So, I think its time now that the dust has settled somewhat, that we take a look at the big, confounding issue;
My reasons to believe this as such are as follows:
1) Complexity: This ban on Agility + Partial Trapping is a complete disregard of what one might call tiering policy, putting into question the groundwork of which this tier is built on just to save one Pokèmon. This complex ban also opens up an extremely unnecessary can of worms as to what is and is not acceptable to ban in the future, such as a ban on Ice-types + Thunderbolt, Sing, Confuse Ray, etc to argue for unbanning Lapras, or a ban on Psychic-types + Hypnosis to argue for unbanning Hypno.
2) AGILITY + PARTIAL TRAPPING IS ONLY PROBLEMATIC ON ONE POKÈMON: Another frankly baffling oddity about this ban is that it is undeniably only aimed at one Pokèmon; Dragonite. Moltres and Dragonair are very obviously not problematic with Agility + Partial Trapping, it is only the fact that Dragonite can abuse this strategy that it was banned. Under any form of logical tiering policy, Dragonite should be what gets the axe; and yes, I do know this was the councils only option to try control the problem after the Dragonite suspect that occured where Dragonite was voted to remain legal. However, it has been around 2 years at this point since this all went down, and this leads my on to my next point that...
3) A SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNT OF TIME HAS PASSED SINCE THIS BAN TOOK PLACE: This is pretty self explanatory; the playerbase has undergone a massive change since 2022 and there is now very little overlap in the UU communities of today and yesteryear. The meta has also shifted substantially multiple times in this time frame. This means that Agility + Partial Trapping definitly should be retested at the very least as there is incredibly little reason not to.
The only logical course of action in my eyes is for Agility + Partial Trapping to be retested, there are arguments about Dragonite being problematic again and while they are valid concerns, they do not take away from the fact that the current ban put in place is fundamentally against what tiering policy is and was put in place 2 years ago at this point. There is also the very obvious solution if Dragonite continues to be problematic with Agility + Wrap, which is to