Lower Tiers RBY UU Suspect Test Community Pulse

Speaking from the NU council side i’m good with just waiting and having prelim vrs for the sake of just giving new players something to work with but not doing a real VR till after whatever suspects are gonna happen and then a period to let the meta stabilize. also super agree with not giving reqs to people who aren’t actively playing rn
What is the timeframe we are expecting before we get a new, serious VR?

Because it has been years.

The tier changes are moving far to slowly to excuse putting off VRs.
I don’t see how it’s moving too slow? We’ve had 3 huge ban/unban situations this year with the most recent one happening just 6 weeks ago, why should we rush to get a VR in place and drop stuff to NU/raise stuff out of it and destabilize that tier for nothing? Better we get a VR that’s at least somewhat accurate after sleep and any other pressing issues are resolved.
So then what's the timeframe?

Cause they have managed three huge bans this year, and on the table now they have Sleep, Kangaskhan, and Articuno. Is it going to be another year to get through those? After those are done, how long will you have to wait before you get your VR?

Like, I actually really dont understand this at all. Do we actually want viability based lower tiers any more, or if we want stability should we just go back to fixed curated tiers? Cause, currently NU is based on VRs from two years ago. It's just not a VR based tier any more.

Free Aerodactyl!
Does this upcoming spotlight ladder (and subsequently spotlight tour) plan to have sleep unbanned for its duration? From what I have heard this ladder is being used to collect data on UU, and if sleep was to be banned for its duration, said data is useless as that old meta is completely unplayed anymore, something that frankly no one wants to touch again, and is better off left dead in the water.
Dugtrio is frail and has concrete answers. Good Dugtrio switchins are Tangela, Gyarados, Dodrio, and Dragonite in no specific order. Good Pokemon that 1v1 Dugtrio well are Kangaskhan, Dewgong, Articuno, and Persian, and all of the above good switchins also ofc 1v1 it well.
I played some games. In RBY UU (roomtours), unbanning the sleep was not a good idea imo, but articuno is just horrible if he setup on a weakened team, this thing is broken, and dugtrio isn’t broken, he have good switch in, and he’s really frail
Jesus Christ, I can't believe I am going from partly joking about a Dug ban to making a serious post about UU, talk about tonal whiplash lmao.

unbanning the sleep was not a good idea imo


and dugtrio isn’t broken, he have good switch in, and he’s really frail

Oh you mean Tangela? The mon that is basically setup fodder to Articuno? Yeah sure that's totally reliable and not an exploitable counterplay at all.

And before you tell me that Dodo, Gyara, Nite or Kang are better checks. Keep in mind that most of these mons can't really face Dug behind a sub, or just get outright crit haxed. With Sleep in the picture, checking Dug becomes even harder since you have to make sure your Dug check isn't slept.

but articuno is just horrible if he setup on a weakened team, this thing is broken,

Yet Cuno has Gong and Omastar, arguably more concrete answers to Cuno when compared to Dug. Yes, I sort of agree that Cuno is also broken but I think you need more sound reasoning than this.
I think their shpuld be atleast one if not more UU + Lapras suspect tours throughout 2024. Make PL one of them.
Jesus Christ, I can't believe I am going from partly joking about a Dug ban to making a serious post about UU, talk about tonal whiplash lmao.


Oh you mean Tangela? The mon that is basically setup fodder to Articuno? Yeah sure that's totally reliable and not an exploitable counterplay at all.

And before you tell me that Dodo, Gyara, Nite or Kang are better checks. Keep in mind that most of these mons can't really face Dug behind a sub, or just get outright crit haxed. With Sleep in the picture, checking Dug becomes even harder since you have to make sure your Dug check isn't slept.

Yet Cuno has Gong and Omastar, arguably more concrete answers to Cuno when compared to Dug. Yes, I sort of agree that Cuno is also broken but I think you need more sound reasoning than this.

Maybe because the tier was more balanced imo without sleep, I won’t write an essay about it, end of the conversation for me.
Maybe because the tier was more balanced imo without sleep, I won’t write an essay about it, end of the conversation for me.

Well the reason why Sleep was unbanned was because of the metagame being heavily panned before. If anything unbanning Sleep was one of the better choices that the UU community agreed on.
Well the reason why Sleep was unbanned was because of the metagame being heavily panned before. If anything unbanning Sleep was one of the better choices that the UU community agreed on.
The « imo » still counts, I'm not questioning the community's decision and the metagame
I am begging that we leave this tier alone for at least 6 months before we consider doing anything else to it

This is the play IMO

UU has been in flux for soooo long that we haven’t had a VR since 2021. It is now almost 2024. Let the tier have time to breathe especially because the meta is actually playable. Could it maybe be improved? Probably, idk, you could argue there’s always room for meta “improvement” to make it more fun. But my lord the last thing we need is more suspect tests rn.

My ideal world would be to get back “on track” with the initial calendar that I had planned out when it comes to VRs and such. That being OU and NU (and now ZU I guess) doing VRs right after SPL with UU and PU doing them six months later. This would allow every tier time to breathe really which is what we need IMO. But especially with UU
This is the play IMO

UU has been in flux for soooo long that we haven’t had a VR since 2021. It is now almost 2024. Let the tier have time to breathe especially because the meta is actually playable. Could it maybe be improved? Probably, idk, you could argue there’s always room for meta “improvement” to make it more fun. But my lord the last thing we need is more suspect tests rn.

My ideal world would be to get back “on track” with the initial calendar that I had planned out when it comes to VRs and such. That being OU and NU (and now ZU I guess) doing VRs right after SPL with UU and PU doing them six months later. This would allow every tier time to breathe really which is what we need IMO. But especially with UU
And Ubers never gets one:psycry:
This is the play IMO

UU has been in flux for soooo long that we haven’t had a VR since 2021. It is now almost 2024. Let the tier have time to breathe especially because the meta is actually playable. Could it maybe be improved? Probably, idk, you could argue there’s always room for meta “improvement” to make it more fun. But my lord the last thing we need is more suspect tests rn.

My ideal world would be to get back “on track” with the initial calendar that I had planned out when it comes to VRs and such. That being OU and NU (and now ZU I guess) doing VRs right after SPL with UU and PU doing them six months later. This would allow every tier time to breathe really which is what we need IMO. But especially with UU
Just so long as doing a VR in the middle of the year isnt used as an excuse to not do a VR now...
i was going to propose having a 2nd vr shortly after due to the meta still being relatively new and a few tours upcoming (the vr will be done before altpl ends) so mid year vr is cool too

to clarify, the 1st that is meant to start soon is official, the fact a 2nd isnt too far away does not make the 1st one unofficial. it should affect NU

I like this actually. Get an official one out ASAP (I guess when spotlight is done), then still do one at the “normal” time as it should be on the calendar. Both would be considered official and affect tiering.

I can make an updated VR calendar if/when people agree on something.
So, I think its time now that the dust has settled somewhat, that we take a look at the big, confounding issue;
My reasons to believe this as such are as follows:
1) Complexity: This ban on Agility + Partial Trapping is a complete disregard of what one might call tiering policy, putting into question the groundwork of which this tier is built on just to save one Pokèmon. This complex ban also opens up an extremely unnecessary can of worms as to what is and is not acceptable to ban in the future, such as a ban on Ice-types + Thunderbolt, Sing, Confuse Ray, etc to argue for unbanning Lapras, or a ban on Psychic-types + Hypnosis to argue for unbanning Hypno.
2) AGILITY + PARTIAL TRAPPING IS ONLY PROBLEMATIC ON ONE POKÈMON: Another frankly baffling oddity about this ban is that it is undeniably only aimed at one Pokèmon; Dragonite. Moltres and Dragonair are very obviously not problematic with Agility + Partial Trapping, it is only the fact that Dragonite can abuse this strategy that it was banned. Under any form of logical tiering policy, Dragonite should be what gets the axe; and yes, I do know this was the councils only option to try control the problem after the Dragonite suspect that occured where Dragonite was voted to remain legal. However, it has been around 2 years at this point since this all went down, and this leads my on to my next point that...
3) A SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNT OF TIME HAS PASSED SINCE THIS BAN TOOK PLACE: This is pretty self explanatory; the playerbase has undergone a massive change since 2022 and there is now very little overlap in the UU communities of today and yesteryear. The meta has also shifted substantially multiple times in this time frame. This means that Agility + Partial Trapping definitly should be retested at the very least as there is incredibly little reason not to.

The only logical course of action in my eyes is for Agility + Partial Trapping to be retested, there are arguments about Dragonite being problematic again and while they are valid concerns, they do not take away from the fact that the current ban put in place is fundamentally against what tiering policy is and was put in place 2 years ago at this point. There is also the very obvious solution if Dragonite continues to be problematic with Agility + Wrap, which is to BAN DRAGONITE!!!
So, I think its time now that the dust has settled somewhat, that we take a look at the big, confounding issue;
My reasons to believe this as such are as follows:
1) Complexity: This ban on Agility + Partial Trapping is a complete disregard of what one might call tiering policy, putting into question the groundwork of which this tier is built on just to save one Pokèmon. This complex ban also opens up an extremely unnecessary can of worms as to what is and is not acceptable to ban in the future, such as a ban on Ice-types + Thunderbolt, Sing, Confuse Ray, etc to argue for unbanning Lapras, or a ban on Psychic-types + Hypnosis to argue for unbanning Hypno.
2) AGILITY + PARTIAL TRAPPING IS ONLY PROBLEMATIC ON ONE POKÈMON: Another frankly baffling oddity about this ban is that it is undeniably only aimed at one Pokèmon; Dragonite. Moltres and Dragonair are very obviously not problematic with Agility + Partial Trapping, it is only the fact that Dragonite can abuse this strategy that it was banned. Under any form of logical tiering policy, Dragonite should be what gets the axe; and yes, I do know this was the councils only option to try control the problem after the Dragonite suspect that occured where Dragonite was voted to remain legal. However, it has been around 2 years at this point since this all went down, and this leads my on to my next point that...
3) A SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNT OF TIME HAS PASSED SINCE THIS BAN TOOK PLACE: This is pretty self explanatory; the playerbase has undergone a massive change since 2022 and there is now very little overlap in the UU communities of today and yesteryear. The meta has also shifted substantially multiple times in this time frame. This means that Agility + Partial Trapping definitly should be retested at the very least as there is incredibly little reason not to.

The only logical course of action in my eyes is for Agility + Partial Trapping to be retested, there are arguments about Dragonite being problematic again and while they are valid concerns, they do not take away from the fact that the current ban put in place is fundamentally against what tiering policy is and was put in place 2 years ago at this point. There is also the very obvious solution if Dragonite continues to be problematic with Agility + Wrap, which is to BAN DRAGONITE!!!
1) there is a clear difference here, where Agility + Partial trapping is uncompetitive while lapras with tbolt, hypno with hypnosis, etc are just broken/unhealthy
2) lets be honest, moltres is hot ass with or without agilspin, and dragonite has numerous healthy effects on the metagame as a check to common pokemon such as dugtrio and ninetales
3) ok and? i see no reason to be a stickler for tiering policy like this, keeping dragonite is great for the metagame and the only thing freeing APT does is allow some people to maybe cheese an undeserved win with like dragonair or moltres, no matter how hard you simp for tiering council they arent making RBY UU official
Test Partial trapping moves like I've been saying years ago otherwise the complex ban needs to pretty much stay in place to avoid the formats previous degeneracy. Dragonite is a good part of the metagame especially when you have the broken Kadabra and Dugtrio being free we don't need to basically make these two mons stronger. By the logic of number 3 we should bring back Hypno before we bring back APT.