Free partial trap moves, make a partial clause when only one partial move can be used per team.
Will not happen, we aren't doing even more complex bans, and while mel was rude about it she is correct that multiple trapping moves isn't the issue here, it's Tentacruel dictating the tier and Dragonite also being really stupid with Twave-Wrap shenanigans in slower metagames. Both of these function independently, it's not like OU wrap spam.
All of this could've been avoided if we simply banned Hypnosis on Hypno specifically in Summer 2022 imo but a knee jerk reaction transpired.
That was never going to happen and still will not, we are not going to complex ban specific moves on specific mons, ever.
Hypno was perhaps the only great historical defensive stalwart of UU and the removal of it in a meta where crit heavy physical attackers like Dodrio, Dugtrio and Kangaskhan have been dominant was a mistake. Tentacruel and Hypno should be the core of UU.
Hypno is not a good defensive answer to crit-heavy physical attackers at all, I don't know what this is about. It's a check to special attackers but switch it into any of the 3 you mentioned and see what happens, or have it 1v1 Dodrio or Kang. We have strong defensive pieces in current uu with very good bulk like Gyarados, Dragonite, Golem, Vaporeon, but what do the first 3 all share in common? Getting owned by Tentacruel, except Vaporeon, which is also by far the most passive one.
Vaporeon has access to Quick Attack, Body Slam, Rest and Acid Armour. Can even sauce with Sand Attack. I don't think Vaporeon is a good example of a slow mon being choked in a 1v1 here. Tentacruel hates paralysis and QA chip stacks up
Yes, the problem with Vap isn't losing the 1v1 to Tent, it's how easy it is to switch around QA and Rest and how absurdly passive it makes you in exchange for a 12HKO on Tent.
I see Clamp mentioned by others too.. why? I have never once seen Clamp used in UU
Nobody has mentioned Clamp except in the context of whether we should ban all PT or just target specific ones, since yes, obviously Shellder is irrelevant. My position is if we say PT as a whole is uncompetitive we should just ban all of it, and if we say specifically Wrap is uncompetitive then obviously we shouldn't.
RBY UU has been pulled from pillar to post more than any other tier I have seen on this site. Too many suspects and pulses are based on nothing more than a whim for years now.
Polling about a change and testing it in a singular tour is not the same thing as actually doing it, and things like the OU drops should absolutely be tested every time, not just relegated to BL on a whim. In your big list of changes, the only actually bad thing to do was the sleep ban, which got undone; I've come around that Lapras Hypno should not be banned, but also sometimes developing tiers have a skill issue and need a ban while people catch up (see NU, where Golduck/Poliwrath had to be banned because people simply did not consider not using Rest and ToxSpin on most of their mons and putting Seismic Toss on Water-types). I am a firm believer that it is fine to ban things that are making the meta miserable for the very few people playing it and revisit the ban later when the metagame changes, and at the time Lapras and Hypno were banned, the games were glorified coinflips. We have to have some pragmatism about not having a completely dead tier because "in 2 more years everyone will have figured out how to address this centralizing threat if they just keep playing more miserable games" IMO.
The community propose a change > 'This will fix RBY UU' > It gets tested > It does not > They propose a change.. repeat cycle
I think most people would agree banning Articuno was a good change given the state of the tier, and that's the first suspect to happen under my tenure.
Please reinstate wrap, bring Hypno back and ban Hypnosis on it. The tier will be much the better for it. And if that is not popular then just make this shit C+ and be done with whatever tf this increasing Tentless meta is entirely
I am in favor of C+ happening, but that depends on what OU does. Trust me, I will be the biggest proponent of it. But we are not banning Hypnosis on Hypno, never happening.
Agree with all of what Maris said, including that Wrap is the weakest it's ever been and it's still uncompetitive, and it would make C+ unbearable to play when every good defensive piece - Slowbro, Lapras, Hypno - is also slower than all 3 of Victreebel, Dragonite, and Tentacruel - good luck dealing with that when your only recourse is sending Jolteon into them to Twave and hit Golem/Nidoking or get paralysis-traded with one of the former two and then wrapped down by the others.
i'm pretty adamant that if the goal is to 'fix' UU in the shortest time possible, we should start by making something like C+ the new standard first, and then see from there. i do realize this goes against most standard procedures, but the no lapras, no hypno UU that is currently being played is terrible with wrap or without it, and small single pokemon tweaks will not fix it in any way either. practically speaking this is the best way forward; if you have a decent theoretical justification such as "we're reflecting the new ou VRs and retesting all the UUBLs :)" that's nice too
I agree with this, but I figure it cannot hurt to start polling about people's general thoughts from right now. I'm not suggesting that we immediately do a suspect with an OU VR approaching fast anyway. The only tournament going on before SPL ends is the current ALTPL I believe, which is already into week 3/5 of regular season, so I think we can simply wait and see, or use the UU ladder as an additional testing ground for this metagame and hope that the OU VR pans out and doesn't randomly designate C1 as OU again.
UU's identity is fundamentally determined by a lack of effective defensive options, and somehow the few that were available were banned (lol). the grave has been dug pretty deep and the way out is not going to be partial trapping or sleep or the banning of any individual pokemon, if we want a playable UU we need to scrap everything and start anew, with tighter drop lines (higher in the VR of each tier starting from OU and all the way down) to keep the power levels a bit more sensible all around. THEN in the new uu we could evaluate partial trapping.
I'm good with this as well - I'm having a bit of a laugh remembering that in 2022 when I was a complete scrub I suggested that higher cutoffs would actually benefit lower tiers and people said I was stupid for it :D At the time it would've dropped Gengar Lapras Jolteon Slowbro (and Vic was already not in OU) which is like, almost current C+, and it's not like Gengar can't simply be banned
(we've tried, they don't. INCLUDING WRAP. the altpl meta is not better).
I want to say here that I don't think banning Wrap is ever the endpoint of making this tier good. Regardless of that we WILL need more meaningful defensive/bulky presences. ALTPL is showing a metagame that I do not think is remotely the end goal here, but I do think a Wrap ban is probably part of making a good metagame; the current C+ tournament shows what a tier with actual bulky mons that aren't getting choked to death by Wrap can do for the tier. I am perfectly fine with going clean slate and dropping everyone in and then when Wrap inevitably shows itself to be ridiculously centralizing with Vic Nite able to trade paralysis onto fast mons or just wrap Lap Hypno/Bro teams down forever we can go ahead and ban it. Works for me, a meta with zero mon bans and a single move ban.
it may be the case that tentacruel is gigabusted and warping once you add more slow mons into the field, or it might be the case that stalling out wrap PPs from weaksauce limpdick tentacruel is not a problem at all when you have pokemon with actual defensive capabilities. we'll figure that out afterwards. but in general ESPECIALLY with the idea of 'rebooting' UU being seemingly something that is considered acceptable right now, i don't see why we don't go for that first, and then try to settle on a more sensible and stable UU that doesn't change every 6 months on a dim vague hope of things magically getting fixed, and then if tentacruel is gigadominant we can do something about it
Yet again gonna say I agree with this as well, fine by me, but what OU drops isn't in our control and what we do with banning stuff is, hence polling on the thing I can do
That said, it seems like you want to talk about disregarding the OU cutoff and setting our own or something on those lines, which tbh I'd rather do this the "official" way, all RBY low tiers have been getting increasing tour representation and inclusion and I don't want them kicked out for being even more unofficial than before