Smh who put the buzzkill in charge. U just made the tier no fun at all. Nice going.I PROMISE THIS IS NOT APRIL FOOLS
abrok banned
Smh who put the buzzkill in charge. U just made the tier no fun at all. Nice going.I PROMISE THIS IS NOT APRIL FOOLS
abrok banned
Abra cant lose when it has already lost. I assume most people agree with me when I say wed rather use pokemon like ponyta to deal with arbok. I cant even remember the last time i saw Abra and ive been playing zu almost every day for the past month. Its too frail. Its arbok niche is the only reason I even CONSIDERED it a POSSIBLE zu mon. Cant wait to see it in szu. A familiar mon in an unfamiliar place. This will be fun.
To contrast the previous group we have Abra. Yeah there's just no reason to use Abra now. Abra's one niche was being able to outspeed Arbok and either KO it after the slightest amount of chip or paralyze it with Thuner Wave. Otherwise, Abra just doesn't have anything. Having no relevant weaknesses doesn't matter when you gets OHKOed by so much, including Pidgeot and Primeape's Hyper Beams, as well as Sandslash's Earthquake. Abra's Speed is genuinely great, but that isn't as important anymore and it critically falls behind the aforementioned Pidgeot and Primeape. Abra hits extremely hard with its STAB Psychic, but it rarely OHKOes anything. And Abra is complete dead weight if it gets paralyzed. We have a Pokemon with an assortment of great tools and stats, but they fall short of making up for its black hole of defensive utility. Will Abra stay terrible forever? I can't say for sure, given how new this meta is. But given that it was fringe when it was the best answer to a very overbearing threat, the future looks quite bleak for it.
There are sample teams, they are right at the top of the first page.Hello!
There aren't any sample teams, so I'd like to submit one! I know the big 6 S-rank is the obvious choice, so I tried something different.
Exploring voltorb! I recently topped the ladder with this team (Beretta92FS). Voltorb outdoes magneton in everything important. 298 speed ensures it outspeeds all. It can raise a surprise reflect in primeape & pidgeot's face, sometimes blunting hbeam for a free kill. Take down and explosion dont leave it defenseless against parasect and sandslash, but you generally want to hide it for the late game.
The team is based around baiting sandslash early with flareon, pidgeot, or primeape. Your main objective is to take down sandslash.
Wing attack on pidgeot to save on health and bait counter. Quick attack on pidgeot and flareon come in very handy. Low kick primeape has saved me. I find rock slide isn't necessary on sandslash, as opponents will switch in expecting it. It's better to have them switch into a slash or body slam. Additionally, you can slash through reflect on the occassional pidgeot. Sand attack helps with the sandslash mirror.
Feel free to use and give our boy voltorb some love.
There aren't any sample teams, so I'd like to submit one! I know the big 6 S-rank is the obvious choice, so I tried something different.
Exploring voltorb! I recently topped the ladder with this team (Beretta92FS). Voltorb outdoes magneton in everything important. 298 speed ensures it outspeeds all. It can raise a surprise reflect in primeape & pidgeot's face, sometimes blunting hbeam for a free kill. Take down and explosion dont leave it defenseless against parasect and sandslash, but you generally want to hide it for the late game.
The team is based around baiting sandslash early with flareon, pidgeot, or primeape. Your main objective is to take down sandslash.
Wing attack on pidgeot to save on health and bait counter. Quick attack on pidgeot and flareon come in very handy. Low kick primeape has saved me. I find rock slide isn't necessary on sandslash, as opponents will switch in expecting it. It's better to have them switch into a slash or body slam. Additionally, you can slash through reflect on the occassional pidgeot. Sand attack helps with the sandslash mirror.
Feel free to use and give our boy voltorb some love.
Sorry, I didn't see them. Have another.There are sample teams, they are right at the top of the first page.
I understand you're trying to insult me. It's true the ladder isn't very populated. However, there are still a fair amount of players, a good portion running meta builds, and during that trial period, it went to the top. I'm not saying it's the best, but it is something. This is more of a use-case for voltorb, if anything.The ladder has been up for 24 hours and has never existed before, what is "topping the ladder," like 1100?
Yes, I understand. Using an electric isn't advisable to begin with. The premise of the team is voltorb cleans up with reflect priority, and people don't expect voltorb. It's fringe in every aspect; but there are teams in every tier like that. I find it wrong that magneton gets a spot on the graphic, but voltorb doesn't. I've used both and voltorb is better at its job as a late-game pick than magneton, the latter of which has no utility at all until sandslash dies. Tbolt is on primeape because of low kick, and low kick is there since the team needs more onix rhyhorn coverage. The cheese factor is just a bonus. Mirror move is a fringe pick on pidgeot and something I'm willing to risk. Slash v slam is an understandable preference. Regarding sky attack: I can't tell you the amount of times its missed and I wanted to walk off a cliff. I'm wing attack cheese gang for life.No insult intended, just stating that peaking a quiet ladder for a niche tier on day 1 when that peak is reachable in <10 games is not nearly enough data on a team.
Voltorb has other problems besides Sandslash - Marowak, Onix, Parasect all handily wall it and even just stuff like Flareon and Weezing laughs off Tbolt, plus it's 2HKOed by just about everything ever. Booming Sandslash for 35 is hardly a good prospect and even on more frail targets Tbolt + Boom doesn't KO without a crit, so you're playing from a switch disadvantage. Sure, it usually beats Pidge 1v1 but it also takes >50% from Double-Edge which makes it very restrictive to use. I'm also not a very big fan of some of these other sets; the Sandslash set is very vulnerable to Mirror Move, Low Kick is just a cheese move when you could run something more consistent (and Primeape really needs Hyper Beam for a lot of matchups), Tbolt + Rock Slide doesn't really cover anything Rock Slide doesn't except Reflect Pidge, and I'm the biggest Slash on Parasect hater because it barely does more than Slam on average. I also just don't think Wing Attack is worth the slot; Sky Attack is a way cooler option for scouting Counter IMO that also heavily punishes double switches and does real damage even on a mispredict. You could even run Substitute to scout Counter, probably gets more value than Wing Attack.