OU RBY OU Ladder / "Jank" Discussion Thread

you might want to pair them with onix who can use bind to chip down checks like exeggutor who can live a blizzard, and also come in against current moves
Onix might look good in theory because it's defense stat, but Rhydon is better defense because it's HP stat, it has to do with how damage is calculated, look at the damage calculator. Bind isn't that good, and rhydon can cover with ice beam
I think nidoking and nidoqueen should be run together so they can both bask in the warmth of each other’s company and savor the deep love that has bloomed between them over the past 26 years. The world is cold. Blizzards don’t hit as much as they used to, but it still feels like every day is a little colder as the first digits in their age threaten to tick from a 5 to a 6. The only warmth that can cure it is the two of them sitting together on a porch patio, swinging, sharing body heat. A long span of pleasant winter afternoons staring out into the woods, reminiscing about how fast their little tyke grew up and learned bubblebeam after the second gym, telling stories as the sun dips to night, it’s all how they would run their lives. I would wish no sweeter fate on the duo as they grow old in sweet peace and relaxation, enjoying one another’s coverage, despite their really bad base stats and exploitable typing.
Alright, time for an update on my trashmon experiments

Kadabra is obviously just a broke man's Zam, so I think the question around Kadabra's viability revolves less about how it performs, and more around whether or not you can run it alongside Zam without your team being shit. I think the answer is unequivocally yes. Kadabra is easily the best trashmon I've tested, however that's not really saying much.

Firstly, despite its best set being fairly obvious, what isn't obvious is how you use it. Should you lead with it? Should you reveal Zam early and try to preserve Kad as a sweeper, or use Kad to set up a Zam sweep? There's actually a very clear answer to the latter question- Kadabra is totally unviable as a sweeper due to being outsped and OHKO'd by Tauros, which proves extremely difficult to play around.

That means it's supporting a Zam sweep, whether from the lead position or not. I run Kadabra as both a lead and non-lead, however it is unambiguously better as a lead, purely because your team is so much more balanced. I'm still not sure if non-lead Kadabra is even viable due to an overabundance of physically frail pokemon, but I still think it's better than stuff like Pidgeot. As a lead, it basically does the same stuff as Zam, just being outpaced by Zam and Star. Being slower than the rare Gengar lead does seem like it would be an issue, but in practice it isn't that bad- if Gengar stays in and misses it's in a world of pain.

Anyway, as I mentioned, Kadabra is a broke man's Zam, making it a solid, though unspectacular choice. It's capable of spreading status and can opportunistically hax its way through checks, however its absurd vulnerability to physical attackers does limit its potential
https://pokepast.es/71dc310ce00ff866 (non-lead)
https://pokepast.es/f262de9c833b5d41 (lead)

Most of these replays were saved prior to the replays being lost, so they might not work. Sorrry!
Played way too fucking risky and got burned by luck as a result. I was still trying to remember how to play this team, which really isn't a good sign. A more balanced team wouldn't have been screwed as badly by luck. Also we can add Zap to the list of sweepers that body Kadabra lol, I was lucky to break through it here
Kad actually went pretty well. I got rather lucky with it so it's not fully representative of what it can do, but it's not as though it isn't capable of severe hax either. Basically drastically weakened both Jynx and Chansey to the point where they were almost useless for the rest of the match
This set kinda illustrates the flaws with this team. Zapdos is super awkward to deal with, since I don't have TWave on Chansey, Kadabra isn't that great against it either, and I don't want to compromise Zam. Anyway, Kadabra was able to apply some pressure, but I didn't really manage to properly capitalise on it
Kad actually put in a decent amount of work, being a solid defensive piece and status/chip spreader
Second tournament match with my new Kadabra team (ChansL) and it actually went really well! Kadabra was able to break through Chansey, which helped me set up my Zam to take a very threatening position. I can't say for sure exactly how threatening, as Medeia decided to forfeit early. Anyway, Kadabra breaking down walls to set up Zam is the theory behind running Kadabra in the first place, so it's great to see it realised
Tour match vs Stunner047 using my KadL team. Kad didn't do a whole lot here, given that it was a Jynx matchup, but the team ended up working well overall
Lead Kadabra match where it managed to put in work. Did what I expect from it, forcing Rests from both Jolteon and Egg before being slept. Later on it woke up and applied some pressure to Chansey, before I carelessly left it on an Egg HB (wasn't expecting HB, but I definitely considered DE a possibility, which would've been equally fatal)
Fairly typical match with Kad vs a Jynx lead- got early para and sleep foddered it. Was still able to use it to bait a predictable Lax switch, allowing me to safely bring in Egg. Later in the game it was used as fodder.

Ladder (note to self- all ladder replays came after swapping to ChansL)
This was a brutal loss to a bad opponent with my non-lead Kadabra team. I got unlucky in the Tauros ditto but this team just caved to physical attackers. Although I was playing terribly today, I don't think my play this match was that bad- I definitely played Lax a little too carelessly, but reading an Egg switch I think is defensible
Battle against a strong player (apparently they're not Ebola??? Lol). Kadabra was more of a liability in this match. It spread a bit of para and got a little bit of chip damage on Egg, but was heavily abused by physical attackers and I never quite managed to recover. Admittedly I don't think I made the right choices in defending against them, but these match ups have a very slim margin of error for this team
Battle against a respectable opponent with my KadL team. Kadabra actually went fairly well this match, paralysing and weakening their Jynx before taking sleep. Afterwards I was then able to use it as a tool for switching, and it got an early wake that let it apply pressure and eventually set up a KO on Lax

Poliwhirl is actually a really potent Pokemon, it's just supremely unreliable. Hypnosis+Amnesia is just an insane combo, even on a Pokemon as weak as Whirl. It does need an Amnesia to be dealing substantial damage, however that's really easy to achieve. The potency of this combo alone is enough for me to consider it worth using... but its flaws mean that it only barely achieves this status, and I rank it alongside Magneton.

The biggest issue is its dependence on Hypnosis and Hydro Pump (Surf doesn't deal enough damage), which are obviously prone to missing, an issue that's only compounded if it gets paralysed. On top of which its stats just aren't good enough. 90 base SPE falls just short of every notable fast Pokemon in RBY. That in conjunction with its poor defenses mean that it's easily revenge killed, while those same defenses make bad luck all the more punishing.

I think the comparison with Poliwrath is interesting. Wrath's superior bulk gives it a larger margin of error, while it can generate some value from its Fighting typing. However if you maximise the value of that Fighting typing with Submission, you're making an already unreliable Pokemon even more unreliable, and also Fighting typing is already probably scaring Normals out. I still think Poliwrath is probably better, but the margin may not be as large as expected. Also Poliwhirl is better into Victreebel, which isn't a huge deal but it's not nothing either

Side note: I personally found that people rarely try to block sleep with Poliwhirl (which is probably the correct call), so you're generally best to just fire off a Hypnosis once it's in

Most of these replays were saved prior to the replays being lost, so they might not work. Sorrry!
The team debut. I managed to win but it wasn't pretty. Poliwhirl had a dream matchup and managed to put Chansey to sleep, while setting up a really threatening position, before falling short due to bad luck. I suspect that will be a recurring theme with Poliwhirl
Whirl kinda did things? I was able to exploit a mono-IB Chansey to make it into a large threat, then leveraged that threat to predict high risk options from my opponent (Cloy boom, Taur HBeam). Also Whirl managed to luck its way through Chansey which was cool
Whirl played a small but vital role in this game, utilising its fast Hypnosis to incapacitate and take down a problematic Victreebel. Worth noting that Poliwrath couldn't have performed nearly as well in that role due to speed tying Bel
Real lowlight for Poliwhirl here. Brought it in more or less for free, and it died without achieving anything
Poliwhirl didn't accomplish too much here, as a lack of paralysed opps meant it didn't have much in the way of openings

If you look at Pidgeot and think that it's totally outclassed, you'd pretty much be right, I had a tough time finding a way for it to stand out from Dodrio and Fearow, who are themselves obviously mediocre at best. I initially thought a Rest+Reflect set would be a good way to capitalise on Pidgeot's superior bulk, while also theoretically being able to sweep with decent speed and STAB HB. However I cannot stress enough how terrible that idea was. Pidgeot's bad typing makes it vulnerable to everything and a monumental liability once Resting, while its bulk, despite being superior to the competition, is still pretty bad. Additionally it struggles against the physical attackers you'd want a Rest+Reflect set for. Tauros, Rhydon, IBLax and AmnesiaLax all murder it, while it can't actually beat any form of RefLax. That really only leaves PhysLax that it's capable of walling

In the end I resorted to DE/HB/Mirror Move/Sand Attack. STAB options are an obvious choice, Mirror Move gives it an edge over Drio, and lets it use Rest+Reflect without actually running it (it's theoretically a super versatile move, but that was the best use I found with it). Sand Attack looks bad and it is a lot of the time, but it's surprisingly useful for Pidgeot. This is because Pidgeot is hard countered by stuff like Rhydon, but it also struggles to force switches, meaning calling out a switch with a switch of your own can be very risky. In that scenario, Sand Attack has value as an option that provides a small amount of value no matter what the opponent does.

Anyway Pidgeot sucks, and is only barely above the bottom of the barrel

https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen1ou-1947708132-cynp636c4rp2f9cf9y4ipz0vdejcepvpw (ladder)
Disaster of a match for Pidgeot. Got hard countered by Gengar, while fully highlighting just how cumbersome Rest+Reflect is for something with obvious weaknesses. It was kinda forced to go for Rest+Reflect to do anything vs Lax, but every time it tried Gengar came in and forced it out before it could heal or do anything. I could've tried predicting those switches, but they were far from forced, which meant such a prediction would be incredibly risky. I've since stopped trying to use Reflect Pidgeot
Pidgeot wasn't useless, but it also didn't achieve anything in this game. I was able to leverage the Gengar-Flying combo to give it a bit of defensive utility against Lax, but offensively it did nothing because it got countered by Starmie every time it came in. Not having Body Slam sucks lol
At this point I was so sick of Pidgeot but I wanted another half decent replay, and this one gives an accurate depiction of the Pidgeot experience. I was able to use it here, but it doesn't really do anything, since it can't beat Reflect, and it can't deal with Recover users (or really anything faster than it). I wasn't happy with my play this match, but my opponent did well to maximise the value of their luck

https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen1ou-1939604640-97uq8ir1om7bnyhwzlmjbkzhpzlmocspw (tour)
Pidgeot actually kinda filled its role for once! Walled Lax and was able to land a few clutch crits. It was an absolute liability against their Zapdos though. If I hadn't gotten lucky with that Explosion 255 I probably wouldn't have won this game
This was a funny match for Pidgeot in that it almost looked threatening with a weakened team and key paralysis spread, except Green had a Rhydon in the back. Because of that, Pidgeot was practically useless. I started running Sand Attack as a tech for this scenario, but that only has a small effect of making things slightly less bad- Don still destroys Pidgeot


Ahhh Beedrill, wielding the strongest Bug type attack in the game in a generation dominated by Psychic types. This might be a reason for hope, which makes it all the more tragic that Beedrill is absolute garbage. Its stats range from awful to mediocre, and for a Pokemon defined by being able to hit Psychic types super effectively, it sure does suck being OHKO'd by literally every Psychic attack in the game. On top of which, Twineedle is just a terrible move with an effective base 50 power.

Beedrill does get some good boosting options which can make it a threat, the trouble is that it needs to spend multiple turns boosting to be a threat (either +4/+2 or +2/+2 against a heavily weakened team), as it needs SD to be a threat and Agility to have a hope against faster Psychics/revenge killers. All while being OHKO'd or 2HKO'd by almost every relevant Pokemon, thanks to its pathetic bulk and lack of resistances. If that sounds unrealistic to you, that's because it is. It is possible for Beedrill to be made into a threat, with the right matchup and extensive para/chip but it's far more likely that it will just die. At least it's good against Victreebel?

I consider this Pokemon to be a deadweight in the majority of scenarios, and not worthy of use even in my trashmon era. Having said that, I think it's the slightest step above stuff like Golbat, as I was able to get a sliver of value out of it. I put it a subrank above Golbat, and retrospectively decided that I was slightly too harsh on Butterfree and decided they can share a rank

Some of these replays were affected by the issues at the end of last year so they may not work, sorry!
Beedrill couldn't even force a switch against Egg so it just fucking died lmao. So much for Bug attacks. The worst part is, that's a fair play from my opponent, because Beedrill doesn't KO there without a crit. Also I really played like ass this game lol
I think I really executed the Beedrill game plan well- maintained status on the opposing Psychics and pressured them as much as possible. And guess what? It got me nowhere and I got fucking destroyed. Bee didn't have enough power to actually gain an advantage over the opposing Psychics, who were consistently able to leverage the threat of an OHKO to prevent Bee from getting anything going
Got a Beedrill sweep! My opponent wasn't at a high level though, and it involved an unreasonable amount of turns spent boosting (Bee needs to get to +4 to OHKO Chansey and 2HKO Tauros). I don't care, I'm just glad I managed to pull it off
Had a match against an opponent at a respectable elo. What's notable about this one is that Beedrill actually had a fantastic matchup. Victreebel is basically the only pokemon that Beedrill provides defensive value against, which meant it really contributed this match, walling Bel and eventually dealing a ton of damage to it. It's a shame a HB miss robbed me of the win, cool team from my opponent though.
Unsure if I should include this replay- I'd like to because they're a solid opponent, but Bee did nothing in this match. I ended up losing when their 10% Tauros OHKO'd mine from full (4.7% chance)
I'd like another replay where Bee does something, but this opponent was respectable and this is illustrative. Bee had a reasonable chance to do something, boosting up on a weakened, paralysed non-Psychic Star. I could've gone for the KO at +2, but I needed to also Agility to avoid the immediate revenge kill. As a result, Bee got crit and fucking died to a neutral attack bc it's so frail

Tbh I was looking forward to using Marowak. Not because I thought it would be good, but because it has some semblance of defensive utility, a rarity at this level of viability Anyway, I think Marowak is pretty clearly a bad pokemon, but not bottom of the barrel. It's slow, a mediocre attacker and a liability against strong special attackers. Its movepool isn't great, as it's able to attack and not much else. Its main utility is as a speed bump for Rhydon, Electrics and Gengar, however its matchups against Don and Zap aren't as good as you might think.

It obviously doesn't resist Don's EQ which limits its ability to switch in, however it also struggles to 2HKO- it needs Bubble Beam to be likely to 2HKO, as Blizzard has an unfavourable roll. Meanwhile Zap 4HKOs with DP over 85% of the time, meaning Marowak usually loses. That said, Wak's still really useful in those matchups, as even if it has issues, it's at least setting up for a revenge kill on a potent threat.

Unfortunately in a meta where Egg and Star are both popular, it's going to struggle to deal much damage and that's the reality of Marowak. It offers far more defensive value than it does offensive. Also I mentioned Bubble Beam earlier- I honestly think that's Marowak's best 4th option because it's a difference maker in the Don match up. I tried Counter as well, inspired by Tarvold's post about Counter Nidoqueen, and ended up throwing countless games as a result. Some of this is a skill issue, but I think it's genuinely a terrible option, as the risk-reward of trying to use Counter (which is almost exclusively to catch a HB) is insane


Think this is my second tour match with Wak, and the first where it actually did anything. It helped stymie the opposing Zap, but its pathetic special stat was on full display, as although Blizzard did reasonable chip damage to Egg and Zap, it was less than what other Ground types can achieve and it's still probably losing to Zap
A very frustrating tour match tbh- early hax on my Chansey put me way behind in the match and I was playing catch-up the whole time when I should've gone on the aggressive. In any case, Wak performed with precise mediocrity. It helped defensively against Zap, but it struggled to do any substantial damage
This match came against someone participating in their first tournament, so playing me and my trashmons would've been interesting. Anyway, this was a relatively typical use case of Wak in that I was able to bring it in vs Gar early in the game. Where this was atypical is that I was neither slept nor met with a Ground resist- instead Wak got to go toe to toe with Lax. I could've spammed EQ to put Lax in range of a revenge kill after Wak lost the 1v1, but instead I went for Counter to try to win the 1v1 and got screwed by luck as a result
Standard use of Wak against Zap. Surprisingly it survived the matchup, but was on such low HP it wasn't good for much. I was hoping to preserve it to use against Lax, but that ended up not eventuating

Wak came in handy as a check to Zap, but the duo of Star and Egg shut it down completely. Admittedly, not clicking BS when I could was a misplay. Later on I tried catching a HB for Counter and died as a result. Counter Marowak is sooooo fucking bad.

Anyway, if you're curious, here is my personal VR for the trashmons that I've tested
Magneton, Poliwhirl
Venomoth, Marowak
Farfetch'd, Pidgeot
Beedrill, Butterfree
Golbat, Seaking
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could thunderbolt reflax cook? you 3HKO cloyster and can fish for para against chansey
Fishing for para doesn't seem worth it with a 10% chance. You could use IB for the exact same odds, but for a freeze instead. Being more effective against Cloyster is definitely a valid niche though.

On the other hand, it's almost useless otherwise, meaning it's an ultra-specific tech that's heavily overshadowed in the majority of situations. It makes sense if you really want to kill Cloy, but I would also question if that's really the optimal option.

So I think it works, but there are probably way better options overall
Alright, time for an update on my trashmon experiments

(a lot of text)

Only just now got to read this post for some reason, first off i'm so thankful you got some use out of my boi Poliwhirl!! I'll have to agree he's a very inconsistent jank but probably extremely fun and that's all that matters.

But what gets me a bit is something you might've not touched up on when explaining Kad, it does seem better as a lead to save up Zam, but non-lead Kad could have some extra mileage as keeping a surprise factor, no? I mean, if you see someone leading Kad on ladder, wouldn't you expect them to have a Zam on the back as well? This is probably also easy to assume from someone leading Haunter if that ever were to happen.

What I want to get with this is that this could be both a potential issue for lead Kad (knowing their lead, that they have a Zam on the back, and most likely three normal types can be a bit expositive of a team I believe), and maybe a potential benefit if you want to try some sort of 4D chess mindgame where you threaten a Zam on the back that doesn't exist, could that have value? I do not know what would be ideal to replace back Zam, I would suggest Starm but I'm not experienced enough on their overall differences in how they execute to be able to comment properly on this, if meaningful enough to make this gimmick worth it, or any other sort of pokemon that could make for a solid surprise over a predicted back Zam
Only just now got to read this post for some reason, first off i'm so thankful you got some use out of my boi Poliwhirl!! I'll have to agree he's a very inconsistent jank but probably extremely fun and that's all that matters.

But what gets me a bit is something you might've not touched up on when explaining Kad, it does seem better as a lead to save up Zam, but non-lead Kad could have some extra mileage as keeping a surprise factor, no? I mean, if you see someone leading Kad on ladder, wouldn't you expect them to have a Zam on the back as well? This is probably also easy to assume from someone leading Haunter if that ever were to happen.

What I want to get with this is that this could be both a potential issue for lead Kad (knowing their lead, that they have a Zam on the back, and most likely three normal types can be a bit expositive of a team I believe), and maybe a potential benefit if you want to try some sort of 4D chess mindgame where you threaten a Zam on the back that doesn't exist, could that have value? I do not know what would be ideal to replace back Zam, I would suggest Starm but I'm not experienced enough on their overall differences in how they execute to be able to comment properly on this, if meaningful enough to make this gimmick worth it, or any other sort of pokemon that could make for a solid surprise over a predicted back Zam
I think you're spot on in that playing Kad early (or at least before Zam) is terrible information management since you reveal most of your team, and that theoretically Kadabra is better off being played later on for that reason. Unfortunately I just don't think it works in practice, since the later you play Kadabra, the more the Tauros issue becomes a major obstacle. Surprise factor isn't really worth it when the biggest threat that you expect to see on every team just obliterates you

Running Kadabra without a Zam is some wild cooking. The funny thing is I think it's a really cool concept and I could actually see it working, I'm tempted to build a team around it to see what it would look like. My main issue with it is that you're objectively worse off if your opponent doesn't make that assumption. In high level play, this would be if they metagame in some way, such as by scouting games or otherwise learning/figuring out that people might not be running Zam behind Kadabra. General meta knowledge seems unlikely given how irrelevant Kadabra is, but scouting could plausibly cause this strategy to backfire
I don't play this tier as much, can someone explain to me what Flareon's niche in the tier is, seeing it ranked on the VR is boogling my mind
Clef is just a paraspreader, i think Aero can do something but i forgot what it was, but what exactly does Flareon do here?
I don't play this tier as much, can someone explain to me what Flareon's niche in the tier is, seeing it ranked on the VR is boogling my mind
Clef is just a paraspreader, i think Aero can do something but i forgot what it was, but what exactly does Flareon do here?
Short answer: Flareon does rby para stacking shenanigans.
Longer answer: Flareon has a miniscule niche of being able to do something like 2hko Starmie with SlamBeam. I think the normal set is Body Slam / Hyper Beam / Fire Blast / Tail Whip. If Flareon uses tail whip on a paralyzed Starmie, it reapplies the paralysis de buff so that even a paralyzed Flareon will outspeed it, while also making it get two shot by the slam beam combo. I'm not aware of anything else it does but it's got 130 attack lol
Flareon is unviable; no one uses it in competitive tour games, but on RBY OU VR's there is usually always a couple Pokémon that end up ranked that are useless.
Flareon just does a fuckton of damage.

It easily 3hkos Snorlax, and unlike most fires it has the attack to threaten a switched in Starmie with Bodyslam.

It has pretty good special resistance, and no special weaknesses so it is able to actually go toe to toe with most special attackers, unlike, eg. Kingler.

Of course its defense is crap, its weak to earthquake, and it isnt very fast. Notably its slower even that cloyster and vic, which is a problem. There's a reason no one is ranking it particularly high.
honestly the biggest problem with Flareon is that it's not Moltres, who does the same funny fire blast things but a lot stronger and ground immune.
Flareon's upsides are clear (130 attack, Body Slam, lack of boltbeam weaknesses), they allow it to pressure Chansey much more directly than Moltres can ever dream of, but the lower speed, lack of Agility, ground weakness, it all adds up to make it much worse than Moltres in the lategame.

so if you build a Moltres team, and you end up thinking "man I wish this Moltres could switch in to pressure things earlier on", then maybe Flareon is the guy for you, he's a bit better at spearheading the offensive charge since he can bully most Chanseys more effectively. but Moltres is WAY better lategame. and well Moltres is already a fringe choice, so putting a worse Moltres in your team is usually unappealing
Uncommon opinion: Flareon is a usable but ultra-niche lead. Solid spec bulk and lack of weaknesses means that no leads threaten it aside from Surf Star. Meanwhile it threatens a ton of damage and paraslam. Lastly, if it runs Quick Attack it can KO Jynx that miss LK (FB doesn't OHKO without a crit, but FB+QA is guaranteed). That is to my knowledge the only justifiable reason for running Quick Attack

Otherwise I think Amaranth and Hipmonlee are spot on in analysing its role- it's not at all a sweeper but it's a respectable wallbreaker. Its special bulk and lack of ice/elec/psy weaknesses means that it has a lot of leeway to sustain aggression but it's also awkward to bring in. The prevalence of Surf Starmie in recent years is a bit of a problem for it though

I think calling Flareon unviable is a bit excessive as it's definitely usable, but I don't think anyone's going to pretend it has competitive relevance
Thoughts on Amnesia + Hyper Beam Snorlax?

Hyper Beam

Seems ridiculously strong against a paralysed team, and the only walls I can think of are Cloyster and Slowbro (with both still needing to be careful if they are weakened and paralysed beforehand).
Thoughts on Amnesia + Hyper Beam Snorlax?

Hyper Beam

Seems ridiculously strong against a paralysed team, and the only walls I can think of are Cloyster and Slowbro (with both still needing to be careful if they are weakened and paralysed beforehand).

This set rly struggles to do direct damage and also isn't a very potent wincon because it's roadblocked by Starmie (as well as Cloy I guess), and without Reflect, Rest is much harder to pull off as the physical attackers will give you hell. Standard offensive Amnelax is usually Slam, Amne, Bliz, Boom - I don't hate HB>Boom honestly, it's able to muscle past Cloy and Starmie much easier but obviously giving up on the 1 for 1 button has drawbacks. Body Slam here just allows you to actually make progress with Lax midgame. In terms of endgame wincons, I've messed around a bit with Amne TBolt Blizz HBeam - literally never hits the field until endgame but can be pretty devastating, especially if the physical threats like Tauros are paralyzed/weakened. Results are pretty inconclusive though, supporting this endgame is really tricky so you'd be better off with the more standard Amnelax but with HB>Boom i think
This set rly struggles to do direct damage and also isn't a very potent wincon because it's roadblocked by Starmie

Funnily enough this Snorlax's matchup against a paralysed starmie is one of its selling points imo.

+6 Blizzard and then Hyper Beam always 2HKOes Starmie. And Amnesia helps you outspeed Starmie even if both mons are paralysed.

For Ice + Normal Amnesia Snorlax with Rest, I think the ability to wall both Chansey and Starmie while still having 2HKO potential against them like Physlax is huge.

Of course its still a fringe set and Body Slam is better most of the time since it can paralyse stuff and is not faced with 8pp or a recharge turn. But I feel like Hyper Beam + Amensia is a valid niche.

+2 Blizzard followed by Hyper Beam also 2HKOes Tauros more reliably than +2 Blizzard alone which is pretty neat.

I personally prefer Rest's ability to wipe off Paralysis and actually allow Snorlax boost up to +6 easier to beat paralysed Chansey/Starmie, but I could see the following set also working:

Hyper Beam
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could thunderbolt reflax cook? you 3HKO cloyster and can fish for para against chansey

I've always been a huge fan of Amnesia + Reflect Tbolt Lax paired with Toxic Zapdos.

The idea of Toxic Zapdos is to lure and poison Chansey and Rhydon, two common switchins to Zapdos who lose to repeated poison damage against Reflect Lax unless Rhydon has Rest.

I personally even prefer Harden over Reflect to increase the odds of beating Rhydon more reliably in the long run, even being able to rest after eating a critical hit earthquake or pp stall rest/tail whip variants.