Tournaments RBY SU Open [winner NotVeryCake]

Opponent gave me the win

Round 3 - Losers Bracket
ButtGallon  vs  mkizzy
Baptosta  vs  SOMALIA
sleid  vs  Alice Kazumi
pac  vs  FighterFrog
TomatoZause  vs  Gangsta Spongebob
Filthy Cubone  vs  TG2513
(loser of Zpice vs Wanted in 49 States)  vs  Lillith Plays
Soda_Eesti  vs  torkonpeter

Extension deadline is Wednesday, August 28th @ 11:59 PM GMT -4
Round deadline is Sunday, September 1st @ 11:59 PM GMT -4

/challenge gen1zu @@@ -Abra, -Butterfree, -Flareon, -Marowak, -Onix, -Pidgeot, -Poliwag, -Ponyta, -Primeape, -Rhyhorn, -Sandslash, -Slowpoke, -Tentacool, -Wartortle, -Weezing, -Magneton
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Following internal discussion by hosts, RBY SU will have Confuse Ray banned for the rest of tour. If a player is found using Confuse Ray in the following rounds, their game will count as an instant loss.

Confuse Ray + Golbat have seen vocal dislike from both regular players of RBY SU and players joining for the RBY SU Open. Golbat can be oppressive when it gets lucky with Confuse Ray, which can be uncompetitive. Golbat an excellent position to use Confuse Ray given its high Speed, above average bulk and workable defensive typing, and solid enough Attack when paired with a Normal-type movepool in a tier with lacking resists. This is the first forum tour for RBY SU, and it's the first tour following the unban of Confuse Ray after a suspect test earlier this year. All of the tierlist, the meta, and the SU playerbase have seen noteworthy changes and growth from the post-seasonal metagame that the Confuse Ray + Golbat suspect was conducted in. The majority opinion at the conclusion of the suspect was that Confuse Ray should be the target of a ban instead of Golbat. Additionally, banning Golbat, although it follows policy on banning Pokemon before moves, would be more disruptive to tour than banning Confuse Ray, and this disruption is something I am looking to avoid. SU is doubly unofficial, so we have the privilege of making bans on metagame elements without opening up policy review. As such, we are opting to ban Confuse Ray for the rest of RBY SU Open, and the RBY SU council is discussing our next course of action for the tier. If you have further questions on this decision, feel free to reach out to me on Smogon or on Discord. The SU Discord also includes a place for discussion of RBY SU, so if you are interested in contributing to the conversation on Confuse Ray and Golbat, please join in! A link to the SU Discord is in my signature.
Baptosta > SOMALIA

Round 4
remember to not bring cray
Winners bracket
 vs  Gerrychu29
Dawn Dreams  vs  Zpice
NotVeryCake  vs  TTK
missangelic  vs  Toxin Boost

Losers bracket
Baptosta  vs  Wanted in 49 States
 vs  torkonpeter
Gangsta Spongebob  vs  FighterFrog
ButtGallon  vs  Alice Kazumi
/challenge gen1zu @@@ -Abra, -Butterfree, -Flareon, -Marowak, -Onix, -Pidgeot, -Poliwag, -Ponyta, -Primeape, -Rhyhorn, -Sandslash, -Slowpoke, -Tentacool, -Wartortle, -Weezing, -Magneton, -Confuse Ray

Round deadline is Sunday, September 8st @ 11:59 PM GMT -4
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