VR, post RBYPL retrospective at the bottom cause I did much of the building
Fringe is unranked, rest are ranked
So first off, I would like to say that:
1. This tier is super underdeveloped to the point that any nonmainer can come in and sweep all the mainers, we are all ass and need to get better
2. All of my takes are very temporary and will evolve, but hey, NU is about to VR so this tier won't even exist as is in like a month and a half
3. Nicole is the GOAT and is correct that Graveler is cracked and if I was real I'd put it 2-3 and Fearow like 9 but I'm a coward
4. Cutoffs don't matter but to me either between B/C or like, right after Vileplume is probably the cutoff, not sure enough if I want Vileplume in its own tier so I lumped those together
RBYPL stuff
There were basically two phases to RBYPL for my team, the first with Wanted at the helm and we built stuff that I would say was very basic and a bit stuck in the past (that's on me) and the second with lax piloting as we went full Graveler + Seaking Fearowless and just sent it every game. I'll pick out a few of the teams I liked and toss them here with some notes.
lax vs nicole, week 4

Start of the Fearowless Grav train, which, ironically, nicole put me onto after a conversation we had in DMs. I was still on a little bit of cope with running Gastly Seaking Staryu all at once with SurfBolt Star, in retrospect I'd probably go 3 attacks with Psychic over Recover. We hit an opposing lead Pory and kinda got goobed as expected, one of many reasons I later started building more with Abra.

Lead pory is just stupidly good if you hit a no Psychic-types matchup, and knowing nicole tends to favor strong, consistent mons over scouting and bringing inconsistent stuff, we figured this would go well. We definitely got good luck but again, lead Pory into no Psychic-type is just a disgusting matchup.

As mentioned in my VR, Plume is kind of sick into Blizzless Seaking + Graveler, so I thought it might land well into her brings and it ended up doing a ton here. Scyther in back was unexpected but as seen, Seaking ate, and our Plume let us force nicole to sack Seaking and Fearow and also revenge kill with Staryu, which made the endgame much less playable for her.

Machamp was kind of a flub here because you have to play predictions with it over and over, Plume worked out decently again, but ultimately we haxed, oh well.
We reused the above ideas a lot for the rest of the tour, though we also mixed in Surf + Psychic Staryu, Fearow, Abra, so I'll post a few more teams below:

Simple idea, we ran zero Fearow and 100% Grav so we figured nobody would bring Grav into us and we could have our fast murderbird in for free rather than rely on something as finicky as Gastly.

One of the teams I think did a lot with the Graveler structure, we ran this into Gangsta Spongebob in Week 7. Abra completely clapped Porygon and Staryu, Graveler got insane value, and Pinsir easily mopped up. I think there's a lot of variants on this idea that can work that make mons like Pinsir, Machamp, Abra work well.

The other one I wanna highlight from that set, similar idea to above but Machamp. We definitely got lucky with the early freeze but this game really shows what a fully-evolved mon like Machamp can do to break through Staryu and still get more damage after just off sheer bulk, and why SurfBolt 100% use just isn't it.
Overall, I don't have any motivation to try to make huge meta revelations for this tier right before NU VRs and completely shakes it up, and I stuck to a couple specific structures when building for the back half of the tour, but I do think I learned some interesting things building and watching games in the latter half of RBYPL and some of it will carry over to the new meta - thanks Wanted in 49 States, nicole7735, and lax for each making me learn some stuff whether through building/discussions or watching you play your matches. The big takeaway I have is that one-time momentum stoppers that do significant damage are just so stupidly lethal and we need to respect them more across tiers, this absolutely influenced how I built in UU and NU as well. See you all after NU VR.
Fringe is unranked, rest are ranked
So first off, I would like to say that:
1. This tier is super underdeveloped to the point that any nonmainer can come in and sweep all the mainers, we are all ass and need to get better
2. All of my takes are very temporary and will evolve, but hey, NU is about to VR so this tier won't even exist as is in like a month and a half
3. Nicole is the GOAT and is correct that Graveler is cracked and if I was real I'd put it 2-3 and Fearow like 9 but I'm a coward
4. Cutoffs don't matter but to me either between B/C or like, right after Vileplume is probably the cutoff, not sure enough if I want Vileplume in its own tier so I lumped those together
1. Arcanine - this is obvious, the only Pokemon there is no reason to ever drop. 1v1s most things, speed tier + 30% burn lets it cheat matchups it normally loses, Agility lets it turn a winning 1v1 into a winning 1v1 + 40% on another mon even when paralyzed, bulky enough to sort of switch in sometimes, back Arcanine is absurdly threatening and always trades well into any team ever.
2. Staryu - flawed but incredibly good mon, most of its weaknesses get patched up by its teammates, it has good coverage, 1v1ing Nidoqueen consistently is a very good trait. People need to get out of the Surf Bolt Wave Recover paradigm and be more willing to run 3 attacks or Surf Psy or something, Thunderbolt is super non essential and so is permawalling Seaking, depending on your team structure; trying to keep Staryu at 100% and unparalyzed is a big ask over the course of a game and checking Seaking should be done more proactively. The frailty sucks but back Arc/Grav/Seaking go a long way to help and people also need to stop preserving it regardless of structure, it can make good progress then get KOed and still win games just fine.
3. Nidoqueen - might be putting this too high but two things stick out to me. The first is that "progress maker that forces predictions to not just lose to it" is really good, and the second is that it's the only legitimate Graveler switch-in that keeps momentum and doesn't take obscene damage if you can get in on Rock Slide. It's also unfortunately one of the better leads at the moment, but I still think Nidoqueen lead is pretty fraudulent and we would eventually optimize away from gambling this hard. Has a lot of nice little tech options, Substitute, Surf on lead to not instalose to turn 1 burn, Fire Blast for Pinsir, Counter is kind of stupid but has some niche uses, etc.
4. Graveler - Gravelgod. Spamming this throughout RBYPL was super correct, incredible mon that obviously walls Fearow but also the sheer damage it does, the ease of getting Substitute up, and Explosion make this so good. Nothing can really afford to take a non-resisted hit into this, and if you see it you almost may as well sack your Fearow immediately, except that if it beats Fearow with Sub up you lose anyway. Turns every turn into a 50/50 or worse once it's in on Fearow. Counter is koolaid and a bad move to run, Quake Slide Boom Sub are all mandatory and do more than enough. Even if the opponent doesn't bring Fearow, revenge killing a paralyzed mon then booming or something lets it do more than enough. I'm really interested to see how Fearow/Arc/Gastly probably leaving the tier affect it.
5. Seaking - I do not subscribe to the "Seaking sucks, walled by Staryu" koolaid, preserving Staryu that long means giving up momentum/damage multiple times. Pairs well with Graveler because then you don't need Blizzard necessarily, plus Graveler hitting Fearow one time followed by Boom/one EQ hit on Staryu is enough to ensure it can't check Seaking later. This structure has a Vileplume problem but Plume hasn't picked up quite enough yet for that to be an issue + there are ways to shore that up like Gastly/Abra. Anyway, great mon, Agility sweeper with no real walls is nice, Double-Edge makes Staryu very suspect as a check.
6. Fearow - STAB Hyper Beam and 100 Speed means this is never going to be a bad mon, but holy shit the momentum you lose on Graveler is so bad that you just can't bring this every game. We were all so wrong. One idea in my mind lately has been using Substitute over Agility to force Rock Slide from Graveler to guarantee pivots to Nidoqueen and blunt its momentum, but I didn't get to try it out, alas.
7. Porygon - Broken ass mon that is entirely limited by 4MSS. Running Psychic/Agi/Twave/Recover every time is Abra/Drowzee fodder, dropping Agility and Twave both have big costs, but you probably want Double-Edge and even Thunderbolt sometimes (Tbolt is more of a back Twaveless sweeper type of idea to me to limit crit chances from foes). Probably one of the mons with the most left to explore, but I think this will end up being an NU threat anyway. If not, we need to test out back sweeper Porygon more and some more lead sets that bait in and beat Psychic-types. I can imagine Hyper Beam having a niche as a bait move in a future meta but probably not in this one.
8. Abra - Gravelgod's rise has completely shifted my opinion of this mon, preys on Pory/Staryu/Gastly, does painful damage to everything else, has an exit strategy now thanks to Graveler and back Arcanine, only issue this thing really has is opposing Drowzee and even then youre probably going 1 for 1. Also has some interesting techs with Substitute, Counter, I thought about Reflect but it feels unreasonably tricky to set up. Still super frail but the implied Graveler in back means you have to revenge this with either a Fire-type or something slower, and launching Hbeam into it only to hit Graveler is pretty devastating too.
9. Gastly - I hate this mon so much. Hypnosis coinflips ruin games whether they hit or miss, but the inconsistency stops it from being higher for me when several mons OHKO it and Fearow crit OHKOes it. Psy Star is also a big nerf to this mon with a solid chance of beating it outright. Fraudulent as a Seaking/Staryu check, hard switching this into either is a desperation move and not something people should be doing happily. More Abra and Porygon and Magmar also aren't good for it, IMO.
10. Pinsir - Another underrated mon that benefits heavily from the back Arc + Graveler paradigm. Trades with absolutely anything, decent Speed, Swords Dance prevents Porygon from sitting on things, Seismic Toss lets it hit Graveler and Gastly for significant damage. It has plenty of ways in and the offensive checks to it aren't happy to come in; Slash on Arcanine does enough that you can go to your own back Arc without much worry after. Right about here on my VR is where things start getting more specialized and need specific team structures to operate, though I'm sure we'll find more ideas.
11. Machamp - Similar logic to Pinsir, I'm actually not sure which to rank higher but I think I value Pinsir's speed and consistent damage a bit more, whereas Machamp has to do a little predicting or get some 30%s to maximize its value. Still, solid mon, good damage output, as with most fully evolved mons it can flat out beat Staryu or force it out in precarious spots and a Fearow weakness isn't damning in this metagame, though being vulnerable to burn sucks ass. Beating basically any Nidoqueen set is a plus but generally losing to Seaking is a minus. Submission might unfortunately be worth bringing on this again.
12. Rapidash - Not terrible, but more back Arc, more Pory, and more Graveler all don't bode well, nor does less Fearow. Inconsistent mon that has high highs and low lows, but not being Gastly-weak is a plus and if the Psychics keep seeing use that helps Dash for sure. Hard to say where this truly belongs, but I'm sure there's more to explore; I think the structures it's been tried on just feel redundant for it.
13. Magmar - Probably a bit worse than Dash overall, but the sheer variety of useful moves it gets are so nice. Smokescreen/Cray as anti-setup stuff is so annoying, Psychic gives it consistency against a lot of targets, Counter is a little bit meme but still has its moments, main issue is awful bulk + slower than all the Fires and Fearow. May be nicer if Pinsir picks up more.
14. Vileplume - The ultimate SurfBolt Star + Grav or Blizzless Seaking + Grav (or both) punish, blunted a bit by increased PsyStar. Hard to stop this getting sleep because it actually has some bulk, but it's also hard for this to get more than a sleep off. Still, another mon that benefits from Fearow getting knocked down a peg and a nice thing to keep in your scout so people don't get too comfy running Grav + Dedge Seaking all the time.
15. Dragonair - Another inconsistent mon with a lot of options, and another punish for SurfBolt and Blizzless Seaking. AgiliWrap is annoying and stupid and inevitably will be banned. I had an old team that used Agility + Twave to force paralysis on Gastly to remove it for back Seaking + Scyther and I think at the time that was pretty cutting-edge, but that's definitely not quite so good in the age of the Gravelgod. Another mon that could be explored more, probably gets worse the more Pinsir/Machamp/Abra show up but who knows, with that movepool I'm sure we find something new.
16. Drowzee - Too slow and frail to be as good as it promises, pick Abra for the speed on most teams. Role compressing Hypnosis + Twave is nice but if you take a Twave on entry to Porygon or miss a Hypnosis it immediately makes Drowzee so much worse, anyway. Probably has a structure or two where it's nice but overall I'm a skeptic.
17. Sandslash - The general shift toward Graveler and Porygon and Abra is so good for Sandslash. Still unproven, I built with it a fair but but we never ended up using it in part because I wanted to keep things straightforward for lax during RBYPL. I think Sandslash requires a lot of skill to use right and other mons just don't need to be used so flawlessly to win games, but eventually we'll figure this mon out more.
18. Scyther - Gravelgod makes this way more niche than it used to be, not sure it's PU at the moment but I'm not trying to be too hasty. Still clearly has a niche.
19. Magneton - Same issue as Scyther but even less upside. I might play it into specific scouts, but there's very little reason you ever have to risk getting matchupped like this.
The rest: Poliwag's always gonna have some small niche as a fast sleeper, but it does basically nothing else. Arbok can do stupid shit with Glare Wrap but ultimately lots of things stop it here compared to ZU. Slowpoke/Omanyte are just too slow to do stuff here since they can't do Gravelgod levels of damage or actually wall things, but they aren't auto-loss brings. "Fringe" is just stuff I've toyed around with or theorycrafted but those are very very not ranked, lol, what they do should be obvious but that doesn't mean I think they're any good.
2. Staryu - flawed but incredibly good mon, most of its weaknesses get patched up by its teammates, it has good coverage, 1v1ing Nidoqueen consistently is a very good trait. People need to get out of the Surf Bolt Wave Recover paradigm and be more willing to run 3 attacks or Surf Psy or something, Thunderbolt is super non essential and so is permawalling Seaking, depending on your team structure; trying to keep Staryu at 100% and unparalyzed is a big ask over the course of a game and checking Seaking should be done more proactively. The frailty sucks but back Arc/Grav/Seaking go a long way to help and people also need to stop preserving it regardless of structure, it can make good progress then get KOed and still win games just fine.
3. Nidoqueen - might be putting this too high but two things stick out to me. The first is that "progress maker that forces predictions to not just lose to it" is really good, and the second is that it's the only legitimate Graveler switch-in that keeps momentum and doesn't take obscene damage if you can get in on Rock Slide. It's also unfortunately one of the better leads at the moment, but I still think Nidoqueen lead is pretty fraudulent and we would eventually optimize away from gambling this hard. Has a lot of nice little tech options, Substitute, Surf on lead to not instalose to turn 1 burn, Fire Blast for Pinsir, Counter is kind of stupid but has some niche uses, etc.
4. Graveler - Gravelgod. Spamming this throughout RBYPL was super correct, incredible mon that obviously walls Fearow but also the sheer damage it does, the ease of getting Substitute up, and Explosion make this so good. Nothing can really afford to take a non-resisted hit into this, and if you see it you almost may as well sack your Fearow immediately, except that if it beats Fearow with Sub up you lose anyway. Turns every turn into a 50/50 or worse once it's in on Fearow. Counter is koolaid and a bad move to run, Quake Slide Boom Sub are all mandatory and do more than enough. Even if the opponent doesn't bring Fearow, revenge killing a paralyzed mon then booming or something lets it do more than enough. I'm really interested to see how Fearow/Arc/Gastly probably leaving the tier affect it.
5. Seaking - I do not subscribe to the "Seaking sucks, walled by Staryu" koolaid, preserving Staryu that long means giving up momentum/damage multiple times. Pairs well with Graveler because then you don't need Blizzard necessarily, plus Graveler hitting Fearow one time followed by Boom/one EQ hit on Staryu is enough to ensure it can't check Seaking later. This structure has a Vileplume problem but Plume hasn't picked up quite enough yet for that to be an issue + there are ways to shore that up like Gastly/Abra. Anyway, great mon, Agility sweeper with no real walls is nice, Double-Edge makes Staryu very suspect as a check.
6. Fearow - STAB Hyper Beam and 100 Speed means this is never going to be a bad mon, but holy shit the momentum you lose on Graveler is so bad that you just can't bring this every game. We were all so wrong. One idea in my mind lately has been using Substitute over Agility to force Rock Slide from Graveler to guarantee pivots to Nidoqueen and blunt its momentum, but I didn't get to try it out, alas.
7. Porygon - Broken ass mon that is entirely limited by 4MSS. Running Psychic/Agi/Twave/Recover every time is Abra/Drowzee fodder, dropping Agility and Twave both have big costs, but you probably want Double-Edge and even Thunderbolt sometimes (Tbolt is more of a back Twaveless sweeper type of idea to me to limit crit chances from foes). Probably one of the mons with the most left to explore, but I think this will end up being an NU threat anyway. If not, we need to test out back sweeper Porygon more and some more lead sets that bait in and beat Psychic-types. I can imagine Hyper Beam having a niche as a bait move in a future meta but probably not in this one.
8. Abra - Gravelgod's rise has completely shifted my opinion of this mon, preys on Pory/Staryu/Gastly, does painful damage to everything else, has an exit strategy now thanks to Graveler and back Arcanine, only issue this thing really has is opposing Drowzee and even then youre probably going 1 for 1. Also has some interesting techs with Substitute, Counter, I thought about Reflect but it feels unreasonably tricky to set up. Still super frail but the implied Graveler in back means you have to revenge this with either a Fire-type or something slower, and launching Hbeam into it only to hit Graveler is pretty devastating too.
9. Gastly - I hate this mon so much. Hypnosis coinflips ruin games whether they hit or miss, but the inconsistency stops it from being higher for me when several mons OHKO it and Fearow crit OHKOes it. Psy Star is also a big nerf to this mon with a solid chance of beating it outright. Fraudulent as a Seaking/Staryu check, hard switching this into either is a desperation move and not something people should be doing happily. More Abra and Porygon and Magmar also aren't good for it, IMO.
10. Pinsir - Another underrated mon that benefits heavily from the back Arc + Graveler paradigm. Trades with absolutely anything, decent Speed, Swords Dance prevents Porygon from sitting on things, Seismic Toss lets it hit Graveler and Gastly for significant damage. It has plenty of ways in and the offensive checks to it aren't happy to come in; Slash on Arcanine does enough that you can go to your own back Arc without much worry after. Right about here on my VR is where things start getting more specialized and need specific team structures to operate, though I'm sure we'll find more ideas.
11. Machamp - Similar logic to Pinsir, I'm actually not sure which to rank higher but I think I value Pinsir's speed and consistent damage a bit more, whereas Machamp has to do a little predicting or get some 30%s to maximize its value. Still, solid mon, good damage output, as with most fully evolved mons it can flat out beat Staryu or force it out in precarious spots and a Fearow weakness isn't damning in this metagame, though being vulnerable to burn sucks ass. Beating basically any Nidoqueen set is a plus but generally losing to Seaking is a minus. Submission might unfortunately be worth bringing on this again.
12. Rapidash - Not terrible, but more back Arc, more Pory, and more Graveler all don't bode well, nor does less Fearow. Inconsistent mon that has high highs and low lows, but not being Gastly-weak is a plus and if the Psychics keep seeing use that helps Dash for sure. Hard to say where this truly belongs, but I'm sure there's more to explore; I think the structures it's been tried on just feel redundant for it.
13. Magmar - Probably a bit worse than Dash overall, but the sheer variety of useful moves it gets are so nice. Smokescreen/Cray as anti-setup stuff is so annoying, Psychic gives it consistency against a lot of targets, Counter is a little bit meme but still has its moments, main issue is awful bulk + slower than all the Fires and Fearow. May be nicer if Pinsir picks up more.
14. Vileplume - The ultimate SurfBolt Star + Grav or Blizzless Seaking + Grav (or both) punish, blunted a bit by increased PsyStar. Hard to stop this getting sleep because it actually has some bulk, but it's also hard for this to get more than a sleep off. Still, another mon that benefits from Fearow getting knocked down a peg and a nice thing to keep in your scout so people don't get too comfy running Grav + Dedge Seaking all the time.
15. Dragonair - Another inconsistent mon with a lot of options, and another punish for SurfBolt and Blizzless Seaking. AgiliWrap is annoying and stupid and inevitably will be banned. I had an old team that used Agility + Twave to force paralysis on Gastly to remove it for back Seaking + Scyther and I think at the time that was pretty cutting-edge, but that's definitely not quite so good in the age of the Gravelgod. Another mon that could be explored more, probably gets worse the more Pinsir/Machamp/Abra show up but who knows, with that movepool I'm sure we find something new.
16. Drowzee - Too slow and frail to be as good as it promises, pick Abra for the speed on most teams. Role compressing Hypnosis + Twave is nice but if you take a Twave on entry to Porygon or miss a Hypnosis it immediately makes Drowzee so much worse, anyway. Probably has a structure or two where it's nice but overall I'm a skeptic.
17. Sandslash - The general shift toward Graveler and Porygon and Abra is so good for Sandslash. Still unproven, I built with it a fair but but we never ended up using it in part because I wanted to keep things straightforward for lax during RBYPL. I think Sandslash requires a lot of skill to use right and other mons just don't need to be used so flawlessly to win games, but eventually we'll figure this mon out more.
18. Scyther - Gravelgod makes this way more niche than it used to be, not sure it's PU at the moment but I'm not trying to be too hasty. Still clearly has a niche.
19. Magneton - Same issue as Scyther but even less upside. I might play it into specific scouts, but there's very little reason you ever have to risk getting matchupped like this.
The rest: Poliwag's always gonna have some small niche as a fast sleeper, but it does basically nothing else. Arbok can do stupid shit with Glare Wrap but ultimately lots of things stop it here compared to ZU. Slowpoke/Omanyte are just too slow to do stuff here since they can't do Gravelgod levels of damage or actually wall things, but they aren't auto-loss brings. "Fringe" is just stuff I've toyed around with or theorycrafted but those are very very not ranked, lol, what they do should be obvious but that doesn't mean I think they're any good.
RBYPL stuff
There were basically two phases to RBYPL for my team, the first with Wanted at the helm and we built stuff that I would say was very basic and a bit stuck in the past (that's on me) and the second with lax piloting as we went full Graveler + Seaking Fearowless and just sent it every game. I'll pick out a few of the teams I liked and toss them here with some notes.
lax vs nicole, week 4

Start of the Fearowless Grav train, which, ironically, nicole put me onto after a conversation we had in DMs. I was still on a little bit of cope with running Gastly Seaking Staryu all at once with SurfBolt Star, in retrospect I'd probably go 3 attacks with Psychic over Recover. We hit an opposing lead Pory and kinda got goobed as expected, one of many reasons I later started building more with Abra.

Lead pory is just stupidly good if you hit a no Psychic-types matchup, and knowing nicole tends to favor strong, consistent mons over scouting and bringing inconsistent stuff, we figured this would go well. We definitely got good luck but again, lead Pory into no Psychic-type is just a disgusting matchup.

As mentioned in my VR, Plume is kind of sick into Blizzless Seaking + Graveler, so I thought it might land well into her brings and it ended up doing a ton here. Scyther in back was unexpected but as seen, Seaking ate, and our Plume let us force nicole to sack Seaking and Fearow and also revenge kill with Staryu, which made the endgame much less playable for her.

Machamp was kind of a flub here because you have to play predictions with it over and over, Plume worked out decently again, but ultimately we haxed, oh well.
We reused the above ideas a lot for the rest of the tour, though we also mixed in Surf + Psychic Staryu, Fearow, Abra, so I'll post a few more teams below:

Simple idea, we ran zero Fearow and 100% Grav so we figured nobody would bring Grav into us and we could have our fast murderbird in for free rather than rely on something as finicky as Gastly.

One of the teams I think did a lot with the Graveler structure, we ran this into Gangsta Spongebob in Week 7. Abra completely clapped Porygon and Staryu, Graveler got insane value, and Pinsir easily mopped up. I think there's a lot of variants on this idea that can work that make mons like Pinsir, Machamp, Abra work well.

The other one I wanna highlight from that set, similar idea to above but Machamp. We definitely got lucky with the early freeze but this game really shows what a fully-evolved mon like Machamp can do to break through Staryu and still get more damage after just off sheer bulk, and why SurfBolt 100% use just isn't it.
Overall, I don't have any motivation to try to make huge meta revelations for this tier right before NU VRs and completely shakes it up, and I stuck to a couple specific structures when building for the back half of the tour, but I do think I learned some interesting things building and watching games in the latter half of RBYPL and some of it will carry over to the new meta - thanks Wanted in 49 States, nicole7735, and lax for each making me learn some stuff whether through building/discussions or watching you play your matches. The big takeaway I have is that one-time momentum stoppers that do significant damage are just so stupidly lethal and we need to respect them more across tiers, this absolutely influenced how I built in UU and NU as well. See you all after NU VR.