Tournaments RBYPL V - Player Signups [Custom Avatar Prize]

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Artwork by Spook

Hosts: adorluigi, goldmason, Concept
Tournaments Rules and General Guidelines
RBYPL V Commencement Thread
RBYPL Discord
Signup Spreadsheet
Schedule Sheet (coming soon!)

In this thread, you can sign up to play in RBYPL V. There will be six teams and eight or ten slots. All slots are Best of 3, barring one RBY OU slot that is Best of 5 and Random Battles which is Best of 5. RBY UU, RBY NU, and RBY PU may be Best of 5, depending on player signups.

Guaranteed Slots:
  • RBY OU (Best of 5)
  • RBY OU
  • RBY OU
  • RBY OU
  • RBY Ubers
  • RBY UU
  • RBY NU
Options for Slot 8 and Slots 9 and 10 (if necessary):
  • RBY OU
  • RBY PU
  • RBY Random Battles (Best of 5)
Here is the signup format:
Tiers Played (Not Binding):
Tiers NOT Played (Binding):
Interested in Bo5 RBY UU/NU/PU?
Significant Time Missed?:
Name: emma
Timezone: GMT-4
Tiers Played (Not Binding): RBY OU
Tiers NOT Played (Binding): N/A
Interested in Bo5 RBY UU/NU/PU? No
Significant Time Missed?: No
It is absolutely pivotal that you sign up using the above format, as we will use an external tool to parse signups and push into the spreadsheets. If you do not use this format I reserve the right to edit your post.

For the entire regular season of RBYPL, you may NOT play the tiers you put in Tiers NOT Played.

Pampu Primeapes - BeeOrSomething & 第二十五夜
Glacial Articunos - Sabelette & Teh
Mighty Magmars - YBW & oakdeon
Carapinga Caterpies - -Howkings & Kenix
Ding Dang Dewgongs - stunner047 & Eledyr
Washed Wartortles - Sceptross & nicole7735

Each team will have minimum 12 players (10 starters + 2 substitutes).
  • Do not sign up if you cannot commit to the entire tournament (We are running back the Belgian Pro League Format from last year)
  • Managers must let me know who they are retaining and if they plan to buy themselves before Player Signups close.
  • Winners of RBYPL V will receive a Custom Avatar!
  • Please just use your common sense and if you have any questions just ask.
  • Auction will take place Friday September 27th, Saturday September 28th, or Sunday September 29th. Player Signups will close 24 hours prior to Auction.
Name: T1actical
Timezone: UTC +8
Tiers Played (Not Binding): RBY OU, Random Battles
Tiers NOT Played (Binding): Ubers, UU, NU
Interested in Bo5 RBY UU/NU/PU? Yes
Significant Time Missed?: School Time
Name: Victory Victreebel
Timezone: EST/-5
Tiers Played (Not Binding): OU, UU, Randbats
Tiers NOT Played (Binding): N/A (can learn rest)
Interested in Bo5 RBY UU/NU/PU? Can gentleman's it but otherwise no
Significant Time Missed?: university
  • Like
Reactions: Teh
Name: Sqwert
Timezone: -5
Tiers Played (Not Binding): OU, Ubers, Randoms
Tiers NOT Played (Binding): UU, NU, PU
Interested in Bo5 RBY UU/NU/PU?: No
Significant Time Missed?: No
Name: DMG
Timezone: GMT-5 / CDT
Tiers Played (Not Binding): Rands
Tiers NOT Played (Binding): Everything else
Interested in Bo5 RBY UU/NU/PU?: No
Significant Time Missed: I'm here to win Rands, I'll make the time
Name: za
Timezone: GMT-4
Tiers Played (Not Binding): Rands
Tiers NOT Played (Binding): Everything else
Interested in Bo5 RBY UU/NU/PU?: No
Significant Time Missed: This would prob be the last tour I play in. I won't be missing any games.

Ilustración de Spook

Anfitriones: [USUARIO=528364]adorluigi[/USUARIO], [USUARIO=640492]goldmason[/USUARIO], [USUARIO=441782]Concept[/USUARIO]
Reglas y pautas generales de los torneos
Hilo de la ceremonia de graduación de la RBYPL V
Discord de RBYPL
Hoja de cálculo de registro
Hoja de horarios (¡próximamente!)

En este hilo, puedes inscribirte para jugar en la RBYPL V. Habrá seis equipos y diez cupos. Los cupos son Bo3 a menos que se indique lo contrario.

Ranuras garantizadas:
  • RBY OU (Mejor de 5)
  • Unidad operativa RBY
  • Unidad operativa RBY
  • Unidad operativa RBY
  • Unidad operativa RBY
  • RBY Uber
  • RBY UU (Mejor de 5)
  • RBY NU (Mejor de 5)
  • RBY PU (Mejor de 5)
  • Batallas aleatorias de RBY (mejor de 5)

Aquí está el formato de registro:
Zona horaria:argentina
Niveles jugados (no vinculantes):?
Niveles NO jugados (vinculantes):?
¿Interesado en Bo5 RBY UU/NU/PU? si y mucho
¿Perdió mucho tiempo? mas o menos
Nombre: emma
Zona horaria: GMT-4
Niveles jugados (no vinculantes): RBY OU
Niveles NO jugados (vinculantes): N/A
¿Te interesa Bo5 RBY UU/NU/PU? No
¿Tiempo significativo perdido?: No
Es absolutamente fundamental que te registres utilizando el formato anterior, ya que utilizaremos una herramienta externa para analizar las suscripciones y enviarlas a las hojas de cálculo. Si no utilizas este formato, me reservo el derecho de editar tu publicación.

Durante toda la temporada regular de RBYPL, NO podrás jugar los niveles que selecciones en Niveles NO jugados.

Pampu Primeapes - BeeOrSomething & 第二十五夜
Articunos glaciales - Sabelette y Teh
Magmares poderosos - YBW y oakdeon
Orugas de Carapinga - -Howkings y Kenix
Ding Dang Dewgongs - [USUARIO=225573]stunner047[/USUARIO] y [USUARIO=415367]Eledyr[/USUARIO]
Wartortles lavados - [USUARIO=123746]Sceptross[/USUARIO] y [USUARIO=593847]nicole7735[/USUARIO]

Cada equipo tendrá un mínimo de 13 jugadores (10 titulares + 3 suplentes).
  • No te inscribas si no puedes comprometerte con todo el torneo ( estamos recuperando el formato de la Pro League belga del año pasado )
  • Los gerentes deben informarme a quiénes están reteniendo y si planean comprarse antes de que cierren las inscripciones de jugadores.
  • ¡Los ganadores de RBYPL V recibirán un avatar personalizado!
  • Por favor, utilice su sentido común y si tiene alguna pregunta, simplemente pregunte.
  • La subasta se llevará a cabo el domingo 29 de septiembre a las 15:00 h. Las inscripciones de jugadores se cerrarán 24 horas antes de la subasta.
  • Wow
Reactions: Teh
Name: Elvira
Timezone: GMT -4
Tiers played (Not Binding): RBY Ubers, RBY OU, RBY NU, RBY Random Battles
Tiers not played (binding): RBY PU
Interested in Bo5 RBY UU/NU/PU: Yes with support
Significant time missed?: nope
Name: king edgy
Timezone: GMT -4
Tiers played (Not binding): RBY Random Battles (I guess I could try others, but haven't before and don't have a ton of interest)
Tiers not played (Binding):
Interested in Bo5 RBY UU/NU/PU: Not especially, but I could try it out if needed. I probably know these tiers somewhat well from randbats
Significant time missed? None
Name: Dr. Mirbro
Timezone: +2
Tiers Played (Not Binding): PU
Tiers NOT Played (Binding): All except PU
Interested in Bo5 RBY UU/NU/PU? Not specially but I could do PU repeating teams Ig
Significant Time Missed?: Moving in two weeks
Name: Phenom77
Timezone: gmt-4
Tiers Played (Not Binding): RBY OU, RBY Ubers, RBY NU, RBY PU, RBY Randbats
Tiers NOT Played (Binding): RBY UU
Interested in Bo5 RBY UU/NU/PU? No
Significant Time Missed?: No
Name: ky
Timezone: gmt -4
Tiers played (Not binding): OU
Tiers not played (Binding): Everything else
Interested in Bo5 RBY UU/NU/PU: No
Significant time missed? No
Name: One Last Kiss
Timezone: gmt -4
Tiers played (Not binding): OU/PU/UU/Random battle
Tiers not played (Binding): any
Interested in Bo5 RBY UU/NU/PU: Nope
Significant time missed? No
Name: Abyssal Ruins
Timezone: GMT -4
Tiers played (Not binding): RBY OU, RBY Random Battles
Tiers not played (Binding): N/A
Interested in Bo5 RBY UU/NU/PU: Yes (haven't played so only if somebody coaches me)
Significant time missed? Not much on weekdays, bit more on weekends
Name: Fogbound Lake
Timezone: GMT +2
Tiers played (Not binding): Random Battles / OU
Tiers not played (Binding): -
Interested in Bo5 RBY UU/NU/PU: no
Significant time missed? maybe
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