor and Sing. I also tried Mega Kick, but I wouldn't recommend it. Rest/mini Snorlax never felt good. Yeah, Clefable can be good in the endgame but your average build wants something that will force Snorlax out. What about the teammates?
I played Stealthy Koala a lot back then (who is number 2 on the ladder at the moment). These games aren't indicative of what Clefable does in the end game, because in these games she just kind of cleans up. These replays are more to show how I was playing the mid-game to save Clefable for the late game.
EDIT 2: I don't really think this is a good game, but the way this one ends is a situation I ended up in a lot playing this team. Saving Clefable for the endgame often lead to Clefable vs Tauros where I got to Paralyze tauros. This is a situation Zapdos is often in, but the difference being the opponent can't switch to something like Rhydon because Clefable has Blizzard.
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